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State should react to auto ‘black box’ mandate

The federal government is more formally as event data benefit from the devices should installed in vehicles by the manu-
inching closer to requiring all recorders, are favored by law be concerned about access to facturer. That was a first step.
passenger vehicles to be enforcement and insurance com- their vehicle’s data and the inter- States can and should legislate
equipped with “black box” panies for obvious reasons fol- pretation of that data. the legal limits of these devices.
recorders, the kind mostly associ- lowing collisions and even crimi- Major auto accidents with What is their admissibility in court
ated with aircraft-crash recon- nal activities. injuries or deaths are one thing. proceedings? Who is an expert in
The black boxes have been One suspects that the loathsome data interpretation? Is a search
struction. around for years in various forms.
Final details have yet to be aspect of black-box data would warrant required to obtain the
Some are self-contained units, come from more minor events. data? These arenas are all within
worked out, but the National some are part of airbag deploy-
Highway Traffic Safety Would, say, a car-rental company the purview of individual states.
ment systems and some are inte- impose fees because a clerk
Administration is expected to grated with other information The idea of people wearing
announce the requirement with- determined its vehicle was used black boxes would be laughable.
devices, such as OnStar. The above the speed limit? What
in a month, according to several NHTSA rule would likely specify The idea that homes contain
news accounts. about retroactive tickets for not event recorders available to law
the types of data to be recorded
If so, it would mark the contin- and the way it is to be stored for wear a seat belt, or speeding, or enforcement would be a non-
uation of a disturbing trend later use. not fixing a broken tail light? starter. Isn’t a similar intrusion
toward government intrusion Personal privacy is a huge California was the first state to into private vehicles just as over-
into the personal lives of its citi- issue in the use of these devices. require notification to car buyers reaching?
zens. The black boxes, known Even those who see potential that event data recorders are — Today’s News-Herald


What really was

won in Refuge vote?
This letter is to Dennis Shilling in response to Mr.
Shilling’s post on the forum at

Forum: “WE WON!!!!!

To All — We won, and we won big.
‘Thank you’ to all of you that supported the cause and
helped to communicate the message.
As we look back I think we will all agree that this was
truly a Grass Roots effort. YOU have made a difference.

What was won? New jobs? No.New tax revenues for the
city? No. New visitor attraction? No. A better economic
growth agenda? No.An improved reputation for better
business environment? No. Complying with the unani-
mous vote by a freely elected City Council? No.
I am hard pressed to find more than 1 percent of peo-
ple who truly understood what they voted against. It
reminds me of the vote against our schools. When the full
facts were known, the “no” voters admitted that they erred
in voting against the last school referendum. I expect the
same will happen with this vote.
I fully support the democratic/representative process.
That is why we elected reasonable City Council members
who unanimously approved the annexation. Why would
any reasonable person ever serve on the City Council
OTHER VIEWS I attended each public meeting and kept an open
mind. I evaluated all the facts and took the effort to sort

The old taboos, back in the news through the false rhetoric. I personally spoke to many
people on both sides of this annexation issue.
I do not think the election result was indicative of what
Sex, power, class and race. The became the majority population. a fully informed public would have preferred. But then
scandals encircling French politi- Historian Woodrow Borah identi- again, the masses have been fooled before, just look
cian Dominique Strauss-Kahn, fied the one policy that con- through history.
who is accused of sexually assault- tributed most to the mixture in Congrats. A pyrrhic victory for your special interest
ing an African-born maid in New Mexico as the Spanish crown’s group.
York, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, decision in 1630 to allow Indian Gary Meyers
who has confessed to having a GREGORY laborers to contract individually Lake Havasu City
child out of wedlock with a Latina RODRIGUEZ with their Spanish overlords. The
housekeeper, for all their differ- conquest set the stage; the eco- ‘Nay-sayers’ stifle positive growth
ences, conjure major taboos. plained of the sexual ‘harassment’ nomic relationship did the rest. Editor:
The stories hold our attention that went along with domestic Of course, in Rome, India, Subject: Your Friday the 20 editorial
not just because they involve pow- work, especially as a ‘sleep-in- Mexico and the Deep South, it’s I totally agree with you on the philosophy behind the
erful men brought down to size maid.’” hard to say how many liaisons Refuge annexation vote. There is that small, but vocal,
(always an American favorite) but Historians see two constants in were rape and how many were minority that seems to continue to be able to stifle any-
because they remind us of the the history of miscegenation. One consensual. It’d be equally hard to thing in terms of positive growth in Lake Havasu.
often hidden history of interracial is the element of labor: worker and say that love was never present. In
boss, slave and master. In societies In fact, when I attended the speech by the ASU
sex, and its roots in global migra- the case of colonial Mexico, subju- President the other day, I was surprised that there weren’t
tion, labor markets and social hier- that demanded separation of gation, exploitation and disease
races, economics worked against any NO TO ASU signs to be found. I guess I’ll just have to
archies. decimated the native population, wait.
For much of U.S. history, misce- it. Whatever else the work relation- leaving some Indian women to
ship was, it was also just that, a If the “nay-sayers” are dollar conscious, they can get a
genation — racial mixing — was a seek refuge in the arms of the con- deal if they also have the NO TO THE ENGLISH VILLAGE
bad word deemed unacceptable in relationship. The opposite of sepa- querors.
ration. The second element was DEVELOPMENT signs printed at the same time.
polite white society. Paradoxically, Today, in America the decision Havasu residents: Wake up before you are living in a
however, it was polite white socie- that relationship’s inequality. to date or marry across racial or
Bosses always have power over clone of Needles.
ty that was most responsible for ethnic lines generally happens in a Michael Mathers
that mixing, most often with employees, and the more unequal social sphere where there is basic
the relationship, the more likely it Lake Havasu City
women who worked in their equality. Janny Scott’s new biogra-
households, as slaves and later as is to result in illicit sex. phy of Stanley Ann Dunham
servants. shows this precisely, as Barack
In 1935, W.E.B. Du Bois wrote slaves — and sexual partners — of Obama’s mother meets and mar- LETTERS POLICY
that the “white race which today those they conquered. In his histo- ries a fellow student at the
ry of the Roman Empire, Paul Today’s News-Herald welcomes letters from our readers.
resents race mixture in theory has University of Hawaii who happens
Veyne writes that it created oppor- Letters must be signed, and a telephone number and address
been chiefly responsible for the tunity that led to temptation. to be Kenyan.
systematic misuse and degrada- But Schwarzenegger’s liaison must be listed to help in verifying the identity of the letter writer.
“There was a word for husbands Letters are limited to 300 words. We will run letters by a given
tion of darker women.” who gave in to that temptation: with a housekeeper and Strauss-
In the antebellum South, virtu- Kahn’s alleged criminal behavior author once per month. We reserve the right to edit all letters.
ancillariolus, maid-chaser. Their Libelous or letters in poor taste or making personal attacks will be
ally every plantation produced wives despaired of them.” with a hotel maid — if true — sug-
mixed-race children. The 1860 gest that not everything has edited or not published. Letters about specific businesses will not
Nearly two millennia later, be published.
census classified 588,532 persons under the British Raj in India, changed. The stories are different
as mulattoes, largely the offspring English “gentlemen” openly pur- in dozens of ways, not the least of MAIL LETTERS TO: Editor, Today’s News-Herald
of illicit master/slave relations. sued interracial sexual liaisons which are criminal charges in one 2225 W. Acoma Blvd. | Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Cornell University historian with household help. An early 19th and not the other. But the similari- or e-mail to
Edward E. Baptist has observed century guidebook for men bound ty is just as unavoidable, the echo
the widespread use of the term for the civil, military or naval serv- of inequality. What has been HOW TO CONTACT ...
“fancy maid” in the U.S. slave ice of the Honorable East India Co. admitted to in Brentwood and
Lake Havasu City Council Lake Havasu Unified School
trade, which referred to women listed ways Englishmen could find alleged in New York City is nothing 2330 N. McCulloch Blvd. District
considered sex workers first and native women who would be if not the dark side of the global Phone Number: 928-453-4140 Governing Board Members
housekeepers second. “bosom friends” as well as house- melting pot. Mayor Mark Nexsen
2200 Havasupai Blvd.
Even after slavery ended, sexual keepers. Gregory Rodriguez is executive Lake Havasu City Council
exploitation of black servants by The North American colony director of the Center for Social Phone Number (928) 453-4140 /board.htm
Cohesion at Arizona State Vice Mayor Don Callahan
white employers continued. that was the most profoundly Council member Dean Barlow (928) 505-6900
According to Calvin College sociol- affected by this type of unequal University and a columnist for the Council member Lee Barnes Jo Navaretta, president
ogist Barbara Omolade, “black relationship wasn’t the American Los Angeles Times. Readers may Council member Sonny Borrelli Pat Rooney, vice president
Council member David McAtlin Ross Hobday, member
women domestic servants in every South but Mexico. Over the cen- send him email at Council member Margaret Nancy Iannone, member
region of the country ... com- turies, racially mixed people there Nyberg Randy Troyer, member

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