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( OI. ~ly undr arrt,•fd whllr I _ _ 1hr ~ C. dwelled D.

dwcled 3
· dlnnrr. Au: C ; 14. Choose tbe correct spelll■&- Ans: B j
/\. would cook 8 . had cooked I /\. cqualibrium B. equilibrium a
, C. was cooking D. cook . ~ C. equillibrium C. cquilabrium
: 02. Water bolls_ you but II lo 1000° C . ; 15. Whal ii lbe type or sentrnce? "Wh■I 1 .
A,i1: C ~ bfautlrul bird II ls!" A,is: B ~
A. unless B. unlil I A. in1crrog11ivc B. c:11clama1ory 9
C. if D. allhough ~ C. imperative D. assenivc :
: OJ. Yt11erday sbr wu Ille_ scbool. ~ 16. Tnmlate Into English: ~ ..-i -.. ~
AIIS: B a 111'1WI A,is: A i
A. fOf 8. 10 C. from D. 1bou1
: 04. She Is _ _ ■nlutown woman llrre.
! A. /\ll's well lhat ends well. ~
: 8 . All good is last good. ~
A,is: B !: C. Everything is good II lhc end. •
i A. a B. an C. lhc D. no article I• D. All well ends well. =
' OS. Sy■onym of lale■I ii_. ,f,rs: A • 17. Fort11■e smlled - - bim. Ans: A :C
A. donnanl B. obvious
:• A.on 8.10 C. for D. a1 •
, C. obscure D. unclear !" 18. Mr. Brll Is the person - whom l j
: 06. A.■loaym of convict l1 _ . Ans: D obl■infd lbe lnrormalion. Ans: A l
A. nucnl B. rich C. poor D. iMOCCnl • A. from B. al C. 10 D. for
; 07. Hr said, "The sua &1va us llpt"A,u: A 2 19. Would you mind _ htrt today. •
r A. He said lhal lhe sun gives lhcm lighl I A111: D ;'
• B. He said lhal lhc sun give 10 us ligbl ~ A. come 8 . have been coming
C. He said 1h11 the sun give us lighled
D. He lold lhat lhe sun gives us light
! 08. 'His behavior surprlsfd me' Ans: A
A. I was surprised 11 his beh1\ ior.

C. came p. coming
Neither or lbe two candid ales who h■di
applied 1'fr admlssio■ lo lbe Busintw,
Faculty - eligible For schol■nhlp,:
; 8 . I WllS surprised by bis behavior. •
( Ans: A
1 C. I was surprised wilh his behavior. A. was 8 . where C. is 0 . arc

D. I was surprised 10 his behavior.
: 09. "Promise should be kepi." Ans: B ;
A. You should keep your promise.
~ 21. I got my car -

A. rcparing
C. have repaired
Ans: B
8. rcp:iin.-d
D. 10 be rep.iired !
B. One should keep orie's promise. ~ 22. Waler c:banges - vapour. ..fns: C
C. One should keep his promise. ~ A. wilh B. 10 C. in10 D. in
~ D. a and c both arc com:cl. ~ 2J. Wblc:h one Is singular? Am,: ( "
; 10, 'Close die door.• Ans: C f I\ . public B. cruwd
2 A. Leubc door to be closed ; C. knife O. mice
: B. The door oughl lo be closed ; 24. What Is the noun or the verb •Dllp■n --.•:
' C. Let the door be closed • ,.fns: D ,
! D. The door he has 10 be closed ! A. Departed l:J. Dcpar1n1.:111
? II. We dkl■'t 1pead tbr ■lghl tbere. ller,f ~ C. Departing D. Dcparturc
i 'then' II•· A,u: A ~ 2S. Antonym or lhe word •Adult' is -
~ A. adverb B. pronoun , Ins: D ,
c C. noun D. preposition ~
A. MalUfC B. Old C. Aged D. Juvenile: ;
t 12. ne mm started la~. Hert 'late' Is • • ; 26. The c:orrecl 1111onym or the word:
I A,i.r: C c
~ A. DOIID 8. adjective C. advm>D. verb ! 'Oec:ay' Is -
A. Collapse
Aiu: D ,
B. Decline:

Plasmil.l - 156
~ I~•\\ 111,111 I ) \tf1•t1~1h
flit •i nnni 111 of ·•·nmpo•lrnl ' t, _ _ ,\111•, Im . II
A ,.-rl(' \ fl 1~,num C I "[ lJ \!,,I ti •
. fh\ .' It .
\ ,,,rnp,·11111 •· 11 ahk t'III In 1hr 2ap,
; ,17, TII ha11· "" n prnptrl~ "· h • -
,· f.•h C I) 1f1·hi h1
(°1iCNl'C lht CCIITl'l' I ~rrllln1t, ,.,,... ,\ ~ rlehl. 111 •• \
.\ 1·,,tbl'<•1,111,m l'l l ',,flahnrrnrion l A t'(on11m1c II pn11l1\ ii
, . oc· I fl r ,·.-i l
1 . l \•l,1f11•ralo.•n II. l'ullahcr:111011 ; JII. ~ s '"
Thr 11rlc, nf rkr are _ _ . 111 1 • C
(IICNl~ 1hr COl'TI't'I ~.rn1cnc1•, . ,-tn, : A ,
,\ r1,;;t•n H r,11,c:d
.\. llnr ', lini:1·1 pnnr~ art· d11Tercn1 frnt11 !
rhO!'Cof any n1lwr pcri.,111 · 19 r n !!lnJ.: f) f ,thll1!"
II l)nr's lingcrrnn1s arr d1 tTcrcn1 frnm '• . . " l'onu~r f1vou" lht hr:1vr"- ._,, ft•c r
am orh.-r f'\'l')(on , llu· pas,h·r forrn. .,,,,. "
A. Thr hra.-c urc l;11ourc,I t>y 1i ,rr,1111·
C. Onr'~ li nt:rrpnn1s ~rr drlTcr.•ni fmm t B. The bra,·c is f:i•·ourcJ by f.>1 11111.:
an,11hcr person ~
C. The br.wc 11 crc favoured b> 1 , 11unc

n One'~ fingcrprinL~ .1rc difTcn-n1 any · D. The hr.we ll'aS 1:1l'ourc,I by f11nun,·
orhrr pcr..<m. l 40. Tn· lo htllcr your c11ndi1inn. ll cr t'
ooe~ thr corrrct 1rntcmrts. A11.r: D be·u,r Is .; ;Ins: B
.~. he found I~ gold coin as he cknn~ ..'
A. An ach•crb 8. ?- .:rb
!hr floor. c
C, An 3djcc1ivc D. ,\ pro11uu11
B. Hr found lhc gold coin while he ~ 41. The horror movie scartd thc11, 0111 or
cleans lhc floor : their- An., : A
C. llc found lhc gold coin as he had • A. wirs B. li1·cs C. scat~ 0 . fund~
dr~ncd the floor. ~ 42. ChoOlir 1hr corrrcl ~olrnces-:fn.f: B
O. He found lhc: gold coin while ck-aning !
A. Many people died 10 1hc explosion
lhc tloof. ; U. Many pi:ople dfod from 1hc c.,plos1on
"" 1hr toiitd tnrnsJ11ions , C. Many JK'Oph: di ed in 1hc cAplosi,, n
.,__.,_.,i-n111'1111Mtt"'1,_, ~ D. Many people dlcd of rhc ..-~p!u,run .
AIIJ': ,\ ;• 43• ~~A'l!~t(Afil~t- ~ -
A. I hintr:d him 11 rhr marrcr. ~ ., .-4n.~: c·
8.1b~ him 10 thr mancr. ~ A, We have been !,:,imin;: English lrn111
C. I hin1cd him of lhr mancr. : our childhood
0.1hinted him ofT the mancr. , B. We arc le;1mm~ F.ngli,h )inc.: <>u,
- .. . ~, An1: A • childhood.
A. Let the bird fly. 8. Gire 1h.: bird fly. :i C. We hn1•c b~-cn lcnm ing Eni;lish since
C. Let lhe b!fd flying. D. Ltt 1hr bird 10 fly. ; our childhood.
- " " ' WWW 'N"I -.ft 111 I AIU: (' : 0 . \Ve l~am Engli$h from uur d1ildh1><lli
A. Idle people~ no1 oor liking. J 44. Find out the correct 5pellin~- .◄ 11.~: C
B.We did no1 like idlt people. ; A. Acomodation 8 . A,curnoi,l:uu;in
C.We do IIOl lilte idle people. ; C. Accommodation D. Ac,11111noda11.,11
_,..,s,..ll)'m .
~-We art not I~ be idle people. 45.
f "V■ledktorlan" mc■ns- .-411.,: A
12 , fl1Mty ,4111: D ~
B. 'lffl'1I . . iffllll~ '&l!d
,l liek B. Phannlcy ;' C. 'lfff f.rofttfflt 0 . t ~ >lfi'• 'Ill
~ 1-ilJ D. Welcome i
46. ldttltll'y tile nirr«t cosnpound "ord,'
.......... Aatllaym ~ 'Noun+ Noun' ..fn~: B ;
- ,4,u:D ,
t~ B. Delay
0. Adequate.
A. Lock-up
C'. Sw«t•lu:.ut
fl Ta., -p;1y,·r
D. S1run~•hold ~
•. t
.,7. \\'hlch 11 111, corl'ffl me11lng or ~, .
ti■,·, 10 htsll■llon call • 1p■dt ■ <
A. aner
C. behind
0. ni;ainM
I>. above ,
~pade"'· A,u: D
A . .,.. 'IR1 "1 WIIIII -rt.. ~.,.... I ~
57. The police Is lc,olllni: - - - the CHl•.:
A11s: D :
u.~\1Gra~'!~ll!t'l;a1 ; fl. ancr B. on C'. up D. into
1-'lnd oat tht synonym
C . ..ii 1lfin "'"'" c+,~Rii• ~ wt: I ~
r>. m 1llfinl ,m" ~ Roa .it "' , Appr■IH
~ ss. A11t: 0
A. Explain B. Cri1icism
411. \\'hkh Is lhe corncl me■al111 or ..Try ; C. Claboratc D. non~ or them ·
to~ rid ortbal rogue."' Ans: A 59 f E1b1ustcd Ans: A
A.'fl~~~.w, ~ . A. Tired 8 . Enc:ri;ctic
B. 9ittl1~""1'1""'1NCl'1-.t1 ~ C. Strong D. Lazy
C. 1lff fml ~ 5'N (lll . . I
'f 60.
r Select the antonym:
Inert Ans: D
49. CIIOON the cornet Hllleace. AIU: 8 • A. ldl~ 8 . Dull C. Dead D. Alive
A. He told a humorious slory. : 61. Commt■cc A11.f: B
8. He told a humorous story. • A. Hold back 8. Terminate
C. He &old a humourious story. { C. Reduce D. Send away
D. He told I humoarous story. ~ ldcnlify tbe corred spelDng: Ans: D
se. Rcss~•~"'~-..-i,·-~ ~ 62. A. Enclyopadia B. Encyclopidia
'°'1 Ans: A j C. Encylopidica D. Encyclopedia
A. No sooner bad he gone to bed lhan he ~ A11s: A
Cell asleep. ~ 63. A. Particular B. paniculcr
B. He wenl 10 bed and fell asleep. C. pcrticular i D. panicular
C. lmrnediaicly he wcnl to bed and feel ,
asleep. : 64. A. Bclivc B. Bilcvc
D. No sooner bad he gone to bed he ~ C. Believe D. Bi'lieve
''f slept. ~ 65. TIiey (play) slace morning. Ans: D
'~ 51. CWl◄N \ll'IPI ~ ~ "1NIII . . ,•.
C. had
A. are playing ,
playing D.have
B.ha\lC playing
been playini;
'°'1 A,u:A :,
A. You should get rid of smoking i 66. _ B1agladtthi1 are proud or tlltl,
8. Y 01U should get ofr smoking ; glorlou past An1: B
C. You should get up smoking ; A. A 8 . The C. An D. On
1 D. You should getting up smoking • 67. Wbtl't_? Ans: D
f 51.
O 11 11 111e correct oae.
A. Aoeelarlle
B. Accelerale ,
A. are you born
C. have you born
8. did you born
D.wen: you hon
i C. Accelcm_,,,_ D. Accdmie ~ 68. _,,_...~Wl«-Pli Ans:C
!53. Clloose tlle ew. It'd oae. Au: D !
A. They called for II doc1or
, A. Cluncellcr 8. Chancclcr r 8 . They called to a doctor
: C. Oumdicllor D. Chancellcw • C. They called in a doc10r
TIie ■ppmprlate wonb for Ile ca~
"Air pollldln - II ■ bfc ~ml to § 69. M tf\ i« .11'1◄H WM I
D. They called a doctor
Ans: D
, llvtas~lap" Aiu:C ~ A. He joined to the liberation Will'.
A. hl:I B. shows : 8 . He joined into war or liberation.
C. po11e1 D. poillla. i
C. He joined in lhc liberation war.
,55. A - • 40tl w ltup - - aoeey. 2 D. He joined lhc war oflibcration.
AIU: C ;. 11. 1,11 ~ WI t A11.r: A
A. OYffl( 8. for C. after D. to ~ A. SIie it weak in Ma1hcma1ics.
56, Y"r ■■-co•--111■el■ t11eJ 8. SM i$ bad in Mathematics.
1111. Au:A .
.......... lit .. IIIAIIIIOflJ.ll • " ....... flt• • ~ f l . l a ............. o,uiam,U.. •n.......fU.11 • f t ~ " l , I • "AWllt . . t'\ • .. Awail "

Plumid • I SI
• II~.- ·; ;~• " • . ..~ .. , ·~•---.... ... .~ ~
. . ... " Ill l\'HIIII . • ..
l!h·SIIC' ishr.iw ,n Mathrlllll1rc:n11111n. A l~l d, I lffl rn1tln11 • baolt.MA1n
: II
( Deist' I r <'O trft 'f IPffll ·:
11• . Aas: D
f R · <' '<:IHI rh:ic he it rro11hni: a "'•o l
· 1. A. Marntninn:incc 11 ·.~~lnlllflncc r · llr ~aul thnt 1,.,. wa.\ rc111hn
l! a ho,•
r. ~fa i,urncc-r 0 "I ,
C. fir
book. ·
• -
5a1'd tL- ,,.. h~v r hrrn rr;1,l,n& .,
' Alntrnallt'e
A• s: B r 0 .'/; satd the had been rcatlmg ~ bonk
·• A. llumo rious
D. lluniarous f 116• .,;
C. llurnomurus
Sticky (synoa,·m) D. lfumurious ~ 9", "'AIMIi, Aiu: c,·
Ai u· A ' A. Do '/OU know where cloc.~he l11c:•
·" ·
Ad..__ .
•= l\'C O GI
· P
f U. Oo '/O"·~ - ""
U• - where ,·s •-·.
c. Irony 0 rvdc: 1 C. Do )'OU know where hr is'.'
y11 1) ? D. Do '/OU know w~ rc has hr been'.'
(NC ll■vr) 1 •olld■y
Sanguine (an 1o■ · n
A. Choleric 8 S' kA ~: D ~ I?. We
.._ ,
sin ~ lhr·
C. \Vamnr... o·
p'c ~"•.ng_ J ~I i ll■IDJI or Ille )'t■r.
An.v: B ;
A. have nor hive · B. have not had !
- · ess;.m•~•oc ;;
15. ■a d
-0■1 II ■II r" mr1as
8 IIS._ C did noc L .
,.. vc: D. hav,: no, had ~
A. ... • Man or out side • 18 · :
C. •o" "' 1ast D. Thoroughly 2 • fill I■ bl■ nk w11• rtcllt oplloa "I ■m
16. W ul II tbc Vt rb or r•r word
• c
r loot!a& rorwanl -- -,, . yo■ • wA.v: A ·
A. lo sec in, 8. seeing

C•Io see O . ro ave sc:c:n .
A. "-·bl"ICI. iy
B. Publish
: B =. ,
C. Pn:.u D. Publicity J19. CllooH lbe tor rff l sswUln1. A11s: A
B. asscmin 1
M id i• • Is plunJ? AIU: D ~ A. ascenain
n. B. Anrooc ; C. uen ain D. 15.11tain
A. &c h A PffMD wlto wr ilff abo•t A11 bis own:
D. None c,- 90. s: D ·;
C. Someone Ulr- B d' ;,
A• I b·- ... .i.
i oa t Is die 1djrrdve or tbe word c, . ii Ill) ' :
IL M idI'> 1-&• "t"•'/ h
•f 1 C chron,c . Ie ob'
D aut 10g,ap Y • C
A, u: A •• .• .an
n :c ,
"Hold waler" mr■as- 8. pourAIU
• . 8 . Tax atio
A. Taxab le
I ·
91. i wa rer f
C· .,,, uab'I fly D. Ta.ti ? A. kc:rp water
D. drink water •
r• "" "~ - •
~ 1 AIU: C ;
= 92.
C. bear cu mination
We div ide d 111, mo•~ _ _ tltr two:
J A. Misfortunes arc 1lw1ys strong. A,u: D ~
8. Dangers do nor come alone.
i tbJJdrea.
8. in bcrwem ~
~ A. over
C. Misfortunes never come ■Jone. ; C. among D. bc:rwc:c:n :
D. Da ag m come in I body. H r'' "' ap - - (ootb■ II wllea s: be 1c11i
Mi ki! Ollf fs Ille mnlAfllr ronn. AIU
: C E 9J. An C !
.. D. Horse ~ 1111nied.
A. Deer 8. Bull C. Doe A. 10 paying 8 . ro play ;
IJaJeu your move. )'OIi wW die. M■ke ;
3, D. pl11y ·
A, u: D C. playing
II u 1111.rmatlYc Naftace. j
A. Move nOI IO die
94. f Wh it ■re )'N IO 1111,Y ~ ? Ans: D
A. lbo ul 8 . 11 C. aright D. for :
B. Move to escape dead!
; 95. M id i P•lr or words b syaoaymousfc;
C. Move ot die An s: A
D. To esca,,edead!, you ahould move. E
f A. Wu te, Trash u. Recycle. Destroy
1 Q r 111 die con'CCI ,r■ rac. : Au: C C. Reduce, Rubbish
A. f~ayt,ody have ,c,ae there. • D. Cooserve, Consume
8. Ewl)'bod; are gone lbare
96. ~i Tkameor"Pla-mo■ry.. ls_ .A, - j
C. .E va yb od yb u- di ae \
u: A ;
D,l!Vfl)t)odybuw eal-tberc
... 8 . All money ;
~ A. Bribay
I ,cu lv 1a _ _ _ e11ff-. AIU : 8 It
.. e... B
C r D. oa
•o J C. Money paid for COfflp(IISlliOII
D. Allowance made IO Jtdy
,,or. •-nc'!-!
l n. '"'
D-■ 't lee r ae . Au : B !
A. iii 8 . M C. ,o D. OD
,,.,.,._fl.M ,,... ,.,._ ,ua ,,... ,._. I'll• • ,t/,V .l flU
.. • II A W . . ,.

-.. ... -.. .1 1. 11 1. ~, ua •-

- ~ -..., . . . . . . . . AM
._,_ _
.... l'lll' corn-cl aclln· ,·nice nl "II 1, I>. I am ,lnnking wnlN
i.1111" n lo 1111• ho" II "n dunr In· i' IO'I. I wish I _ _ a kins:. ,In•: 11
him:• I~- An., : ( • · ~ A. was Ii. om ( . 1, ii " "' "
:\ . I .. n,111 h,,w he " as ,lone:. < I 10, Tran,lalr ln111!ll,h: 1llt'I ~
H I ~"''" ho11 he has don~ , '1"-,, •,,.,.
-I An.<: A
C. I .. now lio\\ hr: d1tl 'iL i
A. I om no1 in good km•~ with 1nm
I>. I ln11w how hr: done ii. : B. I am nol i.< good relalion,hip with h11
1111. The corrtcl wnlt•ct Is- Ans: A : C. I am nl>I no 1100d 1cnns w11h hun
A. An idlt' man is nc,·cr happy. < D. I am nol no good terms" irh hin1
0. The rich not always happy. ! 111. Tbr doctor ad,·lstd 1hr palfonl _
C. An infant sucks its mother. ~ AnI: ('
0 . The more I work. more joyous I reel. ; A. that no110 neglect hi, hcahh
99. Thr ••tonym or~tgnon" Is- Ans: C - 8. 10 nol to neglect his heahh
A. Disregard
C. Notice
8. Ncgfocl
D. Overlook :
C. not to neglect his hcahh
D. do 1101 neglcc1 your he.-ahh.
100. Wt gained lndrptndrncr from ~ 112. I sllll bavr _ mo•ry In my pockr
Pakistan la 1971. Hrtt ~ Ans:,\
'lndrp,ndrncr' mrans - A11s: B ; A. a liulc 8 . many C. few D. n re"
A. Finance B. Sovereignty ; 113. Whlcb oar ls the correct sptlllni:?
C. Customs D. Democracy i: ,~11., : D
IOI. Do you lbl■k you ___ open lhc ~ A. squirral B. squirnl
door for mt? A>ls: A ; C. Squirrocl D. squirrel
A. can 8 . may C. should D. could ~ 114. Tht word 'bounty' Is closest meani n
102. Ml111n and Kamal att \'er)' _ __ j to: An.f :8
Ans: D ~ A. familiar B. g;:ncros1ly
A. two 8 . going C. know D. similar , C. dividing line ll sympalh~
• 103. ne mu Is devoid _ _ commo• • 11s. w•tcll oat ts corner~ Am: A
sease. Ans: A !
A. susceptible 0 . Susccpl:IMc
A. of 8. in C. from D. about ~ C. suscq,1cbk D. Succptiblc
104. ney synonym of tile word ,.fullle" Is ·~ 116. Wblcb oat 15 tbc cortt<t Mntrnce?
Ans: B ~ .-ln.1: A
A. Fruitless 8 . Vain ~ A. plca.~c lis1en 10 my advice
. C. Trining D. Useless ; 8. Please lls1en 10 my ad1ie:c
: 105. ne l)'•onyrm or~HD1rlou1" Is- < C. Please listen a, niy ad,•kc
, Ans: B f
D. Please hear my advicc
A. Very smut 8 . very funny ~ 117. "Stady of nlipon• means- ..-1,u: A
: C. very small D. very large ~ A. Theology 8 . Orology
t 106. •He uld to me, tuak you" Ans: A ( C. Hippology I) Petrology
; A. he thanked me t 118. Tbt corrtttsptlllng Is - An~: D
• B. He said 10 me lb11 lbank you • A. Scc:rc111ria1e 8 . Sccr.uanatc
i C. He ~~id to me thanb 2 C. Sec:aratarict D. Sccrc1nria1
! D. He lo.lid me thank you !
119, N1frtS1 11ld 10 J1bter, •Go away."
1107. SM uld, , . ~ btlp me" A,u: D ! Ind Ired 1ptecb 15- .4ns: C
• A. She 511id help~ i A. Nafecsa asked Jobccr 1.0 gu awny
1 S. She ~ lbal I must help him ~ 8. Nafeesa requested Jabecr 10 go away

C. She said IO help me
D. Sbe requested lo help bcr ~
c. Nafcesa ordered Jab«r lo go 0\1'3Y
D. Nafees■ told Jabccr IO go away
2111. "Water wll dniak II)'_.. A111: D •
I A. I drink Wiler 8. 1 cbult waler I
~ C. I dNnlt water !
........ ,u.......,..... ,. . ............ , .......f!UII -~ ~ • ~ N J l •"·IM.... l'I, •"·W-Nl'I, • ftli,...., 111 \ • " \\IIIIIIIIP'!

Pluniid -160
1 hr rarn"C"I' 1l'dh~nrc. An.,.' II ..
11Hr1Y 1flCR'"•HI or lhc 1m1111J'laL1e1us ur ~
n. Wbu rn,.. 1n tinr'l
• '-\ ,
I •

LIi 1, .,listnc I arc li"~,r f

IJ. Thirl)' ,1en·cnt or rlw f'OJ')U~Olitllll nf ,i
rhi~J 't...~Uicl is pPDir . : J 29. Tita, pl-r1ure wa1 f10 ha",:l on 111-f wan. :1

.-ln1: D
C. Th~11Y. pcrcrnl~ or the r,t1p11latiuns of§

ihi~ d1:.1r1t!r arc 'poor . ~ A. hanged B. ro tu,r.g,
p. lltrirty pcrt tnl of 11),e pqp11J_a1ion f or C. 10 be hanged D hung
1 :
,~c d1s1riecs a11e JlOOr i
IJO. lilt IJPiiJi IWJ»itw 11t1fl'l'l'I, Ans: D ;
,1JI. _., ◄i.,ILl•.~·Tnnslale An.,: C ! A. ,He!· laughed and entered the roo~ . -
~ B. He cn1ered 1he ro,1m and 1au&hul :
,4.. Unknown•~ dark . ~
e. Not knO\\'n 1s ~da~ . ~ c. Enlerins the r,oom he J:1u1d1:1.-d. .
C~Jgntu11noc 1s .like darkness l D. He entered in10 the room laughmg. :
D. lgno~ncc .is darkness . . !
IJ.f . r.-1 - - · flt& WIPIHfl; I "!•s:
A ~
1.:2.. C'I a • :d 18 •""""• Alt
---~ : A. I.le 1ov~ 10 speak ~ngl11.1h. ~

B. He is Jikc 1.0 s~ak mg English. :.
rnasl11·e Ans: A
C. He is fond of'10 speaking· E,?sl'ish. ~
A~11 is Chat he stoJc the pen. ~
B. Clear that he stole 't it, pcTI. ~ D. He is fond of to speak Enghsh.
; 131 Fh:kl1e (Synonym) Ans : C ~ :
(', Clear 'thal he was stolen tbe pen..
D.. None, of die above~ ~ A. Cens1ant B. stable i:

U.L ilal eua 4"-rfiltl1'1Wt u61 "'1t- ! C. unsubrc D. erusrworthy :

d•s: A ~ Ill. Oral (a11ranym) AIU."' 8 -
i A. vocal B. 'written ~
A. Ille mow wcn1 past lhe tarp L •
B. Jbc lffOW new quickly avoidci·n1 rhe j C. verbsl D. bnltlc
aaqet l 134., Bln&kdesh Is l1ad _ _ _ la an;
•ttlv,e ,nrtllqu■ ke ZD'ne. ~,(nJ: C ;
C The mow wen, pass rhe l'DIJCI. ;;,
D. none ~ A. lies B. is lying
IM@•Se.lecl 'l llt A.atanym 'Tra d:'' C. lyina ! . ' ,D. has lied
. ll5.. Air pollution _ _ Is a big tbrr•l lo:
' !
Au: I
B. Doubl ; Hl'fBI thin ~, A11s: C i
~ Gusty
C. PIX'C D. BelieVie A. hu J B. sh~ws
D . po1n1S
Ill My l'ldler ■rrlted wlll e I _ Ille ,i C. poses
Awer. A,u1 C i 136. He •••ftd
me ___ nr,ey. Aas: C ·
A. woald caok cook a. f A, a:1 a. ror
c·. or D. with _
C.W11 ,cookin8 D. had tooted 1 ll7~ TIie correct paui-..1 or •Lee blm ,do8th~,
U ta.A IL ! warlc' II,. Aas:
Aiu: R i' An., : c·
A. Ahknl.'S.<
C. ,\t,ly
H. Ennhlc
D. Ahle
A. llomc
C:. Emigrant
h . Na1 ivc:
D. ln11ni1:r~n1 ;
141. lndk■tt' th, patt form of th, word ISO. c Synonym of 'Candid' is - Ans: C
'Rt'mll'. An.,: 8 ~ A. Skill 8 . Fickle C

/\. Rcmiucd 8. Rcmilcd ! C. Frank D. Unfa ir '

C . Remit O. Remitcned ! ISi. Choose lhe correct spelling. An.<: R
142. \\'hert' the word 'Rlgllt' Is used as c A. License B. Licence
,·,rb? A1ts: B f C. Lisence D. LicenlS
A. Nature knows how lo righl herself. ; 152. Tb, hen bas _ _ ten CUS· Ans: B ,
8. You arc 1hc righl person 10 do 1hc job i A. lied B. laid C. lain D. given :
C. I termed it as a righl j 153. Don't laugh _ __ a disable peopt,. !
. D. Jcmy st(!Od right in my way ~ An.,: D ,
143. Which Is the corrttt mea■lng or : A. to B. for C. in D. al • .
"·Tuhla 11 out sorts noww- A,u: D ~ 15'. The rrtmlaal _ arnsttd last night.
A.~'""'ll. I Ans: B )
B. ~ ~ i.,g, ~ ~ A. is B. was C. has D. had .
C. ~'"" fiist1t ""ft ; I 55. Enhantf (synonym) Ans: B
: D. flitt◄I 'lt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A. Reduce B. Elcva1c
' 144.
Wllat b tllf syaoaym or•vow• AM: B
A. Bewy 8 . Pledge
!. 156.
C. F:alse
D. Dccreas<'
An.f : A
C. Cbcal D. 'rrcachary ; A. C:all in a doclOr B. call on a doctor
'. 145.
~•"ID•, ..~,-~,o., I
Aa: D cl57. ~ - ~ ~ ~ ,
C. Call a1 adoccor D. Call ofa doctor
A. Fishes can 1101 fly, why can? s A. A Nazrul is_no1 born every year.
8. Fishes can not fly, is · ; 8 . A Nazrul wtll not be born every year.
C. Fishes CIMOI Ry, do ii? l C. Nazrul is nol born every year.
. 0. Fishes can not fly, can they? : D. A Na;,.1111 will not be bom in thes
= 146, I tllou&bt tb■t tlle pau- c:uttin11:, , fururc.
; ~ ....,. ◄! 1cc Ji - ...,.) j 158. The weather b horrible. I wish 11 .......~
; A,u: A ~ raining. Ans: B .
A. nffiled B. needs : A. stops 8. wiJI stop . '
; ~- need D. b.ld,need ~ C. Stopped D. ~ould stop ,
1147, 'N◄i <f4i Jll1 "" Wllkll: 159. An llonnt m■D nfver hanker ........
: tnulado■ ls cornet? A,u: A ; rtrlles. An.f : D ,
i A. As ID oraror Banpbondhu WU i A. for B. lo C. on D. ailcr
1 soc 1>1.d co nooe. § 160. ~ CW 'f 1 .-4ns: D
: 8. Al. a lecturer Banpbondhu was ~ A.The girl is expert al drawing.
second to - . ~ B. The girl is expert of draw.
C. As 1111 kn Banphonclbu was ; C. The g~rl ~ e~rt IO drawing.
second to DODc. ~ D. The girls 1s expert in drawing.
D. Aa I talker Banpbondhu u second 10 ; 161 • ...,. ~ P. A•• , Ans: D
; DOiie• . . , _ , _ i! A. The: examination is coming soon.
,141, Fad di• •t •. 1• •f'Aar■nte' ~ B. The fxamination will start soon. ,
Au: C ~ C. The exami~ti~ is beginning soon. :
C. Tolll8ke'MN1C
D. To ~0111e I. .
B. lo acc:usebe<l<ln,., !! D. The eumm11Jon is knocking :11 me:
door SOOll. ·
,,,.. - •f'l'\.\lllln1 \•f-t\,~J1 •Nt\ • flhW111 "
, ,..--"'" '"' • 11 •n111,u,, .n,,.,ou •1 •••r1"\f"' " ' " ""'"'u1,n1 , , ri11.'-011,,., , , ,,,,v
;• Slo"' 1nd stl'1dy _ lhr racr. An.f: C , 17~. lnste■d or •veraclt,•' wr c■ n s■y•
t• · .'+.. h11s w1in U. will won c · An,: I)
, r. win~ • I). win ¥ A. falsehood a. pnuriry
t Mi■lfts11tlon (S~·aonym) Ans: U ~ c;. illcgirimncy D. aurhcnricity
1'" ,\ . lnfcslntion . = 176. Blick holes ire produced by• An.f : A
a. ()ernonstrnllon i
A. huge black mil k ways
r. s101isfoction C. Combit111ion ~ B. huge s111rs
. tA 1 1 r0rm■tlon (1ntonym) Ans: 8 ! C. huge sun
1 • .4. Publicity B. Concealment c D. the energy of the huge sun ,
c. Intimation D. Communication I 177. BROCHURE me■ns Ans: B l
· 65. famous (antonym) A11s: A ~ A. Opening B. Pamphlet :
1 .4. 0paquc B. lllilcmte : C. Burccacc D. Censor
C. Pia« D. Immature I
178. Whal b the right translalion? lllft ~
.._ \\'~•• Is the mean,lag or 'Bottom line' ~ ~1 • Aiu: B )
1 Ans: D : A. J must go B. I wrll surely go :
,-. Final step 9. Endo to11nd ~ c. Go I must D. I sh:ill go forever ~
c. Last line of a book , 179. twilit~ Primary au1lll1ritt Kqwll?~
o. Es,sential point , A11s: C ;
i61. •&RRI' meaas Aiu: C ; A. I0wU 8. 14wU ,
1-. British Rich Resean:h Institute. ~ C. 12wU D. llwU •
B. Bangladesh Rural Research Institute. ~ 180. Past Pmlclple fonn or•Rerer' ls- t
c. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. ~ Ans: B c
o. British Relief and Rehabilitation ~ A. Refered B. Referred ~
Research Institute. j c. RelTered D. Reference !
l6l KJ1J the rat_• .stick. A11s: A : 181. The opposite world or ,1uc1lsb· c
A. with 8 . by : Ans: C ,
C. for . D. to i: A. Unstirred 8 . Dull ~
16', "Kaowledae 11 power" A11s: B C. Heavy f D. Slow ~
1-. Coleridae 8 . Lord Byron ! 182. Choose He correct meaning of th~
C. Hoppes D. Abraham i word Viable. Ans: C ~
l?I. a,c die door. A11s: D ! A. possible B. that can be ;
A. lbe door is shut ~ C. capable D. that I'll word ~
. B.Lettbedoorshut ; 183. Wlalcb world below cu replace Cb~
C. Let abut the door
D. Let the door be sllut ~ A. Broke
phrase •went Down'? Ans: A ~
B. Conversed ,
m. C..nllal (syao■ym) AIU: B ! C. Shartemt D. Splintered •
A. lovely B. dear ~ UM. Give tile antonyms or wonl ascead ;
C. bmrd
171 Buu (a.,..ya)
D. hearudlY
A111: 8
! A. go up B. stop
Ans: D !
A. Toup 9 . Kind ~ C. move aw■y D. go down
C. Had D. Strict i 185. Clloose Ille noun of 'repeat' A11s: D
"1 "DIN ..... ■ ea:> AIU: C ~ A. repeatedly B. repression l
A.'bed Idler • C. repetitious D. repetition •
B.oldleaer i 186. WbatkJ■dofaouals'clrl'? Aiu:B ~
C. law aot ia'Con:e __ I A. proper 9 . common g
0. lellel wunen by ,mt,w;,wn peaon ~ C. collective D. material ~
.f fl ..... lea' •1 • ta A.,: D ; 187, 'Hold water' means- Au: A ;
A.~ B. export " • A. Bear examination 9. Keep water c
C. ; lllt D. saiuaJe J. C. Slone water D. Drink water J.
.' .. ,,, ' ' .. .
, ,, ", ' ." ' ,, .
11111. \\'bat I!, thr ,·crlt ro, m 11 "·ord • 199. Thr iynonym or 'nepolbm ' b-
~horlhi)·'.' .◄ nI: A • An~: I>
A. ~111111,•n II. , l111rt ~ A. T crmr1sm IJ. IJc.~ rousm
l ' sht111,•1 0. shortness
111'1. Sri Rl•11r11pri11r word(~) as nrrdcd.
< '
C. lloohgnmsm IJ. Favorillsrn
;( 200. \\'hlrl, onr b 1hr corrtt'I ,prllint(!
,l1u: II ~ Aiu: H
,\ lnJusiry 1s rhc ~cy 10 success. ~ A. Councilor B. Counc1llor
H U!: "1'111 L1111J and we ull mu,1obey him ; C. C'rnmcillcr D. Cou11c1ll,ir
r Ex.1m1•lc i~~ rhun 11rcccpl. ; 201. The s}·rmnym or · rurllc' is• An.,·: A
ll. Filly kilomcrcrs ~ a long d1srancc. i A. Vain B. Useless
IIIO. l'hr meaning of •Nip In thr bud' b- ; C. fruirful D. colour
'An.f : A : 202. Choow tbr corrttl sprlllng. Ans: A
A. Dcs1my a11bc beginning ~ A. Malicious 0. Mcllicious
B. Rcncbing a11hr end ; C'. Mcllcious D. Mallicious
C. S1aning from the bct!innmg : 20J. Tltc antonym of'intrgrlty' a-..fns: B
o. Rcm◄wing a bud or a planl • A. Disliking 8. dishoncs1y
· 191. Thr muning of •Yellow dog' Is- ; C. Mis1rus1 D. Disuni1y
A11s: ,\ : 204. Do or die Is a- , ln.f: A
A. A wicked man B. A good ll13Jl ; A. Compound scntcncc.-s
~ C. A man or principle D. A pious man ~ 8. Simple sentence
! 192. ladlc1tt the correct sentence by a tick ~ C. Complex Scnrcncc
~ mark. Am: B ~ D. Not al all a ~n1cnc.:
: A. One or my friends arc a lawyer ; 20S. Whal is the meaning of the word
' B. One or my friends is a lawyer f
'infantry"! A11.r : D
~ C. One of my friends is a lawyer ~ A. fwro ~ 0. l!"\•,4>J111
' 0. One or my friends :u-e lawyers. ~ C. ~~ D...a,faa ,.rfr~t
! 193. Put a tick 1\lark for tht corrttt ! 206. I kaow bis birth 11l•cr • Make

St11iea«. A11s: C !< compln. An.,: B
• A- We wnte by ink. :' A. I know when: was his binh plac,·
' 8. We wnlc wilb ink.. • 8. I know when: he was horn
f' C. We "'rill! in ink.
~ C. I know his birth place where w:i.,
< 0 . Wt: write undC1' ink ; 0 . I know where he h3d born
; l'U. ht a tick mark for tile correct one: ; 207. ,'111A!._~ , ..fn.f:C.'
! Rrd lrtter day means- Aiu: C • A. We IL-am English from our d1ildhood.
~ A. Thr dliy of sonow. B. Forgoncn day. I
8. We arc lc:3ming f:nglish sine.· our
< C. Memorable! day D. Fearful day, ~ childhood.
i 195. He Is latrad ___ visldng South? C. We ha,-c bttn learning f:nglish sin,~
! Korea. A11s: A ! our childhood.
; A. IO 8 . for C. 011 D. from ; D. We have been learning 1:nghsh from
i 196, I • • I _ dud, Ans: D : our childhood.
f A. am 8. was C. have D. were § 208. i. '1fiwt1."il Aq1
f 197. nr Wot'd 'dlabetk' Is- Ans: A = A. Wba1 a piry it is! B. \Vhal a p ity!
< A. a noun ~ C. Wh.11 pity ii is!
· B. an adjective ; D. Whal pily is 1his! •
r C. both I noun and an adjective • f 209. Ull'III Ol"h 1111 AwR w ·, .4,u: B \
D. 1 noun ldjectivr 1 !
: 198• w•at khld or aou II 'cattle' .4as: C . A.· Thr boy is same M his father. ~
•· 8. The boy n:sembles his father. ,
A Proper B. Couauc111 C Th L -
c." Colleclivc o. Mllcrial t . e 11uy n-sem bl es as Ius· ,u1
r. h
er. '
~ D. The boy Is like hi~ fo1l1er.
•IIA...,IUJl •Pl,Alllal"l.a •"-'-,..."'" •"-'~ " ' " ' • l'\.IWll'.IPII'\ • " 4\WIIU\ t..l . . . .~ .. I./'\ •n ~\WS'I"' ·' .,, ,_,n,, •n. U-•l'I
Pl•smid , I6-1
,.-1 ". as uscu u.-..,. .-. ,,.,,..: I\ • A. R«ip1ion B. Rcspuon
, ' u.S.A B. M.A B. Apple D. Pen c C. Rescpsion D. Rcceptiun
~!di one ls simple se■t,■ce? ! 224. Cornet 1pelll111 Is - An.I: C:
A,u: A ~ A. Asma It
sa,ting dogs seldom bile. ; C. Asthma D. AsVJIIU
~ -[)o8S 1h11 bnrk never bite.
c·11odC dogs lhat ~rk seldom bile.
225. TIie 1ppntprl1te words fnr 1hr 111p, He
advlKd me - arnoklni;. _An,r: B
ri If the dog barks 11 never bite. . A. giving up D. to give 11~ •
\\;._, b 111, 1djfetlve or 111, word ~ C. in giving up D. from 111 vmg,
,Cf,rlt'? A,es: D f up
J.. Ci~ula~ B. Circulate ~ 226. No one c1■ _, __.,.___ lh■I hr Is •;
C circulauon D. None ; clc1v,r. Aiu: A
11~!1Titr lhc reatence- •ne i A. deny D. defy
•eadinaster and the lfCRt■ I')' or o■r
IIC•ool (bf) p~nt•.
! C. denounce
A,es: A ! 227. He objttttd __ my proposal.
D. discard

A were B. 1s C. was D. had ; An1: 8

•If I were JO■ ..,..,,..,:---,'' •C-plete tlte i A. at 8 . to C. by D. Against
_.te1ce ldcntil'yln1 tlle ■■IIWer. f
228, ~ ._ ~ 1 Aiu: A
A•1: B a: A. The nin has set in.
A- I should accept the job. : 8 . The rains bas sci in
9_1.,.-ould accept ~e job. ~ C. The rain have sci in.
C I will accept I.he JOb. ! D. The rain bas SCI OUI
O. I mUSI accept the job. ! 229. Be eanral wllm _ _ the road. '.
1\111 11 die verb rorm or Ille word ~ A,u: D ,
"eq■■l'? Aa: D ~ A. cross 8. Cros~ i
A. equalilY B. equally ~ C. cross over D. crossing ,
C. equaled . 0 . equalize : 230. lli◄ICR ._. '{fR ,._.. ,4,u: A •
Mat II die adjective form or tb.e word i A. Struggle this time is the struggle for i
'aply'1 A11J: B ~ liberation. •
A. implication B. \mplici~ • B. this war is libera_tion war. , . ;
C. impliciry D. Implosive !: C. This yean fight 1s fight for hbmltton. •
•PldJlldlfw II ■ ccrm rd■kd • j D. This years war is liberation war. •
A•s: 8 : 231. • ~ • . . , . tfftllff 1 ,4,u: 8 ;
A. medicine B. politics ; A. M■n docs nol live without air. •
C. llw D. t«hnology i! B. Man canllO( live wilhoul air. •
ftldl wwd II aOlt aearly the opposllt ! C. Man is IIO( live without air. '.
lflk 1'Wd "Deardl"? Alu: C ! D. M■n lives DOI wilhout air. •
A. Lack B. Poverty 2 232. Wbkb b ••e corn-ct seetence? •
C. Ahnll¥" D. Foreign I A1ts: B
lhdfy tlw cu.aect ~mpe■ad word , A. I wrote him yesterday. '
"Girad+ N•••• Au:_D ; 8 .1 wrote him a feller yesterday. '. .www B. Snow-white i ·c. I had wrillal him ycs1enloy. •
C. Pn D.81oning-paper I D. I bad wriacn him a lener yesterday. §
w. ...,,..11141 11 ae..,t ec,111po■ad word 3 233. Find oat die correct tcatcac:c.A,u: B ;
••1111.. +Mjtdlve." Au:D ; A. lknowtheEnglishAlphabcts. •
~ !..?f :
&e,Ditl 8. Hor1e power
D. Dull-a,,,y •
i 8 . O!ve ,w ~ to her.
C. His po8ries arc good.
" ' ~ ..,. ,_.. 19- AIIJ: A ~ 0. I take my meal al ltomc. ~
.... ~
B. Advat,
D. Noun
i 234. He only dJtd Jut week. Wb■t ls the:'.
i ~nrr,.,.f ( nm, ft f • hnua . ............... ., ~

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