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Upon reading the journal article, be ready to submit a 2-page paper (size-12 font, Times new

Roman ,1.5 spacing: inch spacing all sides of margin) while answering the following questions.

1.What is the main argument?

2.How is these arguments constructed?

3.How this paper relates to the other reading or discussions in class?

4.How this article fit within the larger debates discussed in class?

5.What questions do you have about the information’s presented in these articles?

Food service establishments and industries plays a major role in the economic sector thus
it needs to offer quality products and services for costumers satisfactions.

Safe handling of food in restaurants is a basic element in the reduction of foodborne

illness. Food contamination in restaurants results from proliferation of microbes at unsafe
temperatures, handling by infected persons who practice unsanitary habits and direct exposure to
microbes that cause the disease. It is indeed true that across the globe one of the main challenges
of every restaurant establishment is to maintain cleanliness and safe handling of foods that is
indeed a basic requirement in every restaurant to make it more successful and prestigious. Safe
handling of food in restaurants ensures the safety and security of those costumers who dine in
and dine out. It reduces the risks of food poisoning cases. It improves consumers’ confidence on
the restaurant’s products and services. Good sanitation practices in restaurants are important not
only to reduce direct and cross-contamination of food but also to increase the morale and
efficiency of workers and to satisfy the customers from an aesthetic point of view. This main
idea gives us the truth and importance of sanitation to maintain good standing and reputation of
the restaurant.

Another main argument found in the articles such as in Assessing quality of food, service
and customer experience at a restaurant are satisfied customers will return and provide positive
word of mouth to peers. Studies have shown that restaurants that generate repeat patronage have
six significant attributes in common, namely food quality, service quality, consistency of food
and service, menu variety, cost/price-value relationship, atmosphere/ambiance, and
hygiene/cleanliness. It was really undeniable that the abovementioned significant attributes that
can be found in restaurants attracts more costumers because of the safety, security, relaxation and
good service they provide. Another argument found in Restaurant menu design and more
responsible consumer food choice: an exploratory study of managerial perceptions “The
restaurant sector imposes substantial impacts on the environment and society. A large share of
the sector’s negative impacts is attributed to irresponsible consumer choice. To enhance
sustainability of food service provision, consumer choice ought to be architected to make it more
responsible. Restaurant menu can be (re-)designed to inform customers about the environmental
and societal implications of their choice and thus ‘nudge’ selection of more benign food options.

The main arguments were constructed by means of summarizing the thoughts and ideas
that can be found in every journal articles. The very important points in the journal articles are
the ones who are given more emphasis. Arguments were constructed with a lot of supporting
evidences and arguments to make the main idea to became valid and reliable.

Every paper relates to all readings and discussions in the class considering the fact that
they are all after restaurants matters. The main ideas of every journal article talk about the
importance of quality services that needs to be offered by every restaurant for more costumers
and better standing. They are all about identifying every little thing and details about restaurants
products and services. It’s all about improving the quality of restaurants by emphasizing personal
hygiene’s of staffs from food preparation up to serving. These articles were all beneficial to the
food and tourism industries. They are significant resources to raise up the standards of every
food services establishment.

This article fit within the larger debate in the class since food industry like any other
sector faces a lot of problems too across the globe. This kind of articles are really worth sharing
and worth to discuss in class considering the fact that some of us might be working in food
service establishment around the globe. Some of us will enter this kind of profession which is
about handling and preparing foods in the future. Some of us will pursue this endeavor.

When it comes to questions, I have in mind about reading those 3 articles I thought about
how this will really help the food industry to have their excellent performances. I thought about
what researches should need to undertake to improve the food establishment Industry not just for
the good and gain of businessman’s but also for the satisfaction of every costumer.
The 3 articles I have read are very informative. They created a lot of motivations for me
to pursue studies that are related to it. It gives me a lot of ideas and instances that inspires me to
do research to contribute to the food industry. I saw the gaps in every study and sees its own
importance, advantage and disadvantages. Food sanitation, assessing quality of food, service and
customer experience and Restaurant menu design and more responsible consumer food choice are
indeed relevant and meaningful topics that is worth pursuing.

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