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Copyright © 1988, Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

Teratogens and Teratogenesis:

General Principles of Clinical Teratology
J. L. FRIAS, M .D., and I. T. THOMAS, M.D.
Department of Pediatrics,
University of Nebraska Medical Center,
Omaha, NE 68105

Numerous factors hinder our ability to recognize fully human terato­
gens. Among these are the limitations of animal and epidemiologic stud­
ies, the lack of understanding of the mechanisms of action of most terato­
gens, and the variability in expression of the clinical manifestation. Dose
and timing of exposure, interactions with other environmental agents, and
host susceptibility influence this variable expressivity. Recent studies sug­
gest the genetic constitution of the mother and the fetus play a central role
in the teratogenic response. Techniques currently being developed may
help in a near future to identify susceptible individuals and to prevent
specific types of drug-induced birth defects.

Introduction of most of these substances rem ains

largely unknown mainly because of the
In 1941, Gregg reported the associa­ problems that beleaguer their study in
tion of cataracts, deafness, and congeni­ man.15,16 Interspecies and intraspecies
tal heart disease in the offspring of differences in the susceptibility to the
women exposed to rubella during gesta­ effects of teratogens hinder the extrapo­
tio n .13 U ntil then, it was generally lation of data from animal studies to
believed that the placenta isolated and humans.31,42 Most epidemiologic studies
protected the conceptus from the detri­ are fraught with méthodologie problems
mental effects of environmental factors. and often lack the sensitivity to identify
The thalidomide tragedy further demon­ low d eg ree te ra to g e n s.7,27 Lack of
strated the fallacy of this concept.24’26 understanding of the pathogenesis of
Today, it is a well-recognized fact that most teratogens limits the recognition of
exposure to certain environm ental biologically sound associations and, con­
agents may represent a hazard to the sequently, our ability to discrim inate
fetus. However, there is a sharp contrast between true causal relationships and
betw een the widespread exposure to chance occurrences. In addition, the
potentially teratogenic drugs, chemicals, well-recognized variability in phenotypic
and environmental pollutants prevalent expression in environmentally-induced
in our society and the small number of patterns of malformation further compli­
disorders known to be caused by these cates the recognition of human terato­
agents. In fact, the teratogenic potential gens.
0091-7370/88/0300-0174 $01.20 © Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

Clinical Expression ever, if one classifies cigarette smoking

and alcohol as drugs, teratogens are
The effect of teratogens on human among the most prevalent causes of
development follows a limited repertoire intrauterine growth retardation.30
of pathogenic mechanisms. This includes Growing attention to the non-struc-
excessive or reduced cell death, interfer­ tural abnormalities produced by prenatal
ence with cell interactions, decreased exposure to known teratogens has led to
biosynthesis, abnormal morphogenetic w ider recognition and m ore precise
movements, and disruption of tissues.42 delineation of the behavioral problems
These general pathways are common to th a t may be associated w ith th e se
different agents. Therefore, it is not sur­ agents.18
prising that a wide range of teratogens Clinical studies have dem onstrated
produce similar types of developmental that: (1) teratogens rarely produce single
defects, including infertility or embry­ anomalies; (2) no single anomaly is spe­
onic/fetal loss, intrauterine growth defi­ cific for any given teratogen; (3) terato­
ciency, abnormal central nervous system gens generally produce specific patterns
(CNS) performance, and abnormal mor­ of malformation; (4) variability of expres­
phogenesis.14 The potential carcinogenic sion is the rule rather than the excep­
and mutagenic effect of some teratogenic tion; and (5) not every p reg n an cy
agents should be added to this list, exposed to a teratogenic agent during
although their mechanisms of action are the critical period and at doses above the
different. Cancer and mutation induc­ threshold will result in an abnormal off­
tion, as mentioned later on, are stochas­ spring.14,34,40 This is true even for tha­
tic phenom ena induced by changes in lidom ide, one of the m ost pow erful
DNA and, as such, can result from dam­ teratogens known to man. Paucity of reli­
age to a single cell.4 able epidemiologic data makes any state­
Fifteen to 20 percent of recognized ment about the risk factors for this drug
pregnancies term inate spontaneously at best speculative. However, even the
before the 20th week of gestation, and highest estimates place the chances of an
many of them exhibit developmental abnormal offspring following exposure
abnormalities.29 Chromosomal aberra­ during the critical period below 50 per­
tions are responsible for most of these cent.28,41
abortions, but environm ental factors
may account for some of them since the
human conceptus is most vulnerable to Factors Contributing to the Variability
the deleterious effect of teratogenic in Expression
agents during the first eight weeks of
prenatal development. Animal studies at The cause of the variability in pheno­
comparable stages have amply demon­ typic expression of m ost teratogens
strated that death and malformations are remains largely undefined. However, as
most likely to be induced during this noted by Wilson as well as other investi­
period.42 gators, data on both animal and human
While it is well-recognized that terato­ studies suggest that the following factors
gens produce growth retardation in addi­ play major roles in its determination: (1)
tion to resorption and malformations in dose of the agent; (2) timing of exposure;
experimental animals, the effects that (3) interaction with other environm en­
most drugs used in pregnancy have on tal factors; and (4) host suscep tib il­
human fetal growth are unknown.5 How­ i t y 14,22,39,42

Since teratogenesis is a threshold phe­ ends by the 56th day of gestation, when
nomenon, the dose of a teratogen is one most differentiation has been completed.
of the essential determinants in the pre­ This is followed by the fetal period, dur­
natal effect of drugs and chemicals. To ing which the most important events are
produce a teratogenic effect, a drug must accrual of body mass, reduction of the
surpass a specific level.4,22 As an exam­ umbilical hernia, closure of the palate,
ple, 50 mg of thalidomide, if given dur­ differentiation of the genitalia, and histo­
ing the critical period, can affect the genesis of the CNS, which is completed
majority of embryos in a litter, but 0.5 in post-natal life. Therefore, exposure to
mg will have no effect. Conversely, teratogens during the fetal period does
almost any drug, if administered at a suf­ not produce a pattern of malformation
ficiently high dose, can adversely affect w ith m u ltip le organ inv o lv em ent.
embryonic and/or fetal development. Instead, it may result in varying degrees
Furthermore, as noted by Brent, terato­ of intrauterine growth retardation and
genesis is a multicellular phenomenon defects of the areas undergoing comple­
and both the incidence and the severity tion of their m orphogenic processes,
of malformations increase with the dose. including abnormalities in the histogen­
This is in marked contrast with carcino­ esis of the central nervous system.40
genesis or mutagenesis, which are sto­ The concurrent administration of two
chastic phenomena.4 It should be noted or more drugs or chemicals may influ­
also that the dose determines maternal ence the effects of a teratogen.21,33,39,43
serum concentration and, hence, the The interactions between the chemicals
rate of diffusion of most compounds can be eith er hom ergic — w hen the
through the placenta. This is specially chem icals produce the sam e overt
significant because passive diffusion is effects— or hetergic— when one of the
the primary mechanism of transfer of chemicals produces an effect and the
drugs through the placenta.39 other causes synergism or antagonism.33
Major structural defects occur when Recent studies suggest that perhaps
exposure to a given teratogenic agent the m ost im p o rtan t factors in the
takes place during the critical period of response to teratogens are the genetic
development. This period is relatively constitutions of the m other and the
short, only lasting eight weeks. During fetus. It is a well established fact that the
the preimplantation period, when the unequal sensitivity of different species
blastocyst lies free within the uterine and strains to the teratogenic effects of a
cavity, exogenous agents may kill the given environm ental agent depends
embryo, but there is no evidence that largely on th e ir g en etic c o n stitu ­
they produce malformations. At this tion.8,31,32 As noted by Kalter, this inter­
stage, because of the pluripotency of species and intraspecies variability may
some of its cells, it is possible for the be manifested in a number of ways: (1)
conceptus to overcome minor damage. an environmental agent may have a tera­
During the embryonic period, each togenic effect in some species and be
organ system undergoes a critical stage innocuous in others; (2) it may cause the
of differentiation, which occurs at a pre­ same type of abnormalities in different
cise moment. It is at these specific times species, but with varying incidence and
that the developing embryo is most vul­ severity from one species to another; and
nerable to the effect of environmental (3) it may cause dissimilar defects in dif­
agents and that specific malformations ferent species.17
can be produced. The critical period While the source of this variability is
believed to be genetic, its basic mecha­ transhydrodiol formation from phenytoin
nisms are not yet fully understood. and showed that the amount of covalent
Fraser suggested that the different rate binding of this arene oxide correlated
of cleft palate induced by cortisone in w ith the severity of m alform ations.
the Ajax (100 percent) and the C57BL These, as well as other studies, suggest
mice (18 percent) can be explained by that the rates of formation and detoxifi­
the multifactorial/threshold model. He cation of these reactive metabolites are
based this assertion on the correlation under genetic control.12,20,35,36 Shum et
betw een tim ing of palate closure in al stu died the terato genic effect of
untreated embryos and the frequency of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) to test this hypoth­
cleft palate in embryos exposed to corti­ esis.32 They used inbred mouse strains
sone or 6-aminonicotineamide.8,9 On the with high and low cytochrome Pl-450
other hand, Goldman et al attribute the inducibility, which is under the control
differences in the incidence of cortisone- of a single gene, the Ah locus, and
induced cleft palate in inbred mouse showed that differences at this Ah locus
strains to the number of steroid recep­ c o rre la te d w ith te ra to g e n e sis. In
tors present in each strain.11 Others have mothers with low Pl-450 inducibility,
suggested that the interspecies and fetuses heterozygous at the Ah locus had
intraspecies differences in response to a more resorptions, deaths, growth defi­
teratogen may be due to genetically ciency, malformations, and reactive BP
determ ined differences in m etabolic metabolites than fetuses from the same
rates and pathways. For example, Chlor- uterus homozygous for high inducibility.
cyclizine, an antihistaminic drug, is tera­ When the mother had high cytochrome
togenic in rats but not in humans. The Pl-450 inducibility and activity, there
drug is metabolized to norchlorcyclizine was no difference between fetuses with
in both species, but the steady state high or low cytochrome Pl-450 inducibil­
level of the metabolite is approximately ity. This dem onstrates, first, that the
three times higher in the rat than in fetuses producing the largest amounts of
man, which may account for the dispar­ BP reactive metabolites, because of their
ity of response.19 Differences in meta­ genetic constitution, w ere the m ost
bolic pathways and resultant metabolites severely affected and, second, that the
may be responsible for the dissimilar m other’s genotype can determ ine ulti­
defects caused by imipramine in experi­ mate fetal outcome.
mental animals of different species.38 In humans, the capacity of the liver to
There is ample evidence that the tera­ metabolize drugs may be less lim ited
togenic effects of many drugs are not than in other species. In vitro studies
mediated by the drugs themselves, but have dem onstrated the presence of a
by highly reactive metabolites. If these microsomal drug-oxidizing enzyme sys­
are not detoxified, they interact cova­ tem in human fetal liver early in gesta­
lently with macromolecules within the tion, and recent works suggest that
cell and interfere with normal develop­ hydratase dehydrogenase may be found
m ent by altering cell metabolism and in liver peroxisomes.1,10,23 Buehler and
function.35,36 Blake, M artz, and co­ Delimont observed decreased epoxide
workers2,25 postulated that phenytoin hydratase levels in children with stig­
teratogenicity results from the formation mata of Dilantin teratogenesis and sug­
of an epoxide metabolite and its subse­ gested that the enzyme deficiency fol­
quent covalent binding to fetal rat mac­ lows an autosomal recessive pattern of
romolecules. They inhibited the activity inheritance.6 Using an in vitro assay,
of the hydratase controlling the rate of Strickler et al demonstrated an increase
in arene oxide metabolites in children German measles in the mother. Trans. Ophthal­
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