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r Q What rs a steel heat number?

- X E2 Atlas API Tra ining X

~ ➔ C i * 6 •
: : : (fog d1,mg ~ ~fatma lch • Search ~ SiCU thi d i~n m.iy N... 0 Phin ph6i ck I~ • I... ... Weld ing I Malaysia... e Gvc ng soi (PRC) lo... @ Swps Aws b2., X Xx... IBll M.iy t inh xkh tay/... IBll Llptop Lenovo Idea ...

Piping is fabricated using the API SL seamless specification. The required thickness of the piping will
be 1.0". The piping material is exempt from impact testing down to a temperature of:

0 2o·c
0 22·,
Q 30" F

.,, @ 33" F


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r Q What ,s a steel heat number? - X E2 Atlas API Tra ining X

~ ➔ C i
* 6 •
H: U'n g du ng ~ Ma tma tch - Scarch ~ S~ th! d i~nm.iyN._ Q Phinph6i ck l~ 11... •• Weld mg lMalaysia... lJl Gvong so i (PRC) lo... @ Swps Awsb2.1 x Xx... ~ M.iytinh xk h tay/... (B!l Llptoplenovo ldea...

Impact testing called for in B31.3 shall be performed to ASTM A 370. In addition, what specification
for bolting m ight be applied?

Q A333



.,, @ A320


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r Q Wh.11.s•stttl hHl,-.umbtt] - X EZ AtlMAPITr•ining X

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::: lfngdung ,© M,11tma.tch- Se,11rch ~ S~th dienm.y N.. 0 PhaonptdiUC:10..L • • WddingiM•.,..,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @) SwpsAwsbl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhuchtayt_ ~ Uptop leno¥01dN-

A reducing outlet on a flanged tee manufactured in conformance with ANSI B16.5 will have two 4
inch and one 2 inch opening. What is the proper designation for such a fitting?


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r Q Whlit is• steel he,11t number? - X EZ Atl,,s API Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
: : : U'ngd.,ang «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~th! d i~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoidc l~ 1t .. •• Weld ing l Malays.ia... GJ Guangsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnh x.khtay/ ... ~ Laptoplenovo ldea...

A flange belongs to the material grouping 1.3 and is designated as a Class 400. It will be placed in a
service operating at 500°F. What is the upper pressure limitation of this flange?

0 710pSi

v @ 780psi

Q 88Spsi

0 275 psi


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::: lfngdung ,© M,11tma.tch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhaonptdiUC:lo..L •• WddingiM.,11.,,,__ GJ Guongwi(PRC}lo... f;B SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhucht.yt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01dN-

To isolate a piping system a permanent blank is being prepared of a solid piece of A 28S Gr. C plate
.soo• thick. The blind will be for a 10• diameter piping system, and placed in a flange such that it will
have a dg value of 10.s•. The design pressure of the piping system is ns psig at a temperature of
400° F. Both sides of the blind will be in a corrosrYe service and both sides will require a corrosion
allowance of 0.12s· . Is the planned blind adequate for this service?

Q No. The required thickness is 1.0901•

Q No. The required th1ckness1s 1.235•

<t1' @ No. The required thickness is 1.217"

Q No. The required thicknessis0.9651 •

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0 Faboc.abon and M..-ldsx " 8" OOCl_Lusail weeL.doc " H!ffltfl(titcJ X

r D Dan 1'.guyen, Mog Kiel.I, Qo.. +i X EZ Atlas API Training X JI St,tch Weld,ng vs. Se,11m Weldiri X

,E- ➔ C i http,://www.Qoz1cm,.com/v5/mam.a,px
* 0 •
H: Ung dung ,© Matmatch - Search ~ Sietl th! d i~ m.iy N... 0 Phan phc5i ck I~ • t... •• Weldmg I Malaysia... lJl Guong soi (PRC) lo... f;B Swps Aws b2.1 x Xx... [Ell M.iy t inh xkh tay/ ... ~ Laptop Lenovo Idea...

oun1NE mll,

A piping system operates at a maximum design temperature of 1100°F and is constructed from the
material A 335 Gr. P21, P No. SA. In the calculation for the planned hydrostatic test, what would be
the value of ST/5 for the test pressure calculation?

0 0.2

Q 1- t/2x5.0xMAWP

v @ s.o
Q 6.5

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r D Oa.,h9U)'ffl UrigKiai 0. ◄ x EZ AtlMAPITraining

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::: lfngdung ,© M,11tmatch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhanptdiUC:loaiL • • WddingiMa_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @) SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhuchtayt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01dea-

A piping system was first placed in se rvice in June of 1975. The piping system is constructed of
schedule 80 carbon steel piping, which had an original minimum measured thickness ofo.150•. The
first inspection 5 years later, in 1980, revealed a minimum thickness for the system of 0.131 •. The
present inspection, June of 1986, found a minimum reading of 0.69s· . What corrosion value should
be used for this system when determining its Half - Life MAWP?

0 o.oon •Near

0 0.005"/Year

,; (i) o.012•Near
Q 0.001 2-Near

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r D Dan t-.g uyfo, BJng Kieu, Q1., +i X EZ Atlas API Tt,11ining X U,, St,td, Weld ing vs. Seam Weldin X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
: : : U'ng d•,mg «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~ th!di~n m.iy N... 0 Phan phoidc l~ 1t .. •• Weld ing lMalays.ia... GJ Guangsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1xXx... ~ M.iy t lnhx.khtay/... ~ Uptoplenovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

What would be the required Minimum Alert Thickness for a piping system in service that is A 106 Gr.
B piping? The piping diameter is 8.625" and operates a t 350°F.

V @ 0.13"

0 0.075"

0 0.2341"

0 0.250"

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r D Oa.,h9U)'ffl UrigKiai 0. ◄ x EZ AtlMAPITraining

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tmatch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhanptdiUC:loaiL • • WddingiMa_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @) SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhuchtayt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01dea-

°"eS-::0!'l90f50 •

The following is a true statement about tensile testing specimens from Section IX.
Q They are never allowed to fail below the stated lfT5 of the base metal.

0 They are never allowed to fail in weld metal.

.., @ They must not fail more than 5% below the listed UTS of the base metal.

0 They are never allowed to fail in the parent metal.

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r D Dan t-.g uyfo, BJng Kieu, Q1., +i X EZ Atlas API Tt,11ining X U,, St,td, Weld ing vs. Seam Weldin X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
: : : U'ng d•,m g «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~ th!di~!'l m.iyN... 0 Phanphoi dc l~ 1t.. •• WeldinglMalays.ia... GJ Guang soi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1x Xx... ~ M.iytlnh x.khtay/ ... ~ Uptoplenovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

A system must be used to plainly and permanently identify radiographs by marking. Wh ich is true
statement about the allowable methods of marking?

Q By number s stamped on the penetrometer .

Q By numbers identified on the penetrometer with lead letters.

Q By the use of 1"" high lead numbers and or letters applied to the back of the film cassette.

<t1' @ The identification system does not require that the markings appear as a radiographic image.

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0 Fabrication and M ..>Clsx " ifl DDC1_Lusail week....doc " Hiin t h! tit , ; X
r D Oa!'I h9U)'ffl Urig Kiai Quanti x EZ Atlas API Training

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tmatch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhanptdiUC:loaiL • • WddincJIMa_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @) SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhuchtayt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01dea-

The mechanical working of weld metals using impact blows is defined as:
0 hammering

Q forge welding

0 impact cond1t1oning

v @ pee"ng

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0 Faboc.abon and M..-ldsx " 8" OOCl_Lusail weeL.doc " H!ffltfl(titcJ X

r D Dan t-.guyfo, BJng Kieu, Qu,11ng X EZ Atlas API Tt,11ining X U,, St,td, Weld ing vs. Seam Weldin X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
: : : U'ngd•,mg «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~ th!di~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoidc l~ 1t.. •• WeldinglMalays.ia... GJ Guang soi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnh x.khtay/ ... ~ Uptoplenovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

The welding position referred to as 2G in pipe is defined as t he weld joi nt being:

V @ horizontal and the part being vertical.

Q vertical and the part being horizontal.

Q at 45 degr ees+/ - 15 degrees.

Q at 45 degrees or +/- 5 degrees.

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0 Fa brication and M ..xlsx " ifl DDC 1_l usail week....doc " Hiin th! ti t c.i X
r D Oa!'I h9U)'ffl Urig Kiai Quanti x EZ Atlas API Training x

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tmatch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhanptdiUC:loaiL •• WddingiMa_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @ SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhucht.yt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01dea-

(WPS) In the Joints QW-402 there is a mistake because:

0 only m etal is checked for badong type.

0 a root gap of 1132- is too small.

Q there should be a drawing of the weld jOinL

V @ there are no mistakes.


That's n-ght! You answered correctly.

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r D Dan t-.guyfo, Bjng Kifu, Quang X EZ Atlas AP I Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i https:j/
* 6 •
: : : lfng d1,1ng ,£\) Matmatch - Search ~ Sietl th!di~n m.iyN... 0 Phan phoick l~ 1t.. •• Weldmg lMalaysia... GJ Guongsoi(PRQ lo... @ SwpsAwsb2.1x Xx... [Bll M.iytlnh xkhtay/ ... jBll U ptoplenovo ldea...


(WPS) In base metals QW-403, the Group No. is not important because:

Q the group numbers match.

Q P-No. 1 is only produced as group 2 material.

V @ impact tests have not been performed on the PQR.

Q the company chose not to use group numbers.


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OOc00/00-00 __111__131_

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=· • ~
..,,. 111!11
" CJ " .. ....
~ ~ , •~ I Pr.l"ll~ai1A'J
W sJ ... ,111 Tg • ENG
r D Oa!'I h9U)'ffl Urig Kiai Quanti x EZ Atlas API Training x

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tmatch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhanptdiUC:loaiL • • WddingiMa_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @) SwpsAwsbl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhuchtayt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01dea-

(WPS) Regarding Filler Metals QW-404, the SFA No. which of the follow is not a true statement?
Q Correct for an E-601 O electrode

@ Not required per QW-253

Q Optional

V Q It is mandatory because it is listed in the bnef of variables of QW-253


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is O.

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0 Faboc.abon and M..-ldsx " 8" DOCl_Lusail weeL.doc " H!ffltfl(titcJ X

r D Dan t-.guyfo, BJng Kieu, Qu,11ng X EZ Atlas API Tt,11ining X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
: : : U'ngd•,mg «> Matmatch - Search ~ th!di~!'l m.iyN... 0 Phanphoi dc l~ 1t.. •• WeldinglMal,ys.ia... GJ Guang soi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnh x.khtay/ ... ~ Uptoplenovo ldea...

o un1N£ GD.

(WPS) The correct F No. for E 6010 is:


That's right! You answered correctly.

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r D Oa!'I h9U)'ffl Urig Kiai Quanti x EZ Atlas API Training x

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tmatch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhanptdiUC:loaiL •• WddingiMa_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi (PRC}lo... @ SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.t ytinhucht.yt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01dea-

(WPS) The position of the groove in QW-40S is listed as 6G. This is/is not a mistake on the WPS

Q it is a mistake because it is impractical to weld only in the 6G positiOn

., @ :~!~ :~~:~! i~::~s_enoal variable and can be listed as needed to provide direetions for the

Q 1t is not a mistake because it isni required to begin with.

Q it is a mistake because 6G is a wekters test position.


That's n-ght! You answered correctly.

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0 Faboc.abon and M..-ldsx " 8° OOCl_Lusail weeL.doc " H!ffl tfl(tit cJ X

r D Nh6m lovely Boii · M6t Oe -+t X EZ Atlas AP I Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i https:j/
* 6 •
: : : lfng d1,1ng ,£\) Matmatch - Seo11rch ~ Sietlth! d i~n m.iyN... 0 Phan phoi ck l~ 1t .. •• Weld mg lMal,ysia... GJ Gucngsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... [Bll M.iy t lnh xkhtay/... jBll Uptcp l enovo ldea ...


(WPS) Preheat in QW- 406 is required to be entered because:

Q it is a non-essential variable.

.i, Ci) a decr ease of more than 100°F from that qualified by the PQR will require r equalification of the WPS.

Q not everyone knows that preheat maybe required.

Q it is not r equired to be entered.


That's right! You answ ered correctly.

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OOc00/00-00 __ll!Ll3I_

0 Fa brication and M. ...xlsx " ~ DDC l_Lus.ail week. ...doc A Hiin t h! tit ca X

=· • ~
.... l "
..,,. 111!11 CJ " ~
~ , Pr.l'll~ai
.. .... •~ I W sJ1A'J ... ,111 Tg • ENG
r D Orii8aoYEri•Em"49AYX ◄ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tma.tch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhaonptdtUC:lc),IIIL •• WddincJIM•_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @ SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhucht.yt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01de4-

(WPS) In QW-407 Post Weld Heat Treatment, th e following is true:

Q the minimum tune fOf P No. 1 material> 314- is too short. per 831.3.

Q the minimum time fOf P No. 1 material is too long. per 831.3.

Q P No. 1 materials are not permitted per 831.3. This does not apply.

V @ P No. 1 materials do not requtre PWHT per 831.3 for maximum thickness quahfied.


That's nght! You answered correctly.

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r D Omh Bao YEn • Em Ngay x~ -+t X EZ Atl-,s AP I Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i https:j/
* 6 •
::: lfngd1,1ng ,£\) M-,tmatch - Se,11rch ~ Sietlth! d i~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoick l~ 1t.. •• Weld mg lMal")'Sia... GJ Guongsoi(PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... [Bll M.iytlnh xkhtay/... jBll Uptoplenovo ldea ...


(PQR) In the category Joints QW-402, there is a problem with the:

Q Root gap, it is not in agreement with the WPS.

Q Groove, it is not one of those listed in the WPS.

V @ Ther e is not a problem, joint detail are not required on the PQR.

Q The plate coupon is too thick for this procedure.


That's right! You answ ered correctly.

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0 Fabrication and M. ...xlsx " ~ DDC l_Lusail week....doc A Hiin th! tit ca X

=· • ~
.... l "
..,,. 111!11 CJ " ~
~ , Pr.l'll~ai
.. .... •~ I W sJ1A'J ... ,111 Tg • ENG
r D Orii8ao YEri•Em"49AYX ◄ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

C i https: ,S/ nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tma.tch- Se,11rch ~ S~th, dienmay N.. 0 PhaonptdtUC:lc),IIIL • • Wddingi M,11.,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @ SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhuchtayt_ ~ Uptop leno¥01de4-

(PQR) In the Base Metals QW-403, the 3/8"'" coupon will support the following full range of
thicknesses in production:

V @ 1/16 to 314 inches.

Q 3/8 to 7/8 inches.

Q 3/8 to 1 inches.

Q 1/1 6 to 1 inches.


That's n-ght! You answered correctly.

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0 Fabocabon and M....Jdsx " 8" OOCl_Lusail weeL.doc " H!ffl tfl(tit cJ X

r D Omh Mo YEn · Em Ngay x~ +i X EZ Atlas API Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i >C
* 0 •
!!! U'ngd.,ang «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~th! d i~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoidc l~ 1t .. •• Weld ing l Mal")'Sia... GJ Guangsoi (PRQ lo... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnh x.khtay/ ... ~ Laptoplenovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

(WPS) & (PQR) the following is an accurate statement about t he q ualifications:

Q The WPS is fully supported by the PQR for production thicknesses listed.

Q The PQR does not support any part of the WPS for production thicknesses listed.

V @ The WPS is not fully supported by the PQR for all production thicknesses listed.

Q The PQR coupon thickness has no bearing on production thickness qualified.


That's right! You answered correctly.

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r D Orii8aoYEri•Em"49AYX ◄ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tma.tch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhaonptdtUC:lc),IIIL •• WddincJIM•_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @ SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhucht.yt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01de4-

(PQR) PWHT QW-407 supports the WPS because:

Q PWHT is not required by the WPS.

Q Because the minimum times and temperatures were not met as listed on the WPS.

@ The WPS does not use PWHT in production.

V O The PWHT of the PQR is in agreement with the WPS for production welding.


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is O.

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r D Omh Bao YEn • Em Ngay x ~ -+t X EZ Atl-,s AP I Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i https:j/
* 6 •
: : : lfngd1,1ng ,£\) M-,tmatch - Se,11rch ~ Sietlth! d i~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoick l~ 1t.. •• Weld mg lMal")'Sia... GJ Gu-ongsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... [Bll M.iytlnh xkh tay/ ... jBll Uptoplenovo ldea...


(PQR) The following is a true statement about the Tensile Tests listed in QW-150:

Q There are more than two required.

Q The math is not correct (calculations).

Q Specimen #2 failed at too low an Ultimate Tensile Strength.

V @ The test r esults are acceptable for plate material.


That's right! You answered correctly.

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=· • ~
.... l "
..,,. 111!11 CJ " ~
~ , Pr.l'll~ai
.. .... •~ I w sl1A'J ... ,II Tg ~} ENG
r D Orii8aoYEri•Em"49AYX ◄ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tma.tch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhaonptdtUC:lc),IIIL • • WddincJIM•_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @ SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.tytinhuchtayt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01de4-

Per Section IX, in the category of Bend Tests, the bends must be:

Q four face bends.

0 four root bends.

0 four Side bends.

V @ two face and two root or four side bends.


That's n-ght! You answered correctly.

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r D Omh Mo YEn · Em Ngay x~ +i X EZ Atlas API Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
!!! lfngd.,ang «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~ th! d i~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoidc l~ 1t .. •• Weld ing l Mal")'Sia... GJ Guangsoi (PRQ lo... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnhx.khtay/... ~ Laptoplenovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

You are reading a WPS and see that it was qualified using P No. SA to P No. SA. You know that th is
WPS can be used to weld:

Q any P No. S material.

V @ any P No. SA to any metal from P Nos. SA. 4, 3, or 1.

Q weld only P No. SA

Q any P No. SA to any m etal from P Nos. SA. 4, or 3.


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0 Fabrication and M ..>Clsx " ifl DDC1_Lusail week....doc " Hiin t h! tit c.i X
r D Orii8aoYEri•Em"49AYX ◄ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

C i https: ,S/ nmn.av;:-

::: lfngdung ,© M,11tma.tch-Se,11rch ~ S~th,dienmayN.. 0 PhaonptdtUC:lc),IIIL • • WddincJIM•_,,,__ GJ Guongsoi(PRC}lo... @ SwpsA-bl.lxXx_ J! M.t ytinhuchtayt_ ~ Uptopleno¥01de4-

liquid penetrant t esting is capable of detecting:

Q subsurface laminations.

.., @ surface discontinu1t1es.

0 micro-frssures.

0 internal weld cracking.


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0 Fabocabon and M....Jdsx " 8" OOCl_Lusail weeL.doc " H!ffltfl(titcJ X

r D Omh Mo YEn · Em Ngay x~ +i X EZ Atlas API Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
!!! U'ngd.,ang «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~ th!di~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoidcl~1t.. •• Weld ing l Mal")'Sia... GJ Guangsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnh x.khtay/... ~ Laptop l enovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

A welder must requa lify his performance for the SMAW p rocess if he has previously:

.., @ not welded without backing and is now requir ed t o do so.

Q not welded with backing and is required to now weld with backing.

Q not welded with the GTAW process.

Q not welded with the SMAW process for 1 month.


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The dimensions of test coupons for welding procedure qualification tests can be found in:
0 Article2of5ectionV

0 Article II of SectK>n IX

.., @ Article IV of Section IX

0 Article 4ofsectionV


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~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
!!! U'ngd.,ang «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~ th! d i~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoidc l~ 1t .. •• Weld ing l Mal")'Sia... GJ Guangsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnhx.khtay/... ~ Laptoplenovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

A welder has welded a 1 "" thick performance test coupon in the 6G position. His coupon wi ll be
required to pass:

Q 2 bend tests

.., @ 4 bend tests

Q 8 bend tests

0 1 bend test


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For a hole type IOI that has the designation number 15, the essential 2T hole diameter must be:
0 0.060

-, @ 0.030

0 0.015

0 0.045


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~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
!!! U'ng d.,ang «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~ th!di~n m.iy N... 0 Phanphoidcl~1t.. •• Weld ing lMal")'Sia... GJ Guangsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnh x.khtay/... ~ Laptop l enovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

For UT thickness Case I - Direct Contact, Single-Element Search Unit is described as having the
d isplay start synchro nized to t he _ . All display elements are linear and the full thickness is
d isplayed on th e _ .

Q initial pulse / digital meter

V @ initial pulse / CRT

Q second pulse / digital meter

Q third pulse / CRT


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r D • (SEE SING SHARE 2 • T ◄ x EZ Atlas API Tr,11.ning x

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Which of the following describes Case Ill of the Manual Ultrasonic Contact Pulse Echo Method?
V @ It use-s dual search umts.

Q It use-s a single search unit

Q It iS applied usmg a contact unit immersed in water.

Q It is onty useful when material thi<kness exceeds 1-.


That's nght! You answered correctly.

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r D O [SEE SING SHARE 2 - T +i X EZ Atl,,s API Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i https://>C
* 0 •
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oun1N£ GD.

Which of the following is not a true statement about the GMAW and the GTAW welding process?

Q One is usually considered manual and the other semi-automatic.

Q One uses a consumable electrode and the other does not.

Q One uses a shielding gas and the other may or may not.

V Q One uses the decomposition of the rods outer coating as a shielding gas.


You did not choose the correct res ponse. The correct answer is D.

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r D • (SEE SING SHARE 2 • T ◄ x EZ Atlas API Tr,11.ning x

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Wire IQl's must be placed so that:

Q They are parallel to the we-Id metal's length.

.., Q The length of the Wires is perpendicutar to the length of the w~d.

Q They are perpendicular to the ~d metal'S longitudinal axis but not across the weld.

0 They are placed at a 45• angle to the weld being inspected.


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is B.

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r D O [SEE SING SHARE 2 · T ◄ot X EZ Atla s AP I Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i https:j/
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: : : lfngd1,1ng ,£\) Matmatch · Se•rch ~ Sietlth! d i~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoick l~ 1t.. •• Weld mg lMal")'Sia... GJ Gu-cngsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... [Bll M.iytlnh xkh tay/ ... jBll Uptoplenovo ldea...


What method(s) are not used to fabricate valve bodies used in piping systems?

0 Casting and forging.

Q Machined from bar stock.

Q Building up by welding.

V Q Inverse casting using the Robertson m ethod of lost wax.


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=· • ~
" CJ " .. ....
~ ~ , •~ I Pr.l'll~ai1JI'J
W sJ ... ,111 Tlil ~ } ENG
r D • (SEE SING SHARE 2 • T ◄ x EZ Atlas API Tr,11.ning x

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What temperature markings are required on a fitting made to the B16.5 Standard?

Q Both the highest and lowest permtsSible tem peratures.

0 The highest permisSible t emperature.

Q The highest pernusSible t emperature in degrees Fahrenhe1L

V Q No temperature markings are required.


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is O.

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r D O [SEE SING SHARE 2 - T +i X EZ Atl,,s API Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
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oun1N£ GD.

As regards Class 3 systems what extent of follow up NDE examination or insulation removal from
piping wit h damaged insulation is norma lly required for a CU I inspection?

Q The e>Cam ination should include 5 percent of areas of damaged insu lation.

Q The e>Cam ination should include 20 percent of damaged insulation.

Q The examination should include SO percent of damaged in sulation.

V Q The exam ination should include 25 percent damaged insulation.

Incor rect

You did not choose the correct response. The correct answer is D.

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r D • (SEESINGSHARE2•T•p 8 x EZ AtlMAPITr,11.ning x

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What types of joints may be welded in accordance with 831.3?

Q _Joints may be made by welding in any material for which 11is possible to quahfy wek1mg procedures.

Q Joints may be made by welding in any material for which it is possible to quahfy wek1ers. and welding
operators in conformance with the rules in ChapterV.

Q Jomts may be made by welding in any material for which it is possible to quahfy wek1ers.


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is B.

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r D O [SEE SING SHARE 2 - Tap 8 X EZ Atl,,s API Tr,11ining X

~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
!!! U'ng d.,ang «> Ma tmatch - Search ~ Si~th! d i~n m.iy N... 0 Phan phoidc l~ 1t .. •• Weld ing l Mal")'Sia... GJ Guangsoi (PRQ lo ... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iy t lnh x.khtay/ ... ~ Laptoplenovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

The _ is responsible for quality craftsmanship of weldments.

V O Welder

Q Inspector

0 Welding Foreman

0 Quality Control Manager


You did not choose the correct res ponse . The correct answer is A.

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r D • (SEESINGSHARE2•T•p 8 x EZ AtlMAPITr,11.ning x

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The_ is responsible for determining if a retroactive PMI program is appropriate for each existing
piping system.

Q API 510 AI

0 Jurisdiction

., 0 Owner/User


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is O.

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~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
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oun1N£ GD.

Some examples of piping components that are covered by RP S78 include;

V Q Pipe lengths. flanges. fittings, and special forgings.

Q Pressure vessel flanges that connect the vessel to piping systems.

Q Pressure vessel welds made to join flanges which mate t o piping flanges.

Q weather barriers used on insulating systems for piping.


You did not choose the correct res ponse . The correct answ er is A.

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r D ThuongEmLIOihlAnhKl- ◄ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

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At what temperature may carbon steel piping systems be subject to brittle fracture?

V O Al ambient

0 Below ambient

Q Below -20"F.

Q BelowSO"F.


Y04J d id not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is A

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When performing a pneumatic pressure test per B31.3 the pressure should be gradually raised to:

V Q 1/2 the test pressure or 25 psi whichever is less and a prelimina ry leak test applied.

Q 2/3 the test pressure or 35 psi whichever is less and a preliminary leak test applied.

Q 3 to 25 psi and a preliminary leak test applied.

Q Could be a, b. or c (above) it depends on the ultimate test pressure.


You did not choose the correct response. The correct answ er is A.

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•• ~ .... I . - • " > l'r.Jl,1~ 1-aj1'J

•• \.:::y ..,,. CJ .. I L~ l '.:i fl,..." -1,JJI W si JI ... ,111 Tlil ~ } ENG
r D Thuong EmLIOihlAnh~ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

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When performing a pneumatic pressure test per B31.3 the pressure should be gradually raised to:
V Q 112 the test pressure or 25 psi whichever is less and a preliminary leak test apphed.

Q 2/3 the test pressure or 35 psi whichever is less and a preliminary leak test apphed.

Q 3 to 2.5 ps; and a preliminary leak test applied.

Q Could be a. b. or c (above) 11 depends on the lit>mate test pressure.


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is A

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One of the concerns with leak tests is the exceeding of yield strength of the piping material. What
steps can be taken per B31.3 to avoid this?

Q A preliminary test using air at no more than 250 psi may be used.

V Q :~:~:~~;;_s ure may be reduced to the maximum pressure that will not exceed the yield strength at test

Q Over pressure protection set at 125% of the t est pressure can be installed.

Q Over pressure protection set at 110% of the t est pressure can be installed.


You did not choose the correct response. The correct answ er is B.

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•• ~ .... I . - • " > l'r.J',1~ 1-aj1'J

•• \.:::y ..,,. CJ .. I L~ l '.:i fl,...." -1,JJI W si JI ... ,111 Tlil ~ } ENG
r D ThuongEmLIOihlAnh~ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

C i https: ,S/nmn.av;:-

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When applying a pneumatic test to piping if air is not used, the testing medium must be:
Q water.

Q a combination of water and a gas.

0 dry nitrogen at 100°F.

V O nonflamma~e and nontoxic.


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is O.

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~ ➔ C i>C
* 0 •
!!! U'ng d.,ang «> Matmatch - Search ~ Si~ th!di~n m.iyN... 0 Phanphoidc l~ 1t.. •• Weld ing lMal")'Sia... GJ Guo ngsoi (PRQ lo... @ SwpsAwsb2.1 xXx... ~ M.iytlnh x.khtay/ ... ~ Laptoplenovo ldea...

oun1N£ GD.

Personnel performing PMI testing must be _ :

Q Qualified to perform testing to ASTM Standards.

V Q Approved by the Owner/User.

Q Qualified by a test to ASTM Standards.

Q Have a least S years e>Cperience and be approved by API 570 Al.


You did not choose the correct res ponse. The correct answer is B.

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r D Thuong EmLIOihlAnh~ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

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ASME B31.3 requires that the following be taken into account when pipe thickness is determined:
Q conslitabon With the jurisdictJon.

Q lime required to repair. and personnel Sdfety.

Q suitability for a given fluid service.

V O corro~on allowance.


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is O.

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Special consideration must be given to bolting use d with g ra y ca st iron flanges. Why?

Q Because these flanges are often in corrosive services and bolting might deteriorate.

Q Because the bolting must be of a high quality.

V Q Because of the low ductility of gray cast iron.

Q Because the low tensile st rength of gray cast iron flanges.


You did not choose the correct res ponse. The correct answer is C.

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0 Fa brication a nd M. ...xlsx " ~ DDC l_Lusail week. ...doc A Hiin t h! t it ca X

I . - • CJ " .. I> L~
l '.:i fl,...." -1,JJI1-aj1'J
W si A ... ,111 Tlil ~ } ENG
1110 PM
r D ThuongEmLIOihlAnh~ x EZ AtlasAPITr,11.ning x

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Which appendix of ASME B31.3 lists the total thermal of expansion for metals?

Q Appendix K-1.

Q Appendix C-3.

0 Appendix 1.

VO AppendixC-1.


Y04J did not choose the correct response. The correct answer Is O.

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