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To: Nancy Myers

From: Joseph Tobler

Date: January 24, 2022
Subject: APLED 121-Chapter 14 Summary


Define Technical Descriptions

Mechanisms tools and equipment with a piece-by-piece depiction.

Types of Technical Descriptions

Operations Manuals- Manuals help install, operate, and service the equipment.

Product Demanded Specifications- A document written by a company requiring a new piece of

equipment two another company or companies capable of producing it.

Study Reports Provided By Consulting Firms- Consulting firms are hired by a company to
produce a descriptive analysis in solution to studied problem.

Construction Design- A legal technical description of the structure by the architectural

company providing.

• Property limits
• Location and dimensions
• Change of zoning
• Requests for special use permits
• Re-platting of site

Sales Literature- A quick technical description of equipment or services to assist in sales.

Definition of Process Analysis
An explanation on how something works through its process.

Examples of Process Analyses

Different ways of using process analysis such as an engineering project. where one will provide
further information related to the specific engineering task(s) and why you have come to that

Criteria For Writing Technical Descriptions and Process Analyses

Title- Giving name to the following text.

Overall Organization- Introducing and explaining your topics functions, capabilities and

Highlighting Techniques- Assisting the reader with greater understanding by using visuals of all

The writing Process at Work

Prewriting- Gather data using brainstorming/listing.

Writing- Make a rough draft using graphics, details, highlighting, and focusing on overall
organization. Then asking for colleagues to review.

Rewriting- Incorporate colleague’s suggestions for final draft.

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