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Universidad del Istmo

Sede Santiago

English Work

“Sentence transformation”

Name ;

David Lara


March 23rd 2021

Change sentences from present simple to past simple

1. My mother watches the weather news in the morning. / My mother

watched the news in the morning.

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work at the Weather Channel / I worked at the Weather Channel.

3.My wife runs a retail store / My wife ran a retail store.

4.My sister lives in Panama / My sister lived in Panama.

5. She earns a living by predicting the weather / She earned a living by

predicting the weather.
6.He wants to be a journalist / He wanted to be a journalist.

7.Anna cooks fish every Sunday / Anna cooked fish every Sunday.

8. My students study hard to learn English / My students studied hard to learn


9. She writes a children book once a year / She wrote a children book every

10.Do you play any sport? / Do you played any sport?.

Change the following sentences to passive voice:

1. We made hotdogs for the party. / The hot dogs for the party were made by us.

2. They based the movie on the book / The movie was based on the book.

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3. Meteorologists
CC BY-SA-NC predict the weather / The weather was predicted by the

4. The committee is presenting the results of the survey at the meeting / The
results of the survey at the meeting were presented by the committee.

5. The reporter is interviewing the Carnival Queen / The Carnival Queen was
interviewed by the reporter.
6. The City Council has selected the city’s mayor/ The city’s mayor was
elected by the city.

7. The police caught the thief/ The thief was caught by the police.

8. My sister set our house on fire / Our house was set on fire by my sister.

9. The weathermanforecast short spells of rainfall/ The rainfall was short spells

by the weathermanforecast.

10. Many people celebrate the city festival with concerts and parades of giant
figures/ The city festival was celebrated with concerts and parades of giant
figures by many people.

 Passive voice produces a sentence in which the subject

receives an action. In contrast, active voice produces a
sentence in which the subject performs an action. ... To
change a sentence from passive to active voice, determine
who or what performs the action, and use that person or
thing as the subject of the sentence.

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