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Morning Meeting

March 3, 2022
1st grade

My name is Bethany
Bailey. I plan to
teach 1st grade in any
content area.
Good morning 2nd grade!
This morning we will be
moving around the room and
shaking everyone’s hands
to help us learn
everyone’s names.

Remember: eye contact and

speak clearly!
● 1. This type of greeting
1. How does the can help children learn
greeting set a positive names.
tone and provide a
● 2. The teacher can make
sense of recognition? sure that there is no
2. How does the running/bumping or
teacher manage
behavior during the ● 3. The children are
greeting? learning how to hold eye
contact, speak clearly,
3. What social skills and give a firm
are children learning handshake.
and/or practicing
during greeting?
Comments and
questions are
Now, we will be encouraged! Get to
sharing. We will go know your friends!
around the circle and
share what we did
over the weekend.
Then, if anyone has
and comments or
questions for
someone, we will ask!

How can we show that we’re

Remember: speak listening?
1. The sharers are
1. What social skills are learning to speak
the sharers practicing? clearly and hold eye
2. What social skills
are the listeners 2.The listeners are
learning to give
practicing? their full undivided
attention to who is
3. What are the sharing.
3.I believe that sharing
elements to sharing? creates a safe place for
children to trust their
Group Activity
Now, we will be
playing Going on a We will be taking turns
Picnic! saying what we will be
bringing on our picnic,
but there will be a rule.

- Yellow items
- Red items
- Round items
- Fruits
- vegetables
1.The teacher can introduce this
1. How does the teacher introduce activity by naming an item that
this activity? they’re taking to the picnic and then
asking the children what they will be
taking. Then, we will introduce the
2. What routines and behaviors did
children need to learn in order to be 2.The children should be able to
successful with this activity? speak clearly and also remember
what other children have already

3. What are the

3.The children can laugh
community-building elements of with each other and trust
this activity? each other.
Morning Message es i
d o
What o be a
Good morning mean riend?
classmates! good

Today is March 3, 2022.

We will be going to
music and P.E. today.
This morning we will be
talking about how to be
a good friend. We will
be writing down traits .
and discussing after!
1.Children are practicing to
1.What academic skills are children
be good listeners, readers,
practicing as they read and work and writers.
with the message before the
meeting? During the meeting?
2.This Morning Message is telling
us what we will be doing that day
2. In what ways does the content of (leaving the classroom) and it
the message support the academic encourages them to think about
their own friends while they
curriculum and engage the learners?
write, creating a sense of

3.The teacher can tell the

3. What does the teacher do to students to stay quiet that
manage behavior during the work way the children can come up
with the message? with their own answers and to
only speak when called on.

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