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Honorable Respondent,
We are the students of BBA Program, Department of Finance, Batch 16th,
studying in University of Dhaka. Here we are going to prepare a report by
making a survey as a part of our academic study. As a result some
information is needed from you. We can assure you that all of your
information will be kept confidential and be used only for our report to
fulfill our academic program. We are doing our survey on the following
matter: “Statistical Experiment on Teacher’s Cardinal Information”

So, your kind co-operation will be highly appreciated.

(Please read carefully the questions and just put a tick (√) in the
respective box or boxes)

Personal Information


Gender: (Please tick one)

 Male  Female

Age: (Please tick one)

 25-30  30-35

 35-40  40-

 45-50
 Above 50

Designation: (Please tick one)

 Professor  Associate

 Assistant Professor  Lecturer

 Others (Please define)

Name of Teaching Institution:

Name of Teaching Department:

Home Division: (Please tick on the division from where you came)

 Dhaka  Chittagong

 Khulna  Rajshahi

 Sylhet  Barisal

 Rangpur

Questions about Teachers: (Give tick mark(s))

1. Do you think teaching is a noble profession?

 Yes

 No

 Sometime

 Often

2. How much you enjoy taking class?

 Very much

 Good

 Little

 Average

 Bellow Average

3. What’s your overall perception towards your students?

 Cordial

 Sincere

 Insincere

 Respondent

 None of them

4. Which kind of university are you teaching?

 Public University

 Private University

 National University

5. What is the level of your remuneration on your view (per month)?

 Higher (More than TK. 50,000)

 Upper (TK. 40,000-TK. 50,000)

 Lower Upper (TK. 30,000-TK. 40,000)

 Middle (TK. 20,000-TK. 30,000)

 Others

6. How much time do you spend for teaching purpose (Per day)?

 More than 12 hours

 9-12 hours

 6-9 hours

 3-6 hours

 0-3 hours

7. Have you ever switched before came your present job?

 Yes
 No

8. If yes, how many times you switched?

 5 to 6 times

 4 to 5 times

 3 to 4 times

 2 to 3 times

 1 to 2 times

9. How much impact have you had while shifting your last job?

 Tk.10, 000 – Tk.15, 000 increases

 Tk.5, 000 – Tk.10, 000 increases

 Tk.10, 000 – Tk.15, 000 decreases

 Tk.5, 000 – Tk.10, 000 decreases

 Remain same

10. What is your level of spending on your view (per month)?

 Higher (more than Tk.30, 000)

 High (Tk.25, 000-Tk.30, 000)

 Upper middle (Tk.20, 000-Tk.25, 000)

 Middle (Tk.15, 000-Tk.20, 000)

 Lower middle (Tk.10, 000-Tk.15, 000)

Thank you for your co-operation on this survey

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