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Why Projects Fail - 5 Project Failure Causes

1. Dodging Conflict – as a project manager it’s your job knowing to ensure that the things
get done but that the people are doing it in a way that is productive it is important for
you to address any conflicts if they are there in the team and to come up with ways to
resolve them before the spiral out of control and affect the project budget deadline
quality etc.
2. Team expectations are unrealistic – the success of a project is depended upon the teams
executing their tasks so it is important that you are clear and the expectations are really
set out from day one with your team. Also there might be a possibility that the team is
not reporting to you hands as a project manager it is your job to keep them motivated in
order to get the work done by the due dates that all of you agreed upon so it is very
important that the project manager keeps checking in with the team remove the pro
3. Poor communication – as a project manager it is crucial to communicate with your team
but there might be various possibilities where in the team is not paying attention to
what you were saying as they might be distracted due to other things in their mind
hence it is always a better idea to over communicate ensure that you are constantly
reinforcing your messages and repeat and check in with your team as well also make
this into a two-way conversation by questioning them and validating that they have
received well and understood what you were trying to communicate.
4. The non-project manager – there might be instances where in a person from a different
department might be ours to lead a huge project you’re it’s the fault of the leader ship
as they do not understand that to run and manage a project there is a certain skill set
which a person needs to have in order to run it successfully and profitably however if
you are in such a situation it is important that you develop the skill sets required in
order to make everything smooth and use all the resources efficiently
5. Poor risk management/ No risk Management – most or all of the project managers tend
to not do any risk management at the beginning of the project and this leads to a lot of
issues during the project delaying the deadlines. Even a simple task as to seeing what
could be the potential risks to the project might surprise you with a list of tangible risks
which you can address at the beginning of the project before it’s too late.

Video: Why Projects Fail: Top 10 Reasons for Project Failure.

1. Unaligned expectations – today’s case is a very good example of this sort of project
failure as in the case it is showed how the people who first agreed to the overall
scope of the project we’re starting to question eight and we’re thinking of stepping
back from the project as they felt that their expectations were not aligned with the
outcomes this is one of the most common things that is seen in the organization
2. Implementing before the project has been actually approved\baseline – people
might start working on a project before it has been approved or the baseline is set
for the project scope budget cost or resources allocated. Hence this results in get
doing the work that might not be within the scope of the project or within the
budget that is set.
3. Inexperience or untrained resources – if the radius resources allocated in your
project are in experienced an untrained it’s sets up your project up for failure or you
might not be able to deliver on the side quality and deadline it also sets of the
person for failure
4. Inadequate systems – this is a crucial point where in the project needs to be
supervised governed or run by people sitting in different parts of the world for
example if the systems are not adequate you might not be able to give the real time
update to your counterpart setting in a different continent and this will lead to a lot
of confusion and miscommunication and delays in deadline
5. Inaccessible systems – ensure that the systems are well in place before the project
starts for example you need to ensure that your team is able to see the team
schedule the work front what is there supposed to do and I’m not denied access to
those files in order to ensure that everybody’s on the same page and the work is
getting done
6. Team conflict- lead to project failing
7. Us versus them mentality – departmental conflicts are very common in
organizations where into departments do not get along for example IT and sales or
sales in marketing this leads to a lot of problems when they have to come together
and work on a single project as the success of the project depends on each of the
departments working in coordination with each other
8. Misaligned resources Dash if you place your resources in a way where in their
interest does not lineup with the outcome of the project they might not be willing to
give that hundred percent and you might lose time on your project and your project
might go for failure
9. Switching priorities – if the priorities of your project or for your project change
within the organization then you should readjust the baseline and scope of your
project in order to align it with the priorities that have been revised to ensure that
the project failure does not occur
10. Uncontrolled scope-

Video: Reasons Projects Fail.

Often when a project fails a game blame her is started wearing all the symptoms that lead to
failing of the project are highlighted but nobody’s focussing on the cause of it
The reasons project fail is because it feels to gain sufficient momentum to succeed

Momentum = critical mass of understanding X Velocity - today is very good example of how the
company’s project has not gained enough momentum and hands people have start to back out
from the project and slacking the interest and the continuity and lacking the critical mass of
Communicating the business needs and making sure they understand the business needs it is
critically important to ensure that the understanding is that for the project that is implemented

We expected to get it right if you have never seen it done right in the past the executives have
never experienced a good project or a successful project hence the lack the ability to create one

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