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Clinical Therapeutics/Volume 29, Number 5, 2007

Empiric Therapy for Secondary Peritonitis: A

Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Cefepime, Ceftazidime,
Ceftriaxone, Imipenem, Levofloxacin, Piperacillin/
Tazobactam, and Tigecycline Using Monte Carlo Simulation
KathrynJ. Eagye, MPH1;Joseph L. Kuti, PharmD1; Michael Dowzicky, MS2;and
David P. Nicolau, PharmD, FCCP1,3
1Center for Anti-Infective Research and Development, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut; 2Wyeth
Research, Collegeville, Pennsylvania;and 3Division of Infectious Diseases, Hartford Hospital, Hartford,

ABSTRACT q24h, piperacillin/tazobactam 3.375 g q6h, and tige-

Background: Inappropriate antibiotic therapy (ie, cycline 50 mg q12h, after a loading dose of 100 rag.
the selection of an empiric agent without activity against Results: A CFR _>90% against nonenterococcal bac-
the responsible pathogen) of secondary peritonitis may teria was predicted for imipenem 500 mg q6h (96.8 %),
result in poor patient outcomes. The selection of an cefepime 2 and 1 g q12h (95.3% and 92.4%, respec-
appropriate agent can be challenging because of the tively), ceftazidime 2 g qSh (94.2%), and piperacillin/
emerging resistance of target organisms to commonly tazobactam 3.375 g q6h (91.2%). A CFR of 84.5%
prescribed antibiotics. was predicted for tigecycline 50 mg q12h. Ceftriaxone
Objective: The aim of this study was to perform a and levofloxacin were predicted to have a CFR <80%.
pharmacodynamic analysis, using recent global sur- When enterococci were included in the model, the pre-
veillance data, of commonly prescribed antibiotic agents dicted CFRs for imipenem, piperacillin/tazobactam,
and a newer agent, tigecycline, indicated in 2005 for and tigecycline were 93.4%, 88.4%, and 86.7%,
the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infec- respectively.
tions, to determine their probability for achieving mi- Conclusions: MIC distribution and pathogen preva-
crobiologic success against aerobic bacteria associated lence strongly influence the likelihood of microbiologi-
with secondary peritonitis. cal success in secondary peritonitis; therefore, deci-
Methods: A 2-compartment model was construct- sions regarding empiric therapy should consider local
ed using pharmacokinetic data from critically ill pa- epidemiology. Using current global data, the following
tients and global surveillance data on MIC distribu- regimens are adequate choices if Enterococcus is not
tions for microorganisms encountered in secondary targeted: Combination therapy (with metronidazole)
peritonitis. A Monte Carlo simulation of the modeled using cefepime 1 g or 2 g q12h, or ceftazidime 2 g
data was performed to determine drug-appropriate qSh; or monotherapy with imipenem 500 mg q6h or
pharmacodynamic end points, including free-drug piperacillin-tazobactam 3.375 g q6h. When Entero-
time above the MIC, steady-state concentration above coccus is included in the epidemiologic mix, imipen-
the MIC, and AUC/MIC ratios. A cumulative fraction era, piperacillin/tazobactam, and tigecycline all appear
of response (CFR) against aerobic bacteria involved to be viable monotherapeutic choices. (Clin Ther.
in secondary peritonitis was calculated for cefepime, 2007;29:889-899) Copyright © 2007 Excerpta
ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, imipenem, levofloxacin, Medica, Inc.
piperacillin/tazobactam, and tigecycline. A CFR
_>90% was considered microbiologic success. The fol-
lowing treatment regimens, administered as 30-minute Acceptedfor pubficationMarch2, 200Z
doi:l 0.1016/j.clinthera.2007.05.018
IV infusions, were examined: cefepime 1 and 2 g 0149-2918/532.00
q12h, ceftazidime 1 and 2 g qSh, ceftriaxone 1 and Printed in the USA. Reproduction in whole or part is not permitted.
2 g q24h, imipenem 500 mg q6h, levofloxacin 750 mg Copyright © 2007 Excerpta Medica, Inc.

May2007 889
Clinical Therapeutics

Key words: secondary peritonitis, pharmacody- stakes of empiric therapy selection are high. 3,9 In the
namic profiling, Monte Carlo simulation, tigecycline. absence of clinical data revealing clear distinctions be-
tween therapeutic agents, other criteria must be used in
making an informed selection. Microbial factors, such
INTRODUCTION as the focus of infection and the local resistance profile
Secondary peritonitis is a serious condition that may of relevant pathogens are important considerations,
be caused by spillage of gut flora into the peritoneum as are the characteristics of individual antimicrobial
via a breach in the gut wall, necrotic tissue, or diver- agents. The performance of a given compound can
ticular disease; the resulting inflammatory response vary--even when used against the same organism--
and abscesses can be difficult to treat and are associ- according to the ability of the patient to absorb, dis-
ated with mortality rates of up to 30%. 1-3 Compli- tribute, and eliminate the drug. Furthermore, agents
cated intra-abdominal infections (clAIs) require surgical from different classes of antibiotics assert their antimi-
drainage and d4bridement to eliminate the source of crobial effect in different ways; some may be time de-
infection, as well as adjuvant antibiotic therapy.3 Micro- pendent and others, concentration dependent. 14 The
organisms resistant to many of the currently prescribed pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of
antibiotics are increasingly encountered in clAIs.4 antimicrobial agents can be used as a basis for making
Inappropriate empiric antibiotic therapy (ie, the se- predictions about their success against a specific popu-
lection of an empiric agent without activity against the lation of organisms. Although clinical success depends
responsible pathogen) has been found to negatively in- on many factors (including adequate source control
fluence patient outcomes. 5,6 Several recent studies have and patient pathophysiology), effective antimicrobial
found a significant relationship between inappropri- therapies are important in the treatment of secondary
ate therapy and lower rates of clinical success (53.4% peritonitis, and increasing antimicrobial resistance may
[95% CI, 41.1%-69.3%] vs 78.6% [95% CI, 73.6%- alter the expected performance of commonly pre-
83.9%] for appropriate therapy), (OR of clinical fail- scribed agents. When considered in conjunction with
ure, 14.9 [P = 0.001]); longer lengths of stay (increase) of the latest susceptibility profile of relevant organisms,
3.38 days [95% CI, 3.38-3.39] vs appropriate therapy) pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data can be
(16.5 days for clinical successes vs 9.0 days for failures helpful in differentiating among therapeutic choices.
[P < 0.001]); and hospitalization costs (increase, ~1359 The investigators have previously employed these
[95% CI, 1355-1362]).6-9 Guidelines developed by the techniques to examine therapeutic options in clMs. 15,16
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) recom- The present study is an examination of the issue of
mend monotherapy with a carbapenem or ]3-1actarrd empiric therapy for such infections using updated
]3-1actamase inhibitor or combination therapy with modeling techniques--including a 2-compartment
metronidazole and a cephalosporin or quinolone as op- pharmacokinetic model instead of 1-compartment,
tions for empiric therapy. 1° However, a meta-analysis and pharmacokinetic parameters derived from criti-
of 40 clinical trials in 5094 patients with secondary cally ill patients instead of healthy volunteers--and a
peritonitis was unable to identify a difference in effica- recent and more comprehensive microbiological data
cy or toxicity among agents. 11 Tigecycline, which was set. A new monotherapeutic agent, tigecycline, is also
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in included, as is a parallel analysis to include therapy
2005 for the treatment of clAIs and is the first agent targeted to enterococci; these organisms were not
from the glycylcyclineclass to be marketed for this pur- modeled in the previous analyses. The purpose of the
pose, has been found to have activity against many present study was to evaluate options for the empiric
Enterobacteriaceae, against Enterococcus spp (includ- treatment of secondary peritonitis, including tigecy-
ing vancomycin-resistant enterococci [VRE]) and against cline, an agent newly marketed for this purpose, using
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. 12,13 The improved analytic methods and recent global surveil-
recommended therapeutic dose for tigecycline is 50 mg lance data on relevant pathogens.
q12h, preceded by a loading dose of 100 mg.
Because inappropriate choice of antibiotic regimens MATERIALS AND METHODS
has been associated with a 3.4-fold increase in the rate Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling and
of clinical failure and a mortality rate of -30%, the Monte Carlo simulation techniques were used to es-

890 Volume 29 Number 5

K.J. Eagye et al.

timate the probability of antimicrobial compounds isms that would be targeted in an empiric regimen for
achieving the maximum effective exposure against the treatment of clAIs. 21 Anaerobic organisms were
organisms associated with cIAIs. Pharmacokinetic excluded from the analysis. Since IDSA guidelines rec-
models were constructed for these agents, and then a ommend monotherapy with agents that cover anaero-
Monte Carlo simulation was performed, using data bic bacteria or concomitant administration of metro-
from critically ill patients, to incorporate patient nidazole with agents lacking anaerobic coverage, a
variability. The results from this simulation were fair comparison of all antibiotic compounds should
used to assess the pharmacodynamic exposure of include a parallel analysis of anaerobic coverage or
each agent against a relevant population of organ- assume that the coverage provided by concomitant
isms derived from 2 global surveillance studies. 17a8 administration of metronidazole would not be clini-
The following antimicrobial regimens, administered cally different from that provided by monotherapeutic
as 30-minute IV infusions, were examined: cefepime agents. Because this study already involves a paral-
1 and 2 g q12h, ceftazidime 1 and 2 g qSh, ceftriax- lel analysis for Enterococcus--whose coverage is
one I and 2 g q24h, imipenem 500 mg q6h, levofloxa- controversial--including an additional parallel analy-
cin 750 mg q24h, piperacillin/tazobactam 3.375 g q6h, sis for anaerobes was deemed too unwieldy relative to
and tigecycline 50 mg q12h, after a loading dose of the utility of the information that might be gained.
100 mg. The organisms of primary interest in this study were
Escherichia coli, Streptococcus spp (Streptococcus
Pharmacokinetic Model pneumoniae or Group A streptococci), Klebsiella spp,
A 2-compartment, multiple-dose model was con- Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S aureus, Enterobacter spp,
structed to determine the 24-hour steady-state Proteus mirabilis, and Acinetobacter spp. Data on
concentration-time profile for each drug regimen. Enterococcus spp also were obtained for use in a par-
Pharmacokinetic parameters, including total body allel analysis. Data on the following isolates were de-
clearance, volume of the central compartment, and rived from the TEST Program: E coli (n = 2833),
microtransfer rate constants between the central and Enterococcus spp (n = 1736), Klebsiella spp (n =
peripheral compartments, were the input variables. 2750), S aureus (n = 1579), Enterobacter spp (n =
Estimates of unbound fraction for each drug were also 2548), and Acinetobacter spp (n = 1491). Data were
input variables. obtained from the SENTRY program for the fol-
Pharmacokinetic parameters for each compound lowing isolates: Streptococcus viridans (n = 669),
under study were obtained from previous pharmaco- J3-hemolytic streptococci (n = 1764), P aeruginosa
kinetic studies of antibiotic agents in patients who were (n = 3136), and P mirabilis (n = 742). Because data for
critically ill, except for unbound fraction, which was MIC distributions for ceftazidime against S aureus
derived from the package insert for each drug. The and Enterococcus spp could not be obtained from the
mean and standard deviation for each of these param- TEST Program database, data for ceftriaxone MIC
eters were reported in the previous studies. 19,2° distributions were substituted.
Covariance matrices were either reported in or were The resistance profile of each species was incorpo-
calculated from data reported in these studies and rated into the analysis as described under the section
were applied to the pharmacokinetic variables during Cumulative Fraction of Response. As part of the
the simulations. analysis, species were weighted by their prevalence in
intra-abdominal infections; the prevalence rankings
Microbiology are displayed in Table I. The rankings were based on
Data on microbiologic pathogens involved in cIAIs data derived from a double-blind, randomized, com-
for 2004 to 2005 were obtained from the Tigecycline parative, Phase III clinical trial by Solomkin et a121
Evaluation and Surveillance Trial (TEST Program) 17 comparing ertapenem with piperacillin/tazobactam
and the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program. is for the treatment of clAIs. This study was selected for
It was necessary to use both of these databases in the timeliness and comprehensiveness of the data it
order to obtain current data on MIC distributions provided, as well as its appropriateness for use in a
against all pathogens for all antimicrobial agents of comparative analysis with data from earlier studies by
interest in this study. Data were extracted for organ- the present investigators. 15,16

May2007 891
Clinical Therapeutics

Table I. Prevalence of pathogens encountered in complicated intra-abdominal infections.*

Prevalence (%)f

Primary Analysis Parallel Analysis

Organism (Excluding Enterococcus) (Including Enterococcus spp)
Esckerickia coil 47.9 40.8
Streptococcus spp 20.5 17.4
Enterococcus s p p 0 14.9
Klebsiella spp 8.9 7.6
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 8.8 7.5
Staphylococcus aureus* 5.1 4.4
Enterobacter sp p 3.4 2.9
Proteus spp 2.9 2.5
Acinetobacter s p p 2.4 2.1

*Prevalence data were derived from a comparative Phase III clinical trial. 21
fPercentages may not total 100% because ofrounding.
tMethicillin-susceptible S aureus only.

Monte Carlo Simulation Cumulative Fraction of Response

A 5000-trial Monte Carlo simulation (Crystal Ball The simulation results for PTAs were used to calcu-
2000, Descioneering, Denver, Colorado) was per- late the cumulative fraction of response (CFR) for
formed using the pharmacokinetic model of each each antibiotic regimen against pathogens involved in
antimicrobial regimen to determine the probability secondary peritonitis. For each regimen, the PTA at
of target attainment (PTA) profile for each agent. each MIC dilution was multiplied by the percentage
P T A is the likelihood of a regimen meeting or exceed- of isolates of each of the modeled pathogens found at
ing a predefined pharmacodynamic target at a given that dilution. The products of these multiplications
MIC dilution. 22 In this study, the PTA was the pro- were summed to obtain the CFR for the regimen/
portion of 5000 trials in each simulation during pathogen combination. 22
which the target level of a pharmacodynamic index The CFRs for each antibiotic regimen/pathogen
was achieved at each MIC in doubling dilutions from combination were then weighted according to the
0.008 to 128 pg/mL. Indices were selected based on prevalence of the species in dAis; the weighted values
the pharmacodynamic properties of each compound were then added to obtain the combined CFR of a regi-
(ie, time-dependent or concentration-dependent men against all pathogens. The combined CFR repre-
killing). The pharmacodynamic index for bactericidal sents the probability of an antibiotic regimen for
target attainment was the concentration of flee (un- meeting or exceeding the desired pharmacodynamic
bound) drug remaining above the MIC (f T>MIC) end point when used to target aerobic bacteria in the
for 40% of the dosing interval (40% f T>MIC) for treatment of secondary peritonitis. A CFR >90% was
carbapenems and 50% (50% f T>MIC) for other considered the threshold of achieving a level of micro-
[3-1actam inhibitors and cephalosporins. 23,24 A total biologic efficacy that could be confidently relied on in
AUC/MIC ratio >125 against gram-negative organ- empiric therapy. 2s As a measure of significance, 9 5 %
isms and >30 against gram-positive organisms was CIs were calculated for each CFR, at a level of cz =
considered bactericidal for levofloxacin2S,26; these 0.05, using the Newcombe-Wilson method without
indices were >6.96 and >12.5, respectively, for tigecy- correction for continuity. 29 However, since the num-
cline. 27 Monte Carlo simulation was then performed ber of simulation trials can be increased until signifi-
to determine the PTA profile of each antibiotic cance is reached, clinical significance should also be
regimen. considered.

892 Volume 29 Number 5

K.J. Eagye et al.

RES U LTS by _>10%, principally reflecting the lack of activity

CFRs obtained for each of the regimens against indi- against enterococci. A similar decrease in predicted
vidual pathogens and against all pathogen popu- CFRs was observed with ceftriaxone and levofloxa-
lations combined are presented in Tables II and cin when enterococcal coverage was included in the
III, respectively. Agents with a predicted CFR _>90% simulation.
against nonenterococcal aerobic bacteria associated
with secondary peritonitis were cefepime, ceftazidime DISCUSSION
(only at a dose of 2 g qSh), imipenem, and piperacillin/ The organisms typically present in secondary peritoni-
tazobactam. The performance of these regimens re- tis are proving to be increasingly resistant to our cur-
flected their excellent CFRs against the bacteria with rent stock of antibiotics, which renders selection of an
the highest prevalence in intra-abdominal infections appropriate empiric agent a challenge. This study
(and therefore in the simulation): E coli, Strepto- modeled the probability that certain antimicrobial
coccus, and Klebsiella. None of these regimens dis- regimens recommended or indicated for use in the
played a CFR of less than -50% against any individual treatment of secondary peritonitis will achieve micro-
organism, and most revealed moderate weakness in biologic success against aerobic bacteria implicated
but one or two of the less prevalent species modeled. therein. The study incorporates the pharmacokinetic
Tigecycline achieved an overall predicted CFR of and pharmacodynamic properties of each antibiotic,
84.5%. Against individual species, it provided excel- along with recent resistance data from 2 global sur-
lent coverage of E coli, Streptococcus, and Staphylo- veillance studies. Pharmacodynamic profiling steps
coccus, with CFRs >95%. Coverage of Klebsiella, into the gap between available clinical information
Enterobacter, and Acinetobacter spp appeared to be and known resistance developments whose impact
more moderate, with predicted CFRs ranging from may not yet be realized. Furthermore, it has been re-
77% to 78%. As expected, tigecycline was found to ported to be predictive of clinical success.3°-33 Entero-
have a poor likelihood for achieving its target thresh- cocci were excluded from the primary analysis of this
old against P aeruginosa, with a predicted CFR of study in order to provide a better comparison of an-
1.9%. Poor coverage of P aeruginosa, which account- tibiotic agents; however, they were included in a par-
ed for 8.8% of the modeled pathogens--as well as allel analysis. The primary analysis predicted overall
moderate coverage of Klebsiella (at 8.9% of the mod- CFRs _>90% for the following agents: cefepime 1 and
eled pathogens)--strongly influenced the overall per- 2 g q12h and ceftazidime 2 g qSh administered as
formance of this drug. combination therapy with metronidazole, and imipen-
Ceftriaxone and levofloxacin achieved predicted em 500 mg q6h and piperacillin/tazobactam 3.375 g
CFRs <80%. This was expected in the case of ceftri- q6h as monotherapeutic regimens. Ceftriaxone and le-
axone, since it has been associated with low coverage vofloxacin achieved predicted CFRs <80%. Predicted
of P aeruginosa and S aureus. A predicted CFR of CFRs for tigecycline 50 mg q12h were between
74.7% against E coli was the strongest factor in low- 84.5% and 87.6%, depending on whether the analy-
ering the overall results for levofloxacin. sis included Enterococcus spp.
When Enterococcus spp were included in the model, The methods used in this study were designed to re-
the predicted CFRs of all agents were lower, except veal the relative strengths and weaknesses of these
for that of tigecycline, which increased from 84.5% to agents by modeling their performance against each in-
86.7%. Predicted CFRs for imipenem were slightly dividual species, and then weighting the results by the
lower; however, the overall CFR remained >90% de- prevalence of the species in cIAIs to determine the
spite a CFR of 74.2% against Enterococcus spp. The agent's overall probability for achieving microbiolog-
increase in the overall predicted CFR for tigecycline ic success against an unknown organism drawn from
reflects its potent activity against this species: it the overall bacterial population. The 4 antibiotic
achieved a predicted CFR of 99.6% against Entero- agents that were determined to have a predicted over-
coccus spp, providing much greater coverage than the all CFR _>90% in the primary analysis would be desir-
next-best performing agent (imipenem). Predicted ex- able choices for empiric therapy because their success
posures for cefepime and ceftazidime were substan- was attributable to reliable coverage of pathogens that
tially lower, with values for predicted CFRs decreasing have been found to be highly prevalent in secondary

May2007 893
Clinical Therapeutics

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894 Volume 29 Number 5

K.J. Eagye et al.

Table III. Cumulative fraction of response (CFR) of antibiotic regimens against pathogens implicated in compli-
cated intra-abdominal infections, by weighted prevalence, including and excluding Enterococcus spp.

Excluding Enterococcus spp Including Enterococcus spp

95% 95% 95% 95%

Confidence Confidence Confidence Confidence
Lower U pper Lower Upper
Antibiotic Regimen CFR, % Limit Limit CFR, % Limit Limit

Cefepime 1 g ql 2h 92.4 91.6 93.1 79.5 78.3 80.6

Cefepime 2 g ql 2h 95.3 94.6 95.8 82.5 81.4 83.5
Ceffazidime 1 g q8h 86.5 85.5 87.4 74.6 73.4 75.8
Ceffazidime 2 g q8h 94.2 93.5 94.8 81.9 80.8 82.9
Ceffriaxone 1 g q24h 75.7 74.5 76.9 64.8 63.4 66.1
Ceffriaxone 2 g q24h 78.2 77.1 79.4 67.0 65.7 68.3
Imipenem 500 mg q6h ~ 96.8 96.3 97.3 93.4 92.7 94.1
Levofloxacin 750 mg q24h 76.3 75.1 77.4 66.4 65.1 67.7
3.375 g q6h ~ 91.2 90.4 92.0 88.4 87.5 89.2
Tigecycline 50 mg ql 2h ~ 84.5 83.4 85.4 86.7 85.8 87.6

*Denotes monotherapeutic choices; all other agents require concomitant administration ofmetronidazole for coverage of anaer-
obic organisms.

peritonitis. When considering the suitability of the with prevalence rates of 40% and 47%, respectivly. 7,s
other agents for empiric therapy, examination of their Thus, reliable coverage of E coli should be an impor-
performance against individual species may be help- tant consideration in the selection of appropriate em-
ful. Since tigecycline 50 mg q12h appeared to reliably piric therapy for patients with secondary peritonitis.
cover highly prevalent organisms, including E coli, Although some investigations suggest that targeting
Streptococcus and Enterococcus spp (98.5%, 99.6%, enterococci does not improve clinical outcomes in
and 99.6% CFR, respectively), but not P aeruginosa cIAIs, polymicrobial infections involving Entero-
(1.9% CFR), it may be clinically useful in cases in coccus spp have been associated with increased mor-
which P aeruginosa is less likely to be encountered (ie, tality (21% vs 4% in postoperative cIAI patients
community-acquired disease). Levofloxacin achieved where Enterococcus was not isolated). 34-36 Imipenem,
its bactericidal threshold against E coli in <75% of the piperacillin/tazobactam, and tigecycline have been ob-
trials. Coverage of E coli is particularly important be- served to exhibit activity against Enterococcus fae-
cause this species constitutes a meaningful portion of calis. However, the database used in this study did not
the organisms associated with secondary peritonitis. distinguish between E faecalis and Enterococcus fae-
In the present study, based on data derived from a cium--against which imipenem has been reported to
double-blind, randomized, comparative Phase III be inactive. 37 In the parallel analysis, which included
clinical trial of ertapenem and piperacillin/tazobactam Enterococcus spp, only imipenem achieved a predict-
for the treatment of clAIs in 633 patients (intent-to- ed CFR >90%. Piperacillin/tazobactam and tigecy-
treat population), 21 E coli accounts for 48% of all cline appeared to be comparable overall, with CFRs
aerobic bacteria encountered. Two European investi- of 88% and 87%, respectively. Tigecycline had the
gations of intra-abdominal infections, a retrospective highest predicted CFR (99.6%) against Enterococcus
chart review and prospective study, reported E coli as spp, followed by imipenem and piperacillin/tazobactam,
the most frequently encountered pathogen in clAIs, with predicted CFRs of 74.2% and 72.4%, respectively.

May2007 895
Clinical Therapeutics

The results of the primary analysis were similar to In terms of microbiology, the surveillance data used
those of previous pharmacodynamic analyses of an- in this analysis may reflect the activity of isolates that
tibiotic regimens for the treatment of secondary peri- are different from, and probably more resistant to
tonitis by the present investigators. 15,16In those studies, treatment than, those encountered in the referenced
carbapenems and ~3-1actam/~3-1actamasecombinations trial, 38 in part, because of the practice of discontinu-
appeared to provide reliable coverage of the modeled ing patients whose cultures revealed organisms resis-
pathogens, and cephalosporins also appeared to be tant to either study drug. Furthermore, the prevalence
adequate choices. The fluoroquinolone regimens ap- of species in the clinical trial may be different from
peared to exhibit the same lack of coverage against that modeled in this study. While the clinical trial did
E coli as that predicted for these agents in the present not describe the prevalence or MIC distribution of the
study. Since the modeling techniques used in the pres- P aeruginosa isolates encountered, levels lower than
ent analysis were more sophisticated than those of the those found in the present analysis could explain the
previous study, and a broader survey of organisms comparable clinical cure rates found for imipenem
was assessed, the present findings are considered to and tigecycline. Indeed, the clinical trial data did re-
support those of the earlier investigations by the pres- port equal eradication rates against P aeruginosa,
ent authors. where the present study predicted a very large differ-
Because tigecycline was not investigated in the pre- ence in CFR for the 2 compounds (76.7% for imipen-
vious studies, data are not available for comparison. em, but only 1.9% for tigecycline). Similarly, the trial
However, an analysis of pooled efficacy and safety found comparable eradication rates for the 2 drugs
data from clinical trials reported comparable clinical versus E faecalis, although no data regarding E faeci-
cure rates for tigecycline and imipenem among the mi- urn or VRE specifically was shown. However, the trial
crobiologically evaluable group of patients (86.1% determined eradication by clinical response, noting
and 86.2%, respectively).3s These findings differ from that follow-up cultures were not obtained for a majori-
those of the present study, which indicate a statisti- ty of patients, and the CIs around these results are
cally significant--although not entirely dissimilar-- wide. (For example, for eradication of E faecalis, the
difference between these 2 drugs, illustrating the trial reported a rate of 78.8% for tigecycline [95% CI,
common conundrum of statistical versus clinical sig- 61.1%-91.0%].)
nificance. Although ex-vivo analyses have been re- Research methods used to predict real-world sce-
ported to be predictive of clinical results for narios often rely on assumptions that may or may not
comparison of antibiotics within the same analysis, hold true in actual clinical practice. The primary as-
comparing the results of specific trials can be difficult sumption of this analysis was that the MIC distribu-
because they may be based on different assumptions. tions that an agent will encounter when used as
In the present analysis, microbiologic response was empiric therapy in a secondary peritonitis patient will
isolated from other factors that could potentially in- resemble the MIC distributions found worldwide,
fluence clinical response so that distinctions could be which are modeled in this study. Clearly, local--and
made solely on the particular characteristics of each institutional--MIC distributions may differ. However,
agent. The specific assumptions of this model were the susceptibility profiles derived from the TEST and
that appropriate surgical source control could always SENTRY databases were similar to those found using
be obtained and that each antibiotic/pathogen combi- either global or North American surveillance data in
nation had an equal chance of success (since all other previous studies by the present investigators. 39 Be-
factors were held constant). This may not be the case cause the resistance profiles of target isolates strongly
in the clinical setting, however, particularly with influence microbiologic success, local data should be
polymicrobial infections. The model used in the pres- incorporated into empiric therapy decisions whenever
ent study does not predict efficacy against polymi- possible. A secondary assumption of this analysis was
crobial infections specifically, but rather to each or- that the prevalence of the modeled species (derived
ganism individually that might be present in from a 2003 clinical trial) fairly reflects current local
clAIs. In actual clinical practice, the eradication of prevalence. Assumptions external to the analysis in-
one pathogen may affect the growth or eradication of clude those elements whose absence would render
another. even the most efficacious antibiotic moot, such as

896 Volume 29 Number 5

K.J. Eagye et al.

the successful attainment of source control and a data from the SENTRY Program database. The
sufficiently immunocompetent host. Factors that are authors also thank Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for its con-
unrelated to the eradication of organisms but could tribution of MIC data from the TEST surveillance
potentially affect clinical outcomes, such as underly- program.
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39. Kuti JL, Nicolau DP. Making the
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Diag,n Microbio[ Infect Dis. 2005;53:

Address correspondence to: David P. Nicolau, PharmD, FCCP, Center for

Anti-Infective Research and Development, Hartford Hospital, 80 Seymour
Street, Hartford, CT 06102. E-mail:

May2007 899

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