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Planning Regions

• Issues were prioritized per

planning region
Issue Level Definitions
• “A” Issues are where we (LGUs) will focus the most outreach effort
and project funding
 Will develop measurable goals (tons of sediment, lbs of phosphorus, etc)

• “B” Issues are partner-led or will be addressed as time and funding

 Will develop measurable goals

• “C” Issues are addressed as opportunities arise

 No measurable goal
Pelican River Watershed District
Issue PRWD

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading A

Sufficient protection A

Soil health B

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands B

Groundwater quality B

Untreated stormwater A

Aquatic Invasive Species A

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement B

High E. coli B

Groundwater sustainability C

Altered hydrology B

Unstable stream channels A

Cormorant Lakes Watershed District
Issue CLWD

Wind and water erosion B

Nutrient loading A

Sufficient protection A

Soil health B

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands B

Groundwater quality B

Untreated stormwater B

Aquatic Invasive Species A

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement C

High E. coli C

Groundwater sustainability C

Altered hydrology C

Unstable stream channels C

Middle Pelican River
Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading A

Sufficient protection A

Soil health B

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands A

Groundwater quality A

Untreated stormwater B

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement B

High E. coli C

Groundwater sustainability B

Altered hydrology C

Unstable stream channels C

Lower Pelican River
Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading B

Sufficient protection B

Soil health A

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands A

Groundwater quality B

Untreated stormwater C

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement B

High E. coli B

Groundwater sustainability B

Altered hydrology B

Unstable stream channels C

Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion B

Nutrient loading B

Sufficient protection A

Soil health C

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands B

Groundwater quality B

Untreated stormwater C

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement B

High E. coli C

Groundwater sustainability C

Altered hydrology B

Unstable stream channels C

Toad River
Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading C

Sufficient protection B

Soil health A

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands A

Groundwater quality B

Untreated stormwater C

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement B

High E. coli B

Groundwater sustainability B

Altered hydrology C

Unstable stream channels B

Upper Otter Tail
Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading B

Sufficient protection B

Soil health A

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands A

Groundwater quality A

Untreated stormwater B

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement B

High E. coli C

Groundwater sustainability B

Altered hydrology C

Unstable stream channels B

Otter Tail Lake
Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading A

Sufficient protection A

Soil health A

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands A

Groundwater quality A

Untreated stormwater B

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement B

High E. coli C

Groundwater sustainability B

Altered hydrology C

Unstable stream channels C

Dead River
Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading B

Sufficient protection A

Soil health B

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands A

Groundwater quality B

Untreated stormwater B

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement C

High E. coli C

Groundwater sustainability B

Altered hydrology C

Unstable stream channels C

Battle Lakes
Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading B

Sufficient protection A

Soil health A

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands B

Groundwater quality A

Untreated stormwater B

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement C

High E. coli C

Groundwater sustainability B

Altered hydrology C

Unstable stream channels C

Fergus Falls
Issue Rank

Wind and water erosion A

Nutrient loading A

Sufficient protection C

Soil health A

Fragmentation and loss of forests and grasslands B

Groundwater quality B

Untreated stormwater A

Aquatic Invasive Species B

Destruction of in-lake and riparian habitat B

Barriers to fish movement B

High E. coli B

Groundwater sustainability B

Altered hydrology B

Unstable stream channels B

Policy Committee Update
Volume 1  February 2022
Plan Progress Project Partners
The One Watershed One Plan effort officially began with Becker SWCD
Public Open houses in Detroit Lakes and Fergus Falls in Becker County
September 2021. At these meetings, participants learned East Otter Tail SWCD
about the watershed and planning process and had a chance West Otter Tail SWCD
to offer input by discussing potential issues and opportunities Otter Tail County
for the plan to address. Pelican River Watershed District
Issues gathered from the public were compiled and compared Cormorant Lakes Watershed District
to priorities from state agencies and existing county water
plans, resulting in a watershed issues list. This issues list was
developed and refined by the Technical Advisory Committee Accomplishments
at meetings in November and December. • Public Open Houses
• Public Survey
On January 5, the Citizen Advisory Committee met and • Land & Water Resource Narrative
prioritized issues and developed a vision statement for the • Draft Issues
watershed (see below). Their priorities were consistent with • Draft Focus Resources
what the Technical Advisory Committee developed, showing
that planning partners are on the right track.
Next Steps
The issues were then prioritized by the Technical Advisory • Measurable Goals
Committee in January, and focus issues were determined for
each Planning Region (see map on next page).
Project Website
In February, the Technical Advisory Committee determined
which lakes, streams, and groundwater areas to focus effort
and funding on to make measurable change in quality.
In March, the Technical Advisory Committee will begin drafting
plan goals.
Reports from all the meetings described above can be found at

Draft Watershed Vision Statement (developed by the Citizen Advisory Committee)

The natural beauty and diversity of water and land in the Otter Tail River Watershed attracts
residents, recreation, farming, forestry, wildlife, and tourism. We strive to sustain this diversity
of riches for the generations to follow.

Plan Timeline
The planning committees are currently working on developing measurable goals.

Issues Goals Actions Draft Plan Final Plan

We are here
Policy Committee Update
Volume 1  February 2022
Issues and focus lakes, streams, and groundwater are being developed for each Planning Region shown
below so that efforts can be specific to each local government.

Otter Tail
Planning Regions

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