Liturgy Updates On Lent (February 2021)

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LITURGY UPDATES Ministry on Liturgy – Archdiocese of Lipa, Philippines

REISSUE February

On Lent
I. Liturgical Year and Lent
The life of the Church revolves around and is sanctified by the liturgical year.
The Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar state,

Holy Church celebrates the saving works of Christ on

prescribed days in the course of the year with sacred
remembrance. Each week, on the day called the Lord’s Day,
she commemorates the Resurrection of the Lord, which she
also celebrates once a year in the great Paschal Solemnity,
together with His blessed Passion. In fact, throughout the
course of the year the Church unfolds the entire mystery of
Christ and observes the birthdays of the Saints.1

During these celebrations, the Church aims to form and strengthen the faith of
the people. The Universal Norms say, “During the different periods of the
liturgical year, in accord with traditional discipline, the Church completes the
education of the faithful by means of both spiritual and bodily devotional
practices, instruction, prayer, works of penance and works of mercy”. 2

The Cycle of the Year is centered on Christ. The Universal Norms state, “Over
the course of the year the Church celebrates the whole mystery of Christ, from
the Incarnation to Pentecost Day and the days waiting for the Advent of the

Sacrosanctum Concilium highlights the nature of Lent.

The two elements which are especially characteristic of Lent

– the recalling of baptism or the preparation for it, and
penance – should be given greater emphasis in the liturgy
and in liturgical catechesis. It is by means of them that the
Church prepares the faithful for the celebration of Easter,
while they hear God’s Word more frequently and devote
more time to prayer.4

Lent, therefore, is a time to rediscover the beauty of baptism and penance.

II. Other Names of this Time

It is helpful to study the other names given to this Time in order to highlight
the meaning of this season in the calendar of the church.
Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, 1.
Ibid., 17.
Second Vatican Council, Sacrosanctum Concilium: The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 4 December 1963, 109.

1. Quadragesima
This name, which is used in the official documents of the Church, means
a period of forty days. Many modern languages derive their names from
this (example: Spanish – Cuaresima; Italian – Quaresima; Tagalog –
Kuwaresma). This name, dating back to the fourth century, indicates the
length of time of preparation for the Paschal Triduum, that is, forty days.
It does not speak of how to prepare for the festivity. Only later on will
this term be associated with fasting and penance. 5
2. Fastenzeit
This German word used to designate the season of Lent means “time of
fasting” or “period of fasting”. The notion of “fasting” will be expanded
into “penance”, including both internal and external acts of different
acts. This is related to Easter inasmuch as the definitive purpose of
penance is new life in Christ.6
3. Lent
The word lent comes from an old English word “lencten” which means
“Springtime”. It neither indicates the length of the time nor the manner
of preparation but the time of the year in which it occurs. Perhaps, this
name was chosen in order to distinguish this time of preparation from
another preparation which happens in autumn (preparation for
These names give us the essential elements of what Lent is: forty days
(Quadragesima) of fasting and penance (Fastenzeit) during the Springtime

III. Some Liturgical Guidelines or Reminders During Lent 9

a. Lent runs from Ash Wednesday until the Mass of the Lord’s
Supper exclusive on Holy Thursday. (Added to this Liturgy Update
is the Rite of Burning the Palms)
b. Lenten Weekdays are not commemorated on solemnities and
feasts. Ash Wednesday and the days of Holy Week take precedence
over all solemnities.
c. Volume II of the Liturgy of the Hours is used from Ash Wednesday
through Pentecost Sunday, the close of the Easter Season.
d. All memorial of the saints occurring during Lent are observed as
optional. Hence, they may be omitted or observed as
e. Alleluia is not sung or said from the beginning of Lent until the
Easter Vigil; nor is the Te Deum sung at Office of Readings on
Sundays of Lent. (Even during solemnities that are permitted to be
celebrated during Lent, the Gloria is sung or recited, but the
Alleluia is not. The total ban of singing the Alleluia is manifested in
some ecclesial, religious, or monastic traditions of burying or
removing the Alleluia on Septuagesima Sunday.)
f. During Lent the altar should not be decorated with flowers, and
musical instruments may be played only to give necessary support
to the singing. On the fourth Sunday of Lent (“Laetare”) and on
solemnities and feasts, musical instruments may be played and
the altar decorated with flowers. (From the foregoing discussions,
fasting is exercised in three manners, namely, fasting of the
Bernard Rass, SVD, Liturgical Year (Volume 2), Manila: Logos Publication (1998), 16.
Ibid., 16-17.
Ibid., 17.
Taken from Ordo 2019 (pp. 55-56), unless otherwise indicated. Those in the parenthesis are reminders /
clarifications / addendum, in order to further clarify the matters.

stomach, fasting of the eyes, and fasting of ears. As regards fasting
of the stomach, it is important to be reminded that Ash Wednesday
and Good Friday are days of fasting and abstinence. 10 The
penitential character of the Fridays of Lent, just like all the Fridays
of the whole year, must also be observed. 11 According to the
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, “Except on Good
Friday and Ash Wednesday, abstinence may be substituted with
exercises of piety, such as reading the Bible, going to Mass, visiting
the Blessed Sacrament, praying the Holy Rosary, or with acts of
charity, such as visiting the sick and prisoners, giving alms to the
poor or teaching catechism.” 12 Abstinence from meat is obligatory
for those who have completed their 14 th year.13 Fasting, that is,
eating one full meal, as well as two smaller meals which, when put
together, do not constitute a full meal, is binding for those “who
have attained their majority (18) until the beginning of their
sixtieth year (midnight after the 59 th birthday).”14 Exempted from
fasting and abstinence, upon an honest examination of their
conscience or consultation with others especially but not
exclusively with a priest, are those outside the prescribed age, the
sick, those who are impeded by their physical health or condition,
and the seafarers15. They should, however, replace fasting and
abstinence with other acts of charity. As regards fasting of the
eyes, the expressions of beauty are subdued as a preparation to
the reception of the most beautiful event, the resurrection of
Jesus. In concrete form, decoration of flowers at the altar is
explicitly prohibited, except on solemnities, feasts, and on the 4 th
Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday). During weddings, it may be
argued that decoration of flowers on the aisles of the church is not
prohibited by the norms. However, such argument does not
correspond to the spirit of the law of prohibition of flowers during
Lent. There is also the tendency to replace the decoration of flowers
with plants. This, also, is not according to the spirit of the fasting
the eyes. As regards fasting of the ears, musical instruments are
played only “to give necessary support to the singing.” Playing of
musical instruments is not totally banned or prohibited during
Lent. The use of musical instruments is subdued as part of fasting
of the ears.)
g. If marriages are to take place during Lent, couples are to be
reminded that the wedding plans should respect the special nature
of this liturgical season; they should refrain from much pomp or
display. (Weddings in the Philippines are normally joyful. It is
embedded in the culture of the Filipinos to have a celebrative
ambiance during weddings. The discipline of Lent reminds the
faithful that Christian faith, at times, has to be counter-cultural.
When the world wants to rejoice, a faithful delays the experience of
joy and embraces the life of prayer and penance during Lent as a
kind of spiritual exercise. Lent is a perfect time to educate the
couples of the Christian values of suffering, prayer and penance,
which are part and parcel of the new life they are embracing as
married couples and as a Christian family.)

Cf. The Code of Canon Law (CIC), 1251.
CIC, 1249-1250.
Florencio Testera, O.P. Canon Law Digest of the Philippine Catholic Church, Second Revised Edition, Manila
(1989), 10f.
Cf. CIC, 1251-1252.
Refer to the Apostolic Letter given Motu Proprio Stella Maris by Pope John Paul II (31 January 1997), in which the
Pope exempted the seafarers from the obligations of fasting and abstinence on prescribed days.

h. The readings for the Lenten masses have been chosen in relation
to the themes of baptismal renewal and penance. The gospels and
readings from the scriptures have been selected for their mutual
i. Optional Prayers over the People are given in the Roman Missal
next to the Order of Mass. During Lent, any one of these may be
used in place of the usual simple blessing given at the end of the
Mass. The Ordo suggests specific blessings throughout the season.
j. It is fitting that the Lenten season conclude, both for the individual
Christian as well as for the whole Christian community, with a
penitential celebration, so that all may be helped to prepare to
celebrate more fully the Paschal Mystery. Such celebration should
take place before the Easter Triduum.

IV. On Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday signals the beginning of Lent. The present norm of
Liturgy holds Ash Wednesday as a day of fast and abstinence. It is
decreed that ashes be distributed on the forehead. The Roman Missal
provides two choices of prayers for the blessing of the ashes. Both of
them indicate that Easter is the goal of Lent.16

Some Liturgical Guidelines or Reminders on Ash Wednesday 17

a. Ash Wednesday is a day of universal fast and abstinence in the
Church. (As regards fasting and abstinence, please refer to the
discussion pertinent to them above.)
b. Today, ashes are blessed and imposed after the homily. These
ashes are of palms blessed in the previous Palm Sunday. Apart
from Mass, a liturgy of the Word precedes the rite of blessing,
concluding with the general intercessions, the Lord’s Prayer and a
hymn (see Book of Blessings, nos. 1656-1678). The ordinary
minister for the blessing of ashes is a priest or deacon. Others
(e.g., Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) may assist with
the imposition of ashes where there is genuine need, especially for
the sick and the shut-ins. One of the following formulas is used:
Repent, and believe in the Gospel. or Remember that you are dust,
and to dust you shall return. (When the blessing and distribution
of ashes take place outside the Mass, it should be done during the
celebration of the Word of God. This rite may be abbreviated by the
minister. Nevertheless, at least one Scripture reading should be
included in the service. The blessing of ashes is reserved to a priest
or deacon, but he may be assisted by lay ministers in the
distribution of the ashes, even outside the Mass as prescribed. 18)
c. Order of Blessing of Palms to Ashes (See attached files.)
1. This may be done before the Celebration of the Eucharist on
Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
2. It is good to be reminded not to “overburn” or “overcook” the
palms as they can have reactions on the skins, like blisters, of
the faithful when they are imposed. This happened in some
churches last year.
3. Ashes must be placed on a sacred container or vessel, and not
simply on any container (e.g. bottles of soft drinks). The
container of ashes must manifest the holiness and symbolism
of the ashes that will be imposed to the faithful.
Adolf Adam, The Key to Faith: Meditations on the Liturgical Year, Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press
(1990), 45.
Taken from Ordo 2019 (pp. 56-57), unless otherwise indicated. Those in the parenthesis are reminders /
clarifications / addendum, in order to further clarify the matters.
Please refer to Book of Blessings, 1656-1659.

4. Since ashes are blessed, they should be disposed properly. They
may be buried under the ground or garden, which is not
frequented by the people or animals.

V. Other Matters
A. March 19, 2021 (FRiday), Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
a. The Solemnity of St. Joseph is celebrated even during Lent.
This is celebrated with greater devotion in the Archdiocese of
Lipa being its Principal Patron.
b. The Proper for the Mass of the Solemnity of St. Joseph is
used, with Gloria and Credo, but without Alleluia.
c. The altar may be decorated with flowers, and musical
instruments may be played.
B. March 25, 2021 (Thursday)), Solemnity of the Annunciation of the
a. Annunciation of the Lord is a Solemnity of the Lord. 19
b. The Proper for the Mass of the Solemnity of the
Annunciation of the Lord is used, with Gloria and Credo, but
without Alleluia.
c. The altar may be decorated with flowers, and musical
instruments may be played.
C. March 14, 2019 (4th Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday)
a. Flowers may be decorated around the altar.
b. No Gloria and No Alleluia
D. Feast of St. Pope Paul VI
“Pope Francis, assenting to the petitions and desires of the People
of God, has decreed that the celebration of Pope Saint Paul VI,
should be inserted into the Roman Calendar on 29 May with the
rank of optional memorial.”

VI. Announcements and Future Activities

A. Notes on Ash Wednesday during the Time of the Covid-19
Pandemic: Please refer to the Circular of the Archbishop on this
B. Other instructions on Lent and Holy Week Celebrations will be
released, depending on the situation and on the guidelines that
will be released by the Congregation of the Divine Worship and
Discipline of the Sacraments and the Episcopal Commission on
Liturgy by the CBCP.
C. The ML encourages that we refrain from replacing Kyrie, Eleison
with texts and hymns which are not approved or confirmed by
Rome. It is for this reason that we exhort for the cessation of the
use of Panginoon, kapatawaran and Poon, iyong kahabagan in lieu
of Kyrie, Eleison during Lent because the texts of these songs are
not approved or confirmed from Rome. This exhortation is also
upon the recommendation of the director of the sub-committee on
Sacred Music of the Federation of Tagalog Diocesan Liturgical
Commission. These songs may be used as entrance chant of the
D. February 27, 2021, Saturday (9:00 am), ILM and EMHC Parish
Coordinators’ Meeting through ZOOM
E. March 13, 2021, Saturday (9:00am), LECCOM and CUG Parish
Coordinators’ Meeting through ZOOM

Please refer to the Alphabetical Index of Celebrations of the Roman Missal.

F. March 13, 2021, Saturday (7:00pm), Ministry on Liturgy Lenten
Recollection (to be followed by Virtual Mass)




Ang lahat ay magtitipon sa pook kung saan susunugin ang mga

palaspas. Ang pari ay maaaring magsuot ng kasuotan na angkop sa
susunod na pagdiriwang ng banal na Misa pagkatapos ng Ritu ng
Pagsusunog ng mga Lumang Palaspas para sa Miyerkules ng Abo.
Pagkapasok ng pari ay magsisimula siya ng tanda ng krus sa kanyang
sarili at pagkatapos ay babatiin niya ang mga natitipon sa nakaugaliang
pamamaraan, upang ipaalaala sa kanila ang patuloy na panawagan ng
Ama sa pagbabalik sa Kanya sa pamamagitan ng pagsisisi sa ating mga
kasalanan. Isusunod ang ilang sandali ng katahimikan.


Ama naming mapagmahal,

nilikha Mo kami mula sa alabok
at patuloy Mo kaming inaanyayahang
makibahagi sa kaligtasang dulot ng Iyong Mabuting
kasama ng buong sambayanan.
Kalugdan Mo kami ng Iyong awa
habang ang mga alabok na ito ay inihahanda
bilang tanda ng pasimula ng paglalakbay namin
sa panahon ng Kuwaresma.
Tulutan Mong ang aming paglalakbay sa ilang ng
ay mag-akay sa amin sa luwalhati ng bagong pagsilang
bunga ng muling pagkabuhay ng iyong Anak.
Magbunga nawa ng kapayapaan
ang pag-aayuno ng bawat isa
ang panalangin ay magpabanal sa amin
upang makasalo kami sa piging na ‘di magwawakas
sa Iyong kaharian.
Sa pamamagitan ni Kristo
kaisa ng Espiritu Santo magpasawalang hanggan.



Sisindihan ang mga palaspas na natipon sa isang lalagyan at pagkatapos

ay wiwisikan ng agua bendita. Maaaring umawit o dasalin ang Salmo 51.


Ama naming makapangyarihan,

pakabanalin Mo ang mga abong ito +
sagisag ng aming pagbabalik-loob sa Iyo.
Kaawaan Mo kami
at tulungan Mo kaming maging tapat sa Iyo sa
pagtahak sa landas ng
pagbabagong loob sa panahon ng Kuwaresma.
Sapagkat ang kaloob Mo’y maligtas ang lahat
sa pamamagitan ni Hesukristo,
kaisa ng Espiritu Santo, magpasawalang hanggan.



Pagkatapos ay tutungo ang namumuno sa pagdiriwang kasama ang mga

nagsisipagdiwang sa loob ng simbahan. Ang lahat ay aawit ng
naaangkop na awit habang sila ay patungo sa kanilang lugar sa loob ng
simbahan. Pagdating ng paring namumuno sa pagdiriwang, dadasalin
niya ang Pambungad na Panalangin ng Misa. Ang Misa ay magpapatuloy
tulad ng karaniwan.

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