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No. de control: 19170773

Student: Chiquete Duarte Frida Valeria.

Carreer: Business Management’s Eingineerin.

Subject: Human Resource Management.

Teacher: Maria de Lourdes Noriega Bonilla.

“HW4-Contribution from different theories”

Applications in modern
Proponents Contributions
*Nowadays the concept of
*He defined human capital as the
human capital given by
one that includes qualitative
Schultz is still being used, we
components such as skills,
just have to look around to
knowledge and similar abilities
any company, they have
that affect the individual
human capital, and those
competency to perform productive
enterprises know HC as a
bunch of different
*He set that commercial expenses
components like the ones
were introduced in order to arise
that Schultz purposed.
work productiveness level, will
Theodore Schultz *It is easy to identify how
30/04/1902-26/02/1998 cause a positive performance on
companies take the decision
employees in general.
to invest on many different
*On his book “Investing in people:
things such as training,
The economics of population
motivation courses, food
quality”, Schultz (1961)
courts, and better work
emphasizes on economy of
conditions in general in order
poverty, where the key piece to
to make their employees feel
promote to human well-being, it is
more comfortable, as a
required to invest on the quality of
result, those workers will do
the population, since this agent
a more productive
usually determines the most, the
future perspectives of humanity.
*Following (perhaps)
*Schultz concluded that the root
Schultz’s teaching, modern
cause of Germany's and Japan's
enterprises care more every
success was the healthy and
day about social well-being,
educated populations of the two
we can see this whenever an
nations, a conclusion which
enterprise wants to be
eventually became the basis of
considered as a “Socially
Human Capital Theory.
Responsible Company”.
*He is well known as Schultz’s *Human Capital is currently a
contributions systematizer, pretty interesting study
Becker earnestly developed the material, nowadays, there
Gary Becker theory of human capital on his are lost of companies trying
02/12/1930-03/05/2014 book “Human Capital”. to perform a better “Human
*His main idea was to consider Capital Management”
education and personal formation because it is well known that
as something similar to inversions HC is the most important
that rational individuals carry out resource for every business
in order to arise their efficiency, since people are the
productive effectiveness and their resource thar make
monetary income. everything work out, modern
*General education and specific enterprises are now trying to
education are one of Becker’s make their employees as
(1964) biggest contributions; capable as possible, for
elementary education is totally which those business look
helpful to enterprises, meanwhile after their interests by
superior education needs a bigger providing the employees
budget or inversion by the facilities to get qualified on
employee or the company, and it their work area.
is expected to get some benefits *Those facilities are
just in the person who made the considered as inversions
inversion. because if employees are
*Becker then introduced the efficient and effective, as a
henceforth classic distinction result, the organization will
between specific and general increase its productiveness
human capital. Since the latter and will have better benefits.
type of training increased the *However, since the adjacent
marginal product of the worker in benefit will be just noticed by
other firms, the firm would have no the employee, enterprises
incentive to bear any of its cost help them to get trained, but
and would pass it to the worker. those organizations expect
The latter was willing to take it their worker pay a part of
because this training increased their training as well. This is
future earnings, regardless of the very likely to happen in
firm they were working with. modern companies because
every person wants to be at
the forefront of their area to
get the best opportunities
they can.
Adam Smith *The first classic economist who *Current organizations are in
05/06/1723-17/07/1790 implemented human capital as we a constant war with workers
know it nowadays was Adam union, talking about wages
Smith, who describes on her most and benefits. It has been a
important book; ”An Inquiry into very long road to go through,
the Nature and Causes of the at the beginning, the
Wealth of Nations”, that every enterprises were used to
man who has been educated by a demand their workers lots of
bunch of worktime, must be able work, and give back a poor
to carry out a job where he can and little wage. That´s why
earn back at least the same employees from different
amount he inverted on his training, organization founded many
these are the ordinary benefits by time ago “workers union”, to
an equal valued capital. look for their interests.
*He purposed the difference *On the other hand,
between value in use and value in enterprises have become
exchange, the importance of more conscient about the
capital and its accumulation on the employees’ rights with the
development of economy. pass of the time, since
*Smith promoted assignments companies have become
specialization on work, and more careful about social
commercial environment, not just concerns, that´s why they
for helping on democratizing work started implementing
conditions, but to decrease efficiency wage theories.
production costs, making a new *At the present time, every
chain of simple mechanisms that single enterprise must
would maximize the speed of identify the difference
production, and what is more, this between value in use and
would represent a lower risk. value in exchange if they
want to attend to costumer’s
*The main object of study of the *These days, all the
neoclassicals was the way in enterprises that want to have
which prices were determined. a good place on the market
Marshal stablished that something and be know by the
Alfred Marshal that was needed to understand costumers, need to carry out
26/07/1842-13/07/1924 the behavior of the market system some different market
was to first analyze the behavior of research to ensure the
the manufacturers and costumers. economic profitability of their
*Marshal Also created a few new activity, they usually do these
definitions to economic science, studies to determine the
which were, complementary price of the product or
products and substitute products. service they are going to
They are still used currently. provide to the consumers.
*Talking about factors of *In addition, they need to
production, it was considered that understand the consumers’
there were just three: land, labor necessities to be certain they
and capital, surprisingly, Marshall will be successfully
decided to add a new one, which positioned, some of the
was called «entrepreneurship», factors they need to care
this new factor of production was about are if their products are
in charge of coordinate and boost complementary products or
or increase the previous three substitute products because
factors of production. costumers do not react the
To summarize this, with a lack of same way to that different
entrepreneurship economic kind of products.
activity is just impossible. *Modern organizations
*Marshal developed and began clearly know that
the setting up of new economic entrepreneurship is a factor
ideas such as supply and demand of production as important as
and the determination of the other three, they are like
production costs and sale prices, a huge loop, those factors
price elasticity, the way the need to work together if the
markets used to work like and enterprise wants to succeed,
marginal utility. an everyday new techniques
to apply it are being
*He studied the rolls of authority *At the pass of the time,
and leadership on management. organizations are getting
*He invented the three different more and more interested on
types of genuinely social authority: an appropriate leadership
Rational authority performance, something that
Traditional authority has come very strong lately,
Charismatic-legal authority is the thought that if an
Max Weber
21/04/1864-14/06/1920 *He defined the best way in which enterprise perform a good
a good bureaucratic system must management and
work, taking on consideration: leadership, its
-Specialization of labor productiveness will increase.
-A formal set of rules and *The three different types of
regulations authority are absolutely
-Well-defined hierarchy within the present on companies, just
organization starting with the fact there
-Impersonality in the application of are written rules, values and
rules behavior codes, etc., there is
-Formal selection a hierarchical structure, and
-Career orientation there are some employees
*Weber deeply analyzed the that are keeping over the
organizations and enterprises rest, we can respectively find
from several different points of the rational, traditional and
view, bureaucratic, democratic, charismatic types of authority
authority and behavioral aspects on almost all the business.
were studied by him on Weber’s *Modern companies have
investigation works; “Economy been getting evolved with the
and Society” and “The Protestant pass of the time, and we can
Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. see the results now on the
*This work is organized as part of present, for example,
social action and it is approached specialization of labor is
to a certain discipline, to regular something that companies
practices, habits that depend of dedicated to produce goods
the moment, of juridic law, of some implement to increase their
ideas thar are had about fighting, efficiency.
competency, election, etc. *Having a well-defined
*Weber inferred that in the hierarchy business is
absence of property ownership, required because this way,
human capital credentials such as employees are not going to
degrees and diploma could be get lost and break the
exchanged in the market for respect wall between the
income and improvements in life chiefs and the executives,
chances. this helps organizations.
*Fayol developed some principles *Organizational design is
better known as 14 fundamental always getting updated and
principles, getting deeper on the upgraded, and this is
roll of middle and executive something required to keep
management, to set how they current on market, the
Henry Fayol must be organized, take organizations always try to
29/07/1841-19/11/1925 decisions, and even interact with get adapted to new social
all the employees of the chances and new social
organization. concerns, since people are
*Division of work. Henri believed part of the society, whatever
that segregating work in the they do will affect for better or
workforce amongst the worker will for worse the companies,
enhance the quality of the product. that is one the main reasons
Similarly, he also concluded that to say that human capital is
the division of work improves the vital to keep organizations
productivity, efficiency, accuracy, alive and working properly.
and speed of the workers. *Fayol’s 14 principles are not
*Authority and responsibility. an exception, they are still
These are the two key aspects of being applied by companies
management. Authority facilitates because those are pretty
the management to work helpful, for example:
efficiently, and responsibility -Division of work has been
makes them responsible for the applied since industrial
work done under their guidance or revolution as a better way to
leadership. get or achieve efficiency and
*Unity of directions. Whoever is effectiveness-
engaged in the same activity -Authority and responsibility
should have a unified goal. This are not that easy to perform
means all the person working in a properly if an individual is not
company should have one goal used to them, but within an
and motive which will make the organization there always
work easier and achieve the set has to be someone in charge
goal easily. of the work line, in addition,
*Initiative. The management this person need to present
should support and encourage the reports where he/she notice
employees to take initiatives in an how everything is going.
organization. It will help them to *Unity of directions and
increase their interest and make initiative. Enterprises try to
then worth. keep their workers applying
this properly.
*He said that productiveness *Something we have no
depends of the physical conditions notice is that organizations
of the worker, but they also are getting more and more
caring about the mental and
depends of social rules and the
physical health of their
group’s expectative. workers, an example we
Elton Mayo *Social groups have a strong have is Google, it let its
26/12/1880-07/09/1949 influence on the behavior of the worker go to work as
individual. comfortable as they want,
*Enterprises are also social besides, Google strongly
organization conformed by tries to keep its workers as
least worried as they can be,
informal groups which do not just for a single reason,
match with the formal groups of happy and healthy
the company. In different words, employees have a better
people from different departments performance and a better
can stablish a friendship, creating throw put.
this way, an informal group. *For this reason, companies
such as google encourage
*It has to be considered the
their employees to hang out
different opinions of the with each other and make
employees of the enterprise´s healthy relationships,
decisions in order to make them avoiding losing the
feel more motivated. enterprise’s objectives for
*Mayo set up that when an sure.
*As a result, all the workers
employee interacts more with
will go to work happily.
others, it is more productive.
*Taylors’s schooling has
*He developed three main
been useful for little,
medium, and big enterprises.
1)Select the most capacitated
Nowadays all the modern
individuals for the work.
businesses select their
2)Teach them the most effective
employees based on skills
and efficient methods and the
and abilities, they certainly
cheapest movements they would
expect to hire the most
have to apply to their work.
capable operators, an
3)Let the employees earn some
example we can see in on
rewards like better wages to the
Amazon’s interviews, they
better workers.
ask lots of people to attend to
*Taylor published a book named
their work interview, but
Frederick W Taylor “Shop Management” (1903), on
Amazon just hire 3 or 4 just
20/03/1856-21/03/1915 this book he explains the
to say a number, the reason
techniques of employee’s
of this is that Amazon just
rationalization of work, through
want the best to be included
motion-time study. He basically
on its human capital.
says that “The objective of a good
*Efficiency and effectiveness
management is to pay high wages
are constantly and strongly
and have low unitary costs of
searched by companies,
because being this way
*He purposed:
ensures a higher utility, an
1)Delegate all the responsibility of
example could be those
organizational work to the
English schools which are
executive level.
always looking for get their
2)Use scientific methods to
teachers as informed as
determine the most effective way
to carry out the work (observation,
*Panamá applies a strategy
motion-time analysis, design of
where the allow its workers
specific tools, etc.).
to grow and earn a better
3)Control the worker performance
wage as they have a better
to make sure the whole processes
performance, Panamá
have been carried out properly to
implement this to try keep the
the work.
employees trying their best.
* For example, at the U.S.
*He was an activist for the laboral
Office of Personnel
and social rights. He is considered
Management (OPM), the
the father of British laborism and
government department
of corporativism. He upholded
responsible for managing
cooperation and fraternity in order
federal employees, key
to decrease social inequalities,
functions include vetting
facing the revolution and the fight
potential new hires,
of social classes.
developing human resources
*Owen gained popularity and
policies, and administering
wealth applying management
benefits such as pensions
methods, especially personnel
and health care. The
management (besides the
department ensures
healthily commercial and business
oversight of various systems
practices); curiously, the
to make sure employees are
accomplishment or popularity of
in compliance with
Robert Owen these methods, unlike what was
regulations and handles the
14/05/1771-17/11/1858 defined as “productive” on its era,
adjudication of appeals when
was what convinced Owen
things go wrong.
employee’s life condition must be
*The term personnel
management is more likely to
*Owen is known as the father of
be found in nonprofits and
personnel management and as
government agencies; the
forerunner of human relationships
term human resource
approach, he started concerning
management may be more
about the necessity of improving
common in the private
the social environment to enhance
the society.
*On current organizations,
*He promoted a paradigm change,
personnel management is
caring about human well-being
sometimes viewed as the
and human enhance and not just
more administrative
look forward the richness, he put
functions related to
capital to men’s use unlike
completing paperwork and
industrialist liberal ideas.
similar prosaic tasks, in
*Owen developed an aid to
contrast to a view of human
motivation and discipline called
resources management as a
the Silent Monitor system which
comprehensive development
could be described as a distant
of an organization's people
ancestor of appraisal schemes in
and culture.
practice today.
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