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Date of Birth: September 17, 1953
Married, two children (ages 10 and 7)

Home Address: Office Addresses:

41 Autumnwood Dr. Dept. of Linguistics Academic Programs &
Newark, DE 19711 & Cognitive Science Planning
(302) 234-9493 46 E. Delaware Ave. 212 Gore Hall
University of Delaware University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 Newark, DE 19716
(302) 831-6706 (302) 831-1173
FAX: (302) 831-6896 FAX: (302) 831-2029

Web site:

University of Pennsylvania, 1971-1973, Spanish & General Literature
Glassboro State College (now Rowan University), 1973-1975, B.A. (magna cum
laude) English
Louisiana State University, 1975-1977, M.A., Linguistics
Northwestern University, 1977-1979, Ph.D., Linguistics


Assistant Professor, English, University of Delaware, 1979-1982
Associate Professor, English, University of Delaware, 1982-1985
Professor, Linguistics, University of Delaware, 1986-present


Professor, English, University of Delaware, 1986-present
Faculty, Cognitive Science, University of Delaware, 1983-present

Assistant Director, Program in Linguistics, University of Delaware, 1980-1985
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Linguistics, University of
Delaware, 1986-1987
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Linguistics, University of
Delaware, 1987-1991
Director, Cognitive Science, University of Delaware, 1994-1997, 2000- present
Chair, Department of Linguistics, University of Delaware, 1986-1987, 1992-1993,
Faculty Director, Academic Programs and Planning, University of Delaware,
2000- present (Vice Provost’s Office; oversight of major undergraduate
initiatives: General Education, Honors, Undergraduate Research, McNair,
Center for Teaching Effectiveness)

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

Visiting Lecturer, Szolnok Institute of English, Szolnok, Hungary, Summer,
Visiting Lecturer, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, Summer, 1981
Visiting Lecturer, Pecs Institute of English, Pecs, Hungary Summer, 1982
Visiting Lecturer, 7th International Institute of Linguistics, Rabat, Morocco,
Summer, 1982
Visiting Lecturer, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, Summer, 1983.
Fulbright Professor, Dept. of English, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland,

Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Discourse, Text Structure, Cognitive Science

Spanish (excellent speaking and reading), French (good speaking and reading),
Polish (fair speaking), Russian and German (fair reading)

(Collaborative works are followed by co-authors in their published order)

Instead of Music: Poems by Alain Bosquet (translations). Baton Rouge:
Louisiana State University Press, 1980.
Text and Epistemology. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1987.
Linguistic Semantics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992.
[Korean language edition in preparation, Pagijong Press ]
Vygotsky and Cognitive Science: Language and the Unification of the Social and
Computational Mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997.
[Spanish language edition, Vygotsky y la ciencia cognitiva. Cognición y
desarollo humano, vol. 36, 1999, Paidós; Portuguese language edition,
Vygotsky e a Ciência Cognitiva: Linguagem e Integraçảo das Mentes
Social e Computacional, 2000, Editora Artes Médicas Sul]

Linguistics and Literacy. New York: Plenum Publishing, 1982.
The First Delaware Symposium on Language Studies: Selected Papers.
Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1983. (R. DiPietro, W.
Frawley, and A. Wedel)
Translation: Literary, Linguistic, and Philosophical Perspectives. Newark, DE:
University of Delaware Press, 1984.
Making Dictionaries: Preserving Indigenous Languages of the Americas.
Berkeley: University of California Press, in press. (W. Frawley, K. Hill, and
P. Munro)
International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 4 Vols. (Second Edition). Oxford:
Oxford University Press (Editor in Chief), forthcoming.
The Expression of Modality in Natural Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
(invited volume), in preparation for contract.

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

Papers in Linguistics ("Advances in Lexicography, I"), 18(1), 1985. (W. Frawley
and R.Steiner)
Papers in Linguistics ("Advances in Lexicography, II"), 19(1), 1986. (W. Frawley
and R.Steiner)
International Journal of Lexicography ("Problems of Lexicographic Form"), 1(3),
1988. (W. Frawley and R. Smith)
Dictionaries ("Forum on Theory and Practice in Lexicography"), 14, 1992-93.
Dictionaries ("Forum on Dictionaries of Native American Languages"), 17,


"Language and Literature," Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (six
articles: stylistics, poetics, semiotics, narrative, metaphor, and speech
acts). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

"Merwin's Unpunctuated Verse." Notes on Contemporary Literature, 7(1977), 2-
"On Certain Progressivized Verbs." Journal of the Linguistics Association of the
Southwest, 2(1977), 15-20.
"A System of Semantic Equivalence in Specialized Discourse." Papers in
Linguistics, 10(1977), 467-81. (C. Duch and W. Frawley)
"Predicate Raising and Chomsky-Adjunction." Journal of the Linguistics
Association of the Southwest, 2(1977), 94-104.
"Topological Linguistics." Papers in Linguistics, 11(1978), 185-237.
"Discourse Analysis of Communicative Disorders." Language Sciences,
2(1980), 318-38.
"The Philosophy of Composition." Teaching Writing, 4(1980), 1-13.
"The Topology of Texts." Papers in Linguistics, 13(1980), 721-38.
"Semantic Aspects of Science." Penn Review of Linguistics, 5(1981), 9-21.
"In Defense of the Dictionary: A Response to Haiman." Lingua, 55(1981), 375-
"Lexicography and the Philosophy of Science." Dictionaries, 3(1981), 18-27.
"Theoretical Linguistics in Composition: An Exorcism." Papers in Linguistics,
14(1981), 253-70.
"The Limitations of a Linguistic Approach to Composition." Delaware English
Journal, 9(1982), 1-7.
"Relational Grammar and Composition." SECOL Review, 6(1982), 85-97.
"Universal Grammar and Composition: Relativization, Quantification, and
Complementation." Linguistics and Literacy, W. Frawley, ed., N.Y.:
Plenum Publishing, 1982, 65-90.
"Aspects of Metaphorical Definition in the Sciences." Dictionaries, 4(1983), 118-
"Conjunctive Cohesion in Four English Genres." Text, 3-4(1983), 347-74. (R.
Smith and W. Frawley)

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

"Genre-Specific Patterns of Cohesion: A Computational Study." Humans and
Computers: The Interface through Language, S. Williams, ed., Norwood,
NJ: Ablex, 1985, 145-53. (W. Frawley and R. Smith)
"Prolegomenon to a Theory of Translation." Translation: Literary, Linguistic, and
Philosophical Perspectives, W. Frawley, ed., Newark, DE: University of
Delaware Press, 1984, 159-74.
"A Note on the Phonology of Slant Rhyme." Language and Style, 17(1984), 44-
"Speaking and Self-Order: A Critique of Orthodox L2 Research." Studies in
Second Language Acquisition, 6(1984), 143- 59. (W. Frawley and J.
"Second Language Performance and Vygotskyan Psycholinguistics:
Implications for L2 Instruction." 10th LACUS Forum, A. Makkai, ed.,
Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press, 1984, 42-50. (J. Lantolf and W.
"Second Language Discourse: A Vygotskyan Perspective." Applied Linguistics,
6(1985), 19-43. (W. Frawley and J. Lantolf)
"On Communication Strategies: A Functional Perspective." Rassegna Italiana
di Linguistica Applicata, 17(1985), 143-57. (J. Lantolf and W. Frawley)
"Intertextuality and the Dictionary: Toward a Deconstructionist Account of
Lexicography." Dictionaries, 7(1985), 1-20.
"Oral Proficiency Testing: A Critical Analysis." Modern Language Journal,
69(1985), 337-45. (J. Lantolf and W. Frawley)
"Science, Discourse, and Knowledge Representation: Toward a Computational
Model of Science and Scientific Innovation." The Languages of Creativity:
Models, Problem-Solving, Discourse, M. Amsler, ed., Newark, DE:
University of Delaware Press, 1986, 68-91.
"Private Speech and Self Regulation: A Commentary on Frauenglass and Diaz."
Developmental Psychology, 22(1986), 706-08. (W. Frawley and J.
"Proficiency: Understanding the Construct." Studies in Second Language
Acquisition, 10(1988), 181-95. (J. Lantolf and W. Frawley)
"Relational Models and the Philosophy of Science." Relational Models of the
Lexicon, M. Evens, ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988,
"New Forms of Specialized Dictionaries." International Journal of Lexicography,
1(1988), 186-213.
"The Dictionary as Text." International Journal of Lexicography, 2(1989), 231-48.
"Rejecting the OPI -- Again: A Response to Hagen." ADFL Bulletin 23(1992), 34-
37. (J. Lantolf and W. Frawley).
"Reading the Dictionary." Lexicographica, 6(1992), 141-61.
"Some Semantics Lessons for Lexicographers." Language and Civilization: A
Festschrift for Otto Hietsch, C. Blank, ed., Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1992,
"Semantics, Sublanguage, and the Translation of Specialized Lexicon."
Translation and Meaning, II, M. Thelen and B. Lewandowska, eds.,
Maastricht: Dutch State School of Translation, 1992, 321-32.

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

"Lexicography and Mathematics Learning: A Case Study of Variable." Applied
Linguistics, 13(1992), 385-402.
"Literacy and the Political Economy of Language Change." Language Change:
Lexical Diffusion and Literacy, G.S. Rao, ed. Delhi: Academic
Foundation, 1994, 61-88.
"The Computer's Guide to Persons." GURT 1993, J. Alatis, ed., Washington,
DC: Georgetown University Press, 1995, 322-29.
"Lexical Principles Can Be Applied to Verbs." Beyond Names for Things, M.
Tomasello and W. Merriman, eds. Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 1995, 185-221
(R. Golinkoff , K. Hirsh-Pasek, C. Mervis, W. Frawley, and M. Parillo)
"Linguistic Explanation." Handbook of Pragmatics, J. Verschueren et al., eds.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1995, 608-15 (W. Frawley and R.
"Remarks on the Lexicographical Treatment of Metaforms." Lexikos 6(1996), 1-
"La Importancia Teórica del Habla Privada." Signo y Seña, 8(1997), 35-57.
"Vygotsky and Developmental Computationalism: Arguments for a Language
FOR Thought." Language and Thought in Development: Cross-
Linguistic Studies, P. Broeder and J. Muure, eds. Tübingen: Gunter Narr,
1999, 57-72.
"ALEX: A Computer Aid For Treating Alexithymia." Multiple Approaches to
Intelligent Systems: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1611, I. Imam,
Y. Kodratoff, A. El-Dessoudi, and M. Ali, eds. Berlin: Springer, 1999, 362-
371. (R. Smith and W. Frawley)
"Consciousness: An Outside Story." Journal of the Learning Sciences, 8(1999),
525-40. (invited discussion paper)
"Affective Computing: Medical Applications." Human-Computer Interaction:
Ergonomics and User Interfaces, Vol 1, H-J. Bullinger and J. Ziegler,
eds. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2000, 843-47. (R. Smith and W. Frawley)
"Texts, Disciplines, and Subjectivities: Individuals in Textual Economies."
Journal of Literary Semantics, 29(2000), 81-95.
"Two Prospects for a Theory of Semantic Learnability." Cien Aňos de
Investigación Semántica: De Michel Bréal a La Actualidad. Actas del I
Congreso Internacional de Semántica, Vol II, M. Martinez et al., eds.
Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2000, 1321-36.
“Alexithymia and the Biocybernetics of Shame.” Emotions, Qualia, and
Consciousness. A. Kazniak, ed. Singapore: World Scientific, 2001, 494-
504. (W. Frawley and R. Smith)
"A Processing Model of Alexithymia." Cognitive Systems Research, 2(2001),
189-206 (W. Frawley and R. Smith).
"Fundamental Issues in Lexical Semantics." Handbook of Lexicology, D.A.
Cruse et al., eds. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, in press.
"Control in Cross-Domain Mental Computation: Evidence from Language
Breakdown." Computational Intelligence, in press. (target article for
special issue, with responses and continuing commentary)
"Making a Dictionary: Ten Issues." Dictionaries of Indigenous Languages of the
Americas, W. Frawley, K. Hill, and P. Munro, eds. Berkeley: University of
California Press, in press. (W. Frawley, K. Hill, and P. Munro)

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

“Mental Computation and Language Breakdown: Clarifications, Extensions, and
Responses.” Computational Intelligence, in press.
"Lexicography." International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 4 Vols. (Second
Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming. (R. Ilson and W.
"Semantics and Syntax." International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 4 Vols.
(Second Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
"Cognitive Science and Linguistics." International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 4
Vols. (Second Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
“The Semantics of Emotion and Therapeutic Narrative.” Narrative Theory and
the Cognitive Sciences. D. Herman, ed., Stanford: CSLI/Stanford
University Press, forthcoming. (W. Frawley and R. Smith)

“Making Cultures: Dynamic Learning Communities and the LIFE Program.”
About Teaching, 55(Fall, 2000)
“Assessing LIFE and Pathways: Two New Freshman Programs at the University
of Delaware.” 8th National Conference on Students in Transition – Oak
Brook, Il, Oct. 2001 (on evaluation of learning communities and
interdisciplinary courses)
“Advanced and Emerging Instructional Technologies at a Research University.”
Educause: Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference – Baltimore, Nov. 2001 (on
promoting faculty involvement in high-end instructional technology)
“Kant Meets Gore-Tex: A More Thoroughgoing Engagement?” 10th AAHE
Conference on Faculty Roles and Rewards – Phoenix, Jan. 2002 (on
engaged learning for faculty and administration)
“General Education Assessment at a Research University.” Association for
Institutional Research –Toronto, May 2002 (K. Bauer and W. Frawley)
(on tracking student performance in core curriculum)
“Assessment of General Education.” Pacific Planning, Assessment, and
Institutional Research – Honolulu, May 2002 (K. Bauer and W. Frawley)
(on standardized and new measures of effects of general education)

"The Complement Hierarchy: Evidence for Language Universals from L2."
ERIC document #210 944, 22 pages, 1982.
"Hierarchies of Natural Topicality in Two Sublanguages," Technical Report,
Dept. of Computer Science, Christopher Newport College, 1993. (L.
Lambert and W. Frawley)

"The First Delaware Symposium on Language Studies: A Report." Linguistic
Reporter, February, 1980, 12.
"Music and Cinema." Film Reader, 3(1978), 136-48. (translation of J. Mitry's
"Musique et cinéma")
"Noam Chomsky." Encyclopedia of World Biography, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1987,
“Interview with William Frawley.” Pátio Revista Pedagógica, 15(November,

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

2000), 26-30. (in Portuguese)

"Handbook of Discourse Analysis, 4 Vols. by T. van Dijk, ed." Language,
63(1987), 361-97.

"Logico-Linguistic Papers by R.M. Martin." Language, 59(1983), 235-36.
"Cohesión y enfoque en textos y discursos by M.R. Wise and A. Stewart, eds."
Language, 59(1983), 234-35.
"Discourse Studies: An Annotated Bibliography of Research on Discourse,
Text, and Prose Writing by Dan J. Tannacito." Language, 59(1983),
"Essays in Linguistic Ontology by Jack Kaminsky." Language, 59(1983), 708-
"A Grammar of English on Mathematical Principles by Z. Harris." Language,
60(1984), 150-52.
"Dialogue Games by Lauri Carlson." Language, 60(1984) 966-69. "Conjunciones
y otros nexos en tres idiomas amazónicos by M.R. Wise and H. Boonstra,
eds." Language, 61(1985), 232-33.
"The Psychology of Written Language by M. Martlew, ed." Language, 61(1985),
"Spoken Discourse by Willis Edmonson." Studies in Second Language
Acquisition, 7(1985), 119-22.
"The Units of Language Acquisition by Ann Peters." Language, 61(1985), 235-
"Elements of Mathematical Linguistics by A. Gladkij and I.A. Mel'čuk."
Language, 61(1985), 246-47.
"Explorations in the Development of Writing by B. Kroll and G. Wells, eds."
Language, 61(1985), 236-37.
"Coling 82 by J. Horecky, ed." Language, 61(1985), 247-48.
"The Acquisition of Symbolic Skills by D. Rogers and J. Sloboda, eds."
Language, 61(1985), 726.
"Unlearned Language by Ian Stevenson." Language, 61(1985), 739.
"The Development of Oral and Written Language in Social Contexts by A.
Pellegrini and T. Yawkey, eds." Language, 62(1986), 227-28.
"Studies in the Acquisition of Anaphora, I: Defining the Constraints by B. Lust,
ed." Language, 64(1988), 435-36.
"The Emergence of Prose: An Essay in Prosaics, by W. Godzich and J. Kittay."
American Anthropologist, 90(1988), 739-40.
"Culture, Communication, and Cognition: Vygotskian Perspectives by J.V.
Wertsch, ed." Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 11(1989), 97-
"Discourse Semantics by Pieter Seuren." Language, 64(1988), 648-49.
"Lexical Semantics by D.A. Cruse." Language, 64(1988), 649.
"Thought and Language by L.S. Vygotsky, Revised Edition." Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 11(1989), 331-32.

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

"Discourse and Social Change by Normal Fairclough." Language in Society,
22(1992), 421-24
"Meaning-Text Theory edited by James Steele." Dictionaries, 13(1991), 136-42.
"Translation and Relevance by Ernst-August Gutt." Journal of Linguistics,
28(1992), 516-19. .
"The Meaning of Focus Particles by Ekkehard König." Journal of Linguistics,
29(1993), 184-87.
"The Semantics of Grammar by Anna Wierzbicka." International Journal of
Lexicography, 7(1994), 73-78.
"Modularity and Constraints in Language and Cognition by M. Gunnar and M.
Maratsos, eds." Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 41(1995), 247-53 (with Roberta
"A Theory of Aspectuality by Henk Verkuyl." Journal of Linguistics 31(1995),
"Language and Ideology (new edition) by Gunther Kress and Robert Hodge."
Language in Society, 24(1995), 117-21.
"Textual Politics by Jay Lemke." Language in Society, 25(1996), 456-59.
"Information Structure and Sentence Form by Knud Lambrecht." Studies in
Second Language Acquisition, 12(1997), 403-05.
"Coming to Our Senses: A Naturalistic Program for Semantic Localism by
Michael Devitt." Language, 73(1997), 656-57.
"New Trends in Semantics and Lexicography edited by Henryk Kardela and
Gunnar Persson." Language, 73(1997), 456-57.
"A Dictionary of Euphemisms by R.W. Holder." Language, 73(1997), 454-55.
"Readings in Language and Mind by Heimir Geirsson and Michael Losonsky,
eds." Language, 73(1997), 659-60.
"Between Hope and Havoc by Frank Smith." Modern Language Journal,
81(1997), 431-32.
"Semantics: Primes and Universals by Anna Wierzbicka." Journal of
Linguistics, 34(1998), 293-97.
"Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary: Studies in Honor of Ladislav Zgusta
edited by Braj Kachru and Henry Kahane." International Journal of
Lexicography, 11 (1998), 161-64.
"Mind as Action by James Wertsch." Trends in the Cognitive Sciences,
10(1998), 416-17.
"The Educated Mind by Kieran Egan." American Journal of Education,
107(1998), 45-49.
"Corpus Processing for Lexical Acquisition by B. Boguraev and J. Pustejovsky,
eds." Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 21(1999), 497.
"Diachronic Prototype Semantics by Dirk Geeraerts." Dictionaries, 20(1999),
"Talking Heads by Benjamin Lee." Language, 76(2000), 186-88.
"Functional Semantics by Peter Harder." English Language and Linguistics,
“Lexicography and the OED by L. Mugglestone, ed.” Language in Society,


Date of CV: 05/25/2011

"Semantics and Specialized Discourse." 5th International Congress of Applied
Linguistics, Montreal, 1978 (C. Duch and W. Frawley).
"Can Linguistics Do Anything for Composition?" Northeast Modern Language
Association, Southeastern Massachusetts State University, 1980.
"Lexicography and the Philosophy of Science." 2nd International Conference on
General and Jewish Lexicography, University of Delaware, 1980.
"Remarks on the Dictionary/Encyclopedia Debate." Modern Language
Association, Houston, 1980.
"Semantic Aspects of Science." 4th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium,
University of Pennsylvania, 1981.
"The Limitations of a Linguistic Approach to Composition." Delaware
Association of Teachers of English (Invited Paper), University of
Delaware, 1981.
"Universal Grammar and Composition." 3rd Delaware Symposium on
Language Studies, University of Delaware, 1981.
"The Complement Hierarchy: Evidence for Language Universals from
L2." Linguistic Society of America, New York City, 1981.
"Outline of a Computational-Semantic Metascience." International
Linguistic Association, New York City, 1982.
"The Semantic Structure of American College Slang." Southeastern
Conference on Linguistics, University of Florida, 1982.
"Genre-Specific Patterns of Cohesion." 4th Delaware Symposium on
Language Studies, University of Delaware, 1982 (R. Smith and W.
"Genre-Specific Patterns of Pronominal Cohesion." Southeastern Conference on
Linguistics, Atlanta, 1982 (W. Frawley and R. Smith).
"Aspects of Metaphorical Definition in the Sciences." Modern
Language Association, Los Angeles, 1982.
"L2 Discourse: A Vygotskyan Perspective." TESOL, Toronto, 1983 (J. Lantolf
and W. Frawley).
"Second Language Performance and Vygotskyan Psycholinguistics:
Implications for L2 Instruction." LACUS, Quebec, 1983 (with J. Lantolf
and W. Frawley).
"Deconstructing the Dictionary." Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Duke
University, 1984.
"Marxism, Literacy, and Language Change." South Asian Languages
Roundtable, University of Texas, 1984.
"Interlanguage Strategies: A Functional Perspective." AILA, Brussels, 1984 (J.
Lantolf and W. Frawley).
"New Forms of Specialized Dictionaries." Modern Language Association,
Washington, DC, 1984.
"On Communication Strategies." PENNTESOL, St. Joseph's University,
"The Politics and Philosophy of Language Instruction in the U.S." Penn Fellows
in American Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1984.
"Formal Models of Dictionaries." Cognitive Science Colloquium, University of
Delaware, 1985.

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

"Metacognition in L2." 1st Annual Conference on Applied Psycholinguistics,
Barcelona, 1985 (W. Frawley and J. Lantolf).
"Oral Proficiency: A Critical Assessment." Modern Language Association, New
York City, 1986 (J. Lantolf and W. Frawley).
"The Dictionary as Text: Some Problems and Prospects." Society for Textual
Scholarship, City College of N.Y., April, 1987.
"Negation in Nepali Discourse." Linguistic Society of America, New Orleans,
LA, 1988.
"Lexicography and Mathematics Learning: A Case Study." AILA, Thessaloniki,
Greece, April, 1990.
"Semantics, Sublanguage, and the Translation of Specialized Lexicon."
Maastricht-Łódż Colloquium on Translation and Meaning, Łódż, Poland,
Sept., 1990.
"Sublanguage and Discourse." International Colloquium on Cognitive Science,
San Sebastian, Spain, May, 1991 (W. Frawley and L. Lambert).
"Two Kinds of Two-Pass Processing." Linguistic Society of America,
Philadelphia, January, 1992 (L. Lambert and W. Frawley).
"The Cross-Language Study of Private Speech." First International Conference
on Sociocultural Research, Madrid, September, 1992.
"A Vygotskyan Analysis of Form/Function Dissociations with Pragmatic
Deficits." Boston University Conference on Language Development,
Boston, October, 1992.
"The Computer's Guide to Persons." Georgetown University Roundtable,
Washington, DC, March, 1993.
"Vygotsky and Developmental Computationalism." Workshop on Cognitive
Models of Language Acquisition, Tilburg University (Holland), April, 1994.
"Texts, Disciplines, and Metaconsciousness. Poetics and Linguistics Assn.,
Granada, September, 1995 (invited keynote).
"Sociocomputationalism: New Perspectives on Vygotsky and L2." Second
Language Research Forum, Cornell University, October 1995 (invited
"Remarks on Williams Syndrome and Other (Unfortunately Fashionable)
Dissociations of Language and World Knowledge." University of
Pennsylvania, Dept. of Linguistics, December, 1996.
"A Reinterpretation of Language in Global Knowledge Disorders." Linguistic
Society of America, Chicago, January, 1997.
"Two Prospects for a Theory of Semantic Learnability." International Congress
on Semantics, University of La Laguna (Tenerife), October, 1997.
"Speech and the Modern Mind: Vygotsky for the 21st Century." International
Conference on Sociocultural Research and Activity Theory, University of
Aarhus (Denmark), June, 1998 (invited paper).
"Alexithymia and the Biocybernetics of Shame." Emotions, Qualia, and
Consciousness, International School of Biocybernetics, Naples and
Ischia, October, 1998 (R. Smith and W. Frawley).
"ALEX: A Computer Aid For Treating Alexithymia." Twelfth International
Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE-99), Cairo, May-June , 1999
(R. Smith and W. Frawley).

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

"Defining Emotions." Dictionary Society of North America, UC-Berkeley, May,
"Practical Affective Computing: Applications in Medicine." Human-Computer
Interaction International (HCII99), August 1999, Munich, Germany (W.
Frawley and R. Smith).

General University Research Grant, University of Delaware, 1980, $1,925.00
Center for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware, 1981, $2,167.00
College of Education Interdisciplinary Research Grant, University of Delaware,
1981, $4,115.00
Center for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware, 1987, $4,000.
International Research and Exchange Board, 1990, $1,173. ("Collaborative
Work with Polish Faculty, University of Lodz")
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1995, $3,500 ("Writing
Dictionaries of American Indian Languages")
National Science Foundation, Program in Undergraduate Science Education,
Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement, 1996, $52,000.
("Laboratory in Cognitive and Linguistic Science")
Delaware Department of Education, Exceptional Children and Early Childhood
Group, 1999, $2,946. ("Analysis of Speech-Language Pathologists'
Caseload Survey")
Oxford University Press, 1999, $58,000. ("International Encyclopedia of
Chichester DuPont Foundation, 2000, $15,000. ("Support for Speech Pathology
Program") [additional $15,000 match from University]


American Association of Colleges and Universities, 2002, $44,000 (“Liberal Arts
and Global Citizenship”) (W. Frawley and B. Rajaee).

"A Large Database of Emotional Knowledge for Medical Applications" (W.
Frawley and R. Smith)
“The Delaware Diamond: A Model of Individualized General Education”

COURSES TAUGHT (U = undergraduate; G = graduate)
Introduction to Linguistics (U)
Critical Reading and Writing (U)
Problems in Composition (U)
Language, Sex, and Power (U)
Structuralism: Self and Representation (U)
Introduction to the English Language (U)
Introduction to Cognitive Science (U)
Languages of the World (U)
Applied English Linguistics (U, G)
Semantics (U, G)

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

Psycholinguistics (U, G)
History of Linguistics (U, G)
Grammatical Theory (U, G)
Linguistic Theory (U, G)
Linguistics and Writing (U, G)
Experimental Linguistics (G)
Soviet Psycholinguistics (G)
Syntax and Learnability Theory (G)
Language and Mental Representation (G)
Negation (G)

Rian Murphy, "Patterns of Order and Disorder: Mysticism, Thermodynamics,
Information Theory, and the Synthetic Mode in Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of
Lot 49," M.A., English, 1980, first reader.

Virginia Briggs, "A Study of Proposals for Non-Sexist Language," B.A. (honors),
Anthropology, 1982, director.

John Nizalowski, "Ontological Relativity and the Fiction of Joseph Conrad," M.A.,
English, 1983, first reader.

Louise McNally, "Implications of Modularity," B.A. (honors), Liberal Studies,

1987, director.

Julie Van Dyke, "Word Prediction for Disabled Users: Applying Natural Language
Processing to Enhance Communication," B.A. (honors), Dean's Scholar
Program, 1991, first reader.

Lauren Schwartz, "Mothers' Presentation of Object Labels to Language-Learning

Infants," B.A. (honors), Dean's Scholar Program, 1993, first reader.

Carrie Maddux, "How Young Children Learn and Interpret Novel Adjectives,"
B.A. (honors), 1995, first reader.

Melyssa Schweisguth, "Children's Acquisition of Verb Meanings," B.A. (honors),

1997, first reader.


Douglas DeLorenzo, Cognitive Science, 1997
Cherie Apruzzi, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1997
Jenifer Benson, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1997
Melissa Dougherty, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1997
Brandon Schakola, Cognitive Science, 1998
Jennifer Naughton, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1998
Lindy Hoffman, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1998
Jennifer Hunsberger, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1998
Emily Burhans, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1998

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

Lesley Reid, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1999
Allison WIlley, Pre-Professional Speech Pathology, 1999

Don McCreary, "Japanese-American Negotiation Strategies," Ph.D., Linguistics,
1984, first reader.

Mohamed Mahmoud, "A Stylistic, Sociolinguistic, and Discourse Analysis of

Orality and Literacy in Selected Plays of O'Neill and Miller," Ph.D., Linguistics,
1985, director.

Hassan Gaballa, "Case Marking and Classical Arabic: A Semantic and

Historiographical Study," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1986, director.

Gabriella Appel, "L1 and L2 Narrative Productions: A Vygotskyan Analysis,"

Ph.D., Linguistics, 1986, second reader.

James Murphy, "Henry James' Literary Activities, 1905-1909," Ph.D., English,

1987, fourth reader.

Elrod Ferreira, "A Critical Inquiry into Three Epistemologies of Language

Acquisition," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1988, director.

William Rivers, "Problems in Composition: A Vygotskyan Perspective," Ph.D.,

Linguistics, 1987, director.

Mohamed Ahmed, "Task Variation in Native Speaker/Non-Native Speaker

Dyadic Conversations: Some Studies of Regulatory Activity," Ph.D., Linguistics,
1988, first reader.

Lilian Bashear, "Metalinguistic Awareness in Classroom Foreign Language

Learning," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1988, first reader.

Laura Gordon, "Interruptions: A Study of Behavior and Judgment," Ph.D.,

Educational Studies, 1990, third reader.

Susan Braidi, "The Interaction of Input and Syntactic Principles in the Formation
of L2 Grammars." Ph.D., Linguistics, 1990, first reader.

Leslie Bailey, "Pitch Accent in Swedish: Issues in Analysis and Representation,"

Ph.D., Linguistics, 1990, second reader.

Frederick DiCamilla, "The Relation between Speaking and Writing: A Study of

Private Writing," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1991, director.

Michael Mackert, "Re-Reading Franz Boas: Intertextuality, Discontinuities, and

Strategies in the History of Modern Linguistics," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1991, first

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S.J. Hannahs, "Prosodic Structure and French Morphophonology," Ph.D.,
Linguistics, 1991, third reader.

Elizabeth Steward, "Beginning Writers in the Zone of Proximal Development,"

Ph.D., Educational Studies, 1991, first reader.

Elaine Stotko, "Third Graders' Understanding of Neutral and Nonneutral

Derivational Morphology: An Experimental Study," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1992,
second reader.

Katrien Christie, "Second Language Acquisition and Binding Theory," Ph.D.,

Linguistics, 1992, second reader.

Radmila Vuchic, "The Acquisition of Agreement in French as a Second

Language and the Theory of Tiers," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1993, third reader.

Varsha Bhide, "The Availability of Universal Principles in L2: A Study of Word

Order in German" Ph.D., Linguistics, 1993, second reader.

Lynn Lambert, "A Plan-Based Model of Discourse Understanding," Ph.D.,

Computer and Information Sciences, 1993, third reader.

Rhonda Eller, "Handling Ill-Formed Dialogue Using a Meta-Rule Approach,"

Ph.D., Computer and Information Sciences, 1993, third reader.

Linda Suri, "Predicting NP Ellipsis through Focus," Ph.D., Computer and

Information Sciences, 1993, third reader.

Mark Jones, "Transparently Motivated Metaphor Generation," Ph.D., Computer

and Information Sciences, 1994, third reader.

Nancy Green, "A Computational Model for Generating and Interpreting Indirect
Answers," Ph.D., Computer and Information Sciences, 1994, third reader.

Margaret Shuff-Bailey, "Young Children Extend Novel Object Labels at the Basic
Level: The Role of Perceptual Similarity ." Ph.D., Educational Studies, 1995,
third reader

Thomas Klein, "Umlaut in Optimality Theory." Ph.D., Linguistics, 1995, third


Jeffrey Lidz, "Modules of Reflexivity." Ph.D., Linguistics, 1996, third reader.

Christina Tortora, " The Syntax and Semantics of Weak Locatives," Ph.D.,
Linguistics, 1997, third reader.

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Thomas Purnell, "Principles and Parameters of Phonological Rules: Evidence
from Tone Languages," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1997, fourth reader.

Arti Nigam, "The N-400 Event-Related Potential," Ph.D., Psychology, 1998, third

Eric Raimy, "Representing Reduplication," Ph.D., Linguistics, 1999, third reader.

Mee Sook Kim, "The Acquisition of Verbs of Motion in Korean and English,"
Ph.D., Linguistics, 1999, second reader.

Kenneth Samuel, "Discourse Learning: An Investigation of Dialogue Act Tagging

Using Transformation-Based Learning," Ph.D., Computer and Information
Sciences, 2000, third reader.

Edward Munnich, "Acquisition of Spatial Terms in a Second Language," Ph.D.,

Psychology, 2002, third reader.

Nader Al-Jallad, "SHAME in Arabic, Javanese, and English: A Comparative

Lexicological and Lexicographical Study," Ph.D., Linguistics, 2002, director.

Coordinator of Linguistics, English Department, 1981-1985
Executive Committee, Linguistics Program, 1979-1985
Standing Committee on Linguistics, English Department, 1979-1986
Executive Committee, English Department, 1981-1982
Graduate Committee, English Department, 1981-1985
Committee to Evaluate Writing Center, 1984-1985
Executive Committee, Cognitive Science, 1983-1986 and 1996-present
Executive Committee, Linguistics, 1996-present
Search Committee (for Asst. Prof.), Linguistics, Chair, 1986-1987
Search Committee (for Chair), Linguistics, 1987-1988
Search Committee (for Asst. Prof.), Educational Development, 1987-1988 and
Committee on Graduate Studies, Linguistics, 1987-present
Committee on Undergraduate Studies, Linguistics, Chair, 1987-1993
Working Committee on Budget and Project Vision, Linguistics, 1992
Library Liaison, Linguistics, 1987-1999
Search Committee (for Asst. Prof.), Linguistics, 1988-1992


University Committee on Graduate Studies, 1981-1984
Graduate Committee on Grade Appeals, Chair, 1981-1982
Educational Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Group Req. 1981-1982
Subcommittee on Unidel Communications Grant, Linguistics, Chair 1982-1983
Committee to Evaluate Dept. of Languages and Literature (COPE), Chair,
1982- 1983

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Committee to Evaluate Chair of Dept. of Languages and Literature, 1982-1983
Committee on Research (ad hoc member), 1984
University Committee on Undergraduate Studies, 1984-1985
Dean's Advisory Committee on Dept. of Linguistics, 1984
Dean's Advisory Committee on English Language Institute, 1984-1985
Committee on Research, 1989-91
Committee on Eastern European Initiatives, 1990-1995
University Committee on Promotion and Tenure, 1994-1997
Task Force of Social Science Chairs, 1995-1996
Committee to Evaluate Chair of Dept. of Anthropology (Chair), 1995-1996.
Ad Hoc Subcommittee to Committee on Academic Priorities, 1996-1997
Search Committee for Chair of Dept. of History (Chair) 1997-1998
University Committee to Review General Education Requirements, 1996-
1999 (Chair, Subcommittee on Competencies)
Committee on Special Academic Programs, 1997-1999
Writing Initiative, 1999- present
Committee on Residential Learning, 1999-2000
Committee on Implementing General Education/Pathways Courses, 1999-2000
Committee to Review Dept. of Art History (Chair), 2000
Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable, 2000-present
Committee on General Education, 2000-present
Committee to Change Arts and Science Distribution Requirements (Chair), 2000-
Search Committee for Chair of Dept. of Psychology (Chair) 2001- present
Board of Senior Thesis Readers, 2001-present
Du Pont Scholar Selection Committee, 2001-present
Committee on Leadership, 2001-present

Associate Editor, Language, 1984-1987
Associate Editor, Papers in Linguistics, 1986-1987
Editorial Board, International Journal of Lexicography, 1987-1997
Editorial Board, Discourse Processes, 1988-1994
Publications Committee, Dictionaries, 1991-1997
Editorial Board, Language in Society, 1996-present
Advisory Board, U.S. Dictionary Projects, Oxford University Press, 1997-present


Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Delaware Representative, 1980-1983
Modern Language Association, Discussion Group on Lexicography, Chair,
Dictionary Society of North America, Executive Board, 1989-1993
Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum, Linguistic Society of America, 2001-

Regular referee and reviewer for:
National Endowment for the Humanities (Panelist for Linguistics and Archival

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

Materials, 2001)
Major Journals: Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Modern
Language Journal, Emotion and Cognition, Canadian Modern Language
Review, Linguistic Inquiry, Language, Computational Intelligence, Applied
Linguistics, Mind, Culture and Activity, English Language and Linguistics
Major Presses: Indiana University Press, Oxford University Press, Basil
Blackwell, Harvard University Press, Cambridge University Press,
Routledge, Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovic, Lawrence Erlbaum

Conference Chair, 3rd Delaware Symposium on Language Studies:
Linguistics and Literacy, 1981.
Conference Co-chair, Biennial Meeting of the Dictionary Society of North
America, 1983.


English Specialist, United States Information Agency, 1981-1983
Consultant, Foreign Service Institute, 1985
Volunteer, Literacy Volunteers of America (Tutor and Tester), 1989-1993


Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Delaware, 1981,
1983, 1985
University of Delaware Nominee for NEH Summer Stipend, 1983
Convocation Speaker, University of Delaware, College of Arts and Science,
Commencement, 1984
Fulbright Professorship, Poland, 1985-1986
Nominated for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising, University of Delaware,
Fellow, Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education, University of
Delaware, 1997-1998

Date of CV: 05/25/2011

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