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Lesson Description
In this lesson we revise:

 The Cell Theory and the parts of plant and animal cells
 The process of mitosis
 The structure and function of different plant tissues

Key Concepts
The Cell Theory
 All living things are made up of cells and are either unicellular or multicellular.
 Cells are the smallest working units of all living things that show the characteristics and
properties of life.
 All cells come from preexisting cells through cell division.

Important Terms:
Cell wall Golgi body Organelle Turgid
Cell membrane Mitochondrion Ribosomes Cell sap
Chromatin network Nucleus Vacuole Tonoplast
Cytoplasm Nucleolus Chloroplast Vacuoles
Endoplasmic reticulum Nuclear membrane Flaccid Plasmodesmata

Typical Plant Cells

Diagram showing the cross section of a plant cell

3D Diagram showing the cross section of a typical plant cell

Parts of Plant Cells

A typical plant cell consists of the following parts:
 A Cell Membrane
 Cell Wall
 Nucleus
 The Cytoplasm
 The Various Organelles

The Cell Membrane

Diagram showing the structure of a cell membrane

 The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of the plasma membrane.
 Different kinds of cell membrane models have been proposed, and one of the most useful is
the Fluid-mosaic model. In this model the membrane is seen as a bilayer of phospholipids
in which protein molecules are embedded.
Cell Wall

Diagram showing the structure of a cell wall

One of the most important distinguishing features of plant cells is the presence of a cell wall.

 Structure: The cell wall is formed from fibrils of cellulose molecules, embedded in a water-
saturated matrix of polysaccharides and structural glycoprotein.
 Functions: The cell wall protects the cellular contents; gives rigidity to the plant structure;
provides a porous medium for the circulation and distribution of water, minerals, and other
small nutrient molecules; and contains specialised molecules that regulate growth and protect
the plant from disease. It provides the cell with great tensile strength.

Cell Wall & Plasmodesmata:

Diagram showing the structure of a cell wall and plasmodesmata

 Unlike cell membranes materials cannot get through cell walls. This would be a problem for
plant cells if not for special openings called plasmodesmata.
 These openings are used to communicate and transport materials between plant cells
because the cell membranes are able touch and therefore exchange needed materials.

Diagram showing the structure on a nucleus

The nucleus is the control center of the cell. It is the largest organelle in the cell and it contains the
DNA of the cell. The DNA of all cells is made up of chromosomes.

 DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) contains all the information for cells to live, perform their
functions and reproduce.
 Inside the nucleus is another organelle called the nucleolus. The nucleolus is responsible for
making ribosomes.
 The circles on the surface of the nucleus are the nuclear pores. These are where ribosomes,
and other materials move in and out of the cell.

The Cytoplasm

Diagram showing the internal contents of Cytoplasm

 Cytoplasm refers to the jelly-like material with organelles in it.

 If the organelles were removed, the soluble part that would be left is called the cytosol.
 It consists mainly of water with dissolved substances such as amino acids, vitamins and
nutrients in it.
Other Cellular Organelles


Diagram showing the internal structure of a chloroplast

 It is an oval structure surrounded by a double unit membrane.

 It has an internal medium called the stroma.
 Stacks of thylakoids form granum which contain the pigment for photosynthesis.
 These grana are connected to other grana by lamellae.

 The chloroplast is a cell organelle in which photosynthesis takes place. In this organelle the
light energy of the sun is converted into chemical energy.
 Chloroplasts are found only in plant cells and not animal cells. The chemical energy that is
produced by chloroplasts is finally used to make carbohydrates like starch that get stored in
the plant.
 Chloroplasts contain tiny pigments called chlorophylls. Chlorophylls are responsible for
trapping the light energy from the sun.


Diagram showing the structure of a plant vacuole

 Vacuoles and vesicles are storage organelles in cells. Vacuoles are larger than vesicles.
 Functions: These structures may store water, waste products, food, and other cellular
 In plant cells, the vacuole may take up most of the cell's volume.
 The membrane surrounding the plant cell vacuole is called the tonoplast.

 When a cell has its vacuole filled with cell sap it is referred to as a turgid cell. A cell in which
the vacuole has no or little water is referred to as a flaccid cell.


Diagram showing the electron micrograph of a mitochondrion

 Mitochondria are membrane-enclosed organelles distributed throughout the cytosol of most
eukaryotic cells.
 Their main function is cellular respiration in which y convert the potential energy of food
molecules into ATP.
 Every type of cell has a different amount of mitochondria. There are more mitochondria in
cells that have to perform lots of work, for example - your leg muscle cells, heart muscle cells
etc. Other cells need less energy to do their work and have less mitochondrion.

Diagram showing the internal structure on a mitochondrion

 Structure of Mitochondrion
Mitochondria have:
o an outer membrane that encloses the entire structure
o an inner membrane that encloses a fluid-filled matrix
o between the two is the intermembrane space the inner membrane is elaborately folded
with shelf like cristae projecting into the matrix.

Diagram showing the structure of a ribosome

 Ribososmes are organelles that help in the synthesis of proteins.

 Ribosomes are made up of two parts, called subunits.
 They get their names from their size. One unit is larger than the other so they are called large
and small subunits.
 Both these subunits are necessary for protein synthesis in the cell. When the two units are
docked together with a special information unit called messenger RNA, they make proteins.
 Some ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm, but most are attached to the endoplasmic
reticulum. While attached to the ER, ribosomes make proteins that the cell needs and also
ones to be exported from the cell for work elsewhere in the body.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Diagram showing the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum

 It is a network of membranes throughout the cytoplasm of the cell.

 There are two types of ER.
 When ribosomes are attached it is called rough ER and smooth ER when there are no
ribosomes attached.
 The rough endoplasmic reticulum is where most protein synthesis occurs in the cell.
 The function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is to synthesize lipids in the cell.
 The smooth ER is also helps in the detoxification of harmful substances in the cell.

Difference between Plant and Animals cells

Plants Cells Animal cells

Most plant cells contain plastids No plastids
Surrounded by a cell wall and cell membrane Surrounded by a cell membrane only
Usually one, large storage vacuole present No or few small specialised vacuoles present
Generally have a regular shape Have more irregular and diverse shapes
Question 1
The following flow chart illustrates the relationship between two important processes found in the cells
of plants.

a.) Identify organelles X and Y (2)

b.) Provide labels for parts A, B and C. (3)
c.) Identify the metabolic processes that organelles X and Y control respectively. (2)
d.) Organelle Y is called the “power house” of the cell. Suggest a reason for this. (2)
e.) Name the carbohydrate that is formed by X and used by Y. (1)
f.) In which cell would you expect to find more of organelle Y, in a skin cell or a liver cell?
Give a reason for your answer. (2)
g.) Described the interrelatedness between organelles X and Y based on the waste products
formed by these organelles during their respective metabolic processes. (4)
h.) Give ONE structural adaptation of each organelle and describe how this adaptation enables
the organelle to function efficiently. (4)


Key Concepts
Cell Cycle
 The cell cycle starts when the cell forms and ends when, as a mature cell, it divides into two
daughter cells. Each cell has its own cycle.
 The cell cycle has three parts. First is interphase which is cell growth, the second is mitosis
which is cell division and the third is cytokinesis, the stage in which the cytoplasm divides
into two parts at the end of cell division.
Pie graph showing the life cycle of a cell (Cell cycle)

 Interphase is when the cell grows to its full size, the nuclear material is copied and ready for
a new division, and new organelles are made to fill the cytoplasm.
 Mitosis is the division of the nuclear material into two identical sets.
 Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm into two half-sized parts again.

Interphase and Chromosomes

 At the beginning of interphase the cell grows quickly. More organelles are made and there is
an increase in the number of chemical reactions. The cell may become specialised for its
function in the body or it may store nutrients and get ready for mitosis. Towards the end of
interphase the chromatin material makes a copy of itself by replication.
 The chromatin network coils up to make short chromosomes. There are chromosomes in the
nucleus of every cell.
 At the end of interphase, each chromosome is composed of two identical strands because it
has made a copy of itself.
 The two identical strands are called chromatids and they are joined at one point called the

Diagram showing the structure and parts of a chromosome

The Purpose of Mitosis

Mitosis has three purposes:
 Growth: multicellular organisms need cell division to grow; they all start as a single cell and
soon have a huge number of cells.
 Repair: organisms constantly repair and renew themselves; worn out or dead cells are
replaced through cell division.
 Reproduction: single - celled organisms, such as bacteria and protists, also reproduce by
cell division (binary fission and budding)

Location of Mitosis
 In plants, mitosis occurs in the apical meristem tissue behind the tip of the root or stem and in
buds and in the lateral meristem tissue underneath bark.
 In animas, it happens in specific places in the organs, like bone marrow and skin basal layers.
 Some tissues are continuously being replaced by mitosis. Examples include epithelium tissue
and connective tissue. Others, like liver and skin cells, only divide when it is necessary to
repair damage.

What is Mitosis?
Mitosis is linked to cell growth. It is the process of cell division – a mature cell divides into two
identical new cells. Mitosis usually takes an hour or two. Mitosis is a continuous process.

The Stages of Mitosis in Animal and Plant Cells

 Two division processes are important in mitosis:
o Karyokinesis: is the division of the nucleus
o Cytokinesis: is the division of the cytoplasm

 To make it easier to describe, we divide mitosis into four phases.


Mitosis in Animal Cells


 Cells may appear inactive during this stage, but they are quite the opposite. This is the
longest period of the complete cell cycle during which DNA replicates, the centrioles divide,
and proteins are actively produced.


 Centrosome is made of two separate centrioles.

 Fibres form between the centrosomes to form spindle fibres.
 Centrosomes move to the opposite of the cells.
 Each chromosome is visible as two chromatids joined by a centromere.


 The nuclear membrane has disintegrated.

 Chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell.
 Each chromosome becomes attached to a separate spindle fibre and starts to move towards
the equator of the cell.


 Each chromosome separates into its sister chromatids by the action of spindle fibres pulling
each towards a spindle pole.
 Each chromatid (now called a daughter chromosome) is pulled to opposite sides (poles) of
the cell.


 Cytokinesis starts by the cell membrane starting to constrict at the equator of the cell.
 A nuclear membrane and nucleolus form in each daughter cell.
 Each daughter cell has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Mitosis in Plant Cells

 DNA in chromatin network duplicates.

 DNA thickens into chromosomes.


 Spindle fibres form between the poles of the cells, without the use of centrosomes.
 A spindle is found in the plant cells without centrioles.


 The nucleus membrane is completely disintegrated.

 Chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell.
 A centromere joins two chromatids to form a chromosome.
 Each chromatid of a chromosome becomes attached to a spindle fibre at the centromere.

 The centromere splits.

 Each chromosome separates into its sister chromatids. This happens when spindle fibres pull
each towards a pole.
 Each chromatid (now called a daughter chromosome) is pulled to the opposite poles of the


 Cytokinesis starts by a cell plate (cell wall) forming at the equator.

 The chromosomes unwind and lengthen to form a chromatin network.
 A nuclear membrane and nucleolus form in each daughter cell.
 Each daughter cell has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Key Concepts
blood epidermal nerve stem cell
chlorenchyma epithelium tissue palisade parencyhma vascular tissue
companion cell ground tissue phloem xylem
connective tissue lignin sclerenchyma
cuticle mesophyll sieve tube
dermal tissue muscle spongy mesophyll
The Organisation of Life

Diagram showing the organisation of Life

Plant Tissue
Plant cells with similar structure and functions form plant tissue.

Diagram showing the where different tissue are found in plants

Plant tissue can be divided into two main types:
1. Meristematic tissue
2. Permanent tissue

Meristematic Tissue

Meristematic tissue is actively dividing to produce new cells. Meristematic tissue consists of
undifferentiated small cell, with dense cytoplasm and large nuclei. The cells differentiate into new
tissue of the plant.

Meristematic tissue is found at the meristems of plants:

 Apical Meristem: are located at the growing points at the tips of roots and stems and results
in an increase in the length of these structures.

Diagram showing the different types of meristematic tissue

 Lateral Meristem: results in the growth in thickness or width of woody roots and stems. This
tissue is also called cambium; cork cambium divides to form the cork cells that form the outer
bark of a woody plant. Vascular cambium divides to make xylem and phloem tissue.

Permanent Tissue

Permanent tissue are specialised in function and do not divide constantly. Differentiation of cells
begins as soon as cells have been formed by cell division, and results in changes in structure. There
are three groups of permanent tissue:
1. Epidermal
2. Vascular tissue
3. Ground

Epidermal Tissue
This is the outermost layer of cells that covers the roots, stems and leaves. Epidermal cells are tightly
packed, with no intercellular air spaces. The main function of the epidermal cells is to protect the
underlying tissue from injury.

Some epidermal cells are modified to perform a specific function. Specialised epidermal cells of the
stem and leaves secrete a waxy layer, called the cuticle, to prevent water loss. Other examples of
specialised cells are guard cells and root hair cells.
 Guard Cells

Micrograph of an Guard cell showing

Guard cells are bean- shaped epidermal cells that occur on either side of a stoma- which is
the opening that occurs on the surface of a leaf. The guard cells function to open and close
the stoma, thus controlling the loss of water by transpiration.

 Hair cells

Micrograph of a Guard cell showing

The hair cells of an epidermal root hair cell are formed by an extension of the cell wall. The
hair functions to increase the surface area of the root to maximise the uptake of water and

Vascular Tissue
Vascular tissue functions to transport and support.

 Xylem Tissue:
Xylem tissue transport water and mineral salts from the ground water through the roots to the
stems and leaves.
Xylem tissue consists of vessels and tracheids- both cells have cell walls that are
strengthened with lignin and both types of cells are dead at maturity.
Xylem vessels and tracheids do not contain cytoplasm and cross walls are perforated with
pits to enable the sideways movement of water.
Xylem vessels are elongated and hollow and form long tubes that are joined end to end to
allow water to flow from one cell to the next.
Tracheids are long and tapered at the ends. Tracheids function to strengthen the plant.

 Phloem Tissue:
Plants have phloem tissue to transport food from the leaves, where photosynthesis takes
place, to areas undergoing growth or storage sites.
Phloem tissue consists of long columns of sieve tubes and companion cells.
Sieve tubes are elongated, hollow cells. Sieve tubes remain living, although the nuclei in the
cells die.
The end walls (called sieve plates) are perforated and hollow phloem sap to flow from one cell
to the next.
Each sieve tube is found next to a companion cell.
Companion cells keep the sieve tubes alive by regulating and performing their metabolic

Ground Tissue
Ground tissue forms the body of the plant and is responsible for support, storage and photosynthesis.
There are three types of ground tissue:
1. Parenchyma
2. Collenchyma
3. Sclerenchyma

Table showing the structure and function of parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma
Diagram showing the different types of parenchyma cells

 Parenchyma – thin walled & alive at maturity; often multifaceted.

Diagram showing the different types of collenchymas cells

 Collenchyma – thick walled & alive at maturity

Sclerids Fibers
Diagram showing the different types of simple tissue – consisting of one cell type

 Sclerenchyma – thick walled and dead at maturity

 Sclerids or stone cells – cells as long as they are wide
 Fibers – cells longer than they are wide

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