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Teaching Strategies Preferred by Grade 12 STEM Students on Major Subjects in La

Verdad Christian School

A Research Paper
Presented to


Apalit, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research II

Submitted by :
Flores, Flint Zaki
Madla, Ray Anne Rose
Maglalang, Karylle
Tangpus, Monlory Jonne
Varon, Menavic
Victoria, Kenshin Bryle
Yambao, Jamalkel

Submitted to:
Mr. Federico Gelido
October 2021





Teachers use various teaching techniques on their students to help them learn and

use knowledge to attain their goals. Teaching strategies are an eclectic lesson plan which

compromises lesson structure. It contains intended learner behavior regarding the

instruction goals and an overview of planned techniques to put the strategies into action.

(Gill and Kusum, 2017)

Teaching is a process that involves bringing about desirable changes in learners

to achieve specific outcomes (Ayeni, 2011). According to Macsuga-Gage et al. (2012),

appropriate teaching tactics used by teachers will assist students in becoming

independent and strategic learners capable of making meaningful connections between

skills, concepts, and real-life situations. Every learner has a unique way of interpretation

and responding to questions. In ensuring that the teaching method is effective, teachers

should apply appropriate teaching strategies that best suit specific objectives and

competencies. It secures and facilitates the process of knowledge transmission. (Tebabal

& Kahssay, 2011)


These happened as the pandemic continued. The traditional way of teaching is

disturbed, and the interaction between the students and teachers is now changed. The

government implemented distance learning as a way for the students and teachers to

protect themselves from the spreading of viruses. It still ensures the continuity of

learning. Universities experimented with different tactics to fully comply with the

necessities of students in education in this current condition in the world. They do it by

carrying out activities for students using the internet and useful devices for online


Several studies show that student performance depends on how the teacher

conveys their lessons to the students. Different teaching strategies are used to attain the

most efficient and effective way of learning that affects the students and the proctor in

their field of education. Most students who listen, interact with their teacher and their

peers imitate or learn the lecture from the teacher as stated by them without initiative.

Universities in the Philippines use online learning as a platform. Face-to-face

classes are still prohibited. Some studies show the advantage of online learning in

teaching strategy.


Instead of typing answers in a document or homework, ask them some questions

that make them interact by responding to each work in a class. It boosts their engagement

in interacting with people, thus providing an active and enjoyable asynchronous

discussion. Synchronous classes could also be a great way to put students in real-time

interaction with the students and teachers. They also learn by using different media

platforms and video conferencing that would encourage students to showcase their

knowledge with the guidance of teachers. We can use different teaching strategies such

as giving puzzles, quizzes, board work, and more to make your lessons more interactive

and engaging.

Online learning could be a factor that affects the students in coping with some

advances in the learning-teaching process that are all new to everyone. There would be

delays in processing information of the student in gaining new knowledge because of

time constraint that makes the students unable to accomplish tasks and meet the deadline

on time. Therefore, the exact and effective teaching strategy might be a burden to

discover and apply in online learning. Cheating prevention in an online environment is

tough to observe since various methods could initiate the act of cheating without the

guidance of the teacher. Technical problems are prone and likely to happen when

interacting with the students in an online learning environment and many more.


The effectiveness of teaching methods on student learning has consistently raised

a considerable amount of interest in educational research.

In the conventional epoch, many teaching practitioners have preferred teacher-

centered procedures to impart knowledge to learners compared to student-centered

methods (Hightower et al., 2011).

A classroom consists of students varying in learning styles, which challenge the

teachers since there is no one-size-fits-all solution in teaching. Knowledge about the

"best" teaching method can help them develop their style derived from the result of this

research. Additionally, this research will help the people involved understand the

relationship between the teaching style, the type of students, and the taught subject.

This research aims to gain knowledge and skills about the most preferred

teaching strategy that would influence student performance in school. The researchers,

as students, either experienced or observed some difficulties or technicalities in the

teaching method of the teachers.


The researchers have conducted this research BECAUSE of the concern and

curiosity, at the same time, if the most credible teaching strategy exists in their

institution. The researchers hypothesized that if they manage to conclude this research,

it will be helpful for their sake, as a student, for their fellow students, teachers, the school,

and other people.


Statement of the Problem

This analysis will seek information on the selected teaching strategies of Grade

12 Students of La Verdad Christian School, A.Y.2021-2022. We will rank the chosen

teaching strategies that we gather from our respondents.

Specifically, the researchers want to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondent?

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Strand

2. What are the teaching strategies preferred by students?

3. What is the most preferred teaching strategy by the respondents?

4. What is the least preferred teaching strategy by the respondents?

5. Are there significant factors that make the respondent come up with their



Significance of the study

The core of this research is the students since they are the top priority of this

research. Gaining the insights of the respondents will give us more knowledge and

information about the study. We used the data we gathered to make our conclusions and


The result of the study will benefit the students, teachers, the parents of the

students, institutions, tutors, and future researchers. This research will give them a

precise idea about the said problem.

This research will provide information and determine the order of preferred

teaching strategies of respondents to help the students develop their academic

performance whether they are in the school or not. It will be an excellent underlying

basis to guide the educators in the proper way of teaching. The results of this study could

be highly significant to the following sectors:


Students. Students will have the appreciable benefit once the teachers have adapted

or adjusted some preferred teaching styles. The students will have better performance

since the learning styles matches the teaching styles of teachers. Also, some slow

learners can now catch up with the discussions. Furthermore, this research will help the

students who want to become future educators.

Teachers. All teachers want their students to get high marks on their specific subjects.

Teachers can use the results of this research as a basis to adjust their style of teaching. It

will make them put less effort into teaching their students. They can conduct an

experiment if such teaching styles are really effective.

Parents. They are concerned, especially when it comes to the academic performance

of their child. This research could allow them to get a better understanding. Such as if

their son/daughter is affected by factors that can boost or hinder their academic



Institutions. These will be an asset to the institution. They will help them advance their

curriculum by using facts from our conclusion. It will be a profit for the institution for

short. The school will maintain its Standard Operating Procedure on the effective

teaching that may attract student admissions.

Tutors. The significance of the study of the teachers applies to most tutors. The

result of this research may attract student admissions for tutorship for additional income.

Researchers. The research outcome will be a credible reference for any researchers

planning to conduct a related study. This research may be one of the foundations for the

creation of a new learning guide. These enable them to look for credible shreds of

evidence and responses from the respondents. These will also help them to be patient

and systematic. It will improve their research skills gradually as well.


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is focused and limited only to the sequence of preferred teaching

strategies that applies to the student. We also cover the factors that they consider in

making their choice. It is further validated based on the responses of the respondents to

our close-ended questions. The research instrument used was a quantitative approach

type-questionnaire and was only administered once to the respondents who were

compatible with the study.

Our research study is limited on the amount of time that we are given to conduct

it. Our conclusion will also be restricted based on the information that we gathered

throughout the study.


Our respondents of the study were composed of only one hundred (100) students.

They were all Senior High School students that studied in the strands of

• Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

• Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

• Accountancy and Business Management (ABM)

at La Verdad Christian School, A.Y. 2021-2022.


Definition of Terms

For better comprehension of the reader towards this research paper, the

researchers provided the definition of the following terms:

Brainstorming – It is a strategy wherein all students participate by responding or

presenting views on a topic. This technique encourages new ideas among students,

which would never have happened under normal circumstances.



Case study – It is a type of instructional method. Students observe, analyze, record,

implement, conclude, summarize, or recommend assigned scenarios or situations. Case

studies are created and used as a tool for analysis and discussion.



Discussion panel – In a Panel Discussion, a selected group of students act as a panel,

and the remaining class members as the audience. The panel informally discusses

selected questions. A panel leader is chosen, and he summarizes the panel discussion

and opens the discourse to the audience.



Games and simulation – It refers to a series of instructional designs that use elements

from itself. We execute it with board games, computer-assisted board games, or fully

computerized environments. Simulation and gaming are particularly popular in

business education.

Presentation – A presentation conveys information from a speaker to an audience.

Presentations are typically demonstrations, introductions, lectures, or speeches meant

to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, build goodwill, or present a new idea/product.


Problem-based learning – Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching style that

pushes students to become the drivers of their learning education. Problem-based

learning uses complex, real-world issues as the classroom's subject matter. It

encourages students to develop problem-solving skills and learn concepts instead of

just absorbing facts.



Project design method – It is a method where students gain knowledge and skills for

an extended period. It investigates and responds to an authentic, engaging, and

complex question, problem, or challenge.



Question-and-answer method – It is a teaching method that allows two-way traffic,

direct communication. There is a dialogue between the teacher and students.


It is intended to stimulate students' thinking and guide them in achieving or gaining




Role-playing – It is a technique that allows students to explore realistic situations by

interacting with other people. It develops experience and trials different strategies in a

supported environment.





1. What is your demographic profile?

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Strand

2. What teaching strategy do you prefer the most? Please choose one teaching style


2.1 Brainstorming

2.2 Case study

2.3 Discussion panel

2.4 Games and simulation

2.5 Presentation

2.6 Problem-based learning

2.7 Project design method

2.8 Question-and-answer method

2.9 Role-playing


3. Were there factors that made you come up with your choice?

3.1 The teaching strategy is related to my favored subject.

3.2 I am a visual learner.

3.3 I am a verbal/linguistic learner.

3.4 I enjoy learning with participation from other students.

3.5 I prefer step-by-step instructions.

3.6 I recognize a problem as a whole and not by parts.




The Review of Related Literature and Studies is presented in this chapter. It

contains all the literature and studies gathered from credible sources, such as books,

thesis, magazines, articles from trusted websites from different countries.

The researchers devoted their time searching for these foreign and local works of

literature and studies.

Local Studies

Teachers plan ahead on how students would acquire and learn a language by

assessing the needs of the students to understand the lesson properly in either a formal

or informal approach. It is in terms of English language learning. (Linde, 2018)

Teachers provided formative tests to determine the student's skills. And to know

their difficulties in the given quizzes or tests.


The results would guide the teachers whether they need assistance to improve

their performance in school. Observing the students in their class would yield insights

into how they manage their skills in processing knowledge in school.

In some instances, there are unqualified teachers in English grammar learning,

which is one of the challenges that can be observed inside the class. It is hard to solve

because various schools consist of English language learners. Therefore, students convey

the information from the teaching material that their teacher uses, even if it is not

accurate. Applying it to situational problems would harm the student's capabilities in the

proper understanding of the language.

Applying student-centered learning in which students would improve

independent learning, metacognition, and output-based learning. Teachers can learn

ways of teaching from the point of view of their learners by getting information from

them. They are learning while applying it as the students participate in the learning

process. (Kahng, 2015)

Teachers now know the necessary curriculum in which the students must be

related or interested in that field. Once they identify the needs of the students through

the lesson plan, it will now serve as the foundation. It is for the performance assessment

of a student through tests, activities, quizzes, and others. (Albassri, 2016)


As the teachers explore the needs of their students, it becomes part of their lives

as they assess the proper teaching strategy for them. Teachers provide teaching

strategies. It helps the students excel and apply this knowledge. They learn it inside and

outside of school and for their career path. (Shank, 2016)

Students would like to apply this knowledge in using English in communication.

It is for future purposes. If the teachers did not assist and teach the necessary information,

it would affect their academic performance. (Center for Applied Linguistics, 2016)

By applying formal and informal assessment, teachers would know the necessary

needs of the students to improve their knowledge in learning. In addition, some students

find sharing information about their educational status confidential. It is the

responsibility of the teachers to know the problems of their students before finding an

effective way to generate the needs of their students.

Teachers aim to create lesson plans and teach students without putting pressure

on them. In this process, students became more socially welcome to share their opinions

and more engaged in participating in the class. Most students prefer to hear the teacher's

personal life experiences to connect with their subject topic. They find it much

compulsive and easy to discuss with the students. (BVC, 2016)


In certain situations, teachers must always provide necessary feedback or

comments on their student's performance. Whether it is compliments or improvement

for failing the expectation in their language grammar learning. The teachers maintaining

eye contact and keeping positive vibes in front of the students may improve the teaching

and learning process. (Kapur, 2019)

Adjusting learning strategies with student intelligence has improved learning

motivation and emotional intelligence. Educational conditions under which a student

learns influence learning. It suggests that learning style involves not only what students

need. It also includes the process. (Stewart& Felicetti, 1992)

Several studies have shown that teaching strategies have a significant impact on

the academic performance of students. Individual learning styles must be taken into

consideration in choosing the most effective teaching strategy.

Cognitive, affective, and psychological factors make up the components of

learning styles. It is used as indicators to distinguish how a learner acknowledges,

interacts with, or responds to the learning environment. (Kaefa, 2012)


The teacher-student interactive method, a feature of cooperative learning, was

the most effective teaching strategy, followed by the student-centered approach. The

least effective was the teacher-centered approach which was shown in the lecture-type

technique. (Ganyaupfu, 2013)

The demonstration method is effective in increasing mathematical ability. It

increases the student's activeness and helps in understanding material. (Ramadhan &

Surya, 2017)

Drill and exercises with incentives, intensive assignments, and frequent

evaluation were found effective. They showed a noticeable difference in the pre-test

from the post-test results. (Berches, 2005)

Instructional strategies are effective for all learners and present better

opportunities for inclusive teaching and learning. Enhancement of academic learning

time and accessibility of the students to practical teacher structure learning tasks were

recommended. (Choate, 2000)


Foreign Literature

As the generations pass by, there is a continuous change in the education system.

Which makes it difficult for students to meet their needs in their academic performance.

With the consistent improvement of information technologies, there is now online

learning. Which is a flexible type of learning that helps both students and teachers.

Nonetheless, some challenges are needed to take into account to effectively and

efficiently strengthen the process of teaching and learning. (Popovici, 2015)

There are eight principles of effective online teaching: encouraging contact

between students, collaborative learning, quick feedback, active learning, task time, and

high expectations. The teacher should appropriately approach students so that the

students would know what they need to accomplish. They also motivate the students in

school, diversified learning, and technology application. (Cheung and Cable, 2017)

Studies show that students gain more knowledge in modern learning than

traditional ways in an online environment. (Navarro and Shoemaker, 2000)

Online learning is proven to enhance learning and communication for those

introverted and slow learner students.


They are unable to show their full potential to participate in a classroom. (Stern,


Students' perception of their entire learning experience through teaching methods

and online course design was influenced not solely by their perceived learning but

overall satisfaction with an online course. (Myers & Schiltz 2012)

An online teaching strategy is an approach for organizing learning activities,

course content, and student interaction in online courses. (Bonk & Dennen, 2003)

Common strategies used in online courses are promoting interactivity through

communication (Ku et al. 2011: Lawton et al. 2012); concept application facilitation

(Steinberg 2010; Strang 2012); using video demonstrations (Gemmell et al. 2011);

bearing a social sense of belonging to an academic community. (Zhang & Walls, 2006)

According to the students, case studies, video demonstrations, instructor notes,

mini-projects, and discussion forums are some most effective teaching strategies. (Yang,



Some teachers tend to teach for examinations rather than for conceptual

understanding caused by the sanctions attached to student's performance, even going as

far as engaging in unethical methods such as examination malpractice which is not

appreciated by the student as it denied students the opportunity to gauge their level of

preparedness in the examination (Samson Murithi Njiru et al., 2020)

We can avow that past, utilizing a particular showing procedure inside the

course of the execution of assignments. There is a motivation behind why we use it.

Goals that can change contingent upon the factors that impact the snapshot of utilizing

them. In this review, the educators express the impact of the OME cooperative bunch in

using some showing systems recuperating a solid significance in their academic practice.

The utilization of showing techniques becomes rich to the extent the instructors

question ourselves regarding the reason: why, how, when, and where to utilize them

accordingly. It is through these inquiries that these systems recapture significance in

their execution. They become the key for devices for the showing system tended to by

the instructor.


It is critical to recall that every educator should be cautious when utilizing

showing techniques since all attempt to create superior learning in the understudy. In

this way, the approach and how the educator plans it establishes a significant stage to

figure out which showing procedures are fitting to utilize.

Therefore, it can't be failed to remember that: behind its utilization, there is an

entire scope of aims that every educator looks for. Even though the showing

methodologies are planned to assist with intervening understudy learning.

The teaching strategies in modern blended learning are student-oriented (Petrina,

2007). This method is modified for the needs of the learners and aims to focus more on

them. In this way, teachers would provide them the information that they need. Yet, the

students would have to do more investigation and careful understanding of the lesson.

Having group and individual works helps the students to further solve difficulties

that they encounter. Teachers and students have the chance to learn and process

information at the same time. (Hart, 2014)


Direct instruction strategy is considered the traditional method of teaching that

is concerned with teaching the information to the students without engaging them to

work on an activity.

Compared to modern forms of teaching, students are more engaged in learning

the material. With the constant changes in technologies and different media platforms,

students gain and share their knowledge with other people. Therefore, it enhances their

social learning skills.

A collaborative learning strategy is defined as an interactive way of learning. The

students, teachers, and other people involved are having an exchange of ideas or

information. It helps them to simultaneously learn with the guidance of teachers. It

improves their communication and sharing or gaining knowledge with the consistent

interaction between them with the help of different media platforms that could help in

information processing.

Situated learning strategy involves critical thinking that helps in practical

problem solving and experiments. Lastly, a self-directed learning strategy is also an

active way of learning that is fixed to the needs of the students. It helps them find and

learn the teaching material from the teachers by researching on web pages, wiki, blogs,

and printed materials.


In South African schools, students have difficulties adapting to English First

Additional Language (EFAL) reading. It might be a burden to both the students and

teachers as well. The teacher's failure to express and provide the teaching material to the

students is sufficient for students to fail. The primary cause of this problem is the

teaching strategies that need modification in the efficient and effective teaching process.

The Social Inclusive Teaching Strategies (SITS) find solutions to the inability to

apply different learning styles. (Armstrong, 2011) It empowers progressive learning with

a response to the social changes and needs of the students.

In addition, SITS have the advantage in processing and incorporating good ways

of teaching. It can connect and engage a variety of students without neglecting their

needs in improving their reading and writing skills. This strategy is made possible for

the students to motivate and empower their knowledge and skills in education.

(Devereaux, 2013)

On the other hand, this strategy mismanages the rights of people in education.

(Malebese, 2016)


This incorporates the sharing of knowledge or ideas with one another. It is

possible through sharing stories and life experiences that help students to relate to

situational topics. It brings excitement and interest in the subject. (Mahlomaholo, 2013)

Listening skills aren't entirely taught in the same way that speaking is separated

from writing instruction. The act of hearing, like speaking, cannot be separated from

listening. Regardless of their various languages, speaking as a result of both listening

and speaking skills are taught.

As a result, speaking should be treated as a whole, especially in remote areas.

Where there is only one instructor who teaches a variety of disciplines to students of

different ages. Content incorporation of learning and participation of key stakeholders

who can make a difference in the teaching and learning of EFL is crucial.

Teaching a subject while lacking the proper skills and knowledge can be

challenging. That is why teachers are required to have a certain level of proficiency to

effectively instruct a subject. Students struggle the most as readers and tend to avoid

reading activities. In a traditional face-to-face setting, constant monitoring and guidance

help the students learn.


Malaysia's Ministry of Education (MOE) has emphasized the importance of

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to learners as early as

preschool. The STEM field's demands alert lawmakers and educators to the need to

prepare students for a changing workforce and a technology-driven future. The

improvement of 21st-century education is said to have the potential to bring the goal of

STEM education to reality. In fact, it produces a creative STEM innovator, plan for the

country's bright future. Stakeholders in Malaysia are beginning to emphasize the

relevance of STEM education, as they had an issue with pupils enrolling in science

classes. Based on this, the 60:40 (science: arts) policy has yet to be implemented. As a

result, a solution is required to guarantee that STEM may be applied excitingly. Several

researchers have discovered that integrating art into STEM leads to more enjoyable

learning, particularly preschool education.

All of the teachers who took part in the study thought CS was beneficial in their

Afrikaans classes. They all agreed that CS may be used as a teaching tool in the L2

language class. The participants' response to the issue on the benefit of combining

languages in Afrikaans teaching was also unanimous. Eighty percent of those surveyed

said that CS helped students learn things better.


Teachers must use teaching technique varieties and procedures to ensure that

English Language Learners (ELLs) understand the materials and information offered.

(Byland et al., 2012)

Cross-curricular studies and various types of art-making collaborations are

mentioned as effective methods of supporting language acquisition and communication

development skills in school-aged ELLs. Students are motivated to use the four language

skills. It is in response to the art: how they learn, search and create. Students must read,

write, speak, and listen to generate ideas, organize thoughts, and propel creations.

(OBEWL, 2010)

ELL populations are growing faster than the regular school population, emphasizing

the importance of instructors having successful tactics while working with ELLs. (Li,



The South African Constitution (Republic of South Africa, 1996a) recognizes

eleven official languages to "redress the injustice of apartheid by emphasizing

multilingualism and the rights of indigenous languages against English," as well as the

right of "everyone to receive education in their choice of public educational institutions"

(Section 29(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996a).

However, teachers face unique difficulties in consequence of this

acknowledgment of official languages. The child's right to education is affected as well.

It is the job and function of the educator to meet the different students' needs, including

the need for learning in their native language.

It appears that writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) is a difficult task.

Many students, not only in Indonesia but across the world, had a terrible experience. For

many teachers, writing is a challenging task. Some difficulties with EFL writing, such

as the students' lack of understanding of English structure. The restricted number of

words available and the cultural impact have both been factors.


Many researchers in the field have reported on this (Ghabool, Marriadas, and

others). Aside from that, the teacher factor might play a role in the impact of the teaching

of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing.

One of the most fundamental aspects of language learning is motivation. Long-

term goals would be difficult to fulfill without it, regardless of the educational program

or the educator. (Krashen, 2009)

The findings revealed that, according to participants, playing games plays a

significant role in stimulating learners' interest, enthusiasm, and dynamic environment.

(Abdullah et al., 2018)

The results showed that the foundation of teachers' perception of grammar

teaching comes from their conceptual experiences and grammar theories. They still

encounter obstacles in teaching grammar, such as student learning patterns and fewer

teaching references, despite using various grammar approaches and strategies. (Eval &

Res, 2020)


Educators at online and distant learning institutions constantly look for new

and effective ways to help students learn. While some teaching tactics may be fashioned

after those used in traditional classrooms, others will take a little more effort to adapt to

the online setting. This study recounts three academics' attempts to adapt argument as a

teaching approach for use in an online learning environment.

It goes beyond the adaption process to detail our collaborative experiences

while also commenting on the process. We had no idea the others were employing the

same instructional technique. We have diverse teaching perspectives and come from

various disciplines. Yet, we find a method to support one another's professional

development and improve our teaching by working together.

The "Intelligences That Plants May Pass On" Activity was created to show how

Multiple Intelligences (MI) can be used to give educational programs to students of all

ages. The activity serves as a great entry point for effective lesson planning. It was used

to better integrate MI lesson planning. It also improves teaching strategies in elementary

and science teacher in-service training. As well as Junior Master Gardener (JMG)

Volunteer Certification.


Foreign Studies

The teaching process is one of the main factors that make learning attractive and

has meaning. Having appropriate teaching strategies used by instructors can make

comprehension of modules easier.

Academically gifted students require more attention regarding the teaching

strategies that the professors will use. It can either encourage students or disappoint

them. Some students need teaching strategies that meet their intellectual and cognitive

abilities. It makes their learning process more sufficient.

Academically Gifted Students show a high level of preference for the creative

thinking strategy followed by the critical thinking strategy. (Al-Khayat et al., 2017)

The definitions of learning style had pointed to several factors (Keefe, 1987).

Learning styles are personality traits that determine the consistency of student behavior.


Learning styles include psychological and physiological aspects of individual

functioning in a learning situation, the combination of which allows a unique approach

to learning within predetermined categories.

Learning styles are the product of interaction between students and their

physical and surroundings. The learning style is the typical way an individual settles on

a distinct approach to the problem. (Skehan, 2001)

It is stated that when they used the method to the kids suited to their preferred

learning styles, they got higher academic achievements. (Pritchard, 2009)

Aforementioned that teachers who are aware of the student learning styles are

better equipped to schedule teaching contents. They tend to choose appropriate methods

and instructional aids in the teaching process. It boosts student intrinsic motivation and

individualizes teaching content. (Tubic, 2003)

It is critical to emphasize the pedagogical importance of understanding and

respecting student learning styles.


It is possible through effective teaching (research) methodologies to improve

school performance and educational quality.

Empirical research on learning styles has demonstrated that simply being aware

of different learning styles for a particular student creates beneficial effects in student

and teacher work. (Blackmore, 1996)

The physiological preferences of the learner, as well as his emotional, social,

psychological preferences and learning environment, can all influence learning styles.

(Dunn et al., 2009)

Student academic successes improve when the teaching style and the student

learning style are matched. It results in an extended recall of information, more efficient

application of data, and more positive attitudes toward the teaching subject and learning

in general. (Tubic, 2005)

The significance of understanding and respecting student learning styles was



They analyze each learning style and present them with suitable stimuli. The

results are unexpected. (Dryden & Vos, 2001)

Involving kids in inquiry is a practical strategy to help them develop critical

thinking skills, self-directed learning skills, and a deep understanding of particular

topics. (Tsybulsky et al., 2020)

Students learn best when the following characteristics are evident: (1)

educational method variability, (2) interest, (3) clarity, (4) task-oriented behavior, (5)

instructor use of structuring comments, (6) student opportunities to study the material,

(7) multiple levels of questions, and (8) enthusiasm. (Rosenshine & Frust, 1973)

Teaching is the opportunity to assist people in living their lives fully, which

implies that we give assistance to our students in growing physically, emotionally,

intellectually, and socially. (Carkhuff, 1981)

Instructional plannings, teaching method selections, and diversity of learning

activities have significant impacts on student outcomes.


According to the Committee on Agricultural Education (1988), the teaching

approach is the main factor in educating pupils in learning activities. (Anderson, 1994)

The selection of an appropriate teaching approach is one of the main processes

to have teaching success and student achievements in their study about the impact of

teaching methods on Agricultural Education Students with Different Learning Styles.

(Dyer & Osborne, 1995)

Students react differently to different teaching approaches. The correct method

selection is crucial to the learning style of those being taught by the instruction. (Joyce

& Weil, 1986)

Any learner can learn or master knowledge and skills using the proper teaching

style. (Odubiyi, 1988)

As there are teachers, there are several various types of teaching. Teaching

activities are frequently reflected by teaching attitudes and preferences about teaching

methods, according to numerous researches.


Some professors emphasize the use of question and response approaches. While

others utilize a lot of programmed instruction. (Carkhuff, 1981)

Programmed instruction is most effective at lower levels of learning, whereas

independent projects are suitable at higher levels. Both methods are adaptable to student

differences. (Weston & Canton, 1986)

Teaching strategies are teacher-led activities in the classroom that engage

students in the subject. It requires them to participate in learning activities, shares evenly

with other learners, and react to the learning experience. (Kassem, 1992)

Learning aids are instruments or methods that simplify and organize complex

content and connect new ideas to old ones to make learning more effective, efficient,

and enjoyable. (Yelom, 1996)

Instructional strategies are divided into two categories: group and individual

techniques. Discussion, demonstration, field excursions, role acting, and resource people

are examples of group techniques.


The supervised study, experiments, and independent study are some

individualized ways. (Newcomb et al. 1986)

Lectures, teaching, inquiry-based learning, questioning, discovery learning,

and simulations as examples of strategies. (Henson, 1988)

One of the main strategies in the teaching-learning process is using aid as a

remarkable teaching tool. There are instructional aids designed to improve the

effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of learning. Some examples are handouts,

transparencies, checklists, and videotapes. (Yelom, 1996)

The findings of this study point to various areas in secondary agriculture

education where more research and practical implementation are needed. STEM

integration studies should be done in the future to identify why female agriculture

teachers are less confident in incorporating engineering principles. It is suggested that

this study could be replicated with a topic knowledge component. (Scales et al., 2009)


One of the main components in making learning meaningful and appealing is

the teaching process. Instructors that employ appropriate teaching tactics can help

students understand the modules more easily. Teaching practices, on the other hand, are

likely to either encourage or discourage a student. As a result, when delivering lectures

to students, instructors have a great responsibility to determine the needs and traits of

the pupils. (Galustov et al., 2016)

There is a study regarding how teaching strategies promote active learning. As

a result, student comprehension is highly dependent on the teaching method used.

(Dincer, 2019)

Instructors must develop teaching tactics tailored to the student's intellectual

ability when it comes to the concept of intelligence. (Cildir, 2017)

Instructors must consider various forms of knowledge in pupils and construct

learning procedures suited to their intellectual growth. (Yildinm & Akcayoglu, 2018)


When instructors use teaching approaches based on the student's chosen

teaching strategy, they benefit and like it more. (Akkas & Tortop, 2015)

When tackling complex problems, students prefer to use the visual method.

(Ho & Lowrie, 2014)

Pre-service teachers had trouble handling abstract issues and problems

requiring numerous stages. (Tatto et al., 2011)

Teaching pupils to solve concerns entails not just offering a model and real-

world issues. It also solves the teacher's advice. (Jose, 2017)

In mathematics education, especially in problem-solving, visual representation

of information is considered an efficient representation procedure. (Guler & Ciltas,



Rather than relying on symbolism and formalism, the student's comprehension

can be improved by using visualization to stimulate the student's thinking. (Lavy, 2007)

Visuals are potent aids for learning mathematics because they provide an

alternative mass resource. It is everywhere in the media as a simplified version of

mathematical language. Especially when conveying the problem-solving process, it can

be used practically. (Lavy, 2007)

In Nigeria, the term giftedness refers to the students who perform exceptionally

in their studies compared to other students. This means that students have a different

pace of acquiring knowledge or information that the teachers must understand to

improve the student's capacity in learning. (Marley & Carbonneau, 2014)

A teaching strategy called Activity-based learning strategy (ABTS) is a method

of learning by doing physical and mental actions that enable their potential in an activity.

(Carbonneau & Marley, 2012)


Those gifted students will explore their knowledge, thoughts, and ideas in a given

activity, allowing them to raise their critical thinking and curiosity. For example, creative

problem solving would help them utilize their ability. (Kontaş, 2009)

The effect of traditional teaching on students is that they cannot express their full

potential in school. They are only limited to learning a textbook without practicing and

applying critical thinking, problem-solving, and life problems. While in modern

teaching, it aims to disseminate knowledge in different aspects of life. (Bognar and

Matijević, 2005)

Schooling is not always about finding a solution to something and creating a

conclusion about curiosity. It is finding the needs and interests of the learners in every

field of education in doing active learning where they can showcase their talent in many

ways. (Tankersley, 2012)

Teachers have a significant role in the teaching process. Analyzing teaching

strategies that will express the student's abilities and their emotional state is notable.

Providing students with a variety of choices would help them explore their talents in

different fields freely.


Allowing them to develop their strengths with the assistance and guidance of

teachers and appropriately adjusting their words in directing them would bring joy and

trust to the students. (Slatina, 2006)

The openness and friendliness of the teachers towards their students are

reciprocated. It will turn into a victorious teaching and easy learning process. (Bratanić,


Didactics is a teaching strategy that helps the teachers to provide them the

knowledge and skills to learn in a classroom setting. It consists of four methods: frontal

teaching method, group work, pair work, and individual work.

The frontal teaching method is stating the lesson in front of the class. It helps

students to observe and recognize the given information. (Jurčić, 2012)

Students have an insight regarding the given activity. The teachers are

responsible for the overview of the students. By applying this method, teachers disregard

the individual characteristics and views of the students. It is because it is a disadvantage

in frontal teaching methods. At the same time, their work is concentrated on those

average students in the class that all students must submit the given tasks unto them at a

given time.


Individual work is by working independently, in which the student can solve and

understand the given task all by themselves. The process of learning depends only on

them whether they fully understand the context or not. They would work at their own

pace and on the different learning styles that are comfortable for them to solve the given

problem. (Matijević, 2005)

Group work allows people to manage, provide, and brainstorm ideas in their

team. It is to answer the problems given to them. These methods must be explained well

and provide rules that will initiate the teamwork by agreeing on the tasks.

Pair work is a type of work that associates two students who work together on

the assigned task. They have to establish a partnership that will discuss the things needed

to accomplish inside the classroom.

STEM strands find difficulties in maintaining their rates in pursuing a degree

course aligned with the subjects taken in the strand. So, some modifications are

implemented in retaining undergraduate students.

Transferring the method: from teaching-centered to student-centered technique

helps increase the gradual reduction of stem students. It improves the teaching strategies

and discipline of students. (Beach et al., 2012)


On the other hand, research regarding students who take science classes finds

their viewpoint regarding student interest in science, about grasping the concept and

understanding the focal point of a topic.

The main reason is the teaching strategy of the teachers in which they use

teaching instruction that focuses primarily on stating the theoretical understanding

instead of doing practical work. (Tseng, 2013)

Students find it uninteresting to learn science. It only highlights memorization

without fully understanding the concept. (Nolen, 2003)

By performing project-based learning, it will allow students to take advantage of

solving complex problems. They will find the strand meaningful and enjoyable as they

go through the process of learning.

It develops their critical thinking in an organized manner that allows students to

increase their knowledge and skills. They have the freedom to search for different

strategies that will help them to solve complex problems without any limitations.

(Capraro, 2013)


Project-based learning is not just limited to memorizing the concept or the lesson.

It is more about relating it to more than a branch of knowledge. That is why students are

now free of boundaries in learning. They make it fascinating for them to learn different

aspects of studying in various formats. (Railsback, 2002)

Allowing students to interact and share ideas gathered from the teachers through

peer discussion will enhance socialization and broad knowledge about introductory

science in their classroom. By doing so, teachers would gain a view over their students,

whether strengths or weaknesses. Having this allows them to constantly improve their

teaching strategies. (Watkins & Mazur, 2013)

Active student participation is one of the teaching strategies used to promote

complimenting students. (Baird & Narayanan, 2010)

One example is calling students to participate in the class rather than just listening

to the teacher. It is a great way to boost their performance and as well as their attention.

It has an impact on maintaining the information that one has learned and internalized in

their mind. (Hawtrey, 2007)


Using visual aids that engage students in active learning allows them to explore

more on the outside world. It provides a more in-depth discussion that the students enjoy.

(Bond et al., 2012)

Learners can state their facts or opinions that help them develop their

socialization skills in giving information in front of the class. They are also improving

their thought processes while engaging in the discussion. (Ali et al., 2009)

It includes different creative visuals such as pictures, videos, graphs that are

pleasing to the viewer's eye. (Watts & Christopher, 2012)

Still, there are some negative impacts of using visual aids. It needs more

improvement in using this teaching strategy. (Hanft, 2003; McDonald, 2004)

Reading different contemporary books might help students to find resources that

will help them in their studies. Such examples are quizzes, case studies, feedback, and

study plan.

Another strategy that may be effective for students is the use of new stories or

newspaper articles.


Allowing them to share their personal experiences by providing an email for

them. They can relate to their situation while still being able to engage themselves in the

learning process. (Crosling et al., 2008; 2009)

The review was created in Cameroon Public Secondary School, where a few

high school students graduated with a history major. It is blameless to observe proficient

freedoms radiating from the illustrations and practice of History. It was rapidly analyzed

that the issue was originating from deficient instructing approaches.

It was introduced on this psycho-educational issue: that the panel inspects the

connection between Histoshowing systems and expert variety. The committee looked

explicitly to examine the correlation between immediate, circuitous, and intelligent

showing procedures and 'expert variety.' With the guide of polls, it was found that there

is a negative connection between the immediate showing system and 'expert variety.'

The discoveries additionally uncovered that there is a positive connection

between the circuitous instructing procedures and expert variety. It demonstrated further

that the process utilized in showing History will impact more slender's discernment on

proficient openings presented by the investigation of History.


Interactive teaching is one of the most effective training methods for increasing

speaking skills strategy. Interactive teaching is an approach that encourages students to

learn for themselves throughout the process by allowing them to interact with their

classmates. Students' active participation in classroom communication is a method for

efficient learning. This research looked at the impact of an interactive teaching technique

on pupil achievements learning Turkish as a second language's speaking abilities.

The emphasis is on teaching high-frequency vocabulary as well as phonics as

well as language that is specific to a particular subject. Readers of L2 will benefit from

memorizing terms with a high frequency of occurrence. (Nation, 2001)

Increasing learners' awareness of words and teaching them to use them will

benefit them if they can recognize when they don't understand a word. They will be able

to improve their skills on their own. Students are being taught how to master tactics that

they can utilize without the help of others. Using the assistance of a teacher will be a

better long-term method than the phrase. (Blachowicz & Fisher, 2015)


A crucial goal of primary education is for students to improve their text

comprehension. Reading has two primary qualities, the reading outcomes, which

comprises vocabulary knowledge and apprehension of text. The other quality is the

interest in reading. (Cambria & Guthrie, 2010)

The vocabulary-development strategy enhanced pupils' vocabulary

understanding. Reading comprehension and grammatical errors had an impact on

students' reading outcomes and reading interests. (Käsper et al., 2018)

Innovation in styles of teaching, examination, and evaluation aims to develop

and support student's creativity. (Tuyen, 2008; Vy & Tien, 2016)

Lecturers should show passion and devote a significant amount of time and

effort. It enhances their professional qualifications and innovates their teaching methods

to develop an effective teaching and learning approach.

At the same time, students should understand the value of studying and training

in a university. (Hang & Van, 2020)


Several studies found that adjusting learning strategies with students' intelligence

has improved learning motivation and emotional intelligence to positively impact

student achievement. New experiences linked with curiosity play a role in developing

intellectuals. Vygotsky's theory suggests that individuals associate new knowledge with

prior knowledge to build meanings to understand new experiences. (Slavin, 2016)

Students' learning motivation plays a significant role in choosing the most

effective learning strategy as it influences preferences of the student's individual learning

styles. Appropriate teaching strategies may increase students' learning motivation,

increasing learning efficiency. (Melek Çakmak, 2027)

The most prevalent technique in conveying information is through directed

instruction. (Cashin, 1995)

The academic will primarily be offered through lectures (OECD, 2016).

Generally, they are in charge of the learning process and are the primary source of

information. Students will put their knowledge into regular practice to grasp this

knowledge. (Li, 1999)


This study discovered that the expertise and qualifications of science instructors

did not affect their use of innovative teaching tactics. (Oyelekan et al., 2017)

Science teachers do not use most tactics, indicating that they are not likely to use

the appropriate teaching strategies for certain science subjects. (Achor et al., 2010) The

teacher is a vital component of educational success. (Furqon, 2007)

The most significant attributes of a good teacher are personality and will,

intelligence, tact and sympathy, open-mindedness, and sense of humor. (Kyriacou, 2001)

Most teachers primarily educate through transferring curricular materials rather than

guiding students to understand how to learn. (Buchori, 2007)

Quantum teaching can be considered to be a successful teaching approach.

(Kyriacou, 1997)


Quantum teaching is similar to conducting a symphony while orchestrating two

primary elements: context and content. (DePorter, 1992)

Using a Quantum Teaching Strategy boosted my academic field and confidence.

(Barlas et al., 2002)

The goal is to get students to actively engage in generating, evolving, and modifying

cognition models to achieve deep levels of scientific conceptual understanding.

(Clement, 2008)

Their hypothesis established in this study explains science instruction by combining

social and cognitive viewpoints. (Billet, 1996)

Teachers must be aware that not all teaching methods are equally effective. A

well-chosen teaching approach can considerably contribute to high-quality teaching and

learning. (Magajna, 1995)


The teacher can help students improve their artistic and creative abilities. While

also facilitating the potent and unique acquisition of other competencies that are not

necessarily related to formal education. (Illeris, 2005)

We found that using teaching approaches that included cross-curricular

integration in sculpting tasks as part of the learning process proceeds in higher learning

results in art education. (Birsa, 2018)

Adequate teaching methods include an explanation, elaboration, plans. They

drive task performance, sequencing, drill repetition, offering strategy clues, domain-

specific processing, and a concise instructional aim. (Hattie, 2009)

Mastery learning was not only the most effective teaching technique, but it was

also the most successful strategy at all educational levels. (Willett et al., 1983)

A demonstration is an activity approach in which the teacher performs some

job. While the students attempt to duplicate it, follow his lead, and execute it the way he



It's used when a teacher wants the students to complete a task in the same way

he did has done it, and you can learn a little by hearing, a little more by watching, but

you can learn the most by really doing it. It is a method of teaching concepts, principles,

or real-life situations by integrating oral and written communication.

This method focuses on the material content being presented in a logical order.

It progresses from broad to narrow concepts. So that learners are capable of forming

cognitive structures and encoding new data. (Akinbobola & Afolabi, 2009)

In a session where a participant definitely did better on tasks they were familiar

with, even if the improvement is minor. Which could be attributable to a combination of

factors. (Touhill, 2012)

Furthermore, it is critical to emphasize that these findings were obtained when

students were exposed to videos. Since data demonstrate that pupils followed them. It

appeared to be more enticing and engaging. Directions are accurate, maybe as a result of

the audiovisual instructions being clearer. As a result, it is possible to conclude that this

method had a favorable impact.


According to Thomas (1991), INSERT facilitates readers sustained engagement

and promotes metacognitive activity by recalling previous readings of something new.

SQ3R is a reading comprehension strategy named for its five steps: survey,

question, read, recite, and review, which offers to read textbook material more efficiently

and dynamically. (Heilman, 2005)

Students' reading comprehension achievement is higher when using the INSERT

approach than using the SQ3R strategy. There is substantial interaction between teaching

styles and curiosity on the side of the learners. (Gurning & Siregar, 2017)

Engaging in the learning of subjects and developing positive attitudes towards

them will help in high levels of literacy development. (Goodnough, 2001)

Focusing on teaching strategies centered on developing multiple intelligence of

students exhibit positive development.


Students educated by an approach based on Multiple Intelligences are more

successful than the students who have been educated by the traditional teaching methods.

(Ali Abdi et al., 2013)

It is demonstrated that the efficiency of reciprocal teaching in the development

of various skills. To the best of the researcher's knowledge, the researcher located no one

related research while searching relevant literature. (Lemlech & Hertzog, 1999)

One of the causes for low student accomplishment is the lack of teaching

methods that are too difficult to deal with students' capabilities development. (Isa et al.,


Changes in teaching methodology that someone had customized to the topic

and individual differences in students can help, especially legal skills and social

interaction. (Al Sha'bi, 2001)


The goal was to identify the summarization strategies used in written summaries

using qualitative data analysis. Another goal is to identify the summarization strategies

usage trend using a scanning model. Lastly, they want to develop a text summary writing

strategy and rubric.

There was no evidence of an experimental investigation with Turkish teacher

candidates based on summarizing methodologies. This research is unusual in this regard.

One of the learning tactics that should be used in all situations is summarization.

Language lessons, in particular. The primary language of instruction for summarization

methods will be Turkish. Turkish teacher candidates who will be on duty in improving

students' summarizing abilities should have the appropriate information and skills. The

findings of this study are expected to serve as a guide for developing Turkish teacher

candidates and teaching summarizing skills to educators.

Many research in Western educational contexts evaluate Chinese background

students' foreign study experiences (e.g., Hsieh, 2012; Su, 2006; Zhang, 2005).

However, studies on the learning disparities between Chinese-background pupils of

other nations and races are rare. (Smith, 2001; Thao & Li, 2006)


In the host academic institutional setting, students' cultural assumptions and past

educational experience might influence their perceptions of learning and the

expectations of their lecturers. (Sit & Chen, 2010). Teachers must understand their

students' habits, attitudes toward training, and interaction patterns to encourage

classroom interactions.


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of six main

variables: the independent variables are strand, perception, entry channel, processing,

and understanding; the dependent variable is the preferred teaching strategy.

Strand refers to the disciplines implemented within a particular area of learning

or knowledge. These domains are associated with general and specific learning outcomes

or achievement targets and objectives within a definite learning area or field.

Perception is defined as the kind of information the student tends to receive. It

can be sensitive (external agents like places, sounds, physical sensations) or intuitive

(internal agents like possibilities, ideas, through hunches). (Ng & Ng, 2012)

The entry channel refers to the sensory channel the students tend to use to receive

information more effectively. It may be visual (images, diagrams, graphics) or verbal

(spoken words, sounds). (Ng & Ng, 2012)

Processing is the manner the information is processed in the minds of the

students. It can be either active or reflexive (introspection). (Ng & Ng, 2012)


Understanding is the process by which students make progress. It can be

sequentially (with continuous steps) or globally (through leaps and an integral approach).

(Ng & Ng, 2012)

A preferred teaching strategy is an instruction technique wherein it matches the

learning style of a student. A learning style is defined as the characteristics, strengths,

and preferences in the way people receive and process information. (Felder & Silverman,


Figure 1 consists of 9 sub-variables. One of these would represent the most

preferred teaching strategy after we evaluate the results of this research.

Brainstorming is a strategy wherein all students participate by responding or

presenting views on a topic. This technique encourages new ideas among students, which

would never have happened under normal circumstances.


A case study is a type of instructional method. Students observe, analyze, record,

implement, conclude, summarize, or recommend assigned scenarios or situations. Case

studies are created and used as a tool for analysis and discussion.

A discussion panel contains a selected group of students that act as a panel. The

remaining class members as the audience. The panel informally discusses selected

questions. A panel leader is chosen, and he summarizes the panel discussion and opens

the discourse to the audience.

Games and simulations refer to a series of instructional designs that use elements

from themselves. We execute it with board games, computer-assisted board games, or

fully computerized environments. Simulation and gaming are particularly popular in

business education.

A presentation conveys information from a speaker to an audience. Presentations

are typically demonstrations, introductions, lectures, or speeches meant to inform,

persuade, inspire, motivate, build goodwill, or present a new idea/product.


Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching style that pushes students to become

the drivers of their learning education. Problem-based learning uses complex, real-world

issues as the classroom's subject matter. It encourages students to develop problem-

solving skills and learn concepts instead of just absorbing facts.

A project design method is a method where students gain knowledge and skills

for an extended period. It investigates and responds to an authentic, engaging, and

complex question, problem, or challenge.

A question-and-answer method is a teaching method that allows two-way traffic,

direct communication. There is a dialogue between the teacher and students.

It is intended to stimulate students' thinking and guide them in achieving or

gaining knowledge.

Role-playing is a technique that allows students to explore realistic situations by

interacting with other people. It develops experience and trials different strategies in a

supported environment.


Based on the literature review, 14 hypotheses can be developed to find the

relationships of the main variables and evaluate the results. The hypotheses for this study

are proposed as:

H1: Brainstorming is the most preferred teaching strategy.

H2: Case Study is the most preferred teaching strategy.

H3: Discussion Panel is the most preferred teaching strategy.

H4: Games-and-Simulation is the most preferred teaching strategy.

H5: Presentation is the most preferred teaching strategy.

H6: Problem-based learning is the most preferred teaching strategy.

H7: Project Design Method is the most preferred teaching strategy.


H8: Question-and-answer Method is the most preferred teaching strategy.

H9: Role-playing is the most preferred teaching strategy.

H10: The strand chosen can affect the choice in the most preferred teaching strategy.

H11: The strand chosen can affect the choice in the most preferred teaching strategy.

H12: The strand chosen can affect the choice in the most preferred teaching strategy.

H13: The strand chosen can affect the choice in the most preferred teaching strategy.

H14: The strand chosen can affect the choice in the most preferred teaching strategy.

The framework developed can be proved significant in enhancing the

understanding of teachers, educators, and lecturers in guiding students of different

learner types.

This framework contributes to the knowledge of educational researchers in which

a researcher can justly distinguish the advantages of employing definite teaching

strategies when attempting to improve student proficiency. Researchers can also use this

framework to test and compare the distinct differences among the teaching strategies and

identify the significances of each technique.


Theoretical Framework

The theoretical underpinning of this study is Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles.

Psychologist David Kolb first outlined his theory of learning styles in 1984.

Kolb's experiential learning cycle concept divides the learning process into a

cycle of four theoretical components: concrete experience, reflective observation,

abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.

In his experiential theory, learning is viewed as a four-stage cycle. First,

immediate and concrete experiences serve as a basis for observation. Next, the individual

reflects on these observations and begins to build a general theory of what this

information might mean. (Cherry, 2020)

In the next step, the learner forms abstract concepts and generalizations based on

their hypothesis. Finally, the learner tests the implications of these concepts in new

situations. After this step, the process once again cycles back to the first stage of the

experiential cycle. (Cherry, 2020)


The learning styles described by Kolb are based on two main dimensions:

active/reflective and abstract/concrete.

The Converger

People with this learning style have dominant abilities in the areas of Abstract

Conceptualization and Active Experimentation. They are highly skilled in the practical

application of ideas. They tend to do best where there is a single best solution or answer

to a problem. (Cherry, 2020)

The Diverger

Divergers dominant abilities lie in Concrete Experience and Reflective

Observation, essentially the opposite strengths of the Converger. People with this

learning style are good at seeing the "big picture" and organizing smaller bits of

information into a meaningful whole. (Cherry, 2020)

Divergers tend to be emotional and creative and enjoy brainstorming to come up

with new ideas. Artists, musicians, counselors, and people with a strong interest in the

fine arts, humanities, and liberal arts tend to have this learning style. (Cherry, 2020)


The Assimilator

Assimilators are skilled in the areas of Abstract Conceptualization and Reflective

Observation. Understanding and creating theoretical models is one of their greatest

strengths. They tend to be more interested in abstract ideas than in people but, they are

not greatly concerned with the practical applications of theories. (Cherry, 2020)

Individuals who work in math and the basic sciences tend to have this type of

learning style. Assimilators also enjoy work that involves planning and research.

(Cherry, 2020)

The Accommodator

People with this learning style are built-in well in Concrete Experience and

Active Experimentation. This style is basically the opposite of the Assimilator style.

Accommodators are doers; they enjoy performing experiments and carrying out plans in

the real world. (Cherry, 2020)


Out of all four learning styles, Accommodators tend to be the most prominent

risk-takers. They are good at thinking on their feet and changing their plans

spontaneously in response to new information. (Cherry, 2020)

When solving problems, they typically use a trial-and-error approach. People

with this learning style often work in technical fields or in action-oriented jobs such as

sales and marketing. (Cherry, 2020)

In one 1973 survey of students, Kolb and Goldman found a correlation between

student learning styles and chosen departmental major.

Students who planned to graduate in their selected major had learning styles

strongly related to their areas of interest. For example, students entering management

fields had a more accommodative style. Those pursuing mathematics degrees had a more

assimilative approach.

The results also indicated that students pursuing a degree aligned with their

learning style had a more extensive commitment to their field.


It is compared to students who were pursuing degrees not related to their learning

preferences. (Kolb & Goldman, 1973)

Kolb also developed Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (LSI). It is perhaps one of

the best-known and most widely used questionnaires based on Kolb's learning styles.

(Cherry, 2020)

The assessment based on Kolb's Learning Style Inventory allows students to

discover their learning styles. It also provides information on how educators can use this

information to best serve students and possible strategies for accommodating different

learning styles. (Cherry, 2020)




This chapter consists of the research method used, the respondents participating,

as well as the collection and analysis of the data.


We used a close-ended survey questionnaire to know their answer to a specific

inquiry. We also asked the respondents about their background information.

We use this type of questionnaire due to some salient reasons. The teaching

strategies are narrowed to nine main techniques that match the learning styles of the

respondents. The answers of the respondents will be easier to compare and analyze.

Irrelevant or clouded answers will also be minimized.

The said questionnaire familiarizes the researchers with the teaching strategies

suited to the learning styles of the students. They can also be aware of the primary causes

that lead the respondents to give such answers. It applies to SHS students, A.Y.2020-

2021 of La Verdad Christian College - Apalit.


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