Cold War Infographic Absent Assignment

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Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan

The Truman Doctrine is also known as the basis of the American Cold War
policy. It made intentions clear to contain soviet ideals and the USSR’s expansion.
This doctrine was created in the Truman (Harry S. Truman) administration. It would
allow the United States to provide political, military, and economic assistance to
democratic nations under the threat of authoritarian forces (the USSR).

The Marshall plan (1948) was a recovery program intended to provide relief to
Western Europe following World War II. It provided billions of dollars to these
countries. It would fund the reconstruction of cities, industries, and infrastructures
and further commerce between Western Europe and America. A hidden intent in this
plan was to halt the spread of communism in these areas during the Cold War and is
considered a catalyst for the formation of NATO, a military alliance.

2.The Iron Curtain

The Iron Curtain is a political boundary separating Europe into west and east
during the Cold War. This was created by the USSR to seal itself off from the
western world and create independence from western ideals and protect its
communist ideals. This created a social divide as well since each side had little
information about this other following the establishment of the curtain.

3.Containment Policy

Containment Policy is a military strategy used to halt enemy expansion and is

used during the Cold War by the United States and its western allies in order to
prevent the spread of communism internationally. It intended to reduce the Kremlin’s
control and influence.


NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as the Atlantic
Alliance. This is an international organization for political and military support. This
organization aims to guarantee and protect the sovereignty of nations. This
organization was founded on April 4th, 1949 to limit the political and social influence
of the Soviet Union. NATO was the first peacetime military alliance.

5.Soviet Blockade/Berlin Airlift

The soviet blockade during the Cold War began when the Soviet Union
blocked all transportation (road and rail traffic) to and from West Berlin. This was
done in an attempt to limit the ability of western nations (US, Great Britain, and
France) to travel and control their territories within Berlin and to abandon their
territories. The Berlin Airlift was a response to the Soviet Blockade. The United
States and the United Kingdom airlifted food, fuel, and other supplies in and out of
Berlin from their airbases in Western Germany to continue their control over their
territories and to provide people within these areas with essentials.

6.Warsaw Pact

This pact is a treaty within the Soviet Union to establish a mutual defense that
put the Soviets in control of armed forces and its satellite states. This unified and
systematically strengthen the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

7.Mutual Assured Destruction

MAD is essentially exactly what it sounds like. This is a promise between two
nations that if one attacks, they will attack each other with such nuclear force so that
both nations would be eventually annihilated. This, of course, created tension during
the cold war since both sides had overwhelming nuclear forces, but knew that the
impact of attacking would be devastating for their own country. Ultimately, this
prevented any full-scale military conflicts/violence between the US and the Soviet
Union although they engaged in small proxy wars around the world.


This is a game in politics/militaries between countries when they attempt

advantageous outcomes by following a path that may lead to conflict but stopping at
the brink before it escalates into violence. This meant bluffing an enemy into thinking
it would be attacked, but not actually attacking them. Brinkmanship characterizes the
relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

9.U2 Spy Plane Incident

The U2 plane was an American spy plane that was surveying the USSR. It
was shot down of Soviet air space. The plane gathered data on soviet missiles with
photographs taken from this plane. The USSR’s discovery of this plane forced
Eisenhower to admit to CIA spy missions that had been operating over the USSR for
years. The USSR captured and sentenced Powers, the pilot to 10 years in prison
before participating in a prisoner exchange with the US two years later. This further
heightened tensions between the two world powers.

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