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Unit 8 Reflections

EDU 633 Designing and Delivering online Instruction

Bradley Whetzell
Post University
Dr. Susan Shaw
March 3, 2022
Throughout this course I have learned many things that have prepared me to create my

own online classroom and that I have found useful. The Socratic Method to help engage students

in fruitful discussion, the different verbs to use to relay the same message in a more

comprehensible way, are just some examples. Working with fellow classmates in small group

discussions, I feel, is more effective than working with all the students in the class because it

allows that familiarity of getting to know someone and building off their work over as the course

progresses. I can reference something someone said last week or the week before because it is

the same people in the group, and I also do not get overwhelmed trying to answer over 10

people’s discussions and responses.

My PLE reflections, while I was confused at the start, I have grown to like the reflections

as it lets me put what I learned and how I feel about it in my own words that will not be graded

on professionalism and citations. It is a place where I can reflect and express myself as just me

and I really appreciate that. Also, it helped me learn some new skills as it was not easy to

navigate in the beginning. The assignment forum peer reviews I felt were extremely helpful.

When branching out into something you have little experience in, like course creation when you

have only ever been a student, letting your peers review your work unbiased was useful. I also

appreciated that it was people outside of my personal group as it felt like the opinions were

honest and without personal distractions. These reviews helped me see some of the basic errors

that you sometimes overlook when you are so focused on the details of an assignment. Also, it

helped me see what my course would look like and the issues it would face in the real world,

instead of just how I imagined it would be. These reviews, these interactions, showed me the

type of classroom I want to build, and the techniques that proved useful. It also helped me take a
step back and realize I am the teacher in these scenarios, and I am leading, not being led, and that

was a different mindset, school wise, than I am used to.

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