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◆ Elastic Optical Networks: The Global Evolution to

Software Configurable Optical Networks

Patricia Layec, Annalisa Morea, Francesco Vacondio, Olivier Rival,
and Jean-Christophe Antona

Worldwide operator deployment of high-speed 100G coherent optical

networks is currently underway. To ensure a competitive solution offering
significant performance improvements to cope with the ever-increasing
traffic demand, a novel network concept has been proposed for improved
resource utilization based on “elasticity”; specifically, the ability to make a
number of previously fixed transmission parameters tunable, for example
optical data rate or channel spacing. The benefits are numerous, including
increased network capacity, lower cost per bit, and improved energy
efficiency and scalability. In this paper, we review the work carried out within
the Cooperation for a Sustained European Leadership in Telecommunications
(CELTIC) Elastic-Optical NETwork (EO-Net) project towards advancing the state
of software-configurable optical networking. We identify the key building
blocks for enabling elastic optical networks to provide desired performance
improvements over static optical networks. We examine the design of elastic
transponders capable of data rate adaptation, interfaces between client
packet devices and transponders supporting flexible traffic aggregation, and
associated algorithms for traffic grooming and routing. We also perform
network cost/energy analyses. Finally, we review the experimental
demonstration of such elastic functionalities. © 2013 Alcatel-Lucent.

Introduction To support this traffic growth, higher capacity

The volume of packet traffic has been continu- networks are needed, along with higher data rate
ously increasing in core networks for decades, post- optical connections. Due to the limited utilizable
ing a 30 to 60 percent compound annual growth rate bandwidth in an optical fiber, a higher data rate trans-
(CAGR) over the last two decades with no sign of lates into a need for higher spectral efficiency. This
stopping [21]. At the same time, traffic patterns have can drastically reduce the reach of optical signals and
become far less predictable [7], and are much more requires the use of more optoelectronic regeneration
dynamic in nature, and traffic demands are not uni- resources. Therefore it is not economically viable to
formly spread within the network. implement a homogeneous increase of data rate and

Bell Labs Technical Journal 18(3), 133–151 (2013) © 2013 Alcatel-Lucent. • DOI: 10.1002/bltj.21631
Panel 1. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms
ASE—Amplified spontaneous emission OE—Optoelectronic
AWGN—Additive white Gaussian noise OFDM—Orthogonal frequency division
BER—Bit error ratio multiplexing
BPSK—Binary phase shift keying OSNR—Optical signal-to-noise ratio
CAGR—Compound annual growth rate OSPF—Open Shortest Path First
CAPEX—Capital expenditures OTN—Optical transport network
CELTIC—Cooperation for a Sustained European OXC—Optical cross-connect
Leadership in Telecommunications PCE—Path computation element
DAC—Digital-to-analog converter PCEP—Path Computation Element Protocol
DSP—Digital signal processing PDM—Polarization division multiplexing
DVFS—Dynamic frequency and voltage scaling PMD—Polarization mode dispersion
EO-Net—Elastic-Optical NETwork PSK—Phase shift keying
ERO—Explicit route object QAM—Quadrature amplitude modulation
FEC—Forward error correction QPSK—Quadrature phase shift keying
FPGA—Field programmable gate array RDWA—Routing, data rate and wavelength
GFP—Generic framing procedure assignment
GMPLS—Generalized Multiprotocol Label RSA—Routing and spectrum assignment
Switching RSVP—Resource Reservation Protocol
HDTV—High-definition television RWA—Routing and wavelength assignment
IA—Impairment-aware SA—Spectrum allocation
IETF—Internet Engineering Task Force SFP+—10 GbE small form factor pluggable
ILP—Integer linear programming SMF—Single-mode fiber
IP—Internet Protocol SP—Single polarization
ITU—International Telecommunication Union SSON—Spectrum switched optical network
ITU-T—ITU Telecommunication Standardization TE—Traffic Engineering
Sector VCO—Voltage controlled oscillator
LCoS—Liquid crystal on silicon WDM—Wavelength Division Multiplexing
MPLS—Multiprotocol Label Switching WSON—Wavelength switched optical network
ODU—Optical data unit WSS—Wavelength selective switch

spectral efficiency across the entire network. introduction of flexible functionality enables better
Tradeoffs between high capacity and reach are tar- utilization of deployed transport resources (within
gets of key interest. their physical limits) in responding to variable traffic
In addition, optical transport networks must demands, considering aspects of both bandwidth and
cope with an increasingly heterogeneous and hold time. More dynamic resource allocation permits
dynamic environment: 1) connection lengths that better accommodation of traffic fluctuations, limiting
vary from a few hundreds to several thousands of the degree of over-provisioning required to make the
kilometers, 2) bandwidth requests that vary from network resilient to failures and also easing network
tenths to tens of Gb/s, and 3) connection hold times upgrades. Such capabilities are also expected to mini-
that range from quasi-permanent to hour-long or mize energy consumption and cost.
even shorter timescales. It is well understood that The recent advent of coherent detection in
“static” optical networks are typically dimensioned Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks
based on peak hour traffic with considerable over- and the use of digital signal processing (DSP) in
provisioning needed to ensure robust handling of receivers over the last few years has cleared the way
traffic demands for a number of years. Clearly, the for use of flexible and versatile transceivers in optical

134 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

networks. Often referred to as “elastic” [19, 36, 38], optical layer, based on evolution from 100 Gb/s sys-
“software-defined” [39] or “bandwidth-variable” [43], tems using the polarization division multiplexed
these versatile transceivers can switch between sev- quaternary phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK) format
eral modulation formats and/or spectrum require- and DSP-assisted coherent detection. Within this
ments according to the requested traffic volumes paper, we introduce the key building blocks for
and/or the amount of physical impairments that enabling support of elastic functionalities and briefly
must be overcome. Adaptive spectral bandwidth describe related EO-Net project accomplishments, as
allocation is well coupled with the notion of “flexgrid” of the date of submission of this paper. Many of those
network concepts [19]. The challenge faced by this key building blocks are software-configurable, which
architecture is that of spectrum fragmentation which facilitates smooth integration into products and ease
may decrease the spectrum utilization efficiency. To of adoption by operators. We next analyze the oppor-
avoid isolated small frequency blocks, spectrum tunities offered by the introduction of elastic devices
defragmentation techniques are usually proposed for through techno-economic studies. Finally, the paper
use with flexgrid networks [32]. However, imple- describes the first prototype of a real time bandwidth-
mentation of such techniques often requires addi- variable coherent muxponder aggregating multiple
tional devices such as wavelength converters or 10 GbE clients onto a symbol-rate-variable PDM-
transponders and impacts the control plane since QPSK optical signal. This technology enables the
additional signaling is needed. power consumption of optical transport to scale in a
From a network architecture perspective, auto- manner linearly proportional to the actual traffic
matic reconfiguration of the optical transport infra- demands.
structure (data plane) is enabled by using Generalized
Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control Key Building Blocks for Elastic Transmission
plane protocols, accordingly enhanced for support- Realizing the benefits introduced by the afore-
ing elastic features. Photonic media entities of the mentioned elasticity concepts, which will be detailed
data plane include WDM fiber links connecting flex- in the next section, requires the evolution of under-
ible photonic network elements such as optical cross- lying hardware and software. A simplified architec-
connects (OXCs) through a grid of several tens of ture example, which does not illustrate optical
wavelengths. The associated end-to-end photonic transport network flexibility at the digital layer (i.e.,
network media channels (i.e., lightpaths) are estab- optical data unit (ODU) switching [10]), is provided
lished in the photonic domain and switched by OXCs in Figure 1 to highlight the main technology evolu-
at wavelength granularity [3, 23]. The GMPLS con- tion challenges for both data plane and control plane
trol plane enables the automation of provisioning elements. First, optical cross-connects may have to
and recovery in the data plane. Note that while con- be capable of handling flexible channel spacing and
trol plane signaling is distributed, routing functions spectrum allocation so as to support flexgrid scenar-
may be performed in a distributed or centralized ios. Second, elastic transmission requires the design
manner; the latter approach, for example, via remote of cost- and energy-efficient flexible transponders for
path computation performed by a path computation encapsulating either circuit or packet traffic over
element (PCE) [31]. WDM interfaces (standardized encapsulations are
This paper summarizes the latest advances in provided in ITU Telecommunication Standardization
elastic optical networks considering research carried Sector (ITU-T) Recommendation G.709 [17]). The
out within the CELTIC EO-Net project. EO-Net’s goal flexible transponders are interconnected with (fixed
is to improve the energy efficiency and scalability of rate) ports on packet devices (Internet Protocol/
optical networks through the dynamic allocation Multiprotocol Label Switching (IP/MPLS) routers,
of bandwidth, data rates, and lightpaths according to Ethernet switches), where it is desirable to achieve
capacity demands and the physical properties of the elasticity. It is also beneficial to understand the

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 135

+ (6) Control plane

(3) Interface between (5) Network architecture

transponders and routers → new resource allocation
B algorithms for (multi-layer)
OXC elastic networks


(2) Flexible transponder (TSP) A OXC C OXC


(4) Performance prediction
(1) Optical cross-connect (OXC) E D → new models required

OXC—Optical cross-connect

Figure 1.
Main challenges with introducing elastic properties in photonic networks.

impairments of the candidate lightpaths during the Optical Cross-Connect

network planning phase, considering data rate, In this paper, an optical cross-connect is a switch-
bandwidth, and path characteristics, to be able to ing device capable of multiplexing/demultiplexing
select those lightpaths that could allow the digital cli- signals in both the wavelength and space domain,
ent to be carried with a satisfactory bit error ratio i.e., incoming signals on wavelength w from direc-
(BER). This allows optimization of the system design tion d can be switched to direction d’ potentially
during the planning phase. Finally at a network on another wavelength w’. A mesh network
level, the development of impairment-aware algo- improves its efficiency and capacity through the
rithms for routing, rate selection, and spectrum allo- use of OXCs, which are essentially made up of
cation is essential to estimate the number of wavelength selective switch (WSS) components.
optoelectronic interfaces to be provisioned. At this Current WSSs are bandwidth selective devices
step, for example, performance estimation with BER based on a 50  GHZ or 100 GHz grid. Therefore,
prediction models might eventually be used in they can already support elastic transmission
impairment-aware routing algorithms. Regarding implementing fixed channel spacing on standard
the control plane, extension of proposed protocols 50 GHz or 100 GHz grids [16], which was the main
would be necessary to enable the associated dynamic focus of the EO-Net project.
connection management (e.g., accommodating new However, if one intends to deploy an elastic net-
connection requests or traffic variations) in this work based on the flexgrid approach (see [16] for
context. standard flexible grid definition), the OXCs will
In the following sections, we outline the key require changes in their hardware and especially in
required technology concepts with an emphasis on optical filtering. Current filters reject all signal fre-
the EO-Net project choices and realizations. The pro- quencies outside the existing 50 GHZ or 100 GHz
posed solutions build upon existing coherent detec- spectrum mask, thus introducing significant penal-
tion 100 Gb/s PDM-QPSK transponder technology, ties if a transmission tries to occupy more spectrum
as this technology can become flexible in various than allowed. To accommodate flexgrid for OXCs, a
ways. newer WSS technology is needed. As of today, the

136 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

most likely solutions involve the use of liquid crystal After transmission, the received signal is detected
on silicon (LCoS) technologies supporting fine band- by using a local oscillator which allows linear
width granularity (12.5 GHz or 6.25 GHz) where sampling of the in-phase and quadrature compo-
spectral slots can be concatenated to create much nents of the optical signal along two arbitrary orthog-
larger spectrum chunks. It offers good spectral effi- onal polarizations [38]. The entire optical field
ciency if channels are compactly packed. Additionally, (amplitude, phase, and polarization states) can thus
flexgrid networks need a mechanism also known as be reconstructed. A clock frequency is then extracted
spectrum defragmentation capable of removing small from the digital signal before going to the DSP stage.
frequency blocks in order to generate a sufficiently The DSP allows a wide range of techniques to com-
large frequency block by moving the central fre- pensate for signal distortions such as chromatic dis-
quency of connections. Note that the primary focus persion and polarization mode dispersion (PMD),
of the EO-Net project was fixed-grid scenarios for and also permits us to recover an estimate of the fre-
elastic networking. quency and phase carrier. Then, a symbol-to-bit
decision stage is performed before decoding the FEC.
Elastic Transponder In the following we discuss the different modifi-
Numerous elastic transponder designs have been cations of the 100 Gb/s transceiver to make it elastic
proposed, notably based on single-carrier technolo- in various manners:
gies [38, 39], on Orthogonal Frequency Division • Modulation format adaptation. The emitter side can
Multiplexing (OFDM) [19, 20], or even on optical straightforwardly support various modulations
arbitrary waveform generation [11]. We chose to by adjusting the sequences I1, Q1, I2, Q2. For
focus on implementations associated with 100 Gb/s instance, single polarization-BPSK (SP-BPSK)
PDM-QPSK coherent detection since this technology transmission can be generated by sending signals
can be made adaptive in various ways with little such as I1 = Q1 = I2 = Q2. In addition, much of
added complexity. Transponder elasticity is enabled the DSP processing can be reused between differ-
by either modulation format, symbol rate, channel ent modulations and in particular in the chro-
spacing, forward error correction (FEC) adaption, or matic dispersion block which accounts for a very
a combination of these options. large part of the total DSP block [40]. The achiev-
Before depicting the various adaptations on the able optical reach is very dependent upon the
hardware design, Figure 2 briefly recalls the archi- chosen modulation and when the symbol rate
tecture of a 100 Gb/s PDM-QPSK transceiver. R = 28 Gbaud, simulations show that PDM-
The 100 Gb/s transport frame can carry a single QPSK could reach L = 1200 km [38]. Figure 3
100 Gb/s Ethernet client signal or ten 10 Gb/s illustrates several choices of modulation formats
Ethernet client signals. This transport frame includes together with the optical reach. Note that higher
FEC encoding to mitigate against physical impair- order modulations such as 8 phase shift keying
ments on the lightpath. The encoded bit stream is (PSK), 16 quadrature amplitude modulation
mapped onto four electrical 28 Gb/s lanes going to (QAM) or even 64 QAM require digital-to-analog
the optical module, including the 100 Gb/s payload converter (DAC) modules prior to the Mach-
plus additional framing and FEC overhead. Each sig- Zender modulators. Recently, alternative coded
nal, represented by I1, Q1, I2, and Q2 on the block modulation schemes [35] (e.g., set partitioning
diagram, is then independently modulated to binary formats) have gained interest as they provide
phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation thanks to smooth variations between the data rate and
Mach-Zender modulators. The resulting four BPSK optical reach.
signals are then combined through phase shifters • Symbol rate adaptation. The emitter and receiver
and polarization beam combiners so as to produce a architecture can be kept almost identical to that
28 Gbaud PDM-QPSK signal. of a 100 Gb/s transceiver except for the need for

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 137

(a) Emitter
28 Gbit/s
RF amp

Q1 π/2

28 Gbit/s
RF amp T.M.
RF amp
28 Gbit/s I2

Q2 π/2
28 Gbit/s
RF amp

(b) Receiver

Carrier phase estimation

Chromatic dispersion
Carrier frequency


ADC sampling



°diverse 90


ADC—Anallog-to-digital converter
FEC—Forward error correction
PDM—Polarization division multiplexing
QPSK—Quadrature phase shift keying
RF—Radio frequency
T.E.—Traverse electric
T.M.—Traverse magnetic

Figure 2.
Block diagram of a 100 Gb/s PDM-QPSK transceiver.

a tunable clock reference. To obtain data rates of • Channel spacing adaptation. The challenge for the
25, 50, 75 and 100 Gb/s, the symbol rate will transceiver is rather limited to the need for a
vary respectively between 7, 14, 21 and 28 (fully) tunable laser and local oscillator. However,
Gbaud. Simulations have shown that the achiev- all filtering elements such as optical filters and
able optical reach is only weakly dependent wavelength selective switches must be tolerant
upon the chosen symbol rate [29]. Therefore, of a non-standard ITU grid. If such optical filters
one of the main interests in symbol rate adapta- are not good enough or if the chosen channel
tion is to trade-off capacity versus energy sav- spacing is very tight to reach high spectral effi-
ings. The next few sections will quantify the gain ciency, further constraints can be put on the
with day/night traffic fluctuations and will show transceiver. In the former case, signal processing
a prototype of energy-proportional transport. blocks can indeed help to compensate for physical

138 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj


Polarization X

Polarization Y

Data rate @
1R 2R 3R 4R 6R
symbol rate R

I1, Q1, I2, Q2

I1, Q1, I2, Q2 I1=Q1 Q2=I1 XOR I1, Q1, I2, Q2 multi-level
Encoding scheme
all equal I2=Q2 Q1 XOR I2 all different sequences
(DACs required)

Distance L @
3L 2L 1.5L L L/5
optimum power

BPSK—Binary phase shift keying QAM—Quadrature amplitude modulation

DAC—Digital-to-analogconverter QPSK—Quadraturephase shift keying
PDM—Polarization division multiplexing SP—Single polarization
PS—Polarization-switched XOR—Exclusive OR

Figure 3.
Modulation formats and achievable data rate and optical reach.

impairments, for which the emitter can imple- Performance Predictions

ment DAC for pre-compensation purposes while In an elastic network, the performance predic-
the receiver can enhance the equalization. On tions for routing and management systems are of
the other hand, the latter case can rely on Nyquist utmost importance to optimize overall network
WDM pulse shaping. functionality. For non-dispersion managed systems,
• FEC adaptation. The only impact is on the FEC [14], [33], and [42] present a system model, valid
modules (i.e., coding and decoding modules) in for coherent optical links, in which non-linear Kerr
which varying the overhead, i.e., data rate, is effects and linear amplified spontaneous emission
often investigated [12]. We have also shown that (ASE) noise are both well-approximated by an addi-
elastic FEC could be useful for energy savings tive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) model. These
[8]. In this latter case, the aim is a power con- models are derived from perturbative theories of
sumption at the FEC module that follows the the non-linear Schrödinger equations. The model
connection length. Indeed, transponders are developed in [22] and [42] is a cumulative model based
designed to achieve a given reach for a target on simple statistics of non-linear distortions. The
quality. However, in a real network the connec- total linear noise is the sum of the contributions
tions are heterogeneous in length and a signifi- of each span, as explicitly formulated below in
cant number of them do not need the full equation 1.
capability in the optical reach to achieve the tar-

{∑ }
get quality. Hence, by reducing the FEC effi- 1 = var
uk = ∑ var(uk)
ciency, power savings are possible and promising. k=1 k=1

[8] shows 82 percent savings in the FEC module! +2 ∑ℜ(cov(u , u' ))

k k (1)

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 139

where SNRNL denotes the signal-to-noise ratio dedi- operation should be done without losing any
cated to the non-linear effects, N is the number of data.
spans, and uk is the normalized noise per span. The • The bit rate per lane. These variations are handled
simplicity of the model makes it very attractive for at a given granularity (e.g., 1 Gb/s). This approach
path allocation in elastic networking, and the cumu- has been implemented and demonstrated in
lative nature of the model renders it particularly well [41].
adapted to a distributed control plane. • The combination of the two previous modes. This
offers the most flexible and promising approach,
Elastic Aggregation but also results in the highest complexity.
Aggregation is an inherent element of the link- Note that the desired elasticity may also be achieved
age between the client side (e.g., packet switches/ by varying the size of the aggregate packet flow
routers) and the server transport side. In static opti- mapped into a resizable ODUflex(GFP) [17, 18].
cal transport networks, in the event of client traffic
changes (e.g., bandwidth, demand) unforeseen in Routing Algorithm
the planning process, server transport WDM signals Resource allocation needs to be done at several
may operate well below their maximum capacity in points across the network life cycle: when the net-
some portions of the network, while demonstrating work is deployed for the first time (“greenfield”), and
insufficient capacity in other areas of the network. when the network state changes, whether the change
With the introduction of elastic WDM transmission is planned, for instance in the case of a network
with a flexible data rate, there are additional oppor- upgrade, or when the change of state is not planned.
tunities on the transport side to be more responsive A resource allocation technique should minimize the
to data rate requirements from the client side. This cost (expressed in terms of capital expenditures
may be used to complement existing client signal (CAPEX) or energy) of an elastic network while at
grooming and aggregation capabilities using digital the same time transporting all connection requests
capabilities of the optical transport network (OTN), from the traffic matrix. Resource allocation algo-
e.g., ODU multiplexing [10, 17]. rithms rely on either the sequential (often relying on
A novel approach was considered for interfacing heuristics) or the joint (typically using integer linear
between the client and the elastic transport for sup- programming (ILP)) allocation of connection
porting varying traffic. In particular, in EO-Net we requests. The former requires low computation time
focused upon 100 GbE. The interface takes incoming but the returned solution is sub-optimal, while the
IP traffic via 10 lanes of 10 Gb/s each and sends a latter yields an optimal solution.
variable bit rate signal to the transponder. Based Routing algorithms for translucent networks
upon this, an elastic output interface was proposed have to account not only for the availability of OE
in the context of EO-Net where the bit rate could be devices in a node and free capacity on links, but also
varied up to 100 GbE. (Note that the standard 100 for wavelength continuity and physical feasibility
GbE signal [15] defines transmission in a parallel constraints. This problem is known in the literature
fashion on single-mode fiber (SMF) comprised of as an impairment-aware routing and wavelength
four lanes of 25 Gb/s each.) This output of the aggre- assignment (IA-RWA) problem [1, 24, 34]. In elastic
gation interface was directly used to modulate the optical networks, connections are further character-
two polarization components of light from the trans- ized by their data rate. The resulting routing algo-
mitter laser (I1, Q1, I2, Q2) as depicted in Figure 2. rithms are thus called impairment-aware routing,
Several aggregation architectures are possible in data rate, and wavelength assignment (IA-RDWA).
which elasticity can be achieved by varying: Further note that the cost of elastic transponders is
• The number of active lanes. In such a case, lanes are independent of the traffic carried, therefore the net-
able to switch between on and off states. This work cost optimization is reduced to minimizing the

140 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

number of optoelectronic (OE) devices, which are scenario routine. Then, we take advantage of the
used for both add/drop (requiring one OE device at built-in flexibility of elastic transponders, e.g., a tran-
source and destination nodes) and for regeneration sponder initially deployed in “low-capacity long-
(requiring two OE devices at the regeneration site). reach” mode may be reconfigured to “high-capacity
In the following, we introduce an IA-RDWA short-reach” at no added cost. Therefore at each time
routing algorithm for the network planning phase. period Ti, we re-run the cost minimization process
The algorithm uses a heuristic based on Dijkstra-like first applied at T0 to account both for previously
path searches in network graphs [25]. The physical deployed resources and price erosion if new resources
feasibility is based on the optical reach. If the path is need to be provisioned. We used the pseudo-code
longer than the reach (which depends on the bit below for the upgrade scenario:
rate) then a regenerator is provisioned along the
Let N be the number of time periods
path. Demands are routed sequentially following
their order of arrival in the traffic matrix. Since path For all demands at T0: call RDWA
search is time-consuming, for each demand, we
routine and record the number of OE
allow combinations of two data rates only; this is
expected to encompass most practical cases: one interfaces in each node
(larger) data rate is used to transport the bulk of the For i = 1;i < N
capacity and a second (smaller) data rate handles
the remainder. Further details of this heuristic 1. For all demands at Ti: call
derived from [27] can be found in [36]. RDWA routine with inputs of
In addition, we evaluate the performance of the
already provisioned OE inter-
proposed heuristic through comparison to an ILP,
considering three main metrics: the number of OE faces
devices, demand blocking probability, and computa-
2. Save the number of OE inter-
tion time. The comparison was performed over a
European optical backbone network as proposed in faces in each node
[2]. Results show that the proposed heuristic is on End for
average two orders of magnitude faster and solutions
are very close to those obtained with ILP, i.e., for Note that as OE interfaces can support any data rate,
most traffic matrices the heuristic only requires two at each Ti we optimize the routing without account-
percent more OE devices. ing for the data rate of already deployed OE
So far we presented a routing algorithm for a interfaces.
static scenario, but a key benefit of elasticity is the Control Plane
ability to dynamically adapt equipment data rates to Due to the introduction of new technologies
the evolution of the network state. If a new connec- such as adaptive transponders and narrower filter
tion has to be established, any deployed elastic inter- functionalities, new control functionalities have to
face can be used without first needing to check be introduced in wavelength switched optical net-
whether the interface can support the required data works (WSONs) [19]. When channel spacing and
rate. The RDWA previously described can therefore occupied spectrum is adapted, a WSON is referred to
be adapted to dynamic networks. In the sections fol- as a spectrum switched optical network (SSON),
lowing, we present in an enhanced routing algorithm which involves the computation of a contiguous
for use with planned upgrades. optical spectrum (measured in terms of frequency
Planned evolution involves deployment of slots).
resources at T0 (greenfield deployment) but also at Control plane signaling protocol enhancements
each subsequent time period Ti. At T0, we use a static are important in order to guarantee the dissemination

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 141

of the network state information and to be able to spectrum slot corresponds to this wavelength, usu-
route connections for any required reconfiguration. ally with a 50 GHz width). In the context of elastic
Routing may be performed in a centralized manner, networks, when a request has to be set up, we have
such as offered by a path computation element to specify the minimum number of slots needed to
(PCE), to benefit from high computation power at transport it (usually it is a function of the request
the expense of reduced scalability, or it may be per- capacity and the distance it has to cover). In the
formed in a distributed manner. In EO-Net we chose EO-Net project we proposed the use of a new field
the latter approach in order to avoid the extra imple- containing information about traffic parameters; this
mentation effort to support the Path Computation information is indicated by “m” in Figure 4a. At the
Element Protocol (PCEP), while focusing on the sig- same time, when a path is searched and then
naling and routing required for routing and spectrum reserved, we have to guarantee the presence of “m”
assignment (RSA) implementation. contiguous slots along the selected path. This infor-
Control plane enhancements to support elastic- mation is provided by adding new fields describing
ity require extensions to GMPLS routing and signal- the reservation of spectral resources. Figure 4b shows
ing protocols; i.e., Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) a possible generalized label for the spectrum alloca-
and Resource Reservation Protocol Traffic Engi- tion; those fields describe the type of grid used on the
neering (RSVP-TE). The former is required to dis- considered link, the number of slots that have to be
seminate the network information required by the occupied by the served request, and the channel cen-
RDWA/RSA algorithms and enable efficient path tral wavelength. Figure 4 illustrates the proposed
allocation, while the latter is required to carry infor- RSVP-TE enhancements for an elastic network that
mation about reservation or tear-down of resources were proposed within the EO-Net project:
from a source to a destination and to acknowledge • Figure 4a provides an example of additional
whether such devices can support the transmission information about the traffic parameters, e.g.,
requirements. size of the spectrum width or number of neces-
For example, when a request has to be set up in sary slots (in color).
current RSVP-TE protocols, this implies an identifica- • Figure 4b provides an example of the generalized
tion of a path and the wavelength carrying it (a fixed label for spectrum allocation. The colored labels

m Reserved

Grid =
CS Identifier m

CS—Channel spacing
DWDM—Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
GMPLS—Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching
RSVP—Resource Reservation Protocol
TE—Traffic Engineering

Figure 4.
Example of possible RSVP-TE protocol enhancement for implementing elastic optical networks in GMPLS
controlled networks.

142 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

indicate the type of grid, the central spectrum signaling step: the first two are centralized, while the
frequency and the number of slots required to third is distributed.
support the traffic demand. In [30], a routing and distributed RSA approach
Note that the fixed-grid scenario represents a for dynamic routing was proposed for a GMPLS-
sub-case case of flexgrid. To this end, in the following controlled optical network. An adaptive frequency slot
we will only refer to the protocol modifications assignment that depends on the characteristics of the
required by flexgrid networks. Resource allocation set up requests (e.g., total capacity to serve or source-
and path establishment can be performed in three destination distance to cover) was demonstrated. The
different ways: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is currently
1. Combined RSA. The path and spectrum allocation investigating control of flexigrid networks [13].
are computed jointly by the same entity (PCE).
The signaling for resource reservation starts after Opportunities Offered by Elastic Optical Networks
the path computation with a pre-defined path The advent of bandwidth-consuming data ser-
and spectrum object definition (explicit route vices with potentially demanding requirements
object (ERO)). This yields the best performance (e.g., high-definition television (HDTV), cloud appli-
in terms of blocking ratio and network occu- cations, low latency) clearly provides motivation for
pancy, but its main drawback is the huge amount improving the point-to-point data rate [7] spectral
of data required for the path computation (the efficiency, which results from a combination of higher
exact network state information) as well as the order modulation formats, high-speed electronics, and
complexity of the RSA algorithms. digital signal processing. However, there is a trade-
2. Separated RSA. The connection set up process is off with respect to the reduction of optical reach. For
divided into two steps: first, the routing step finds example, there is theoretically a fivefold reduction in
a path (or multiple paths if k-shortest paths are reach when moving from PDM-QPSK to PDM-16
searched) between the source and destination QAM. In reality, this reduction is more important due
nodes; second, a centralized spectrum allocation to implementation penalties [4, 5] for (only) a dou-
step reserves the available resources (spectrum) bling of capacity at a constant symbol rate. Thus, very
along the path that was found (different criteria high bit rate technology such as 400 Gb/s or 1 Tb/s
can be used). Once the path and the spectrum are would likely be deployed with adaptive features that
identified, the signaling phase starts using a pre- both maximize spectral efficiency for short connec-
defined path and spectrum ERO object. tions and optimize the number of regenerators for
3. Routing and distributed spectrum allocation (SA). long connections in order to be economically viable.
This method also requires two steps: first, the Enhancing GMPLS support for reconfigurable
routing step finds a path between the source and optical networks considering photonic technology
destination nodes; second, the RSVP signaling evolution continues to be of importance, and also
carries along the path, node by node, all avail- helps in reducing transport network energy consump-
able spectrum slots. The destination node then tion by better adapting the usage of deployed resources
reserves a group of common available spectrum to support actual traffic demands. Employing a single
slots, if possible. If a solution is found, RSVP sig- interface capable of supporting many rates reduces the
naling is sent back (RSVP/Resv message) to the number of devices that need to be deployed for adapt-
source node in order to communicate the num- ing to traffic evolution during the network life cycle.
ber of reserved slots; if no solution is found, an The evolution of the physical layer and the network
error message is sent. infrastructure with software-defined subsystems
The three architectures above provide similar chal- allows operators to offer a more future-proof solution.
lenges for the routing protocol and for the amount of On the other hand, introducing flexibility
information to be advertised. What changes is the in optical transport networks requires changes both

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 143

in hardware and software solutions, and there are development and thus possible cost reductions. The
tradeoffs between anticipated future benefits and elastic transponder is also likely to benefit from fast
near-term solution cost impacts. Adoption of the price erosion due to higher volumes. Using the same
elastic concept then depends upon new performance coherent phase (and amplitude) modulation tech-
assessments and benefits for operators. In this sec- nology for all available data rates also lowers the det-
tion, based on detailed dimensioning simulations rimental impact of inter-channel nonlinear effects
and cost/energy studies, we discuss the opportunities with respect to cohabitation with existing 10 Gb/s
resulting from the introduction of elastic optical net- intensity modulated signals. This relaxes the system
works. We first discuss the expected capacity margins.
improvements in mesh networks, the expected cost, In addition, in [37] we have shown with EO-Net
and power-consumption-related benefits. partners that elastic transponders offer a promising
solution for optical network multi-period planning.
Improvement of Network Capacity
Their ability to change their data rate allows a high
Important consideration is placed on network
resilience to traffic evolution uncertainties and to
capacity gain. The benefits of an elastic optical net-
deferring decisions on deploying regenerators to later
work include enabling the ability to adapt to traffic
in the life of the network. Despite a higher initial
variations and physical impairments. This proved to
CAPEX layout than for mixed-line-rate networks,
be very efficient in wireless networks such as LTE.
the aggregated cost over the life of the network was
Key enablers are:
found to be 18 percent lower for elastic networks
• A dynamic sharing of resources. Different strategies
than for mixed-line rate networks, assuming the
have been proposed. This includes time-varying
price erosion models provided [37].
required transmission rate and time-varying
The use of elastic transponders limits the over-
spectrum sharing so each connection is allowed
provisioning of equipment in restorable networks
to expand or contract the spectrum it uses around
since the provisioned protection resources are not
a fixed reference frequency [6].
tied to a specific data rate and are thus better shared.
• A data rate adaptation. In particular, we have
In [27], we showed that the number of protection
recently shown that the capability of dynami-
devices can be reduced by 30 to 70 percent with
cally selecting the appropriate modulation for-
respect to mixed-line rate networks characterized by
mat to match the connection length could yield
the use of different types of fixed line rate transpon-
approximately a 30 percent increase in capacity
ders. In [28], elastic networks were shown to be up
at a constant cost per Gb/s [38].
to 37 percent more cost-efficient than mixed line-
• A flexgrid technology. Capacity gains are driven by
rate networks, in the context of restorable optical
addressing a wide range of bandwidth demands
(from tenths to tens of Gb/s) and avoiding situa-
From the detailed techno-economic studies per-
tions in which wavelengths are only partially
formed during the EO-Net project, we determined
filled. As a result, we recently demonstrated that
that the framework provided by dynamic networks
a flexgrid (i.e., departing from the fixed 50 GHz
(e.g., supporting restoration, upgrades, or even
or 100 GHz channel spacing) can prompt spec-
dynamic traffic demands) is better suited than static
trum savings of about 20 percent (i.e., increasing
networks [28] to exploit the full capability of the
capacity by the same amount) thanks to band-
elastic concept. Resource sharing occurs more often,
width-variable transponders [26].
which leads to better opportunities.
Improvement of Cost
The concept of handling multiple data rates in a Improvement of Energy Consumption
single device is also known as an elastic transponder Sustainable development is also targeted with
(i.e., universal transponder); it implies a single respect to energy efficiency gains that may be derived

144 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

from the use of elastic optical networks. Such gains from a close collaboration between partners. A mux-
come from a tradeoff between either spectral effi- ponder combines the functions of a multiplexer/
ciency or optical reach versus power consumption. In demultiplexer and those of a transponder. As such, it
the former case, for example, going green in an opti- interconnects several ports of a router (or of a switch)
cal transport network could include handling of day- to a wavelength division multiplexed fiber pair.
time and night-time traffic variations such that their The experimental setup consisted of a fully
energy consumption follows the actual requested equipped demonstration which built upon an origi-
load fluctuations rather than being determined by nal bandwidth-elastic processing stage unit capable
the busy hour traffic peak. Data rate adaptation is of aggregating and disaggregating partially-filled
provided by software-configurable transceivers that 10 GbE Ethernet clients and a real-time coherent
have the ability to switch between modulation for- elastic transponder with symbol-rate adaptation, as
mats and/or symbol rates (while keeping FEC over- depicted in Figure 5. We assessed the noise sensitiv-
head constant). The selection of various modulation ity of the muxponder as well as the power consump-
formats allows the bypass of unnecessary optoelec- tion of digital signal processing versus the aggregated
tronic regeneration during low traffic periods since data rate of this proof-of-concept.
the optical reach strongly depends upon the selected The muxponder prototype has ten 10 GbE small
modulation format (see Figure 3) while the symbol form factor pluggable (SFP+) modules as electric
rate variation adapts the frequency clock of the DSP, inputs and outputs (as shown at left on Figure 5).
thus affecting the energy consumption. The imple- Ethernet traffic is generated and analyzed by a
mentation of dynamic frequency and voltage scaling 10 GbE traffic analyzer connected to one of the SFP+
(DVFS) schemes allows for savings to be typically modules and random traffic is injected in all inputs.
proportional to the cube of the clock frequency. For The nominal bit rate of each 10 GbE client is 10 Gb/s
the network and traffic scenarios investigated in [29], but we can control the ratio of useful frames (i.e.,
the adaptive modulation solution demonstrated representative of real traffic) over the dummy frames
energy savings of 19 percent in a European backbone (added to reach the 10 Gb/s). Let Bi be the effective
network, while varying the symbol rates with DVFS bit rate accounting only for the useful frames of cli-
yielded 24 to 32 percent savings depending upon the ent i, 1 ≤ i ≤ 10. The aggregation module has a clas-
number of available data rates. sical (fixed) interface with the client side (shown at
To conclude this section, elastic optical networks
have been shown to bring substantial benefits in
terms of optical network capacity, energy consump-
tion, and cost, particularly in the context of dynami- ~10 GHz ~Variable[0−8] GHz

cally reconfigurable networks, where they can take

10 ×10 GEthernet input

advantage of software-configurable adaptive trans-

ceivers. Before they become applicable for real net- transmitter

work deployments, we need to demonstrate the


viability of the key building blocks. Among these key

elements, in the next section, we will describe the first Rea-time
prototype of an “energy follows load” muxponder. coherent

First Energy-Proportional Demonstration

PDM––Polarization division multiplexing
A major result within the EO-Net project was the QPSK––Quadrature phase shift keying
demonstration of a coherent muxponder prototype
with energy-proportional operation to the actual Figure 5.
time-varying traffic transmitted. This work results Block diagram of the muxponder prototype.

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 145

the left of the module) while implementing an elastic
interface with the transceiver side (the right part of −3

the module). Among the architecture options, in the −4 FEC limit

EO-Net project we chose to implement option 2

Log10 (bit error rate)

(detailed in the previous section) which adapts the −5

bit rate per lane. Note that each of the four lanes −6
transmits at a rate B = 10⋅max(Bi)/4, i.e., the effec-
tive rate of the busiest client sets the overall output
rate, tenfold. For practical constraints, we assume a −8 8 Gb/s
perfect load balancing between clients, i.e., the same 16 Gb/s
effective rate Bi is sent to the ten clients. Even though 28 Gb/s
the above aggregation process is automated, the −10
8 12 16 20
operation speed of all the components on the mux-
ponder needs to scale with B. We use a voltage con-
FEC—Forward error correction
trolled oscillator (VCO) to generate a centralized OSNR—Optical signal-to-noise ratio
clock and distribute it all across the aggregation mod-
ule and the transceiver. The transceiver is a typical Figure 6.
PDM-QPSK with 7 percent FEC overhead (using Bit error ratio performance versus OSNR.
Reed-Solomon) [9]. Hardware limitations of our real
time setup limit the maximum symbol rate to the theoretical linear inverse proportionality between
7 Gbaud, thus allowing a maximum aggregated bit noise tolerance and symbol rate. We attributed this
rate of 28 Gb/s. The receiver side comprises the usual to two factors. First, the electrical bandwidth limita-
optical front end of a polarization-diversity coherent tions of the transmitters and receivers in our proto-
receiver, whereby the signal is mixed with the out- type induced a penalty when working at 28 Gb/s,
put of a local oscillator before being converted to the where a BER floor can clearly be seen around 3x10−6.
electrical domain through four balanced photodi- Second, our prototype did not incorporate a rate
odes. Each resulting electrical signal is then digitized adaptive anti-aliasing filtering function in the optical
through analog-to-digital converters, sampling at front end, which would be required for optimal miti-
twice the baudrate. The sampled data are processed gation of optical noise, since it was instead designed
in field programmable gate arrays, where polariza- for the highest symbol rate. For example, a differ-
tion demultiplexing is performed with 9 tap finite ence of only 0.6 dB ONSR in sensitivity can be seen
impulse response filters, arranged in a butterfly at 10−4 BER when moving from 8 Gb/s to 16 Gb/s,
structure and updated by the constant modulus algo- whereas 3 dB would be expected with an optimal
rithm. Carrier frequency and phase estimation are anti-aliasing filter. We also measured the end-to-end
performed using the Viterbi algorithm, and finally Ethernet frame loss ratio, as shown in Figure 7. The
the symbols are converted to bits through hard deci- results are in line with the expectation for the chosen
sion. All the aforementioned operations are per- FEC (i.e., Reed-Solomon).
formed in real time. The detailed experimental setup Second, the power consumption of the receiver
and performance results can be found in [41]. DSP was measured as a function of symbol rate and is
We first investigated the muxponder prototype’s reported in Figure 8. The measurement was per-
sensitivity to noise as a function of data rate. In formed by direct inspection of the voltage and current
Figure 6 we report the pre-FEC bit error ratio as a supplied to the receiver board. A linear relationship is
function of the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). demonstrated between power consumption and
While we found that tolerance to noise increases actual transported traffic. This is typical of the power
when the symbol rate decreases, we did not observe consumption of logical gates versus clock rate, when

146 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

typically based on application specific integrated cir-
Log10(Ethernet frame loss) −2 cuits. This said, please note that the original design of
Premium class
our receiver was not developed with energy propor-
service threshold tionality in mind. The research in the area of energy
−4 proportional optical network elements is still rela-
tively young, and several improvements to our pro-
posal can be imagined, for example the use of dynamic
−6 voltage and frequency scaling.
8 Gb/s
16 Gb/s
28 Gb/s Conclusions
−8 This paper reported on elastic optical networks
5 7 9 11 13 15
and the opportunities they provide for the evolution
Optical SNR (dB)
of the optical transport network. The elasticity con-
OSNR—Optical signal-to-noise ratio
SNR—Signal-to-noise ratio
cept encompasses various means for providing flexi-
bility, such as FEC or modulation format adaptation,
Figure 7. variable symbol rate, and/or variable channel spac-
Ethernet frame loss performance versus OSNR. ing. Considering the latter’s degree of freedom, we
can distinguish between fixed-grid and flexible grid
networks. Fixed-grid offers the advantage of back-
75 wards compatibility with existing optical cross-
connects and is less taxing on the control plane,
hence implying an easier upgrade by operators. On
consumption (W)

DSP power

the other hand, flexgrid offers significant improve-

ments in spectrum usage but requires new hardware
55 deployment (in particular optical filtering) and a
more sophisticated control plane.
45 The focus of the EO-Net project was predomi-
nantly on simulations, design, creating software tools
5 10 15 20 25 30
and prototyping technology concepts. In this paper,
Total bit rate (Gb/s)
DSP—Digital signal processing we presented the key building blocks of elastic optical
networks along with recent achievements obtained
Figure 8. within the EO-Net project. With respect to dimen-
Power consumption measurements as a function of sioning studies, elastic networks have been shown to
the bit rate. be energy- and cost-efficient, and particularly well-
adapted to dynamic network scenarios. We also dem-
gate voltage is held constant for all clock rates. Overall, onstrated a prototype of one of the key building blocks
we found a 41 percent reduction in power consump- of elastic networks with the first demonstration of an
tion between the highest investigated bit rate (30 Gb/s) “energy proportional to load” muxponder, which also
and the lowest (8 Gb/s). Even though, qualitatively sheds light on future refinements towards a commer-
speaking, these results are extremely promising, cial solution. Flexgrid solutions may eventually come
quantitatively they are specific to our hardware in a next step as elastic technology matures.
implementation, and to the specific technological Acknowledgements
choices for our receiver. For example, our implemen- The authors would like to thank Yvan Pointurier
tation is based on field programmable gate arrays and Eve Varma for the useful comments as well as the
(FPGAs), whereas higher bit rate transponders are CELTIC EO-Net project members of the consortium

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 147

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Internat. Conf. on Optical Internet (COIN ’12)
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Networks Department at Bell Labs’ Centre
“Real-Time Software-Defined Multiformat
de Villarceaux in Nozay, France. She
Transmitter Generating 64QAM at 28 GBd,”
graduated in telecommunication from
IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 22:21 (2010),
Politecnico di Torino, Italy, and from Ecole
Nationale Supérieure des
[40] B. Spinnler, “Equalizer Design and Complexity
Télécommunications (ENST) Paris, France. She also
for Digital Coherent Receivers,” IEEE J. Select.
received a Ph.D. degree in computer science and
Topics Quantum Electron., 16:5 (2010),
networks from ENST Paris, carrying out her work at the
laboratories of France Telecom R&D in Lannion. Her
[41] F. Vacondio, A. El Falou, A. Voicila, C. Le
thesis focused on optical network communication,
Bouëtté, J.-M. Tanguy, C. Simonneau,
particularly on the performance and interests of new
E. Dutisseuil, J.-L. Pamart, L. Schoch, and
translucent optical networks. Dr. Morea’s research
O. Rival, “Real-Time Elastic Coherent
interests include optical network routing and
Muxponder Enabling Energy Proportional
dimensioning to improve and innovate transparent
Optical Transport,” Proc. Optical Fiber
network solutions.
Commun. Conf. (OFC ’13) (Anaheim, CA,
2013), paper JTh2A.
[42] F. Vacondio, O. Rival, C. Simonneau,
E. Grellier, A. Bononi, L. Lorcy, J.-C. Antona, FRANCESCO VACONDIO is a research engineer at Bell
and S. Bigo, “On Nonlinear Distortions of Labs’ Centre de Villarceaux in Nozay,
Highly Dispersive Optical Coherent Systems,” France. He received an M.S. degree in
Optics Express, 20:2 (2012), 1022–1032. telecommunication engineering from
[43] W. Zheng, Y. Jin, W. Sun, W. Guo, and W. Hu, Universitá di Parma, (Italy), and a
“On the Spectrum-Efficiency of Bandwidth- Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
Variable Optical OFDM Transport Networks,” from Laval University in Canada. He joined Bell Labs’
Proc. Optical Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC ’10) optical technologies research domain three years ago.
(San Diego, CA, 2010), paper OWR5. His research interests include modeling physical
impairments and digital signal processing for dynamic
(Manuscript approved April 2013) and rapidly reconfigurable optical networks.

150 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

OLIVIER RIVAL was a researcher at Bell Labs’ Centre de
Villarceaux in Nozay, France from 2008 to
2012. He received a masters degree from
the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France, and
a Ph.D. degree in condensed matter
physics from the University of Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom. His primary research focus
was on physical impairments in optical networks as
well as routing and resource allocation in adaptive and
reconfigurable networks. He now works for the Boston
Consulting Group, Paris, France.

JEAN-CHRISTOPHE ANTONA is the group leader for

dynamic optical networks activity within
the Optical Networks Department at Bell
Labs’ Centre de Villarceaux in Nozay,
France. He received engineering degrees
from both Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau,
France, and from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des
Télécommunications in Paris. He began his career
10 years ago with Alcatel Research & Innovation at
Marcoussis, France, within the Photonic Networks unit.
He first studied the management of the interplay
between chromatic dispersion and Kerr-induced
nonlinearities in WDM ultra-long haul optical systems
and achieved the physical design of large-scale
demonstration experiments at 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s. He
developed analytical models for the simple design and
comparison of optical transmission systems, and later
studied the physical design of dynamic transparent
optical networks. He has authored or co-authored over
50 publications, including four post-deadline papers at
major telecommunication conferences. He has filed
13 patent applications. ◆

DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 151

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