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Ma. Shaira P.


1. Explain why first aid is important and when would you do a first aid.

First Aid education is beneficial to both you as a person and your society. It allows
you to aid those who have been harmed in an accident or emergency scenario until
assistance comes. Because First Aid skills can be used in the home, workplace, or
public places, the more First Aid certified people there are in a community, the safer
that community becomes. Becoming First Aid certified benefits not only you as an
individual, but also your family, friends, coworkers, and even the community as a
whole. Accidents and emergency situations, as unpleasant as they are to discuss, are
not wholly preventable or unavoidable.If an accident occurs at work, at home, or in a
public location, being a powerless witness to an emergency scenario might
significantly exacerbate the issue.

The largest benefits of firts aid are; First, It allows those trained with the potentially
life saving ability to assist an injured or ill person during a variety of emergency
situations.In situations such as someone ingests a harmful substance, suffers from a
heart attack, a seizure or stroke, is involved in a motor vehicle accident or is caught in
a natural disaster, a person trained and knowledgeable in even the very basics of First
Aid can be of extreme importance in assisting the injured person(s) until emergency
responders arrive. The more people that are First Aid trained and knowledgeable the
more the community as a whole benefits. Second,Knowledge in First Aid benefits the
individuals themselves regardless of whether an emergency affects them directly or
involves people they live and work with. First Aid can and often lessens the severity
of an emergency in a given time and place. Lastly, While everyone can benefit from
First Aid knowledge and training it is an even greater benefit to those working or
living with individuals who require ongoing special attention or treatment such as
children, persons with physical or mental disabilities, persons with chronic illness,
persons with disorders such as epilepsy, the elderly, persons involved in recreational
activities such as swimming or people working in dangerous environments such as a
factory or construction site.
2. What is the difference of natural disaster and Man-made disaster?
differentiate it and explain your answer.

Nature is most commonly recognized as the medium of disasters that are known as
‘Natural Disasters’. Examples of natural disasters are flood, tsunami, earthquake,
cyclone, forest fire, avalanche, famine, and volcanic eruption, etc. Humans have no
control over natural disasters, and they are expected to be uncontrollable.

Humans can be held responsible for some sorts of disasters that are termed as ‘Man-
made Disasters.’ Disasters like nuclear explosions, train accidents, chemical spills,
war, etc., are put under the category of man-made disaster. It is in the hands of
humans to prevent man-made disasters by developing a strong disaster recovery
plan.While A devastating event that occurs due to carelessness or harmful intentions
of man is called ‘Man-made Disaster.’ It is also known as anthropogenic disaster or
human induced disaster. This kind of disaster is further classified into four main
categories, such as Societal disaster (terrorism, stampedes, was, etc.), Chemical
disaster (Industrial accidents, explosions, etc.), Transportation disasters (shipwreck,
airplane crash, train accidents, etc.), and Environmental disaster (global warming,
desertification, etc.)

Once man-made disasters come into being, it cannot be stopped to cause serious
destruction to nearby or faraway places as it occurs in unexpected regions due to
unknown reasons. These disasters can be avoided by introducing significant measures
and smart schemes, taking lessons from the previous experience.Primarily, these
kinds of disasters should not take place with a little alertness. Usually, they can’t be
predicted. Man-made disasters invoke long-lasting effects on human civilization. For
instance, the ill-effects of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Tragedy
were prevalent for a good number of years, harming generations after generations.

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