Experiment (2) Frequency Analysis of Amplifier Circuits: Objectives

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Experiment (2)

Frequency Analysis of Amplifier Circuits

• To simulate simple transistor-based amplifier circuits using AC analysis.
• To be able to present results using plots for various circuit variables.

Pre-lab Work
Find theoretical expressions for the transfer function and cutoff frequencies of the circuit in figure
1. You can use approximate methods. Take 𝑉! =0. Show and include all your work in the report.




Figure 1: An Active Filter.

Part (1): The LM741 Operational Amplifier.

1. Search LTspice documents to understand how the LM741 is included in circuit simulation.
2. Study the datasheet of the LM741 to understand its specifications.

Part (2): AC Analysis.

1. Connect the circuit in figure 1. The value of resistor 𝑅" is given by your instructor. Use values
of your choice for the other circuit elements. Set 𝑉#$ as a sinusoidal ac voltage source with
frequency 𝑓 and maximum amplitude 𝑉%&! (must be a small signal).
2. Simulate the circuit using the AC analysis function and generate the gain spectrum curve. Use
dB scale for the gain axis and log scale for the frequency axis.
3. Change the values of the 𝐶 ’s and 𝑅’s (except 𝑅" ) and observe the simulation curves. The aim
is to maximize the gain-bandwidth product (GB).
Laboratory Manual EE 3012: Electronics II.

Results and Analysis

Part (2): AC Analysis.

1. From your simulations, find the simulated GB of the filter for different values of the 𝐶 ’s and
𝑅’s that give the best gain-bandwidth results. Record your results in table 1.

Table 1. Simulated and calculated GB.

Components values Simulated Theoretical %
GB GB Difference
𝑅" 𝑅# 𝑅$ 𝐶" 𝐶#

2. What type of a filter is circuit 1? Explain.

3. Comment on the results in table 1. Explain any differences between the simulated and
theoretical results for different components values.

4. Which of the five circuit elements are more effective when it comes to maximizing the gain-
bandwidth product? Explain why.

Include all simulation results and curves in the report.


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