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Name of Teacher Candidate: Quinn Schneider

Title of Lesson: Thank You, Garden

Grade(s): 1 Subject(s): Language/Art

Date: Literacy Rotations Time: 20 minutes


How is this lesson connected to the learning?

Students have already learned/discussed/explored……

Students have already explored gardening in our books for Earth week. I have read Butterfly
Park, Please, Please the Bees and will add to their understanding with Thank You, Garden by
Liz Garton Scanlon.

Learning Goal:
I will learn what it takes to start a garden.
Curriculum Expectation(s) (one or two from MOEs):

- 1.6 extend understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to their own knowledge and
experience; to other familiar texts, including print and visual texts; and to the world around them (p. 37).
- 1.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active listening strategies in a
few different situations (p. 36).

D1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to design challenges (e.g., mixed media: use
torn paper and textured materials to create a landscape collage of a playground that includes a horizon line (p.

Formative/Ongoing Assessment (assessment for learning and/or assessment as learning):

We will take anecdotal notes to assess participation in active listening. We will also observe participation in the craft more
generally. Students will be tasked to complete the art activity and anecdotal notes will be compiled based on their attention to
detail, active listening, and overall completion of the art project. Students will be assessed on their ability to follow instructions
clearly and make text-to-world connections. 

Summative/End of Lesson Assessment (assessment of learning):

- Reiterate our themes of gardening and mention you can have a garden anywhere that is any size

Resources and Materials:

- The book Thank You, Garden
- Paper
- Markers/pencil crayons

Physical Space (layout, groupings):

- Virtual
- Will be done during literacy rotations so we will work in smaller groups of 5-8 students at a time
Anticipatory Set (hook):
- Asking them to think back to our discussion on gardening and sustainability during Earth Week

Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

- I will present an example of a garden in the story and ask them to model their gardens off of this
- The story lists which components to include in a garden so I will ask them to listen closely and take
note of the aspects needed to create a successful garden
- I will also show them the plants I potted this weekend (lettuce and basil) for reference

Provide Guided Practice:

- Read the story together
- List all the aspects of a garden that were mentioned in the story
- Fence
- Dirt/seeds
- Water/sunlight
- Tools
- Compost
- Location – urban and rural
- Diversity of plants – need to appeal to pollinators (link back to bee discussion)
- Draw your own garden!
- Discuss seasonality
- What can grow where and why

Considerations for inclusion (social and academic):

- Instructions will be verbal and posted on Seesaw in advance to prepare students to be comfortable
- Posting instructions in advance will accommodate students with sensory disorders that rely on
organized, clear instructions
- Hands-on activity to engage with all literacy levels
- Listening to the story and seeing it to include non-readers
- Oral questioning to engage non-readers

Closure (summarize main ideas connected to the learning goal):

- Students will share their gardens
- I will ask each student what they included and why
- We will conclude by saying that gardens are a valuable part of the environment and can be created
anywhere, no matter the location or size!

REFLECT (What went well? What to do differently next time)

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