Fourth Periodical Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department Of Education
Region V-Bicol
Dalas, Labo Camarines Norte

Pre-Final Examination
English 8
March , 2020;

Instruction: Choose the supporting detail for the topic sentence.

1. All insects have three main body parts; the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The head
has a pair of antennae, and a pair of compound eyes. The thorax is the middle of the region
of the body, and it bears the legs and the wings. The abdomen contains many body organs
such as the heart, respiratory system, digestive system and reproductive system. Even
though there are many different sizes, shapes and colors of insects, they all have the same
A. The head has a pair of antennae B. The thorax is the middle region of the body C.
The abdomen contains many body organs C. All of the above.
2. I had a wonderful summer this year. I went to visit my aunt and my cousins in San Diego. My
Aunt is a ballet instructor. I took ballet lessons from her. I went to see the famous San Diego
Zoo with my cousins. We went to the beach almost every day. We stayed up late watching
TV and playing card games. I wished my summer would never end!
A. I wished my summer would never end B. I had a wonderful summer this year C.
My Aunt is a Ballet instructor D. I went to see the famous San Diego Zoo with my cousins.
3. Alicia was very upset today. She lost her favorite toy that she got on her birthday. This was
not an ordinary present; it was a present from her best friend. Her friend’s name is Amy. She
is of her age. They play together after school every day. Their favorite pastime is to dress up
dolls. Alicia’s dad told her that she would buy her a new toy. But that did not make her
A. Her friend’s name is Amy B. But that did not make her happy C. This
was not an ordinary present D. She lost her favorite that she got as a
birthday present.

Instruction: Read the topic sentence then choose the details that support the main idea.
4. Everyone should own a pet.
A. One could even own farm animals like horses, pigs and hens.
B. This pet could be any house animal like a dog, a cat or a fish.
C. We have a pet store right around the corner.
D. Having a pet mainly teaches responsibility and mainly taking care of someone else
besides yourself.
E. The pet can cheer you up when you are feeling lonely or having a bad day.

Instruction: Read each question carefully and bubble in the correct answer on your
5. Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research.
What does esteemed means?
A. Held over boiling water B. very cold C. unable to chew gum D. greatly
6. I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they earn, it will
be an incentive for them to work harder. What is the meaning of incentive?
A. A reason to do something B. a small amount of money C. a tax D.
a good job
7. Most of America’s founding fathers did not believe in women’s suffrage. Only men could vote
in the United States until 1920. What is suffrage?
A. Something that causes physical pain
B. An early flag
C. Skirts that did not cover ankles
D. The right to vote
8. Removing seeds from cotton plants was a slow job until Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.
A. A drink B. a book C. a machine D. a cloth
9. Fortunately, the explosion diverted the asteroid from a course that would have sent it
hurdling into our planet. To diver is to_____________.
A. Change the direction of B. look for really high waves C. jump into a dry river C.
look through a telescope
10. Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if an intruder gets in the house.
An intruder is someone who intrudes. To intrude is to__________.
A. Paint or repair old buildings
B. Wear ones shoes on the wrong feet
C. Go where one is not wanted or doesn’t belong
D. Be very noisy
11. Those scientist want to hear what our professor thinks about their theory because he is the
foremost expert in the field.
A. The first or main one B. craziest C. least informed D. loudest
12. If you don’t curtail your spending, you’ll be broke in no time at all!!Which word is synonym of
A. Reduce B. follow C. behind D. buy
13. Her mother said “ I forbid you to go to the store- it is raining outside”.
A. Dread B. hope C. not allowed D. none of these
14. The teacher anticipated the first day of school with much longing.
A. Looked forward to B. dreaded C.regretted C. None of these
15. The glass plate shattered when it hit the floor and broke it into thousands of pieces.
A. Break into pieces B. bounded C.made a loud noise D. None of these
16. In the early 1600’s, a dangerous trip across the atlantic ocean was a daunting idea. The
Europeans who would someday be known as the pilgrims, must have a very determined and
brave group of settlers. A daunting task is one that would ___________ someone.
A. Tickle B. amuse C. lose or misplace D. frighten or intimidate
17. The Saints and strangers argued about how they would live in the New World. After much
discussion, they came together and signed the Mayflower compact. The compact
A. A container for makeup B. a small item C. a machine used for mashing corn
D. an agreement
18. There is a legal battle raging and the judges are concerned that time is running out.
Lawyers are being asked to expidite the matter by getting therein paperwork early. What
does expedite mean?
A. Quicken B. agree on C. sue D. discuss
19. If you count all the votes in an area that heavily supports candidate A, and only some of the
votes in an area that heavily supports candidate b, you’ll skew the results in favor of
candidate A.
A. Roast B. ignore C. slant D. ask

20. Choose the modifier that correctly completes this sentence: The cold ocean felt
Running over my sandals.
A. Well B. Good
21. Choose the modifier that correctly completes this sentence; ____________ kind of inflatable
raft is made for a new underwater sport that is safer and easier than scuba diving.
A. This B. These
22. Choose the answer that correctly completes this sentence; the shop classes at Dear Valley
Vocational School turns out __________ apprentices than any other vocational school in the
A. Good B. Better c. Best
23. Choose the answer that correctly completes this sentence: last night’s championship game
was the ___________ basketball game I’ve ever seen!
A. Incrediblest B. more incredible C. more ncredible
Instruction: Choose the best sentence connector to express the intended idea.
24. Of them all, he is very competent, morally upright, and a good leader;
_______________, he is the best man for the office.
A. moreover B. however C. indeed D. none of these
25. I saw him an hour ago; ___________ I heard him deliver his lecture.
A. nevertheless B. thus C. in fact
26. Complete the sentence with the appropriate sentence connector to best express the
relationship of ideas I n the sentence.
He said he was not feeling well; ____________, he promised to attend the meeting.

27. Tell whether the verb in the sentence is in the active or passive voice.
A program was planned for the special occasion.
A. Active B. Passive C. Both A and B D. None of these
28. He sent me the money last week.
A. Active B. Passive C. Both A and B D. None of these
29. Some foreign employers are given credit for their fair treatment of our workers.
A. Active B. Passive C. Both A and B D. None of these
30. Change the sentence from active to passive voice.
The noise outside disturbed the students.
31. Change the sentence from passive to active voice.
Enough food and medicine were supplied.
32. Write a sentence with a verb in passive voice.
33. Explicit information is written in the text.
A. True B. False C. None of these
34. Implicit information is something I think is happening.
A. True B. False C. None of these
35. What is being implied in this sentence?
In primary schools, some teacher lack the specialist knowledge needed to teach PE well and
outcomes for pupils are not as good as they could be.

Instruction: Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

36. Sam asked me __________ I was going to the party .
A. if B. that C. what D. none of these
37. Rajiv said that he _____________something to eat.
A. needed B. needs C. was needing D. none of these
38.” You don’t understand!”
He said ______________ didn’t understand.
Instruction: Complete the following sentences using a simple past or past perfect tense form.
39. The patient _____________ before the doctor arrived.
A, died B. has died C. had died D. none of these
40. As the fire broke out, people _____________ out of their house.
A. hurried B. has hurried C. had hurried D. none of these
41. I _____________ him yesterday.
A. met B. meet C. had met D. none of these
42-43. Put the verbs in the brackets into the gaps in the correct tense- Past Perfect or Simple
Example: Pat _________ ( to live) in London before he __________ ( to move) to Rome
Answer: Pat had lived in London before he moved to Rome.

Jill __________ ( to phone) Dad at work before she _________ ( to leave) for her trip.
44. When Melanie came into the office yesterday, her eyes were red and watery. I think she ( cry)
45. Which of the following is a type of specific evidence that can be used to define and prove a
general or main idea?
A. All of these B. Statistics C. Examples
46. Specific ideas_____________.
A. Tend to communicate broad topics
B. Express overall aspects, characteristics, or elements
C. Cover broad categories or groups of people or things.
D. None of these
47. General ideas____________.
A. Refer to particular individuals, ideas or things
B. Provide detailed evidence
C. Cover broad categories or groups of people or things and usually express the overall
aspects characteristics or elements of these categories or groups
D. None of these
48. John is a better basketball player than his brother Peter. We can infer that.
A. John does not like to play basketball.
B. Peter gets better scores.
C. John gets better scores.
D. Peter likes to play basketball.
49. It was cool outside. The leaves were c hanging colors and there were pumpkin decorations on
the walls. What season is it?
A. Winter B. Summer C. Fall D. Spring
50. Kelly likes vegetables. Carrots Are vegetables. What conclusion can you draw about Kelly?

Prepared by:

Teacher 1

Checked by:

English Coordinator
Noted by:


Principal 1

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