L51 Script - 2

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PET eS eens TEST 1 This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test. There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have six minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answer sheet. The recording will now be stopped. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak during the test. [Pause 5 seconds.] Part 1 [There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the cor- rect picture and put a tick in the box below it, Before we start, here is an example. Example: Where did the woman leave her tat? W: Oh no! What have I done with my hat? M: You didn't have tin the cafe Wi: But | meant to wear it because | remember taking it out of the car with my bag M: Yes, | saw you put your tings on the roof ofthe car. W: Oh no! | knaw where it stil is then! (Pause 5 seconds.) TP ond picture is correct so there isa tick in box B. Look atthe three pictures for question 1 now. [Pause $ seconds.] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each recording twice. SE 1. How did the woman travel? Me I'm surprised that you drave all the way to Liverpool. F: Well, actually | decided it would be better not to take the car inthe end, M: Oh really! What made you change your mind? F The train doesn't get stuck in traffic jams and | didn’t want tobe late to meet my sister when she arived at the harbour. (Pause 5 seconds.) Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.) [Pause 5 seconds.] 2, What time does the film start? 'M: What time shall | come to your house? F: Six o'clock, so that we don't have to hurry. M: That gives us a whole hour until the fim starts, and it oly takes ten minutes to walk to the cinema. FI know, but I thought we could go for a cotee first (Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.) (Pause 5 seconds.] 3. What does the man eat? Fe you ready to order your meal, Sir? M: Yes.’ like steak and chips please Fm very sorry Si, but we've run out of steak IM: Oh that’s a shame The chicken is very good today and so is the fish M: Okay Ihave chicken and chips... Oh, actualy, ™m on adit so I'd beter have sala instead of the chips. [Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. (Repeat the recording.] (Pause 5 seconds.) 4, Which book is Jackie reading? M: Are you sill eading that history book Jackie? Actually 'm just reading something for fun M: That's unusual for you. You always seem to be studying these days, F; Exactly, that's why | thought a bit of poetry might help me to relax, [Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. [Repeat the recording. (Pause 5 seconds.) 5. Where did the man leave his keys? M> Have you seen my keys? F: Aren't they on the table? IM: No, Hooked there F: How about in your coat pocket? IM: Oh yes, they are probably there... Oh! No they aren’. F:_ Well what is that in your hang? M: Oops, silly me! (Pause 5 seconds| Now listen again. [Repeat he recording. [Pause 5 seconds.) 6. Which present did Mark buy? IM: | wanted to buy Jane a blouse but 'm nat sure what size she is. F: How about buying her a nice scarf? IM: Do you think she'd rather have that than a pair of gloves? F: think so M: Oh okay then, [Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.] [Pause 5 seconds: Deserta Gees Sena 7. What wil the weather be like tomorrow? W: And now the weather. tera rainy start today twill get brighter in the aternoon athough tt may be a lite windy. However, this will blow away the cloud during the night so most of us wil wake upto warm sunshine Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.] [Pause 5 seconds.] That is the end of part 1. (Pause 10 seconds.) Now turn to part 2, questions 8-13. ‘You will hear a doctor talking about how people can live a healthier life. For each question, put a tick in the correct box. [You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 2. [Pause 45 seconds.| Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. |You will hear the recording twice. Most people seem to thnk that in order to become healthier, we need to go tothe gym every day and eat hardy anything, This, however, is really not the way to go about changing your unhealthy habits. Just afew, basic changes to our daily routine can improve our heath dramatically. ifyou are the kind of person who keeps trying to exercise regularly but keep fang, is time to think agan about your atttue. t's important not to focus on your failures, but instead be positive about your successes. Instead of being unfappy because you didn’t go to the gym five times last week, be proud ofthe fact that at least you went twice. (One good reason to eat heathily is that it could improve your mood, A recent survey has found that 80 percent of people felt beter when they changed what they ate or drank. A quarter of them said their bad moods and stress disapeared, The greatest benefit was fel after drinking more water, eating more vegetables, reducing sugar and cutting down on coffee ‘Another way of improving your mood and reducing stress isto take care when you do things. f you start something, make sure you finish it - even if tis @ minor task. Doing so can make you fel happier. When you get close to achieving something, your brain sends cout reward signals that make you fee postive. Fialy you should make sure that you get plenty of step. Don't have too many late ight, although an occasional one won't do you any harm. Without slep, the brain can't work propery and you'l get depressed. So look ater your body and your body will lok after you. [Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.] (Pause 5 seconds.] That is the end of part 2. [Pause 10 seconds] Now turn to part 3, questions 14-19. You will hear a tour guide giving information about an old British house. For each question, fll in the missing information in the numbered space. You now have 20 seconds to look at Part 3. [Pause 20 seconds.] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice. /M: Good moring everyone and welcome to Stonebridge House. My name is David and I'm your tour qude. This morning I'm going to show you around this wonderful 19th century house which was the home of the Reynold family for mare than 150 years, until 1975 when it became a national museum. \We are now standing in the main lobby of the house where you can see the magnificent wooden staircase that leads up to the bedrooms. The servants used to sleepin the attic but they would have used a different staircase to this one. Now if we go through to the dining room you willbe able to see a fine collection of paintings. George Reynold was a big fan of traditional art as we can see here today. George came from a military family. Surprisingly, hawever, he became a lawyer, even though his father had wanted him to be an officer in the army. His younger brother also rebelled and became a teacher. Now the Reynold family is famous for many things but probably most ofall for the many family tragedies. The family has had more ‘han its fair share of early deaths. George's son Michael died from cancer, his wife died while giving bith to their daughter Emily and George's brother had a fatal horse riding accident. George himself always suffered fram a weak heart and he died of a heart attack atthe age of 82. [Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.) (Pause 5 seconds.) That is the end of part 3. [Pause 10 seconds.) Now turn to part 4, questions 20-25. ‘Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation between a boy, Simon, and a girl, Tina, about some problems Tina is having at school. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick in the box funder A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the box under B for NO. You now have 20 seconds to look at the ques- tions for Part 4. [Pause 20 seconds.] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice. What's wrong, Tina? You've been looking worried all morning Oh, everything's going wrong at the moment, Simon, Oh come on, it can't be that bac. You know what they say; “a problem shared is a problem halved" Well you must have noticed how all the teachers pick on me. | mean, they tell me off more than any other student in the class, Yes, that's true, but they have good reason to, don't they? No, they don't! | never behave badly in class Yes, but you never do your homework ether, do you? And you never listen to what the teachers are saying it's not that 'm not listening exactly. I's just hat I'm so tred all the time, You should goto the doctor, Tia. There must be something wrong with you if you are so tired No 'm fine. | thnk it's just that | go to bed very late. What time do you go to bed then? Not til about two o'clock usually because | like watching the late-night films on TV. SETSTETETETE sc Senn Rasa Pract IM: Then [have no sympathy for you. You are very sly. Is okay to have a late right on Friday and Saturday but not before schooldays. F: Well maybe its my own faut. think ' better change my habits, hadnt I? M: Yes, you must or you are going to get yourself nto serious trouble (Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.] (Pause 5 seconds.] That is the end of part 4. THAT IS THE END OF THE TEST. TEST 2 This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test. There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For each art of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have six minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answer sheet. The recording will now be stopped. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak during the test. [Pause 5 seconds.) Part 1 [There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the cor- rect picture and put a tick in the box below it. Before we start, here is an example. Example: Where did the woman leave her hat? We: Oh no! What have I dane with my hat? IM: You didn’t have it inthe cafe W: But | meant to wear it because | remember taking it out ofthe car with my bag, MM: Yes, | saw you put your things on the roof of the car. W: Oh not | knaw where it stil is then! [Pause 5 seconds.) ‘The second picture is correct so there is a tick in box B. Look at the three pictures for question 1 now. [Pause 5 seconds.] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each recording twice. 1. How did the man get to work? W: You're lat, John. Did you miss the train? M: | decided to drive for a change because the weather is so bad but a tax ad crashed into a bus and blocked the road, All the passengers were standing inthe rain. Anyway, there was a diversion that took me an extra twenty minutes. (Pause 5 seconds. Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.] (Pause 5 seconds. 2. What does the woman buy? Ws Do you have any fresh strawberries? 'M: Sorry, we've sold out but I've got raspberries and some lovely sweet cherries. |W: Tm not keen on raspberries. I'l take some apples, bananas and some of those cherries. No wat a minute 'l swap the apples for some pears [Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.] [Pause 5 seconds.) 3. What kind of fm was it? Youve got to see this fim, i's about tis teenage boy who falls in love wih his frend’s mum, who of course has no idea how he feels and rats him tke a child. He tres to let her know how he fels and you just fal so sory for him because he ges himself into all kinds of embarrassing situation. | tzughed tl cred just about athe way trough {Pause § seconds.) Now listen again. [Repeat the recording.) [Pause 5 seconds.] 4. What will Ben do on Saturday afternoon? &: Hi Ben, do you want to go ice-skating Saturday morning? B: 1d love to but | promised my Mum I'd do some gardening 'G: Well how about in the evening? 8: im going to the cinema with Tracy. | could go with you after lunch, though: the film doesn't star til 7 pm, |G: That's great. See you at about 2 o’clack (Pause 5 seconds.] Now listen again, [Repeat the recording.) (Pause 5 seconds.) 5. What did Alison do? 'M: Hi Alison. What did you do to yourself? Walk into a door? W: Very funny. Actually | was walking the dog when it suddenly saw a cat and ran right in fron of me. IM: So you tripped over your dog? W: No, | managed to stop that from happening by stepping sideways and faling down a hole inthe field [Pause 5 seconds.| Now listen again. (Repeat the recording. [Pause 5 seconds.] }6. What animal wil they buy? i: Do you think grandma would like a canary? | think it would be perfect as its easy to look after and cheap to feed. IM: She really needs something that will be more company for her. Something that wil sit on her lap while she watches TV. |W: How about a dog? IM: That would be good or maybe a cat. W: She prefers dogs but she likes cats too and they don't need to be taken for a walk every day

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