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Front Matter

Source: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Autumn, 1977)

Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 03-08-2021 15:15 UTC

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Critical Inquiry

Autumn 1977 Volume 4 Number 1

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Editor Sheldon Sacks
Coeditors Wayne C. Booth Robert E. Streeter

Managing Editor Mark Warren McLaughlin

Editorial Assistant Toby Rachel Gordon
Editorial Consultant Linda Smith Rhoads

Editorial Board M. H. Abrams Leonard B. Meyer

James S. Ackerman James E. Miller, Jr.
Marie Borroff J. Hillis Miller
Kenneth Burke Bruce Morrissette
John G. Cawelti Kenneth Northcott
Richard Ellmann Elder Olson
Thomas Flanagan Morris Philipson
Northrop Frye Cameron Poulter
E. H. Gombrich Ralph W. Rader
Philip Gossett Harold Rosenberg
Barbara Hardy Barbara Herrnstein Smith
E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Catharine R. Stimpson
Joseph Kerman Stuart M. Tave
Gwin J. Kolb Joshua C. Taylor
Jerome J. McGann Edward Wasiolek
Robert Marsh

Editorial Correspondence Sheldon Sacks, Critical Inquiry, Wieboldt Hall,

University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637.

Published quarterly in Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Sum-

mer by The University of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60637.

Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. @1977 by

The University of Chicago.
All rights reserved. Printed iii U.S.A.
ISSN 0093-1896

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Autumn 1977, Volume 4, Number 1

ARTISTS ON ART 1 Alain Robbe-Grillet

Order and Disorder in Film and Fiction

Siegmund Levarie 21 Noise

Robert P. Morgan 33 On the Analysis of Recent Music
Stefan Morawski 55 Contemporary Approaches to Aesthetic
Inquiry: Absolute Demands and Limited

Frank Anderson Trapp 85 The Emperor's Nightingale: Some Aspects

of Mimesis

Robert Scholes 105 Toward a Semiotics of Literature

Peter J. Rabinowitz 121 Truth in Fiction: A Reexamination

of Audiences

Dennis Porter 143 The Perilous Quest: Baseball as Folk Drama

Elder Olson 159 A Conspectus of Poetry, Part I
Behaviorism and Deconstruction:
A Comment on Morse Peckham's
"The Infinitude of Pluralism"

194 II. Robert Denham

The No-Man's Land of Competing

203 III. Notes and Exchanges

Rene Wellek and Wayne C. Booth
Joseph F. Ryan and Jean H. Hagstrum

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Published quarterly in Autumn, Winter, Spring, and

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