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Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123

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A historical perspective on the discovery and elucidation of the

hepatitis B virus
Timothy M. Block a, *, Harvey J. Alter b, W. Thomas London c, Mike Bray d
Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, 3805 Old Easton Road, Doylestown, PA 18902, USA
Department of Transfusion Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA 19046, USA
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The discovery in 1965 of the “Australia antigen,” subsequently identified as the hepatitis B virus surface
Received 8 February 2016 antigen (HBsAg), was such a watershed event in virology that it is often thought to mark the beginning of
Received in revised form hepatitis research, but it is more accurately seen as a critical breakthrough in a long effort to understand
15 April 2016
the pathogenesis of infectious hepatitis. A century earlier, Virchow provided an authoritative explanation
Accepted 18 April 2016
Available online 20 April 2016
of “catarrhal jaundice,” which did not consider an infectious etiology, but the transmission of jaundice by
human serum was clearly identified in two outbreaks in 1885, and the distinction between “infectious”
and “serum” hepatitis was recognized by the early 1920s. The inability to culture a virus or reproduce
either syndrome in laboratory animals led to numerous studies in human volunteers; by the end of
World War II, it was known that the diseases were caused by different filterable agents, and the terms
“hepatitis A” and “B” were introduced in 1947 (though some long-incubation cases then designated B
must in retrospect have been hepatitis C). The development of a number of liver function tests during the
1950s led to the recognition of anicteric infections and the existence of chronic carriers, but little more
could be done until an infectious agent had been identified. Once Blumberg and colleagues had found a
specific viral marker, the vast amount of accumulated epidemiologic and clinical data, together with
huge numbers of stored serum samples, enabled rapid progress in understanding hepatitis B, and
revealed the existence of a vast population of chronically infected people in Asia, Oceania and Africa. In
this article, we place the identification of the Australia antigen within the historical context of research
on viral hepatitis. Following a chronological review from 1865 to 1965, we summarize how the discovery
led to improved safety of blood transfusion, the development of a highly effective vaccine and the
eventual identification of the hepatitis C, D and E viruses. This article forms part of a symposium in
Antiviral Research on “An unfinished story: from the discovery of the Australia antigen to the develop-
ment of new curative therapies for chronic hepatitis B.”
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction stroke a problem that had frustrated researchers for decades e the
inability to distinguish between forms of viral hepatitis on a basis
Fifty years ago, the fortuitous detection of an abundant protein other than the epidemiological setting and the patient's clinical
in the serum of an Australian aboriginal person provided the long- history. The detection of a circulating viral antigen also detected
sought key to the specific diagnosis of hepatitis B. Even though the cases of hepatitis unaccompanied by jaundice and revealed the
finding occurred in the course of studies completely unrelated to existence of vast numbers of chronically infected people.
viral hepatitis, the investigators pursued the mysterious protein The discovery of the Australia antigen is often regarded as the
until it was finally identified as the hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface beginning of hepatitis B studies, but it is more accurately viewed as
antigen (HBsAg). The discovery of this viral marker solved with one a breakthrough in a long history of research (Table 1). Virchow
claimed in 1865 that “catarrhal jaundice” was not infectious in
origin, but the ability of minute quantities of human serum to
* Corresponding author. transmit an icterogenic agent was dramatically demonstrated in
E-mail address: (T.M. Block).
0166-3542/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
110 T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123

Table 1
Milestones in the history of hepatitis B. Early descriptions refer to epidemic or “catarrhal” jaundice, many cases of which may also have been caused by hepatitis A, C or E virus.
The term “serum hepatitis” became common in the early 20th century, and “hepatitis B” was introduced in 1947.

Year Observation/event Reference

1800e400 Descriptions of jaundice in Babylonian clay tablets and writings of Hippocrates. (Papaevangelou et al., 1983)
1600e1900s Outbreaks of jaundice common in urban populations and armies on campaign.
1865 Virchow explains etiology of “catarrhal jaundice” as duodenal edema obstructing the (Virchow, 1865)
ampulla of Vater.
1885 Two outbreaks of catarrhal jaundice in Germany following smallpox vaccination. (Lurman, 1885; Jehn, 1885)
1900e40s Outbreaks of jaundice associated with i.v. salvarsan inoculation and blood testing in (Stokes et al., 1920; Flaum et al., 1926)
diabetes clinics.
1930s Liver biopsies detect hepatic inflammation in patients with jaundice, casting doubt on (Roholm and Iversen, 1939)
“catarrhal” origin.
1930e1940s Outbreaks of jaundice linked to injection of measles and mumps convalescent plasma. (Propert, 1938; MacNalty, 1938; Beeson et al., 1944)
1930e40s First “liver function tests” introduced into clinical practice. (Maclagan, 1947)
1930s Yellow fever vaccine containing human serum causes cases of jaundice in Brazil and the UK. (Findlay and MacCallum, 1938; Soper and Smith, 1938; Fox
et al., 1942)
1942 Yellow fever vaccine containing human serum causes massive outbreak of hepatitis B in US (Sawyer et al., 1944; Turner et al., 1944)
1937e40s Recognition of chronic hepatitis in patients with previous catarrhal jaundice. (Polack, 1937; Kornberg, 1941)
1944 Serum and infectious hepatitis shown to be caused by distinct filterable agents in volunteer (MacCallum, 1945; MacCallum and Bradley, 1944; MacCallum,
studies. 1944)
1947 “Infectious hepatitis” renamed hepatitis A, “serum hepatitis” renamed hepatitis B. (Anonymous, 1947)
1950s Chronic viral carriers identified in human volunteer studies. (Neefe et al., 1954; Murray et al., 1954)
1965 “Australia antigen” detected in serum of an Australian aborigine and some American (Blumberg et al., 1965; Alter and Blumberg, 1966)
leukemia patients.
1967 Australia antigen associated with hepatitis B. (Sutnick et al., 1968; Blumberg et al., 1968; Blumberg et al.,
1972e73 Hepatitis B transmitted to chimpanzees. (Barker et al., 1973; Maynard et al., 1972)
1969e72 Chronic hepatitis B linked to the development of liver cancer. (Smith and Blumberg, 1969; Sutnick et al., 1972)
1972 First testing of donor blood for Australia antigen. (Alter et al., 1970)
1972 First vaccine to protect against hepatitis B. (Blumberg and Millman, 1972)
1973 Hepatitis A virus identified by immuno-EM in stool specimens. (Feinstone et al., 1973)
1977 Discovery of delta antigen leads to identification of HDV. (Rizzetto et al., 1977)
1978 Non-A, non-B hepatitis virus hypothesized to exist. (Alter et al., 1978)
1983 Hepatitis E identified. (Balayan et al., 1983)
1986 First clinical trial of interferon-a therapy of chronic hepatitis B. (Hoofnagle et al., 1986)
1989 Hepatitis C virus cloned from human serum. (Choo et al., 1989)
1998 First direct-acting antiviral (lamivudine) for chronic hepatitis B approved by FDA. (Lai et al., 1998)

two outbreaks 20 years later. Based on the route of exposure and that initially puzzled Blumberg and his colleagues was the first
length of the incubation period, the distinction between short- glimpse of a vast human tragedy.
incubation or “infectious” and long-incubation or “serum” hepati- In this article, we place the discovery of the Australia antigen
tis was clearly recognized by the 1920s, but scientists were within the 150-year history of research on viral hepatitis. We first
consistently unable to cultivate an infectious agent or reproduce discuss early explanations of jaundice, then review a series of epi-
either disease in laboratory animals. The occurrence of several sodes that began in 1885, in which outbreaks of what we now
serum-transmitted outbreaks in the 1930s, and a massive epidemic recognize as viral hepatitis followed smallpox vaccination, the
of jaundice in soldiers given the yellow fever vaccine in 1942, led to introduction of glass syringes and injectable medications, treat-
numerous studies in human volunteers, and by the end of World ment with pooled immune globulin, vaccination against yellow
War II it was well established that infectious and serum hepatitis fever and blood transfusion. After describing the path of research
were caused by different filterable agents. The terms “hepatitis A” by Blumberg and his co-workers that led to the fortuitous detection
and “hepatitis B” were introduced in 1947. (From our current of the Australia antigen, and recounting how their relentless pur-
perspective, it's clear that some long-incubation cases then desig- suit of the strange protein led to its identification as the HBsAg, we
nated hepatitis B must in fact have been hepatitis C). The devel- summarize the multiple consequences of the discovery, including
opment of a variety of liver function tests during the next two improved safety of the blood supply, recognition of a link between
decades revealed the occurrence of anicteric hepatitis and the ex- chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, the creation of a
istence of many chronically infected individuals, but the causative highly protective vaccine and the eventual discovery of the other
agents still could not be isolated. major blood-borne agent of chronic hepatitis, the hepatitis C virus,
By the time Blumberg and his colleagues noticed an unusual and the other cause of infectious hepatitis, the hepatitis E virus.
band in a double-diffusion gel in 1965, a huge amount of clinical
and epidemiologic data had accumulated, together with thousands 2. Explaining infectious jaundice: from Hippocrates to
of frozen serum samples, so that the introduction of a specific Virchow to the modern era
diagnostic assay for hepatitis B made rapid progress possible. The
discovery of the Australia antigen had two major consequences: it Viral hepatitis has numerous physical manifestations, but the
provided a way for physicians in the industrialized countries to most obvious is the jaundice seen in many patients. This striking
reliably diagnose asymptomatic carriers of hepatitis B, improving physical sign is recorded in Babylonian clay tablets and mentioned
the safety of blood transfusion, and it revealed the existence of in the Old Testament, but the lengthy time interval, measured in
many millions of chronically infected people. The predominant weeks, between exposure to the causative agent and the develop-
distribution of antigen positivity in Oceania, East Asia and Africa ment of illness prevented recognition of jaundice as an infectious
T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123 111

disease until recent times. Although Hippocrates described a “filterable agents,” smaller than bacteria and unable to propagate in
number of cases and proposed various causes and treatments, and culture medium, was discovered in the early 1890s, when the
used the terms ikteros and kirros in his descriptions, he was not Russian botanist Dmitri Ivanovskii showed that mosaic disease of
aware that the condition could be transmitted from person to tobacco plants could be produced by treating leaves with liquid that
person, and attributed jaundice to a humoral imbalance had passed through a fine-pored porcelain (Chamberland) filter
(Papavramidou et al., 2007). (Ivanovskii, 1892). Over subsequent decades, ultramicroscopic
Over the succeeding two millennia, outbreaks of illness agents (named “viruses” by 1900) were proven to be responsible for
accompanied by jaundice were common among crowded urban canine distemper, rabies, poliomyelitis, influenza and other dis-
populations and in armies, both in barracks and in the field. eases, as investigators reproduced the conditions in laboratory
Numerous epidemics were described in Europe and the Mediter- animals by inoculating them with filtered material. The early 1930s
ranean region in the 18th and 19th centuries, and many thousands saw further advances, as it was found that many viruses could be
of cases were recorded during the American Civil War. Impure propagated in embryonated eggs and sequentially passaged in the
water was sometimes suspected as the source of the disease, but brains of newborn mice. The introduction of tissue culture in the
the association with foul-smelling places also made airborne early 1950s was a further breakthrough, permitting the detection
spread by a “miasma” seem quite possible. and propagation of viruses in simple flask systems and the sharing
In 1865, the renowned pathologist Rudolf Virchow weighed in of strains among laboratories.
on the cause of jaundice, but he also did not recognize it to be in- None of these advances benefited hepatitis research. Despite
fectious in nature. An ardent opponent of the germ theory of dis- repeated efforts over many decades, researchers were unable to
ease, he believed that all illnesses represented derangements of isolate a causative agent in cell culture or produce jaundice in an-
cellular function that arose within the host. After hearing of an imals by inoculating them with specimens from jaundiced humans.
autopsy of a jaundiced individual in whom the opening of the As described below, investigators succeeded by the late 1930s in
common bile duct was swollen and blocked by mucus, he demonstrating that both infectious and serum hepatitis were
announced that the condition resulted from inflammation of the caused by filterable agents, but lacking animal models, they were
duodenal mucosa, leading to obstruction of the ampulla of Vater obliged to obtain such proof by inoculating human volunteers with
(Virchow, 1865). Since it was a condition of the intestinal tract, filtered material. For both ethical and practical reasons, this
jaundice must result from gastronomic misadventures such as markedly slowed the pace of research.
over-eating, and recommended therapies were therefore directed
toward soothing the inflamed duodenum, such as by imbibing 4. Serum hepatitis as a companion of medical progress,
magnesium salts. Thanks to Virchow's enormous prestige among 1885e1945
European and American physicians and the endorsement of his
theory by Sir William Osler, the concept of “catarrhal jaundice” was Vaccination against smallpox, the glass syringe, injectable
generally accepted in medical practice well into the 20th century, antimicrobial drugs, passive immunization with convalescent
and the term was still being used by Harvard physicians in 1944 immunoglobulin, the yellow fever vaccine and blood transfusion
(Altschule and Gilligan, 1944). have all been of enormous benefit to humanity, but each of these
Studies during World War I provided the first evidence that medical advances has left a trail of jaundice in its wake. In each
jaundice did not actually originate from the gastrointestinal tract. case, the fundamental problem was the inability of clinicians to
As in all wars, outbreaks were common in armies at the front, and detect the presence of chronic hepatitis in apparently healthy, non-
pathologists who examined soldiers killed while suffering from jaundiced individuals, rendering their serum a source of infection,
“catarrhal jaundice” noted the presence of diffuse microscopic ab- whether injected in large quantities through transfusion, employed
normalities in the liver, with severe parenchymal injury and round- as a “stabilizer” in vaccine production or transferred by a contam-
cell inflammatory infiltrates. Coincidentally, an infectious etiology inated syringe.
also became available, as the identification of the spirochete of
Weil's disease in 1916, and the recognition of its role in large, water- 4.1. Smallpox vaccination
borne outbreaks of jaundice, offered the possibility that many cases
were caused by this agent (Adler, 2015). However, the organism The introduction of smallpox vaccination in the 1790s must
was typically recovered from patients with a history of heavy occasionally have resulted in the inadvertent transmission of
exposure to contaminated water, and it could not be implicated in hepatitis, especially when arm-to-arm transfer of “lymph” was
urban outbreaks in the USA or Europe. performed, but such a complication was not recognized for almost a
Jaundice was not recognized to be a process originating within century, until an outbreak of jaundice occurred following the mass
the liver until the 1930s, when clinicians in Denmark began to vaccination of shipyard workers in Bremen, Germany (Lurman,
perform liver biopsies, using a hollow needle much like that 1885). Based on their knowledge of jaundice in military settings,
employed today. In a study of 38 patients, Roholm and Iversen clinicians initially blamed the epidemic on contaminated water, or
concluded that “ … catarrhal jaundice … actually is due to a diffuse suspected “miasmatic” transmission from the local environment,
hepatitis that is characterized by inflammatory phenomena … but since some groups of workers remained healthy, while others
[and] degeneration of the parenchymatous cells” (Roholm and showed a high incidence of jaundice, neither hypothesis could
Iversen, 1939). They also noted the development of connective explain the distribution of cases.
tissue in the liver of some patients, which they suggested might be After eliminating various possibilities, the only shared factor
the beginning of cirrhosis, and concluded that “the theory about the that corresponded to the observed distribution of illness in the
catarrhal pathogenesis is not tenable.” Bremen shipyard was a history of receiving smallpox vaccine when
the disease broke out earlier in the year. Of 1289 vaccinated
3. The search for infectious agents workers, 191 developed jaundice after an interval of several weeks
to 6 months, but the condition did not spread to their family
We are now familiar with viruses A, B, C, D and E as causes of members or other close contacts. It was also noted that, once the
human hepatitis, but their identification was one of the most outbreak ended, it did not recur, and no cases of jaundice were
difficult problems in the history of virology. The existence of observed among new employees. Further investigation also
112 T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123

showed that jaundice only developed in workers who had been were unsuccessful, confirming serum as the source of infection.
inoculated with certain lots of vaccine, which differed in the source
of human serum used in their preparation. It was therefore 4.3. Transmission of hepatitis by prophylactic immune serum
concluded that epidemic jaundice had been caused by an agent
present in human serum, but the problem was not pursued further. The 1930s also saw a number of epidemics of hepatitis when
Remarkably, a similar outbreak occurred elsewhere in Germany pooled human serum was administered to children to prevent
in the same year, when inmates of an insane asylum in Merzig, measles and mumps. In one instance, seven young residents of a
more than 500 km to the south of Bremen, were vaccinated against long-term institution were inoculated to protect them against
smallpox (Jehn, 1885). Five different groups of patients were measles; all became jaundiced some 78e82 days later, and three
immunized, using vaccine composed of glycerinized lymph from died (Propert, 1938). The fatal cases were noted to resemble a se-
different sources; more than 25% of one group of inmates became vere form of catarrhal jaundice. In another outbreak, pooled mea-
jaundiced over the following 2e8 months, but few cases were seen sles convalescent serum collected from 26 donors was given as a
in the other groups. The occurrence of two large outbreaks of preventive to young children, resulting in 41 cases of jaundice with
jaundice among smallpox vaccinees in the same country the same eight deaths (MacNalty, 1938).
year suggests a common source of virus-containing serum, but Prophylaxis with pooled immune serum came into widespread
none was identified. use during World War II, in an effort to prevent the spread of res-
piratory viral infections among soldiers in Army camps. In one
4.2. Jaundice following the injection of medications outbreak observed in Britain, the administration of mumps
convalescent serum to 266 men resulted in jaundice in some 40% of
From the beginning of the 20th century, the development of an them (Beeson et al., 1944). The serum had been passed through a
increasing number of antimicrobial medications and the syringes Seitz filter to remove possible bacterial contaminants, indicating a
needed to deliver them provided new opportunities for the inad- viral causation of the illness. No cases of jaundice were seen in
vertent transmission of viral hepatitis. The introduction of uninoculated soldiers or among the neighboring civilian popula-
parenterally-administered salvarsan (arsphenamine) therapy of tion. The occurrence of these cases resulting from the administra-
syphilis in 1909 and the subsequent discovery of several more tion of human serum led to use of the term “homologous serum
injected medications for the treatment of venereal disease resulted hepatitis” (Anonymous, 1947).
in outbreaks of jaundice whose etiology was not finally established
for more than three decades. 4.4. Hepatitis B virus contamination of yellow fever vaccine
The first major report on the occurrence of “post-arsenical
jaundice” was published in 1920, when doctors at the Mayo Clinic The introduction of vaccination against yellow fever in the early
noted a sudden increase in the number of cases of jaundice among 1930s was also followed by outbreaks of hepatitis. The first British
patients treated for syphilis (Stokes et al., 1920). It could not be vaccine was prepared by mixing live, mouse-brain-passaged virus
attributed to drug toxicity, as it usually followed treatment by with human immune serum, to which normal serum was added
several months, or to syphilis itself, as the patients' condition was during manufacture of the final stocks. In 1938, the British physi-
usually improving at the time jaundice appeared. The authors cians Findlay and MacCallum reported that, during the previous
considered a wide range of possible causes, including infectious five years, 89 cases of jaundice had been observed among 3100
agents, and did not exclude a possible connection with the recent vaccinees (about 3% of recipients) (Findlay and MacCallum, 1938).
massive influenza pandemic. A few years later, a report from In most cases, jaundice developed 2e3 months after vaccination,
Sweden described an outbreak of jaundice among patients in a though some cases were delayed as long as seven months. The
diabetes clinic, in which lancets were repeatedly re-used to obtain authors noted that the illness was consistent with epidemic
blood samples (Flaum et al., 1926). As with the 1885 outbreak in catarrhal jaundice, but the long incubation period resembled that
Bremen, the clinicians concluded that jaundice most likely resulted observed after salvarsan treatment.
from the accidental transfer of an infectious agent that only pro- Yellow fever vaccination was also introduced in Brazil in the
duced visible disease several months after exposure. mid-1930s, using a Rockefeller Foundation preparation of neuro-
Outbreaks of jaundice associated with arsphenamine tropic virus “stabilized” through the addition of human immune
(salvarsan) treatment continued to occur into the 1940s. Some in- serum, and cases of jaundice were soon observed (Soper and Smith,
vestigators, realizing that the illness in syphilitic patients resem- 1938). Suspecting that the vaccine strain of yellow fever virus might
bled catarrhal jaundice in otherwise healthy individuals, performed be causing the jaundice, the researchers replaced the original virus
liver biopsies, and observed similar microscopic features in the two with the highly attenuated 17E strain, and also deleted human
groups. Writing in 1944, Beattie and Marshall found it most likely immune serum from the preparation, but normal serum continued
that “salvarsan jaundice” was unrelated to the medications them- to be employed as a “stabilizer” in the production of large vaccine
selves, but “the spread occurred through inoculation of an infective stocks. By early 1939, more than one million people had received
agent” and that it was the same disease that occasionally occurred the new vaccine, with no instances of jaundice. Later that year,
after administration of human blood products (Beattie and however, cases began to appear; as only certain vaccine lots were
Marshall, 1944). Suspecting that infection resulted from the trans- icterogenic, it appeared that one or a few serum donors were source
fer of minute amounts of serum on imperfectly sterilized syringes, of the hepatitis agent (Fox et al., 1942). Once a completely serum-
they decided to give each patient his own syringe, and no cases of free vaccine was introduced in late 1940, jaundice was no longer
jaundice occurred thereafter. observed.
A year later, an experimental study in volunteers provided Unfortunately, the lessons learned in Brazil were not applied in
definitive proof of the transmission of an infectious agent, when the USA, even though the Rockefeller laboratories produced vaccine
serum from a soldier who developed hepatitis during the 14th for both countries, and in 1942 the US Army experienced a massive
week of arsenical therapy was inoculated into ten volunteers, and hepatitis epidemic. Earlier that year, the Army medical staff had
seven became jaundiced 42e70 days later (MacCallum, 1945). At- decided that all soldiers who might be deployed to yellow fever-
tempts to transmit the disease further by administering nasopha- endemic areas should be vaccinated; there was also concern that
ryngeal washings from those cases to an additional 17 volunteers the movement of troops might introduce yellow fever into Asia,
T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123 113

which was still free of the disease. To support a massive increase in after receiving blood transfusions (Grossman et al., 1945). To see if
vaccine production, the Rockefeller labs obtained serum from blood the situation might be alleviated, the authors performed a trial in
donated by medical school volunteers; a subsequent investigation which every other patient admitted after receiving a transfusion in
found that several of the donors had a history of catarrhal jaundice, the field was given gamma-globulin. They observed a marked
and one of them was actually jaundiced at the time of blood reduction in cases of hepatitis.
collection (Sawyer et al., 1944; Thomas et al., 2013). Serum from
these donors was linked to vaccine lots that were highly ictero- 5. Wartime research on viral hepatitis: volunteer studies
genic; of the 330,000 men vaccinated with these lots, 1 in 7 became
ill. Fortunately, the Navy used different vaccine lots, and saw almost As noted in the US Army's official medical history
no cases of jaundice. (US_Army_Medical_Services_in_World_War_II), hepatitis was not
By the end of 1942, more than 50,000 cases of acute hepatitis considered to be a significant military problem at the beginning of
had occurred, with some 100 deaths. At Camp Polk, for example, World War II. Although the armed forces of other countries had
5000 soldiers were vaccinated on one day, and just over 1000 of suffered severely from infectious hepatitis or catarrhal jaundice
them became jaundiced (Turner et al., 1944). The onset of jaundice during World War I, especially under conditions of prolonged
was seen 60e154 days after inoculation (a mean of 96 days), trench warfare in Europe and in the Dardanelles campaign, few
consistent with serum hepatitis. The illness began insidiously, cases had been seen among American troops. However, the situa-
without fever, in contrast to the abrupt onset of malaise and fever tion changed dramatically when the massive outbreak of vaccine-
typical of infectious hepatitis. In a few cases, fatal fulminant hep- transmitted serum hepatitis in soldiers in 1942 was followed by
atitis developed during the fourth to sixth week of illness. Person- epidemics of infectious hepatitis in the North African, Italian and
to-person transmission at Camp Polk was limited to four wives of Pacific theaters. By 1943, large-scale research programs on viral
vaccinated soldiers, consistent with the low infectivity of serum hepatitis were being conducted under Army sponsorship in the
hepatitis, but indicating the possibility of spread through intimate USA, and to a lesser extent in the UK. The American program was
contact (Freeman, 1946). directed by members of the Army's Hepatitis Study Group, and in
HBV was not actually proven to be the cause of the Army Britain, research was led by the Jaundice Committee of the Medical
outbreak until 1985, when a study of surviving veterans found that, Research Council.
among 221 men who had become jaundiced after vaccination in When the work began, clinicians were aware of the existence of
1942, 97% had antibodies to viral antigens, and one was HBsAg- two distinct syndromes, serum and infectious hepatitis, with
positive (Seeff et al., 1987). Of 171 men who did not become ill af- markedly different epidemiological patterns and incubation pe-
ter receiving a vaccine from an icterogenic lot, 77% had circulating riods, but they knew little about their biological nature or means of
antibodies to HBsAg and HBcAg, while only 13% of an age-matched prevention. Wartime research therefore focused on characterizing
control group showed similar evidence of prior infection. Analysis sources of infection, the course of illness, pathways and duration of
of the records of some 70,000 veterans found that men who had infectivity and whether the syndromes were caused by one or more
received the contaminated vaccine had only a slightly increased pathogens. Because no microbial agents had been isolated, and
risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, suggesting that few became neither disease could be reproduced in laboratory animals, all ex-
chronically infected (Norman et al., 1993). periments were conducted in human volunteers, in ways that
would not meet today's ethical standards for clinical research. In
4.5. Wartime studies of transmission of hepatitis by normal the USA, these included inmates of state and federal prisons in New
immune globulin and blood transfusion Jersey, Connecticut and Michigan and conscientious objectors
working at various institutions in the northeastern states. In the US
In June 1943, Morgan and Williamson described nine cases of Army's official medical history of World War II, Paul and Gardner
jaundice among 56 patients who had been treated with large vol- reviewed all published reports of American, British and German
umes of pooled human serum for a variety of conditions, with onset investigators from 1944 to 1946, in which feces, serum, nasopha-
49e107 days after treatment (Morgan and Williamson, 1943). The ryngeal washings or urine from patients was administered to vol-
authors noted the resemblance of these cases to the jaundice that unteers by various routes (Voegt, 1942). The principal findings from
occurred after yellow fever vaccination. In response to this report, these studies are summarized below.
an editorial in the British Medical Journal advised against further use
of the product (Anonymous, 1946). 5.1. Infectious hepatitis
Outbreaks of jaundice resulting from the administration of
virus-containing serum to a large number of people over a short Research on infectious hepatitis achieved significant advances
period of time were relatively easy to recognize. In contrast, it was during the war. The disease was shown to be caused by a filterable
much more difficult to detect individual cases of hepatitis that agent, which survived heating at 56 C for 30 min and was trans-
followed blood transfusion, because incubation periods measured missible by feeding or inoculation of fecal extracts or blood of
in weeks to months prevented specific attribution, and the detailed symptomatic patients (MacCallum and Bradley, 1944; Havens,
records needed to link a case of jaundice to earlier transfusion were 1945). The virus resisted chlorination and persisted in frozen
often lacking. Nevertheless, several researchers described samples for more than a year. In contrast to earlier theories of
transfusion-associated jaundice during World War II. For example, “catarrhal jaundice”, researchers found that the disease did not
clinicians at Grady Hospital in Atlanta reported seven cases that spread by the respiratory route (Findlay and Willcox, 1945). The
developed 1e4 months after transfusion of whole blood or plasma incubation period ranged from 20 to 30 days. Stool specimens were
(Beeson, 1943). Additional analysis found that, of 79 cases of “acute highly infectious during the active illness, but there was little evi-
catarrhal jaundice” or “toxic hepatitis” that had been seen at Grady, dence that patients incubating or recovering from the disease
six were preceded by blood transfusion. The authors suggested transmitted infection (Havens, 1946a; Francis et al., 1946).
that, given the link between transfusion and hepatitis, a sample of Volunteers who had recovered from infectious hepatitis were
each unit of blood be retained for analysis. immune to re-infection, and soldiers who had contracted the dis-
Another study reviewed all battle casualties admitted to a large ease in the USA were resistant to viruses circulating in the Medi-
Army hospital, and identified 103 patients who developed hepatitis terranean area, suggesting relative global homogeneity of virus
114 T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123

strains (Neefe et al., 1946). However, soldiers who became jaun- characteristics of hepatitis A and B, as shown in Table 2.
diced after yellow fever vaccination in 1942 were not protected The most important characteristic of hepatitis B missing from
from infectious hepatitis when fighting in Italy in 1943, indicating the table is its ability to persist as a subclinical process of chronic
that the causative agents were not closely related. Normal human hepatic infection. Only with the discovery of the Australia antigen,
immune globulin, prepared from pooled donated blood, was and its detection in the serum of a significant percentage of chil-
effective for pre-exposure prophylaxis of infectious hepatitis, as dren and adults in Asia and Africa, was its global importance
tested in the field during the Italian campaign, suggesting that most identified.
adult blood donors had antibodies to the virus. No further change in the terminology of hepatitis was made for
more than two decades, until the recognition that hepatitis B virus
5.2. Serum hepatitis was not responsible for all cases of post-transfusion hepatitis led to
a new, rather awkward label “non-A, non-B” in the early 1970s,
Considerable progress was also made in elucidating the etiology eventually to be replaced by “hepatitis C” (see below).
of serum hepatitis, principally by inoculating volunteers with ma-
terial from soldiers who became jaundiced after yellow fever 7. The discovery of chronic hepatitis B
vaccination. Two years after the epidemic, Oliphant and co-workers
reported that it had been caused by a filterable agent, which 7.1. Liver function tests
resisted heating to 56 C and survived freezing and desiccation
(Oliphant, 1944). It could be inactivated by exposure to UV light and Wartime studies in adult volunteers revealed a great deal about
by prolonged heating. Pooled normal immune globulin was less serum or long-incubation period hepatitis (now renamed hepatitis
effective in preventing serum than infectious hepatitis, indicating B), but because the investigators were almost entirely limited to
that fewer members of the general population had a history of clinical observations, they had difficulty recognizing patients who
infection. did not become jaundiced. Similarly, they remained unaware that a
In contrast to infectious hepatitis, the agent of serum hepatitis small percentage of patients who appeared to recover from serum
was not successfully transmitted to volunteers by feeding stool hepatitis actually remained chronically infected. However, the
extracts of patients, and there was no evidence of cross-immunity progressive introduction of a variety of liver function tests per-
between the two diseases. The incubation period ranged from 60 formed on serum samples increasingly made it possible for doctors
to 150 days, and the experimental inoculation of volunteers and researchers to detect and monitor cases of anicteric hepatitis.
revealed that virus was present in serum as long as 87 days before The earliest assays of hepatic dysfunction were based on the
the onset of jaundice (Neefe et al., 1944). However, in contrast to liver's role in bile metabolism, and measured levels of bilirubin in
later studies showing the development of a silent carrier state in the serum and conjugated bilirubin in the urine. Tests such as
some patients, virus was rarely detected in the serum of conva- thymol turbidity and cephalin flocculation detected alterations in
lescent patients (Havens, 1946b). Seen in retrospect, this is serum albumin and globulins, but provided only a nonspecific in-
consistent with the ability of most adults to recover completely dex of liver disease (Maclagan, 1947). Over time, more sensitive
from acute hepatitis B, and explains the apparent rarity of chronic quantitative assays were developed, based on the liver's role in
hepatitis in soldiers who received the yellow fever vaccine. removing foreign substances from the bloodstream. In the brom-
sulphthalein retention test, a bolus of dye was inoculated into the
6. From “catarrhal jaundice” to hepatitis A and B bloodstream and its clearance was measured by testing sequential
serum samples. Beginning in the 1940s, assays were also developed
The authority of Virchow and Osler had so firmly established that assessed damage to hepatocytes resulting in the release of
catarrhal jaundice as a clinical entity that the term was still being intracellular enzymes into the serum. The first to be quantitatively
used to describe cases of hepatitis during World War II. In the USA, measured was alkaline phosphatase, but it was subsequently found
it was not officially replaced by “infectious hepatitis” until 1943 that two other enzymes, serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
(Anonymous, 1943). In the same year, the term “homologous serum (SGOT), later renamed aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and
jaundice” was introduced by the British Ministry of Health to serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), later renamed
denote jaundice that followed the inoculation of blood products alanine aminotransferase (ALT), were more closely associated with
(MOH, 1943). liver injury (Breen and Schenker, 1971).
To reduce confusion, MacCallum proposed in 1947 that the
terms “epidemic jaundice”, “infectious hepatitis” and “acute 7.2. The discovery of chronic hepatitis
catarrhal jaundice” all be replaced by “hepatitis A”, while those
conditions which had been known as “serum hepatitis”, “long-in- In 1937, Polack published the first report of the use of liver
cubation hepatitis” and “post-transfusion hepatitis” be re-named function tests to detect persistent hepatic inflammation in Danish
“hepatitis B” (Anonymous, 1947). His proposal was rapidly patients who had otherwise appeared to recover from an episode of
accepted, and in 1952, an authoritative review identified the jaundice (Polack, 1937). Many cases were in children, who clearly

Table 2
Clinical differentiation of hepatitis A and B in the mid-20th century. Modified from (Stokes, 1952).

Feature Hepatitis A Hepatitis B

Incubation period 20e40 days 60e120 days

Secondary cases Common Rare
Source of infection Feces, contaminated water, blood Blood
Age susceptibility Common in childhood, rare over 40 More common over 40
Oral administration of infective serum Disease No disease
Heterologous immunity None None
Protection by gamma-globulin Yes No
T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123 115

had no history of alcoholic liver disease; he identified eight patients for units with higher values (Bang et al., 1959). Elevated SGOT
in whom abnormal tests had persisted for 3e8 years. values were much more common in blood from paid donors.
Four years later, similar observations were made at the Uni- Related studies found that persons at risk of serum hepatitis, such
versity of Rochester, where Kornberg screened hospital records and as heroin addicts, frequently had elevated SGOT and SGPT levels,
identified 16 individuals who had been treated at some time in the and liver biopsies often confirmed the presence of chronic
past for “catarrhal jaundice” (Kornberg, 1941). For all of them, re- inflammation (Potter et al., 1960). However, LFT screening was
covery from the acute illness had been “rapid and uneventful,” but clearly not the solution to the problem of post-transfusion hepa-
10 still displayed abnormal retention of injected bilirubin in an titis, as Norris and colleagues observed that “… the rejection of all
excretion test, while showing few or no symptoms referable to liver donors with abnormal tests would seriously handicap blood
disease. He concluded that “… long-lasting impairment of liver banking” (Norris et al., 1956). Another reviewer observed that,
function … is a frequent residuum of catarrhal jaundice.” because tests such as thymol turbidity and SGOT were nonspecific,
At about the same time, pathologists reported the unexpected the safety of transfusion could not be assured, so that the admin-
finding of cirrhosis in several deceased individuals with no history istration of a single unit of blood was never justified (Alsever, 1959).
of alcoholic liver disease, but who had recovered many years earlier The third approach to improving blood safety was based on the
from an episode of catarrhal jaundice (Ratnoff and Patek, 1942). growing awareness that professional blood donors were much
That report stimulated another retrospective study by physicians at more likely to be chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus than volun-
Harvard Medical School, who performed liver function tests on 36 teers (Allen and Sayman, 1962). For example, a study of open-heart
persons who had been treated for catarrhal jaundice as long as 29 surgery patients at UCLA concluded that excluding paid donors was
years previously (Altschule and Gilligan, 1944). They were sur- a more efficient way of preventing post-transfusion hepatitis than
prised to discover that 9 of them had plasma bilirubin levels higher screening blood for abnormal LFTs (Adashek and Adashek, 1963).
than anyone in a normal control group, even though none reported Similarly, a survey of nine Boston hospitals found that those which
symptoms of chronic illness. used blood from paid donors had a higher rate of post-transfusion
hepatitis than those which relied on volunteers (Grady and
7.3. Silent carriers and the threat to blood transfusion Chalmers, 1964).

The risk of viral hepatitis posed by products containing human 8. Experiments at the Willowbrook State School, before
serum was unmistakably revealed when the inoculation of a large discovery of the Australia antigen
group with vaccines or immune globulin was followed by an
outbreak of jaundice. In contrast, hepatitis following transfusion of As described above, hepatitis researchers during World War II
an individual unit of blood was much more difficult to detect, and the following decade performed numerous experiments in
mainly because of the lengthy interval between exposure and prisoners, soldiers, conscientious objectors and other adult volun-
illness, and only very careful record-keeping would make it teers. This practice would understandably be objectionable by to-
possible to link a jaundiced patient to a specific donor. Such studies day's standards, but was acceptable under the ethical criteria of the
were impossible under wartime conditions, but were taken up by day, in part because no one realized that infection with hepatitis B
research hospitals in the subsequent two decades. virus could result in life-long disease. Also approved at the time, but
In 1954e6, a series of papers in the JAMA focused on the prob- unacceptable by today's standards, was a long-term study at the
lem of chronic hepatitis carriers. In the first article, Stokes and his Willowbrook State School on Staten Island, which involved the
colleagues reviewed research to date, based on extensive screening experimental inoculation of hundreds of severely handicapped
with LFTs, and estimated that “… probably 0.2e0.5% of the general children and adults with hepatitis virus. The project was initiated
[US] population carry hepatitis B virus in their blood” (Stokes et al., by New York University pediatrician Saul Krugman and his col-
1954). They tracked blood transfusions at the University of Penn- leagues in the early 1950s, in an effort to understand and poten-
sylvania and identified several donors with evidence of chronic tially reduce the remarkably high incidence of hepatitis that
hepatitis for at least three years. A similar study at the University of plagued the institution.
Pennsylvania identified eight donors without a history of jaundice Willowbrook provided a life-long home for severely handi-
whose blood had caused post-transfusion hepatitis in 14 patients capped children and adults from the southern New York area.
(Neefe et al., 1954). To obtain “final proof” that the transfusions When first established in the early 1940s, its population was
were the cause of hepatitis, NIH investigators inoculated serum limited to a few hundred residents, but after 1950 the number
from each of the 8 donors into adult volunteers at federal peni- rapidly expanded, and by 1957 the school housed more than 5000
tentiaries, and found that 7 sera produced hepatitis in at least one children and adults. The severely over-crowded conditions, plus the
recipient (Murray et al., 1954). difficulty of maintaining basic hygiene, resulted in a high incidence
Efforts to reduce the hazard of blood transfusion took three of viral hepatitis. Most infections occurred in the first six months
approaches: attempts to inactivate virus in blood products, after entering the school; in 1955, more than 100 cases were
screening of donated blood by LFTs and exclusion of risky donors. In recognized in residents, and 23 in staff members (Ward et al., 1958;
an example of the first strategy, NIH researchers tried to sterilize Krugman and Ward, 1958).
serum from a known infectious pool by exposing it to ultraviolet Krugman and colleagues initially assumed that they were
light (Murray et al., 1955). They performed serial ten-fold dilutions dealing only with infectious hepatitis, which was preventable with
of the treated material and inoculated 1 mL aliquots into volunteers gamma-globulin. In a series of studies involving several thousand
at federal prisons. UV treatment proved to be ineffective, as hepa- residents, they observed a dose-dependent protective effect (Ward
titis occurred in the recipients of both irradiated and untreated et al., 1958). As such passive immunity would necessarily be tran-
serum down to a 10 4 dilution. sient, they then decided on an approach that might achieve lasting
A number of research groups assessed the potential of LFT immunity, by treating children with gamma-globulin, then feeding
screening of donated blood to reduce the rate of post-transfusion them virus-containing material obtained from the stools of symp-
hepatitis. For example, clinicians at Memorial Sloan-Kettering tomatic patients. To determine if this “passive-active” immuniza-
found that the incidence of hepatitis in transfusion recipients was tion strategy provided solid protection, they would need to
1.5% when the SGOT of the donor blood was less than 100, but 5.5% challenge their subjects with virus, rather than wait for them to be
116 T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123

accidentally exposed. Blumberg's interest in human diversity continued during his

The plan was reviewed and approved by New York state and residency at Bellevue and a fellowship in arthritis, but the events
Armed Forces committees, and with the consent of the parents, the that determined his future career occurred during subsequent
study was carried out using newly admitted children, who were graduate studies in biochemistry at the University of Oxford. First, a
housed in a special research building isolated from the rest of the lecture by E. B. Ford on natural variation in butterflies introduced
school. The investigators found that, although immunized children him to the concept of polymorphism, defined as “the persistence of
were in fact resistant to subsequent challenge with the same virus, … two forms of a species in the same habitat in such proportions
some of them still came down with jaundice after they joined the that the rarest of them cannot be maintained by recurrent muta-
general school population, indicating that more than one type of tion” (Ford, 1957; Blumberg, 1964). Applied to human health, this
hepatitis virus was circulating (Krugman et al., 1967). Subsequent implies that common variants among human populations must
research at the Willowbrook School therefore focused on identi- provide some sort of survival benefit, and studying them may
fying viral strains, determining routes of infection and the period of elucidate mechanisms of disease resistance.
infectivity, assessment of cross-immunity and further testing of An opportunity to directly study this question came through
gamma-globulin. The findings of these extensive studies are sum- Blumberg's collaboration with Tony Allison, an Oxford researcher
marized below; they essentially duplicated those already obtained who had investigated the geographic distribution of the sickle-cell
in experiments employing adult volunteers during and after World trait in Africa and had shown that it enhanced resistance to fal-
War II. ciparum malaria (Allison, 1954). In 1957, Blumberg and Allison
traveled to Nigeria, where they collected large numbers of blood
9. Discovery of the Australia antigen specimens from several distinct human groups and from a variety
of domestic animals. Later that year, Blumberg joined the staff of
By the early 1960s, hepatitis A had been well characterized: it the US National Institutes of Health, which enabled him to carry out
was highly contagious; spread by the fecal-oral route, often pro- his own field study in Alaska, where he again collected blood
duced large outbreaks, was often subclinical, was always transient samples, both from diverse human populations and from a number
and resulted in protective immunity. Hepatitis B, in contrast, was of animal species (Fig. 1). He and Allison used starch gel electro-
still poorly understood. Because the agent was usually transferred phoresis to identify differences in the concentration and mobility of
in serum, epidemics were rare, and the most significant problem haptoglobins and other serum proteins in the samples they had
was post-transfusion hepatitis, which was difficult to study. Liver collected, resulting in a number of publications (Allison et al., 1958;
function tests, biopsies and experimental challenge of volunteers Blumberg et al., 1959, 1960).
had shown that some persons without a history of jaundice could The development that led to the discovery of the Australia an-
harbor the virus for years. In 1962, musing on this phenomenon, tigen came in 1961, when it occurred to Allison and Blumberg that
MacFarlane Burnet noted that “perhaps 1% of apparently healthy human blood proteins might differ sufficiently that transfusion
people have the virus in their blood,” and those silent carriers are recipients could develop antibodies against proteins different from
responsible for its maintenance in human populations (Burnet, their own (Allison and Blumberg, 1961). Individuals who had
1962). He continued “… I think the greatest intellectual prize that received many transfusions would be most likely to possess such
a virologist can hope for is that some day he should be the first to antibodies, so the researchers obtained sera from chronically ill
explain the real natural history of serum hepatitis.” patients and used them to probe their extensive collection of blood
That day was only a few years away, but the key discovery was to
be made, not by a virologist, but through a collaboration between a
geneticist, a blood bank specialist and others working outside the
field of viral hepatitis. The geneticist, Baruch (“Barry”) Blumberg,
would follow up on an initial clue with a rapidly expanding series of
studies that identified the causative agent of hepatitis B, produced
new diagnostic tests that improved the safety of blood transfusion,
revealed a massive global population of chronically infected people,
identified the relationship of chronic hepatitis B to hepatocellular
carcinoma and led to the first hepatitis vaccine. His efforts were
rewarded with a Nobel Prize.

9.1. The value of widely-directed research

Barry Blumberg was a very unusual man. Born in Brooklyn and

initially educated in a yeshiva school, he developed an early fasci-
nation with explorers, and Lewis and Clark were his childhood
heroes. Following Navy service in World War II, he began graduate
studies in mathematics, but perhaps because it offered greater
opportunities for travel, he soon switched to medicine. After
studying parasitology in his third year of medical school, he spent a
summer in Surinam, where he was struck by the diversity of the
local population, which included indigenous Indians, descendants
of slaves and immigrants from Europe and Asia, and by their
apparent variation in susceptibility to local infectious diseases
(Blumberg, 2002). His first research paper, published the year he Fig. 1. Baruch S. (Barry) Blumberg on a 1958 field trip to Alaska, where he collected
blood samples from an isolated group of Inuit people. Blumberg's collection of frozen
received his M.D., described differences in the course of lymphatic sera from populations around the world made possible the discovery of the Australia
filariasis among members of those population groups (Blumberg antigen, and was invaluable in defining the vast extent of human infection by the
et al., 1951). hepatitis B virus. From (Blumberg, 2002), with permission.
T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123 117

samples, employing the technique of agar gel immunodiffusion,

which had been introduced by the Swedish bacteriologist Orjan €
Ouchterlony in the late 1940s as a method of diagnosing diphtheria
(Ouchterlony, 1949). Patient serum was placed in the central well of
an agar plate and test samples in surrounding wells; as proteins
diffused through the gel, the formation of antigen-antibody com-
plexes produced visible bands. Their study soon paid off, when they
found that a person who had received more than 50 transfusions
possessed an antibody (termed a “precipitin”) that bound a lipo-
protein in some samples in their serum collection (Allison and
Blumberg, 1961). They noted that the patient had recently begun
having febrile transfusion reactions, and proposed that the pre-
cipitin was responsible.
The discovery that some complications of blood transfusion
might be the result of diversity in serum proteins brought Blum-
berg into contact with Harvey Alter, an NIH researcher just begin-
ning his career in blood banking. Alter was investigating sources of
transfusion complications other than immunity to cellular ele-
ments, and the method of agar gel diffusion to visualize antigen-
antibody binding appeared to be just what he needed. Screening
soon revealed that a dozen multiple-transfusion recipients at the
NIH Clinical Center had precipitins in their serum (Blumberg et al.,
1964). Such antibodies were most common in patients with thal-
assemia; the antigens they bound were identified as lipoproteins by
their uptake of a lipid-binding dye, Sudan black.
Had this observation been the only outcome of the collaboration
between Blumberg and Alter, the present review might form part of
a symposium on the history of blood banking. However, because
recipients of multiple blood transfusions are at risk of hepatitis B,
and many samples in Blumberg's freezers came from geographic
regions where chronic HBV infection is highly prevalent, it was
Fig. 2. Detection of the Australia antigen by double immunodiffusion in an agarose gel
inevitable that screening would eventually produce an unusual (the Ouchterlony technique), in the initial report by Blumberg, Alter and Visnich. The
band in an Ouchterlony plate. This occurred in 1964, when Alter upper well contains serum from a leukemia patient, the lower well serum from a
used precipitin-containing serum from two hemophilia patients to patient with hemophilia. From (Blumberg et al., 1965), with permission.
screen a panel of 24 samples from Blumberg's global collection, and
in one of them e a specimen from an Australian aboriginal person e
London, Alton Sutnick and other investigators. In an initial study,
he observed a precipitin line that did not take up Sudan black, but
they followed up on observations that people with Down's syn-
instead stained strongly red with azocarmine, indicating a high
drome frequently developed leukemia, and screened blood samples
protein content (Blumberg et al., 1965). As Alter recently noted, “We
from an large institution housing mentally handicapped in-
initially called this the ‘red antigen’ for its staining properties, but
dividuals; they found that nearly 30% of Down's patients were Au-
later debated whether to call it the Bethesda antigen for the place
positive (Sutnick et al., 1968; London et al., 1969). However, in a
where it was identified, or the Australia antigen for the person in
follow-up investigation focusing on persons with the same diag-
whom it was found” (Alter, 2014). The designation Australia antigen
nosis, but who lived in smaller institutions, they found only a 3%
(Au) was ultimately chosen, following the current nomenclature for
prevalence of Au, and when they screened newborns with Down's
hemoglobin variants.
syndrome and older patients living with their parents, none was
Alter was unable to detect the antigen in a collection of 150
antigen positive (Sutnick et al., 1968). This striking association be-
samples representing a healthy US population, but when he turned
tween antigenemia and the subject's social setting was the first
his attention to patients at the NIH, he found it in the serum of 11 of
indication that Au might be a trait acquired under the conditions of
107 individuals who had received 10 or more transfusions; 8 of
crowding and poor sanitation that characterized large institutions
them were hemophilia cases (Fig. 2). Additional testing yielded
for severely mentally handicapped people, and might therefore be
even more interesting results: although none of 700 normal
of infectious origin.
American blood donors was positive for Au, the antigen was pre-
sent in the serum of 8 of 70 leukemia patients (Alter and Blumberg,
1966). As there was considerable speculation at that time that 9.3. Linking Au to viral hepatitis
leukemia originated through viral infection, it seemed possible that
Au was a component of a “leukemia virus.” However, Blumberg's As the investigators continued to screen serum samples for Au,
focus on human polymorphism suggested an alternative explana- they found it in patients with a puzzling variety of conditions,
tion, that Au was a human protein associated with an inherent ranging from lepromatous leprosy to lymphocytic and granulocytic
predisposition to leukemia. leukemia, renal failure, thalassemia, hemophilia and other diseases
that required multiple transfusions. Testing of the large numbers of
9.2. Initial characterization of the Australia antigen sera collected by Blumberg on his global travels also revealed that
Au was common among the populations of Oceania and other
Further investigation of Au as a marker of disease susceptibility tropical regions.
followed Blumberg's move from NIH to the Institute for Cancer Had a series of chance observations not come to the rescue, it
Research in Philadelphia, where he joined forces with Thomas might have taken years for the researchers to discover a common
118 T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123

factor among these diverse groups. The first was made by one of incomplete virus or virus capsid,” as was subsequently found to be
Blumberg's technologists, Barbara Walter, whose laboratory spe- the case. A year later, Dane and colleagues were able to demon-
cialty was producing purified Au by sucrose gradient centrifugation strate by immune-EM that HBsAg existed as both circular and
of serum samples. She had routinely served as the lab's Au-negative tubular sub-viral particles and as complete enveloped virions,
control, but when she became ill and noticed that her urine had which came to be known as “Dane particles” (Dane et al., 1970).
turned darker than normal, she found that her own serum had
become Au-positive (but only on a single day) (Blumberg et al., 9.4. Further studies at the Willowbrook State School
1968). She recalled no accidental needle sticks or other obvious
exposure to Au-containing material. Second, an antigen-negative In 1967, Krugman and his colleagues reviewed data obtained
adult with Down's syndrome in a cohort being followed by Sut- during the previous decade and presented evidence for the exis-
nick and London became ill, with abnormal liver function tests, and tence among their school population of two types of infectious
Au appeared in his serum (Sutnick et al., 1968). Further screening of hepatitis, which they labeled MS-1 and MS-2 (Krugman et al.,
institutionalized Down's patients found that many were persis- 1967). The MS-1 agent had a short incubation period, was readily
tently Au-positive; their sera also had elevated SGPT levels, indic- spread by the oral route and sometimes by injection, while MS-2
ative of hepatitis, which was confirmed in some cases by liver had a longer incubation period, was transmissible by injection
biopsy. Suspicion of an infectious etiology was further strength- and occasionally through oral feeding. Gamma-globulin prophy-
ened when an antigen-negative investigator who had immunized laxis prevented MS-1 infection, but not MS-2. Once it became
rabbits with Au-positive serum himself developed a high titer of Au, possible to test for Australia antigen, the researchers began
though without becoming ill. screening the thousands of serum samples in their freezers, and
In addition to these individual observations, the link between found that Au was absent from the serum of children who had been
Au and hepatitis was more firmly established when the antigen was inoculated with MS-1 serum, but present in MS-2 infections,
detected in 20% of 125 acute viral hepatitis patients in Philadelphia identifying it as hepatitis B (Giles et al., 1969; Krugman and Giles,
and New York, but in none of 138 patients with other liver diseases 1970). Of greatest concern from our current ethical viewpoint,
(London et al., 1969). It was much more common in patients with some children and adults given MS-2 serum by intramuscular in-
posttransfusion hepatitis than with infectious hepatitis; in retro- jection or oral feeding became chronically infected, and may ulti-
spect, detecting Au in patients with a clinical diagnosis of infectious mately have developed cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma.
hepatitis simply represented the inherent inaccuracy of a diagnosis One of the few discoveries made at the Willowbrook School that
based only on a patient's history. The antigen rapidly disappeared was directly beneficial to the experimental subjects occurred by
from the serum of most convalescent hepatitis patients, but per- accident, as the investigators were assessing methods of inacti-
sisted for years in some people with leukemia, thalassemia and vating virus-containing material. It was already known that MS-1
renal failure, and was also chronically present in many residents of and MS-2 sera kept at 56 C for 30 min remained infectious, so
tropical countries. When Blumberg and colleagues made use of the investigators decided to determine the effect of placing vials for
liver function tests to screen these Au-positive individuals, they 1 min in boiling water. Children fed the boiled MS-1 serum did not
found that many of them had elevated serum SGPT (ALT) levels, develop hepatitis, but also were not resistant to a subsequent
indicating that they suffered from chronic hepatitis (Blumberg challenge oral challenge with the virus (Krugman et al., 1970).
et al., 1968). Inoculation of boiled MS-2 serum also did not produce hepatitis,
Taking a similar approach to Blumberg and Alter, but publishing but in contrast to MS-1, the recipients became resistant to subse-
somewhat later, Alfred Prince at the New York Blood Center quent virus challenge (Krugman et al., 1971). These observations
attempted to identify an agent of hepatitis B by testing sequential suggested the possibility of a heat-inactivated hepatitis B vaccine.
serum samples from patients who had received multiple trans- In retrospect, the experimental infection of hundreds of
fusions. He also made use of the Ouchterlony double-diffusion mentally handicapped children and adults at Willowbrook State
method, with test serum from an individual with hemophilia School produced little new knowledge. Much of the information
who had received more than 10,000 units of blood products over duplicated findings obtained in adult volunteers during World War
his lifetime. Prince identified a number of patients with post- II; for example, the announcement in 1967 that two types of hep-
transfusion hepatitis, in whom a rise in serum SGPT (ALT) was atitis virus circulated at the school came 20 years after MacCallum's
accompanied by the appearance of a precipitin band, which he designation of viral hepatitis A and B. However, the vast collection
designated “SH” (Prince, 1968a). Using samples provided by Saul of well-characterized serum samples from Willowbrook patients
Krugman, he demonstrated a similar antigen in blood samples from was later employed by researchers to test new diagnostic methods,
children with long-incubation hepatitis at the Willowbrook State to characterize HBV antigens and antibody responses and for the
School. Later that year, after carrying out parallel testing, Prince identification of hepatitis A virus.
concluded that “the Australia antigen and SH antigen are closely
related, and perhaps identical” (Prince, 1968b). 9.5. Proving causation: satisfying Koch's postulates
Additional evidence linking Au to hepatitis was reported by
Okochi and colleagues in Japan, who screened transfused blood and Less than four years after the initial report of a “new” antigen in
found that patients who received antigen-positive units subse- leukemia serum, screening of samples from Blumberg's vast global
quently developed abnormal liver function tests and became collection (which is today stored at the Hepatitis B Foundation's
antigen-positive (Okochi and Murakami, 1968). A virus connection Baruch S. Blumberg Institute) allowed him to state that “tens of
was further supported when electron microscopy of sucrose millions of asymptomatic people carry the antigen chronically,” and
gradient-fractionated serum samples revealed 20-nm particles that “it is closely associated with, or may itself be, a causative agent
resembling picornaviruses, which formed large aggregates when of viral hepatitis” (Blumberg et al., 1969). However, proof of a causal
anti-Au antibodies were added (Bayer et al., 1968). In a similar role of Au in hepatitis would not be straightforward. Robert Koch's
study, particles concentrated by cesium chloride gradient were classic prescription for proving the microbial etiology of a disease
seen to resemble small virions, but they contained little nucleic acid called for an agent to be isolated from a sick individual, propagated
(Millman et al., 1969). The authors therefore proposed that “the in pure culture and inoculated into a healthy subject, in which it
bulk of material identified as Australia antigen may be an must produce the same disease and from which the agent can in
T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123 119

turn be isolated. This proved impossible for viral hepatitis: the Willowbrook State School, clearly established that the agent of
although several reports had been published describing the isola- hepatitis A was shed in large quantities in feces during the late
tion of a virus in tissue culture or the production of diseases in a incubation period and the course of illness. Once Albert Kapikian
laboratory animal, none of the claims had held up on further and his colleagues at the NIH had pioneered the method of
testing. immuno-electron microscopy to identify Norwalk virus in stool
Establishing a causal link between Au and hepatitis B would specimens (Kapikian et al., 1972), it was relatively straightforward
therefore, as a minimum, require evidence that the antigen was for a new NIH investigator, Stephen Feinstone, to apply the same
present in sites of hepatic injury, and that it increased in quantity technique to hepatitis A (Feinstone et al., 1973).
like a replicating agent over the course of illness. The first condition To make sure that the pathogen they identified was in fact the
was satisfied when Blumberg and colleagues found that agent they sought, the investigators used the well characterized
fluorescein-labeled anti-Au serum bound to granules in the nuclei Willowbrook MS-1 virus to infect adult volunteers. Stools were
of hepatocytes in liver biopsies of hepatitis B patients (Millman collected before and during the course of illness, and a saline sus-
et al., 1969). EM studies of biopsied tissue subsequently revealed pension was filtered, then mixed with antibodies from individuals
aggregates of virus-like particles within hepatocyte nuclei, which who had recovered from the same infection. Examination by elec-
bound antibody-coupled ferritin (Huang et al., 1972). tron microscopy revealed clumps of virus-like particles in the stools
Convincing evidence that Au was a component of a replicating of subjects during the course of illness, but not in those collected
agent was obtained by Barker and colleagues, employing serum before infection. No antigenic cross-reactivity was found between
samples kept frozen since the mid-1950s. In the earlier study the newly discovered agent and the hepatitis B virus.
summarized above, Moore et al. inoculated volunteers with serial
dilutions of untreated or UV-irradiated serum from a chronically 10.3. From “non-A, non-B” hepatitis to hepatitis C
antigenemic individual (Murray et al., 1955). The original untreated
serum produced clinical hepatitis in most recipients, but as it was Within a few years after the discovery of the Australia antigen,
progressively diluted, illness became less common, and volunteers efforts by Alter and his colleagues had made screening for HBsAg
who received plasma diluted 10 4 or more appeared to remain mandatory in US blood banks. It was hoped that rigorous testing,
healthy. However, when Barker's group tested samples from the combined with the exclusion of paid donors, would put an end to
volunteers, they found that even those who had received as little as post-transfusion hepatitis, but although a significant decrease was
a 10 7 dilution became antigenemic 40e120 days after inoculation, seen, cases continued to occur. When the researchers examined the
indicating that the agent replicated, even if it did not cause illness situation in 1972, it seemed possible that screening might simply
(Barker et al., 1970). The authors concluded that “HAA [hepatitis- have missed some hepatitis B-infected donors with low antigen
associated antigen] is a virus commonly associated with long- levels (Alter et al., 1972), but the introduction of the much more
incubation or serum hepatitis.” sensitive radioimmunoassay soon made it clear that another
In a follow-up study, Barker and colleagues obtained further pathogen must be responsible.
evidence of a causal role of Au in hepatitis B, by inoculating By the 10th anniversary of the identification of the Australia
chimpanzees with the same stock of pooled plasma from the 1955 antigen, investigators had become convinced of the existence of an
study (Barker et al., 1973). The animals showed a range of responses additional agent of serum-transmitted hepatitis that also produced
similar to those seen in humans: none became visibly ill, but two a chronic carrier state. In New York City, Prince and colleagues
showed biochemical and histologic abnormalities, with antigen followed 204 open-heart surgery patients and identified 36 cases of
demonstrable in hepatocytes by immunofluorescence; two had post-transfusion hepatitis that were negative for HBsAg by radio-
antigen in serum, followed by the development of specific antibody, immunoassay and negative for cytomegalovirus (Prince et al., 1974).
and a fifth showed only the late development of anti-HBs antibody At the NIH, investigators studied 22 patients with post-transfusion,
(which is now known to be equivalent to anti-Au antibody). The HBsAg-negative hepatitis, and were able to exclude the recently
findings were confirmed in a collaborative study by CDC in- identified hepatitis A virus by the lack of an antibody response
vestigators and Purcell's lab at NIH, employing Willowbrook MS-2 (Feinstone et al., 1975). In 1978, two groups proved the existence of
serum as the infective material, which found that neither of two a novel infectious agent, by inoculating chimpanzees with serum
inoculated chimps became ill, but one became antigenemic 70 days from blood donors who had been the source of non-A, non-B
after challenge (Maynard et al., 1972; Purcell, 1993). hepatitis (Alter et al., 1978; Tabor et al., 1978). Although the animals
did not become ill, they displayed elevations in circulating ALT, AST
10. Applications of Au screening and further discoveries and bilirubin and typical inflammatory changes on liver biopsy.
Largely because the level of circulating virus in patients with
10.1. Clearing the blood supply chronic hepatitis C is some thousand-fold lower than in hepatitis B,
making it impossible to visualize viral particles by immuno-EM, the
Even before Au had been firmly linked to hepatitis B, Alter and pathogen continued to evade researchers for more than a decade.
Holland considered the evidence sufficient to call for the screening Only in 1989 did the virus finally yield to an assault employing all
of all donated blood before transfusion (Alter et al., 1970). The available molecular tools, when RNA viral sequences were cloned
recognition that Au was especially common in paid donors also led from the blood of a patient with chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis
to the increasing adoption of an all-volunteer system by hospital (Choo et al., 1989). Within a few years, blood banks added screening
blood banks. In a few years, these two measures resulted in a for HCV to that already in place for HBsAg, virtually eliminating
greater than 70% reduction in transfusion-associated hepatitis viral hepatitis as a hazard of blood transfusion.
(Alter et al., 1975). As described below, the failure of screening to
completely eliminate the problem led to the recognition of “non-A, 10.4. Discovery of the delta agent
non-B” hepatitis and the eventual discovery of the hepatitis C virus.
During the decade following the discovery of the Australia an-
10.2. The identification of hepatitis A virus tigen, hepatitis B was becoming well characterized, but in 1977 an
unexpected element appeared with a report from Mario Rizzetto's
Wartime studies in adult volunteers, followed by experiments at lab in Torino, Italy. While studying the cellular distribution of HBV
120 T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123

antigens in liver biopsies, Rizzetto and colleagues noted that a FITC- Reviewing the high prevalence of Au HCC in Africa and Asia,
labeled anti-HBc antiserum produced positive staining both in bi- Sutnick and colleagues proposed in 1972 that cancer results from a
opsies in which core particles were visible by EM and in some in series of selections: of all people with acute hepatitis B, a fraction
which no core particles could be found. They therefore reported the become chronically infected; some of those develop chronic hep-
existence of a novel HBV antigen distinct from HBs, c or e, which atitis, which in a smaller subset leads to postnecrotic cirrhosis, of
they named “delta” (Rizzetto et al., 1977). The new antigen was only which a still smaller fraction develop cancer (Fig. 3) (Sutnick et al.,
present in the serum of patients with circulating HBsAg, and it was 1972). These speculations were eventually confirmed by long-term
associated with the presence of severe liver damage. prospective studies of large cohorts of HBsAg-positive and -nega-
Subsequent studies in HBV-infected chimpanzees, aided by the tive individuals in Taiwan, which revealed that the former had a
development of a highly sensitive radioimmunoassay, established 200-fold greater risk of developing HCC (Beasley et al., 1981, 1983).
that the delta antigen was not a component of HBV, but was a This association was also strongly supported by elegant epidemi-
product of replication of a second infectious agent that requires ologic studies in South Africa (Kew et al., 1983).
HBV for its own replication. The novel viroid-like defective virus,
designated hepatitis D virus (HDV), employs a form of HBsAg as its 11.2. Mechanisms of chronic hepatitis B and oncogenesis
own surface antigen (Rizzetto et al., 1980, 1981). Its 1.7 kb genome
makes it the smallest agent known to infect humans. The charac- There is now general agreement among researchers that HBV
teristics of HDV, its replication in humans and efforts at antiviral replication rarely kills hepatocytes; instead, cellular injury and
therapy are reviewed in detail by Alfaiate et al. (Alfaiate et al., 2015). necrosis result primarily from the host's immune assault against
cells expressing viral antigens, particularly HBcAg. The attack is
10.5. Discovery of hepatitis E virus mediated by cytotoxic T cells and inflammatory cytokines, and the
degree of damage often correlates directly with the patient's im-
Just as HBV was found not to be the only cause of transfusion- mune status (Chisari and Ferrari, 1995). The recognition that
associated hepatitis, by the late 1970s it was recognized that HAV chronic hepatitis B is largely immune-mediated, and that a
was not the only cause of “infectious” hepatitis. An outbreak of persistent necroinflammatory response determines the outcome of
water-borne disease in Kashmir in 1978 resulted in more than infection, has helped to elucidate the pathogenesis of the disease.
50,000 recognized cases and nearly 2000 deaths, but patients In contrast, the molecular mechanisms by which HBV causes
showed no serologic evidence of HAV infection (Khuroo, 1980). hepatocellular carcinoma remain elusive. Viral DNA enters the
When a similar disease occurred among Soviet troops in hepatocyte nucleus, but no specific oncogenes have been recog-
Afghanistan, Russian virologist Mikhail Balayan heroically investi- nized, and viral insertion into the human genome appears to be a
gated its pathogenesis by swallowing filtered fecal extracts, random event. Carcinogenesis may therefore simply be a side-
resulting in acute hepatitis and the identification of virus-like effect of prolonged viral infection and the opportunities it pro-
particles in his own stool by immune-EM (Balayan et al., 1983). vides for chance mutations in the regenerating liver, especially in
The virus was then further characterized, including the production patients with cirrhosis (Block et al., 2003). This concept would
of hepatitis in cynomolgus macaques, in collaborative studies by explain the increased frequency of HCC that is also seen in persons
scientists in Moscow and the US CDC (Bradley et al., 1988). with other types of liver disease, including chronic hepatitis C,
The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a positive-sense, single-stranded alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and hemo-
RNA virus, the sole member of the family Hepeviridae. Hepatitis E is chromatosis. More complex mechanisms, yet to be elucidated, are
the most common form of acute hepatitis worldwide; the World probably involved as well.
Health Organization estimates that some 20 million infections
occur each year, with 3 million symptomatic cases and 60,000
deaths. Genotypes 1 and 2 circulate among humans in southern 11.3. HBV vaccines and the interruption of perinatal transmission
Asia and Africa, and may cause fulminant hepatitis in pregnant
women. A licensed vaccine is in use in China. In contrast, genotypes The ability to screen serum for Au revealed an immense global
3 and 4 are maintained in wild and domestic swine, principally in burden of chronic hepatitis B, especially in Africa and Asia, making
Europe, and cause sporadic human infections through ingestion of the development of a preventive vaccine a priority. However the
undercooked pork (Khuroo and Khuroo, 2016). Chronic hepatitis E traditional approach to vaccine development, by attenuating a virus
in immunocompromised people has been treated with pegylated through sequential passage in tissue culture, was not possible in
interferon and ribavirin (Debing and Neyts, 2014). this case, as HBV could not be induced to replicate in vitro. Blum-
berg and his colleagues therefore made use of the only available
11. Further studies of hepatitis B source of antigen, and devised a vaccine based on purified, inacti-
vated HBsAg recovered from the serum of patients with chronic
11.1. Association with liver cancer hepatitis B (Blumberg and Millman, 1972).
Although the prototype vaccine generated solid immunity in
By the late 1960s, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC, hepatoma) chimpanzees (Buynak et al., 1976; Purcell and Gerin, 1978) and was
had been recognized to occur most commonly in hepatitis patients protective in humans (Szmuness et al., 1981), its acceptance by the
with postnecrotic cirrhosis, suggesting that chronic Au-
antigenemia might be predictive of cancer. Blumberg's first
attempt to detect such a link was unsuccessful, as a survey of 65
hepatoma patients in Hong Kong, East Africa and the USA found a
similar prevalence of antigen as in other liver diseases (Smith and
Blumberg, 1969). However, within two years Sutnick, London and
Blumberg were able to cite five published papers reporting a sig-
nificant association between chronic hepatitis B and HCC, including Fig. 3. An early proposal by Sutnick and colleagues for the etiology of hepatocellular
a 31% prevalence of serum Au among hepatoma patients in carcinoma arising from chronic hepatitis B infection. From (Sutnick et al., 1972), with
Australia, 31% in Greece and 40% in Uganda (Sutnick et al., 1971). permission.
T.M. Block et al. / Antiviral Research 131 (2016) 109e123 121

public health community was limited by concerns about possible therapeutic benefit, the severe consequences of chronic hepatitis B
contamination with other human pathogens, particularly HIV. The continue to affect vast numbers of the global population.
subsequent development of a vaccine consisting entirely of yeast- A new wave of antiviral strategies, aimed at eradicating HBV
expressed gene products was therefore an important advance from the liver and achieving a definitive cure, are the subject of
(McAleer et al., 1983). All current HBV vaccines contain recombi- articles in the present symposium in Antiviral Research. These novel
nant microorganism-generated polypeptides. approaches target a variety of steps in the viral life cycle. The
Once large-scale vaccination was under way, the most dramatic introductory paper reviews the range of antiviral approaches
proof of its benefit came from Taiwan, where studies showed that currently under development (Block et al., 2015), and a second
the risk that a child born to an HBsAg/HBeAg-positive mother describes the HBV replication cycle, the course of illness and cur-
would become a chronic carrier diminished from 90% to less than rent therapies (Gish et al., 2015a). A third article examines the use
5% if the newborn received the HBV vaccine and hepatitis B gamma of murine models to study the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B
globulin (Beasley et al., 1983; Chen et al., 1987). A 30-year retro- and for antiviral drug evaluation (Cheng et al., 2015); a fourth
spective study has documented the striking reduction in the inci- provides a comprehensive review of co-infection with the hepatitis
dence of HCC in Taiwan resulting from vaccination (Chiang et al., delta virus (Alfaiate et al., 2015); and a fifth discusses the cell sur-
2013). face HBV receptor and its potential as a target for antiviral therapy
(Yan et al., 2015).
11.4. The first wave of antiviral therapies The remaining articles in the symposium cover the following
experimental approaches to therapy:
Because clinicians initially proposed that chronic hepatitis B
resulted from an impaired immune response, exogenous stimula-  cccDNA as a potential antiviral target (Guo and Guo, 2015);
tion with interferon-a was the first therapy attempted for the dis-  new drugs providing more effective suppression of the HBV
ease (Hoofnagle et al., 1986; Perrillo et al., 1990). Unfortunately, reverse transcriptase (Clark and Hu, 2015)
interferon is less than ideal, as it requires parenteral administration,  therapeutic vaccines to potentiate host immune response
adverse reactions are common and its efficacy is limited. Patients (Zhang et al., 2015);
with elevated serum ALT levels and low-to-moderate viremia were  the use of immunomodulators to enhance anti-HBV responses
the most responsive to IFN treatment, but only a minority were able (Isorce et al., 2015);
to clear the virus and achieve lasting clinical benefit (Korenman  strategies employing RNAi to suppress HBsAg production (Gish
et al., 1991). Nonetheless, the fact that some 5e8% of IFN re- et al., 2015b);
cipients eventually lost circulating HBsAg and developed anti-  pharmacological activation of innate antiviral responses (Chang
HBsAg antibody provided a somewhat convincing demonstration and Guo, 2015);
that chronic hepatitis B was “treatable,” and in some cases even  the HBV core protein as a potential drug target (Zlotnick et al.,
“curable” (Asselah et al., 2007). 2015);
The other approach to the management of chronic hepatitis B  the possible use of CRISPR/Cas9 technology to eliminate cccDNA
has made use of antiviral drugs originally developed for the treat- (Kennedy et al., 2015);
ment of HIV infection. The discovery that HBV, despite having a  the viral ribonuclease H as a target for antiviral therapy (Tavis
DNA genome, replicates through an RNA intermediate, using a and Lomonosova, 2015).
virus-specified reverse transcriptase (RT), was one of the major
surprises in 20th century virology (Summers and Mason, 1982). A final paper provides a computation chemistry perspective on
This unusual replication mechanism proved to be more than a drug development (Morgnanesi et al., 2015).
laboratory curiosity, as screening showed that several drugs Under various names, hepatitis B has been the subject of med-
developed for the treatment of HIV infection were also active ical investigation and laboratory research for 150 years, but prog-
against HBV (Gish et al., 2015a). ress in diagnosing the disease, identifying chronic carriers and
Lamivudine was the first RT inhibitor to be used for the man- preventing further transmission was markedly accelerated by the
agement of hepatitis B. Its introduction proved to be a break- discovery of the Australia antigen 50 years ago. It is our hope that
through, making it possible to rapidly control HBV viral loads with current research efforts aimed at finding a definitive cure, in
an oral drug. Although such therapy was not curative, it was still combination with global infant vaccination, will lead to the even-
highly beneficial, as long-term treatment was shown to halt pro- tual eradication of the disease.
gression to liver cirrhosis, and even reverse the process, which had
not previously been thought possible (Lai et al., 1998; Villeneuve
et al., 2000; Bonis et al., 2001; Chang et al., 2010). The HBV poly-
merase therefore became the leading target for the development of Adashek, E.P., Adashek, W.H., 1963. Blood transfusion hepatitis in open-heart sur-
therapeutics, and at least five orally active drugs are now available. gery. Arch. Surg. 87, 792e795.
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Immunol. 387, 1e9.
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