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Employee Information


To create an employee table and retrieve records using Oracle SQL Plus.


Step 1: Click  Start  All Programs  SQL PLUS

Step 2: Create table named employee with the required fields using query.

create table employee(empname varchar(15),empcode number(6) primary key,

address varchar(25),designation varchar(15),grade varchar(1),dateofjoin date,salary number (13,2));
Step 3: Insert the records into employee table using query

insert into employee values(‘rani’,101,’coimbatore’,’manager’,’A’,’15-dec-2018’,50000);

Step 4: Display all the records of employee table using query

Select * from employee;

Step 5: Display name of the employees whose salary is greater than “10000” using query

select * from employee where salary > 10000;

Step 6: Display the details of employees in ascending order according to employee code

select * from employee order by empcode;

Step 7: Display the total salary of the employees whose grade is “A” using query

select sum(salary) from employee where grade = 'A';

Step 8: End


Thus the above program has been executed successfully and output is verified
2. Payroll System


To create payroll table and retrieve records using Oracle SQL Plus.


Step 1: Click  Start  All Programs  SQL Plus

Step 2: Create table named payroll with the required fields using query.

create table payroll(empno number(8) primary key, empname varchar(15),

department varchar(10),basicpay number(11,2), hra number(9,2), da number(9,2), pf number(9,2),
netpay number(11,2));
Step 3: Insert the records into payroll table using query
insert into payroll values(101,‘rani’,’manager’,’A’,’15-dec-2018’,50000);

Step 4: Display all the records of employee table using query

Select * from employee;

Step 5: Update the records to calculate the netpay

Update payroll set netpay=basicpay+hra+da-pf;

Step 6: Arrange the records of employees in ascending order of their netpay

select * from payroll order by netpay;

Step 7: Display the details of the employees whose department is sales

Select * from payroll where department=’sales’;

Step 8: Select the details of employees whose HRA >=1000 and DA<=900
Select * from payroll where hra >=1000 and da<=900;

Step 9: Select the records in descending order

Select * from payroll order by netpay desc;

Step 10: End


Thus the above program has been executed successfully and output is verified
3. Product Details

To create product table and retrieve records using Oracle SQL Plus.
Step 1: Click  Start  All Programs  SQL Plus
Step 2: Create table named product with the required fields using query.
create table product(prodno number(6), pname varchar2(15), unitmeasure varchar2(15), unitprice number(4,2),
quantity number(6,2), amount number(8,2));

Step 3: Insert the records into product table using query

Insert into product values (&prodno,'&pname','&unitmeasure',&unitprice,&quantity,&amount);

Enter value for prodno: 1000
Enter value for pname: rice
Enter value for unitmeasure: kg
Enter value for unitprice: 50
Enter value for quantity: 2
Enter value for amount: 0

Step 4: Display all the records of product table using query

Select * from product;

Step 5: Using update statements calculate the total amount and then select the record.
Update product set amount=unitprice*quantity;

Step 6: Select the records whose unit of measure is “Kg”

Select * from product where unitmeasure='kg';

Step 7: Select the records whose quantity is greater than 10 and less than or equal to 20.
select * from product where quantity > 10 and quantity <= 20;

Step 8: Calculate the total amount by using sum operation

select sum(amount) from product;

Step 9: Calculate the number of records whose unit price is greater than 50 with count
select count(*) from product where unitprice > 50;

Step 10: End


Thus the above program has executed successfully and output is verified.
4. Sales Order


To create sales_order and salesorder_product table and retrieve records using Oracle SQL Plus.


Step 1: Click  Start  All Programs  SQL Plus

Step 2: Create table named sales_order with the required fields using query.

Create table sales_order(sorder_no number(3) primary key,clientno number(3), delivery_address

varchar2(30), delivery_date date, order_status varchar2(10));

Step 3: Create table named salesorder_product with the required fields using query.

Create table salesorder_products(sorder_no number(3),productid number(3) primary key, quantity

number(3),unitprice number(6,2),amount number(7,2));

Step 4: Add new column for storing salesman number using ALTER command
Alter table sales_order add salesman_no number(3);
Step 5: Set the sorder_no as foreign key as column constraints
alter table salesorder_products add foreign key(sorder_no) references sales_order(sorder_no);
Step 6: Enforce the integrity rules using CHECK
alter table sales_order add check(salesman_no >= 1 and salesman_no <=50);
Step 7: End

Thus the above program has been executed successfully and output is verified.
5. Student Information Using PL/SQL


To create student table in SQL and to find total, average and result using PL/SQL


Step 1: Click  Start  All Programs  SQL PLUS

Step 2: Create table named student with the required fields using query.

SQL> create table student5(rollno number(5) primary key,name varchar2(20),oracle number(3),brm

number(3),accounts number(3),gbe number(3),total number(3),average number(6,2),result

Step 3: Insert the records into student table using query

SQL> insert into student5 values(100,’ raja’, 70, 89, 73,90,0,’’);

Step 4: In PL/SQL, write the code to find total , average and result of student and also update the
student table.

Step 5: Run the PL/SQL program in SQL

Step 6: End


Thus the above program have been executed successfully and output is verified
6. Electricity Bill


To create electricity bill using PL/SQL block.


Step 1: Open Notepad to write PL/SQL block

Step 2: Declare the variables consumer no,name,previous reading, current reading, number of unit and

Step 3: Get the values of consumer no,name , previous reading and current reading

Step 4: Calculate the number of unit consumed = current reading – previous reading

Step 5: Calculate the electricity bill amount using tariff rules.

Step 6: Run the PL/SQL program in SQL

Step 7: End


Thus the above program have been executed successfully and output is verified
7. Splitting Table


To split the student information table into two, one with the passes and other with the failed.

Step 1: Click  Start  All Programs  SQL PLUS

Step 2: Create table named student with the required fields using query.

SQL> create table sristudent(rollno number(3),name varchar2(30),m1 number(3), m2 number(3), m3

number(3), total number(3),result varchar2(6));
Step 3: Insert the records into student table using query

SQL> insert into sristudent values(100,’kavitha’,90,97,56,0,’’);

Step 4: Create table named studentpass with the required fields using query.

SQL> create table studentpass(rollno number(3),name varchar2(30),m1 number(3), m2 number(3), m3

number(3), total number(3),result varchar2(6));
Step 5: Create table named studentfail with the required fields using query.

SQL> create table studentfail(rollno number(3),name varchar2(30),m1 number(3), m2 number(3), m3

number(3), total number(3),result varchar2(6));
Step 6: In PL/SQL, create cursor for selecting all records of student table

Step 7: Retrieve each record from cursor using For Loop.

Step 8 : Write the code to find total and result of current student and update the student table.

Step 9: if result=’pass’ then insert the corresponding record in studentpass table. Otherwise insert the
corresponding record in studentfail table.

Step 10: Run the PL/SQL program in SQL

Step 11: End


Thus the above program have been executed successfully and output is verified
8. Joining Table


To join two tables: First table contains rollno,name and total mark and Second table contains the rollno
and address


Step 1: Click  Start  All Programs  SQL PLUS

Step 2: Create table named studentmark with the required fields rollno as primary key,name and total

SQL> create table studentmark(rollno number(3) primary key,name varchar2(15),total number(3));

Step 3: Create table named personal with the required fields rollno as foreign key, and address

SQL> create table personal(rollno number(3) references studentmark(rollno),address varchar2(40));

Step 4: Create table named studentdetail with the required fields rollno,name,total and address

SQL> create table studentdetail(rollno number(3),name varchar2(15),total number(3),address

Step 5: Insert the records into studentmark table using query

SQL> insert into studentmark values(100,'kavi',600);

Step 6: Insert the records into perosnal table using query

SQL> insert into personal values(203,'madurai');

Step 7: In PL/SQL, create cursor for selecting all records from studentmark and personal table

Step 8: Retrieve each record from cursor using For Loop and insert records in studentdetail table

Step 9: Run the PL/SQL program in SQL

Step 10: End


Thus the above program have been executed successfully and output is verified
9 (a). Factorial Using Recursion


To find factorial using recursion in PL/SQL block.


Step 1: Open Notepad to write PL/SQL block

Step 2: Create function fact to find factorial using recursive calls

Step 3 : Run the function fact in SQL

Step 4: Create another PL/SQL block factorial to call the function fact.

Step 5: In factorial block, Declare the variables n and f.

Step 6: Get the value of n

Step 7: Call the function fact with parameter n using f := fact(n)

Step 8: Display the value of f.

Step 9: Run the factorial PL/SQL program in SQL

Step 10: End


Thus the above program have been executed successfully and output is verified
9 (b). Fibonacci Series Using Recursion


To generate Fibonacci series using recursion in PL/SQL block.


Step 1: Open Notepad to write PL/SQL block

Step 2: Create function fibo to find Fibonacci value using recursive calls

Step 3 : Run the function fibo in SQL

Step 4: Create another PL/SQL block fibonacci to call the function fibo.

Step 5: In fibonacci block, Declare the variables n and f.

Step 6: Get the value of n

Step 7: Call the function fibo with parameter n using f := fibo(n)

Step 8: Display the value of f.

Step 9: Run the factorial PL/SQL program in SQL

Step 10: End


Thus the above program have been executed successfully and output is verified

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