Csec Spanish - Reflexive Verbs Notes

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Reflexive verbs are used when the action is being done to the doer of the action. That
means the subject and object of the verb is the same person.
In this way, reflexive verbs “reflect” the action back onto the doer.
Reflexive verbs use the reflexive pronoun before the verb and they can be identified in the
infinitive by the reflexive pronoun ‘se’ at the end of the verb.
eg. Lllamarse - to call oneself 

The reflexive pronouns are:

Me - myself Te - yourself
Se - him/her/itself/ themselves Nos - ourselves

Common reflexive verbs:


acordarse de to remember

bañarse to bathe oneself

cepillarse los dientes  to brush one’s teeth

ducharse to shower

levantarse to get up

despertarse to wake up

llamarse to call oneself 

ponerse to put on (get dressed)

vestirse to get dressed

peinarse to comb one’s hair

lavarse to wash oneself

enojarse to get angry

divertirse to have fun

acostarse to go to bed

maquillarse to put on makeup

volverse to become

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