Discipline Essay

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Discipline and Work Ethic by Bri Brider

Discipline is the practice of good behaviour, obeying rules and ambitious standards
in education we see discipline being used for keeping order and a system to show
staff respect and future employers how we conform in a professional setting.

In a theatrical term we use discipline and expect excellent work ethic to present and
perform to the best of the actor's ability. In the future when working in a company or
working alongside actors that show true professionalism only then I will understand
and convey true discipline. Throughout high school and college I have been
surrounded by individuals who do not take discipline, or they are work ethic seriously
and as an individual who sees a clear future in performing arts want better for myself
and others who are willing to go the extra mile to be seen by tutors and teachers who
only focus on those individuals who continue to disrespect the staff.

What does work ethic mean to me as a student?

As a student work ethic means working hard in classes and showing knowledge,
respect, understanding and discipline towards the objective at hand. Discipline falls
under the category of a good and helpful work ethic to achieve the best result out of
this course; however, work ethic is not always easy and can be difficult to achieve
and understand in certain situations such as in a homely environment or around
individuals who continually distract other pupils from the task at hand. In our college
we have a newfound family respect for each other and feel as though we all trust and
depend on each other whilst we enjoy having fun and light-hearted conversations
occasionally, they can step out the box of disciplinary and working smarter. Joining
into Performing Arts level 3 I have found individuals with a similar story and similar
goals and similar life and similar dynamic as me.

What does professionalism mean to me as a student?

As a student I value my creativity, my teamworking skills, these are especially
important in a professional environment as it shows I can be myself and voice my
ideas while maintaining a professional mindset and outlook on what I am doing.
Teamworking is important in a professional environment as this also demonstrates
my ability to work with others in a professional setting with others who have the
same mindset. Being able to show these in a professional setting is important as it
shows my mindset towards my work and who I am working with. Creativity is
important in contrast with teamworking as being comfortable but being able to be
creative shows that I can work at a high standard as I am comfortable with what I am
doing and who I am working with, Alongside with these two skills, being polite and
maintaining a professional etiquette is important as this shows that I am able to stay
composed and serious about the work I am doing, this includes being polite and
having manners, being on time etc. Being able to maintain a polite mindset is also
important when maintaining the environment, I am working in as nobody wants to
work with someone who is rude and doesn’t have manners, its also important as it
makes me and the others around me comfortable in a professional setting

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