Chapter 17 Summary

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To: Nancy Myers

From: Joseph Tobler

Date: February 14, 2022
Subject: APLED 121-Chapter 17 Summary

Chapter 17 Summary
Short, Informal Reports

Report Definition
A document to convey what steps are needed, what has been completed and how long
until the task is accomplished.

Online Reports
A report written on a computer has advantages to speed the reporting process.

• Immediate confirmation of a report’s submittal

• predetermined fields to organize a report
• online help systems for instructions to help writers complete their reports

Types Of Reports
Many reports fall into the following categories.
 Incident reports
 Investigative reports
 Trip reports
 Progress or status reports
 Lab or test reports
 Feasibility/recommendation reports
 Research reports
 proposals
Criteria For Writing Reports
Organization- Reports should contain five basic units.
✓ Identification lines
✓ Heading and talking heading
✓ Introduction
✓ discussion
✓ conclusion/ recommendations

Development- Now go over the report and provide clarity by answering the reporter's
questions. The who, what, where, why, and when.

Audience- It's very important to know what level of knowledge your readers have so you can
write at their level.

Style- Be aware of what you're trying to say and then can it be said with less. Instead of saying
“Take into consideration” use “consider.”

Incident Reports
Purpose and Examples- If a problem occurs within the work environment that
requires analysis and suggested solutions.

Criteria- To write an incident report includes the following components.

1. Introduction. Which includes the purpose and personnel Involved with the
2. Discussion. Organize your content using problem/solution, Chronology, cause
and effect.
3. Conclusion/ Recommendations. Explain what caused the problem and what
solution you would like to see implemented to solve future problems of this
Investigative Reports
Purpose and Examples- This document does not just report that the incident accrued
it asks what led up to that incident.

Criteria- to write in incident report you will need.

1. Introduction with purpose, location, personnel and authorization.
2. Discussion Using subheadings, document your findings using,
• A review of your observations
• Contacts
• Difficulties encountered
• Techniques, Equipment, or tools used
• Test procedures followed and organized chronologically
3. Conclusion, what did you accomplish, what did you learn, and your
recommendations on how to prevent it in the future.

Trip Reports
Purpose and Examples- A report that documents travel expenses related to job

1. Purpose for travel

2. Personnel involved in travel

3. Authorization for travel

Progress Reports
Purpose and Examples- Explaining what work has been accomplished and what remains.

1. Introduction with objectives, personnel, previous activities

2. Discussion includes work accomplished, problems encountered, work remaining.

3. Conclusion of all activities and recommendations on how to continue.

Lab Reports (Also Referred to as Test Reports)

Purpose and Examples- To pass on knowledge acquired from lab activity.

1. What is the purpose of the report is being written.

2. How was the test performed.

3. The conclusion of the lab activity and your findings.

Feasibility/Recommendation Reports
Purpose and Examples- This report will have you ask the questions; can I do this and will it fix
our problem?

1. What are the issues you are facing that need to be addressed, who is helping?

2. What is required to get this job done, how much will it cost, and how will it fix the

3. Conclusion of analysis and recommendations.

The Writing Process at Work

Prewriting- Determine objectives.

Writing- Draft a problem to solution rough draft.

Rewriting- Review and revise rough draft.

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