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Internship Report



2. Engineering Design for a circular Economy
3. Surface Analysis

Submitted By
Name of Student : Pawan Gocher
Class Roll No. : 18/080
Enrollment No. : 18EUCCE080
Branch : B.Tech 3rd Year Civil Engg.
Training duration : 17/05/2021 to 17/07/2021

Submitted To

Professor Coordinator And Associate Coordinator, Training

Department of Civil Engineering,
University Departments,
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota


Department of Civil Engineering

Rajasthan Technical University, Kota – 324010


This report would not have been possible without the

essential and gracious support of Civil Department
professors and Associate Professors . I express my
deep gratitude and sincere thanks for his invaluable
guidance, whole-hearted co-operation, constructive
criticism and continuous encouragement in the
preparation of this report. I would like to thank all our
scholar friends & family for their valuable support and
encouragement throughout the preparation of this work.
I also thank all those who have directly or indirectly
helped in completion of this internship report.

Pawan Gocher

C.R. NO. 18/080

Third Year B.Tech Civil Engg.

1.Drinking Water Treatment
2. Engineering Design For
Circular Economy
3. Surface Analys

1 Drinking Water Treatment


1. Drinking water
1.1. Urban water cycle
1.2. Water quality aspects

2. Groundwater
2.1. introduction about groundwater
2.2. Filtration
2.3. Aeration

2.4. Conditioning and softening

2.5. Design assignment groundwater treatment plant

3. Surface water
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Coagulation and flocculation
3.3. Sedimentation
3.4. Disinfection
3.5. Artificial infiltration
3.6. Design assignment surface water treatment plant
4. Conclusion
5. Engineering Design For
Circular Economy


1. Design for R
1.1.The Resource challenge
1.2. Design For R Case Studies
2. Reuse
2.1 Intro To Reuse
2.2 Product Design For Reuse
2.3 Value Creation With Reuse
3. Repair
3.1 Intro To Repair
3.2 Product And Business Models For Repair
4. Remanufacturing
4.1 Intro To Remanufacturing
4.2 Design for Remanufacturing
4.3 Value Creation With Remanufacturing
5 Recycle
5.1 Intro To Recycling
5.2 Design For Recycling
5.3 Value Creation With Recycling

6. Engineering Design Principles

7. Conclusion
1.Drinking Water Treatment

Abstract -
Water is one of the basic needs and is required by all life on
earth. It dominates a majority of the space on our planet,
covering about 71% of the total surface area of Earth.
Hydrology is the study of the distribution, availability,
consumption, and movement of ground water. Water exists in
all three of its states, namely, solid (ice), liquid, and gas
(stream)—explaining the importance of understanding the
science and structure of water. It is a transparent colorless
chemical substance with one oxygen atom covalently bonded
to two hydrogen atoms. Water is cycled continuously on Earth
through evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation,
and other means. Water consumption and use is defined as the
water that is drawn continuously from surface or ground and
that is utilized in such a way that it is no longer available for
further use. Many industrial processes, such as power
generation, irrigation, mining, bleaching, paper and pulp
production, textile manufacturing, and food processing, require
water as one of the main constituents of the process. The term
water pollution refers to water that has been contaminated by
anthropogenic substances and not fit for human consumption.
Industries also contribute to this pollution and, as a result, many
treatment plants that have primary, secondary, and tertiary
treatment processes have been set up for treating the
contaminated water. Pathogens in this polluted water can
cause waterborne diseases in living beings. Population growth
and technological improvement are the main factors for water
pollution. Life will be impossible on Earth if the present situation
continues as a great demand for water, and a scarcity of it, may

Water plays an extremely important role in the world. Some
even call it the gold of 21st century, in the same way as oil 20th
century. The available water supply is becoming relatively
smaller, because of human consumption and the many types of
water pollution. India has been facing a water problem. With its
share of the world population, India has 4% number world’s
water resources; 4% of the world’s renewable water; and 4% of
the world’s freshwater resources. So, drinking water treatment
becomes a very necessary process for the fulfilment of the
water requirements of the population and the engineering
solution for this issue. And a good water supply is an essential
part of human society – not only we need it for personal and
domestic hygiene such as bathing and washing, which is a
primary condition for good public health.
The several types of water pollution have been leading to the
implementation of advanced waste water treatment in
developed countries, the standards of removal of organic
compounds. Nowadays, nutrient removal is applied in order to
prevent eutrophication and endocrine disruptors removal (such
as pesticides and pharmaceuticals) in order to avoid the
accumulation of persistent organics in the environment.
For hundreds of thousands of years, our ancestors lived in
small groups off the gains from hunting,fi shing, and gathering
and natural disasters such
as floods, large fi res and drought took their toll.Looking from
the point of view of diseases, there were, however, advantages.
Infectious diseases, which do not originate from local fl ora, but
that need large populations to be transmitted, had a very small
chance of spreading. Also, waste products created no large

1 Drinking water
Safe drinking (potable) water is the water that can be delivered
to the user and is safe for drinking, food preparation, personal
hygiene and washing. The water must meet the required
(chemical, biological and physical) quality standards at the
point of supply to the users.Water is essential to sustain life,
and a satisfactory (adequate, safe and accessible) supply must
be available to all. Improving access to safe drinking-water can
result in tangible benefits to health. Every effort should be
made to achieve drinking-water that is as safe as practicable.

Safe drinking-water, as defined by the Guidelines, does not

represent any significant risk to health over a lifetime of
consumption, including different sensitivities that may occur
between life stages. Those at greatest risk of waterborne
disease are infants and young children, people who are
debilitated and the elderly, especially when living under
unsanitary conditions. Those who are generally at risk of
waterborne illness may need to take additional steps to protect
themselves against exposure to waterborne pathogens, such
as boiling their drinking-water. Safe drinking-water is required
for all usual domestic purposes, including drinking, food
preparation and personal hygiene. The Guidelines are
applicable to packaged water and ice intended for human
consumption. However, water of higher quality may be required
for some special purposes, such as renal dialysis and cleaning
of contact lenses, or for certain purposes in food production
and pharmaceutical use. The Guidelines may not be suitable
for the protection of aquatic life or for some industries.
Ground sources such as groundwater, springs, hyporheic
zones and aquifers.
Precipitation which includes rain, hail, snow, fog, etc.Surface
water such as rivers, streams, glaciers.Biological sources such
as plants.
1.1 Urban Water cycle

The urban water cycle is 'man made' created to provide

drinking water to homes and businesses, to remove wastewater
and sewage, and redirect stormwater away from homes and
businesses and into our waterways
The natural water cycle is a continuing process of
evaporation,condensation,precipitation and groundwater
influence, as water moves naturally from the oceans and
rivers to the atmosphere and land. This natural cycle still
occurs in towns and cities but is impacted by people and
Water quality aspects

Water quality testing is an important part of

environmental monitoring. When water quality is poor, it
affects not only aquatic life but the surrounding
ecosystem as well.
These sections detail all of the parameters that affect
the quality of water in the environment. These properties
can be physical, chemical or biological factors. Physical
properties of water quality include temperature and
turbidity. Chemical characteristics involve parameters
such as pH and dissolved oxygen. Biological indicators
of water quality include algae and phytoplankton. These
parameters are relevant not only to surface water
studies of the ocean, lakes and rivers, but to
groundwater and industrial processes as well.

2. Groundwater

2.1 Introduction - Groundwater is the water present

beneath Earth's surface in rock and soil pore spaces
and in the fractures of rock formations.Groundwater is
recharged from the surface; it may discharge from the
surface naturally at springs and seeps, and can form
oases or wetlands.
Groundwater is also often withdrawn for agricultural,
municipal, and industrial use by constructing and
operating extraction wells. The study of the distribution
and movement of groundwater is hydrogeology, also
called groundwater hydrology.
Typically, groundwater is thought of as water flowing
through shallow aquifers, but, in the technical sense, it
can also contain soil moisture, permafrost (frozen soil),
immobile water in very low permeability bedrock, and
deep geothermal or oil formation water. Groundwater is
hypothesized to provide lubrication that can possibly
influence the movement of faults. It is likely that much of
Earth's subsurface contains some water, which may be
mixed with other fluids in some instances.
Groundwater is often cheaper, more convenient and less
vulnerable to pollution than surface water. Therefore, it
is commonly used for public water supplies. For
example, groundwater provides the largest source of
usable water storage in the United States, and California
annually withdraws the largest amount of groundwater of
all the states. Underground reservoirs contain far more
water than the capacity of all surface reservoirs and
lakes in the US, including the Great Lakes. Many
municipal water supplies are derived solely from
Types of Ground water - Four types of groundwater can
roughly be distinguished with respect to the treatment in
drinking water production: -
1. aerobic groundwater (phreatic)
2. anoxic groundwater
3. anaerobic groundwater
4. riverbank groundwater
2.2 Filtration - filtration is the process of removing solids
from a fluid by passing it through a porous
medium. Coarse, medium, and fine porous media have
been used depending on the requirement. The filter
media are artificial membranes, nets, sand filter, and
high technological filter systems. The choice of filters
depends on the required filtering speed and the
cleanness requirement. The flow required for filtration
can be achieved using gravity or pressure. In pressure
filtration, one side of the filter medium is at higher
2.3 Aeration - Aeration brings water and air in close
contact in order to remove dissolved gases (such as
carbon dioxide) and oxidizes dissolved metals such as
iron, hydrogen sulfide, and volatile organic chemicals
(VOCs). Aeration is often the first major process at the
treatment plant.

2.4 Conditioning and softening - Removing or replacing

minerals in hard water is called water softening. An
alternative water treatment is called water conditioning,
in which minerals remain in the water, but are altered so
they do not form scale. ... Minerals containing calcium
and magnesium form soluble bicarbonates when
exposed to carbonic acid.
2.5 Design assignment of ground water treatment plant
3. Surface water -

3.1 Introduction - Surface water is water located on top

of the Earth's surface such as rivers, creeks, and
wetlands. This may also be referred to as blue water.
The vast majority is produced by precipitation and water
runoff from nearby areas. This includes rivers, swamps,
and lakes
In the production of drinking water from surface water,
two different approaches can be distinguished: -
direct treatment of surface water
indirect treatment of surface water via infiltration
Surface water can be found in several natural forms:
rivers and lakes and man-made forms such as canals,
reservoirs and gravel and sand extraction pits

Rivers and canals

High up in the mountain river water is only minimally

contaminated and contains few dissolved minerals.
Therefore, it is highly attractive as a source for water
supply. In the middle course of the river, the flow is
greater and less variable, and the amount of dissolved
solids is also greater. In the lower course of the river, the
water is highly mineralized and contaminated with
residential and industrial wastewater. Accidental
contaminations are always to be feared
Contemporary treatment - Problems with the
traditional treatment processContemporary treatment
originated from the increased river water pollution and
the chlorination issue. In 1974 J. Rook, of the Rotterdam
Water Company, discovered harmful by-products from
the chlorination process (disinfectant
by-products).These are mainly
trihalomethanes(THMs),from which chloroform
(CHCl3)is produced at the high-est level. THMs are
created by the reaction of chlorine with humic acids
present in the water, and are harmful to human health.
The Dutch Decree on Water Supply sets a standard of
25 µg/l (sum) for THMs. Chlorination may lead to
3.2. Coagulation and flocculation - The use of
chemical reagents to destabilise and increase the size of
the particles; mixing; increasing of flog size, A physical
separation of the solids from the liquid phase. This
separation is usually achieved by sedimentation
(decantation), flotation or filtration
Natural and wastewater containing small particulates
which are suspended in water forming a colloid. These
particles carry the same charges, and repulsion
prevents them from combining into larger particulates to
settle. Thus, some chemical and physical techniques are
applied to help them settle. The phenomenon is known
as coagulation. A well know method is the addition of
electrolyte. Charged particulates combine with ions
neutralizing the charges..
The neutral particulates combine to form larger particles,
and finally settle down. Another method is to use
high-molecular-weight material to attract or trap the
particulates and settle down together. Such a process is
called flocculation. Starch and multiply charged ions are
often used.
Historically, dirty water is cleaned by treating with alum,
Al2(SO4)3.12 H2O, and lime, Ca(OH). Coagulation is a
major application of lime in the treatment of wastewater

3.3. Sedimentation - Sedimentation is the process of

allowing particles in suspension in water to settle out of
the suspension under the effect of gravity. The particles
that settle out from the suspension become sediment,
and in water treatment is known as sludge.

Let the water sit around to let the floculated or

coagulated particles to settle out. It works best with
relatively dense particles (e.g. silt and minerals), while
flotation works better for lighter particles (e.g. algae,
color). A settling tank should be big enough so that it
takes a long time (ideally 4 hours +) to get through.
Inlets and outlets are designed so the water moves
slowly in the tank. Long and narrow channels are
installed to let the water to snake its way through the
tank. The settled particles, sludge, must occasionally be
removed from the tanks. The water is next ready to be
filtered. Sedimentation is used in pre-treatment and
wastewater treatment.

3.4. Disinfection - Water disinfection means the

removal, deactivation or killing of pathogenic
microorganisms. Microorganisms are destroyed or
deactivated, resulting in termination of growth and
typically with chlorine, can be the final step before
discharge of the effluent. However, some environmental
authorities are concerned that chlorine residuals in the
effluent can be a problem in their own right, and have
moved away from this process. Disinfection is frequently
3.5. Artificial infiltration -
Artificial infiltration of water into the aquifer is used to
create a water supply at a time of excess water for times
of water shortage, it is used to reduce the depletion of
groundwater, thereby preventing subsequent ground
surface subsidence, it helps to create a hydraulic barrier
against the ingress of seawater.
3.6. Design assignment surface water treatment
plant -

Rapid Mixing Process - Rapid or Flash mixing is the

process by which a coagulant is rapidly and uniformly
dispersed through the mass of water. This process
usually occurs in a small basin immediately preceding or
at the head of the coagulation basin
Backwashing - In terms of water treatment, including
water purification and sewage treatment, backwashing
refers to pumping water backwards through the filters
media, sometimes including intermittent use of
compressed air during the process. Backwashing is a
form of preventive maintenance so that the filter media
can be reused. In water treatment plants, backwashing
can be an automated process that is run by local
programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The backwash
cycle is triggered after a set time interval, when the filter
effluent turbidity is greater than a treatment guideline or
when the differential pressure (head loss) across the
filter exceeds a set value.

Reservoir - Reservoirs are those water bodies formed

or modified by human activity for specific purposes, in
order to provide a reliable and controllable resource.

4. Conclusion -
*This visit gave us the knowledge about the purification
of water on larger scale. We came to know about the
importance of water purification which was carried out
under various processes
Well explained by the manager of the plant, the steps
of rapid sand filter includes:
1. Coagulation.

2. Rapid mixing.

3. Flocculation

4. Sedimentation

5. Filtration

6. Backwashing

7. Disinfection
8. Reservoir
2.Engineering Design for circular

Introduction - The circular economy approach

addresses material supply challenges by keeping
materials in use much longer and eventually
returning materials for new use. The principle is
that waste must be minimized. Products will be
designed to last longer. They will be easier to
Reuse, Repair, and Remanufacture.

1.Design for R

1.1 The Resource challenge - Circular economy

is a topic that comes up in both environments.
This MOOC is on Product Design for a Circular
Economy.In this course, the different ways of
closing cycles will be investigated,together with the
design requirements that follow from that.Reuse,
repair, remanufacturing, and finally recycling will
be passing by during the next weeks.

A circular economy is not a goal in itself.It is a

means towards an end.And the end is, to provide a
more sustainable resource base for our global
society.The extraction and use of resources has
beenthe basis for the developmentand creation of
wealth for societies.
The resources have been used and continue to be
used, to provide food, shelter,transport,
communication and all kinds of other basic
functions in our societies.
Every nation, as it strives to improve its
development and its welfare, climbs the materials
Increasing economic development also leads
totechnological development,By now, a product
like a laptop or a mobile phone contains almost the
complete periodic table of elements.Not just the
amount of resources, but also the variety of
resources we use is getting larger very rapidly.

1.2 Design For R Case Study - In order to

embrace the circular economy framework, we
need to test and demonstrate innovative concepts.
This is the main goal of Green Village, to
accelerate the implementation of these new
business models and innovative products or
concepts. The Green Village’s goal is to accelerate
the development and implementation of these
radical innovations. They do this by bringing
together everyone who needs to be involved –
scientists and engineers, businesses, the public,
and government – at an inspiring place where
innovations can be developed, tested and
demonstrated by these partners. In an
experimental real-life setting, a true living lab at
Delft University of Technology that is open to
anyone, including you.
The Green Village which meet one or more of our
"Design for R" strategies
2 Reuse

2.1 Intro to Reuse - Reuse keeps new resources

from being used for a while longer, and old
resources from entering the waste stream.
Recycle: Converting waste materials into new
products, changing them from their original form by
physical and chemical processes
Reuse is the action or practice of using an item,
whether for its original purpose (conventional
reuse) or to fulfil a different function (creative reuse
or repurposing). It should be distinguished from
recycling, which is the breaking down of used
items to make raw materials for the manufacture of
new products.

2.2 Product Design For Reuse - Products are

more likely to be reused if they are well-built, with
a good manufacturing quality and the right choice
of materials. the design decisions that must be
taken into account to improve the chances of
products being reused for a longer time. Design for
reuse must therefore not only take into account the
wear and tear that make products.Durability of
materials and connection.Chose the right material
for the right job.

Parts which are subject to a particular stress or

wear should be made particularly
resistant.Materials which corrode, stain,or fail
easily should be avoided.
How many products have you had to throw away
simply because a particularly important part or
connection broke and it is impossible, or very
expensive,Ease of maintenance and repair.
Buildings are made up of materials and
components which can last for decades or even
Designing these to be modular makes it easier to
disassemble, transport, and reassemble them at a
new location, saving the large amounts of
resources needed to make an entirely new
building.Not only do products need to be designed
with these activities in mind, the construction
process needs to be clear and well-documented,
so that many years from now another construction
crew can follow the instructions to reassemble the
building. This way we can reuse as many of the
building's components as possible.

2.3 Value Creation With Reuse

The design, engineering, and manufacturing of

products is driven by business, and by the desire
of companies to fulfill the needs of their clients and
therefore generate revenue.

The design of products for a Circular Economy is

also the design of products for new forms of
business value creation. Innovative companies are
increasingly understanding that designing products
for service-life extension and service-life
intensification can increase the value of their
brand, attract new customers, and increase the
loyalty of their existing customer-base.
The Circular Economy attempts to balance the
need of individuals, companies, and nations to
create value and income, with a more sustainable
approach to the use of resources
• The service and the sharing economy are two
models which can facilitate this:
1. The service economy is a centralized model in
which a company is responsible for the production,
maintenance, and management of a product.
2. The sharing economy is a decentralized model,
in which users exchange products between
themselves, based on their needs.
• It is important to look critically at each of these
models, and identify when they are being applied.
Ma "service" models are branded as "sharing"
models. Understanding the difference between
them will help you design and structure your own
business model, and achieve the circular goals
you have set out to reach.
A circular economy increases the availability of
A circular economy reduces the amount of waste
that is generated by the production and
consumption of resources.
A circular economy reduces, or at least does not
increase, the environmental pressures
that result from the production and consumption of
resources. Lakes and reservoirs - Because of their
large surface area, lakes have a less variable
supply capacity than rivers, and their large volume
leads to a stable water quality . When incidental
discharges of pollutants are expected, separated
reservoirs should be built. However, because of
self-purification, the water quality typically
improves on its own.
3. Repair
3.1 Intro To Repair - Repair can be Design
term, applied to a range ofdifferent activities by
different people.From replacing the batteries of a
remote control, to removing and cleaning the
engine of a vehicle,
repair aims to extend the service life of a used
product,through the cleaning or replacement of key
components which no longer work.
Max Prumbohm, researcher at TU Clausthal's
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,will take you
through the topic of Design for Repair. Damage is
expected for every product. Consequently the
need for repair will usually occur.

• The definition of repair differs: From simply

replacing batteries, up to a full disassembly.
• Ease of repair depends on the design, the
number and type of tools required, and the level of
technical expertise.

• Two types of business models for Design for

repair. Repair by companies on one hand, and on
the other, repair by customers themselves.

3.2 Product And Business Models for Repair -

The approaches to repair each product, can differ.

On the one hand, the producing company, or a

third party, can earn money for repairing the

On the other hand, the product using customers

can fix any problems for themselves.

In that case they invest their own time and any

costs for spare parts and tools.
In this session we will have a look at these two
different approaches and the connections to
product design.
Large, complex or hazardous equipment is mostly
repaired by companies, for obvious reasons.

Such products are hard to repair for a consumer

as there is a high risk of damaging the product.
Repair can take place by a company (producer or
third party) or by consumers (depending on the
product size, complexity, safety or, risk of

• Reasons that drive a repair activity to be done by

companies are:

• Risk of damaging a difficult and complex product

Safety concerns with hazardous.products or
components.The need for specialized equipment
to Warranties
• Short term monetary gain is the primary
motivation for single use products that are not
made for repair, and end up as waste.
• Consumers have the power to make more
informed purchasing/repair choices.Design for
repair is an interesting.
Three main ways a company can profit from their
Design for Repair:
1. Providing a repair service to the customers
(thereby deriving revenue and ensuring satisfied
2. Sales of spare parts and spare parts kits.
3. Provide a market distinction for products that
are easy to repair
• How to design a product for repair?
• Easy access: fewer tools, no glue, ideally without
any tools Standardized parts and lubricants

• Simple, modular design

• No critical security conditions appearing during


• The advantages of modular design are that is

allows easy upgrades and reduces service time
and related costs.

4. Remanufacturing -
4.1Remanufacturing Intro - Remanufacturing is
an industrial process by which a previously sold,
worn, or non-functional product can be rebuilt and
recovered. ... Not only is remanufacturing an
environmentally friendly process, it allows products
to be reused, rather than go to waste, and
therefore supports a circular economy.
. The main objective of remanufacturing is to
create products in an "as new" condition.
• This is done by collecting used products and then
sorting, cleaning, repairing, and finally combining
them with new parts to sell them as new.

4.2 Design For Remanufacturing -

Three main drivers for companies to design for
Profitability : the cost to produce through
remanufacturing is lower Increase in
competitiveness Legal and standards drivers
Some barriers for companies to design for
remanufacturing: Market cannibalization
Difficulty in keeping track of products (especially
for global / long service lifetime products)
Insecurities about the quality of products or
components Legislation can be a barrier for certain
products Internal company culture Factors to
consider while designing for remanufacturing:
Take a holistic view in the design of the product
(considering the whole life cycle of the resources)

4.3 Value Creation with Remanufacturing -

Remanufactured products are better than new,
owing to, amongst other reasons, resource
efficiency, lower carbon footprint, lower energy use
(in most cases) and less primary material mining
Remanufacturing ≠ recycling
Most legislation encourages materials of products
to be sent for recycling.Remanufacturing allows for
one product to have more than one life.An
important output from Horizon 2020 project ERN:
Remanufacturing is worth 30 billion euros in
Europe.Remanufacturing in B2B currently > B2C
space is open.Economies of scale have many
possibilities including cost advantages.
5 Recycle
5.1 Intro to Recycling - Recycling is the process
of converting waste materials into new materials
and objects. The recovery of energy from waste
materials is often included in this concept. The
recyclability of a material depends on its ability to
reacquire the properties it had in its original
state.[1] It is an alternative to "conventional" waste
disposal that can save material and help lower
greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling can prevent
the waste of potentially useful materials and
reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials,
thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution (from
incineration), and water pollution (from landfilling).
The process of recycling involves: breakdown of
the product into its basic raw materials, thereby
taking away its original energy and value, and this
needs the input of additional energy and resources
to make it a usable new product.
While better than placing a product as waste, via
incineration or landfilling, selecting reuse, repair,
and remanufacturing should be considered ahead
of recycling.

5.2 Design for Recycling - Recycling: the last and

crucial approach.
Design for Recycling has to be considered for all other
approaches as well.
There will always be waste at the end which has to be
By using a single material or materials such as metals,
metal alloys over plastics the recycling process is made
easier; however, it may also be contradictory to other
Use only few or one materials.
Use economical recyclable materials.

5.3 Value Creation With Recycling - Using new

production technologies provides new possibilities
and requires a different way of designing.
Junctions mostly add an additional material.
Not all materials could be handled in the same way
as cardboard.Familiar products produced with new
technology also require new thoughts for the
manufacturing process.
Two parts, two tasks, one material. The frame
carries the glasses which protect your eyes from
the sun.
Try to avoid creating disadvantages with the new
manufacturing method / approach.

6 Engineering Design Principles -

This section provides a number of tips for "design
for circularity".
First, we will remind you of the importance of a
holistic view. Imagine your product in a life cycle
perspective with the four steps:
End of life
It is important to take into account the whole
picture when you are constructing works, not least
to avoid moving from one problem to another.

7. Conclusion -

How the four re-options affect the resource

challenges (resource scarcity, waste and
environmental pressures)
Reuse refers to use of a product that otherwise
would have been discarded. Each reused product
saves the resources needed for a new product to
be manufactured and minimizes waste. The
tradeoffs of reuse are the energy needed for
transportation and cleaning of the reused products;
however, reuse is the preferred option from an
environmental point of view. Sharing and lead
systems are another reuse option.
Repair increases the products service life and thus
saves resources and avoids waste. However, the
technological development of some products
moves fast, which makes older products energy
and water inefficient.
Remanufacturing does not just aim at keeping
products in use for longer but it also brings them to
modern standards of operation. This can only be
done by remanufacturers with a change of
ownership. Remanufacturing saves raw materials
and prevents waste generation, but also requires
transportation and appropriate infrastructure.
Recycling refers to materials and keeps them in
use beyond the lifespan of products. Recycle
saves resources, avoids waste and introduces
energy use. However, in the case of complex
products and low concentrations, one can
experience difficulties.
It is important to note that decisions for possibilities
to implement re-options need to be incorporated
during the early stages of product design.
We have to understand that the Circular Economy
requires many changes in society, and remember
that this economy does not necessarily save
energy and GHG emission but leads to new
business models, products and manufacturing
processes that save energy and resources.

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