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Published by Pearson Longman Asia ELT 20/F Comwall House “Takao Place 979 King’s Road Quarry Bay Hong Kong fax: +852 2056 9578 email: and Associated Companies throughout the world, © Pearson Education Asia Limited 2005 All rights reserved; no part ofthis publication may be teproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written pertnission of the Publishers. First edition 1997 This edition 2005 Reprinted 2010 Produced by Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong Gecns ISBN- 13: 978-962-00-5282-8 ISBN- 10: 962-00-5282-X Publishing Manager: Gregg Schroeder Publisher: Christienne Blodget ‘Managing Editor: Marie Webster aitor: an Purdon Designers: lunko Funaki, Tonic Ng Mlustrators: KY. Chan, B. Lai Siu Kuen, Teddy Wong, Maxim Tang, Cover illustration: Felix Ng We would like to thank Just Born Inc. for the photo of the marshmallow chicks on p. 73 and © Dorling Kindersley for the photos on pp. 16, 40, 71, 73, 74. We would also like to thank © Cothis for the photo on p. 7. Acknowledgements | wish to express my thanks to my students, who taught me everything Ihave learned about them, to my editors, whose dedication and professionalism are responsible for al that is good in this edition, and to my mother, Leona, who always knew | would write a book and whose encouragement led me to try. And my gratitude to Lesley, without whom this would not be, Aleda Krause ‘Writing a children's course is a team effort. [would like to thank all ofthe editors and the entire SuperKids team at Pearson Education for making the new edition of SuperKidé a reality. [also want to thank my co-author, Aleda Krause, forhersupport and encouragement, Lastly, !want to thank my friend Lesley who believed in me. I dedicate this book tomy mother, Jewel. Greg Cossu ‘The Publishers would like to thank the following people for their contribution to the course: Christine Choi Susan Bainbridge Kathryn Burder Mary Burkitt Daptine Chen Florencia Chen Dorothy Chin Cho, fin-Hee Lee Seung Fun Sharon Eun Daniel Flynn ‘Allen Gilman Gu, Eun-Young ‘Yurni Hamanaka Kazuko Kameyama Hiroko Kashimoto Katsuko Kato Christina Ke Greg Kennerly Kim, Soo-Kyeong Kim, Sun-Young ‘Kim, Young-Soon Jessie Lin Tim lyon ‘Mark McTamney Ichizo Murakami ‘Mari Nakamura Kaoru Naritomi Rie Noguchi Samuel Oda ‘Ayako Ozasa Song, Na-Young Suh, Yoon-Ii Chizuko Takai Hideko Takasu Derek. Takeda Shinichi Tanaka ‘Nathan Toleman Naoko Watanabe Noriko Yoshio Eva Zawadzka Table of Contents Unit 1 Days Page 6 Unit 2 Favorite Sports Page 12 Unit 3 lunch Page 18 Recycle it! 1 Page 24 Discover it! 1 Big Numbers Page 27 Unit 4 Months Page 28 Unit 5 Careers Page 34 Unit 6 His and Her Page 40 Recycle it! 2 Page 46 Discover it! 2 Dates Page 49 Unit 7 What I Did Page 50 Unit 8 My Day Page 56 Unit 9 Around Town Page 62 Recycle it! 3 Page 68 Discover it! 3 Vacations Page 71 Culture 1 Easter Page 72 Culture 2 Happy Birthday Page 74 Syllabus CORT Een Nee Careers 6 His and Her Recycle it! 2 Discover it! 2 Dates ih What I Did ‘My Day 9 Around Town Recycle itl 3 Discover itt 3 Vacations. ‘Culture 1 Culture 2 Happy Birthday Tecan do itt ays: Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saruray ‘Sports: ping-pong. soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, badminton, hocks, running, tennis Food: pirza, cheese, watermelon, pretzels, grapes, potato chips, crackers, peanuts Review of Units 1-3, ‘Big numbers: 20-30, 40, 50, 60,70, 80, 90, 100. Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, “uly, Augunt, September, October, Noverbet, December Jobs: vet, teacher. baschall player, magician, pilot, doctor, police olficer, freighter Possessions: handkerchief, water bottle, wel, lunchbox, ‘baseball cap, hey, is, her Review of Units 4-6 Dates: }st-1eh, 200 230, 0 Regular verbs: play played aschal, sud 7 studied English, watch / watched DVDs, bake / baked cookies, ‘paint painted pictures, brosh! brushed the dog. wish / ‘washed the ear, practice / practiced the piano Irregular verbs mike / made a poser, se saw a movie, sing / sang & new sag, swim / swam inthe pool, 20 ‘went o the park, wete/ wrote stories, rea / read books, draw / drew piemtes Locations: restaurant, bookstore. pet shop, toy slore, museum, bakery, supermrke, brary Review of Units 79 ‘Vacations: camping. to the beach, to Pats, © my srandparcnis fri, train, ea, plane, bus aster: Easter Bunny, eggs, basket, chocolate epes. chick, {oy lamb, marshmallow chicks, jelly beans Birthday party: ice cream, binhday cake, birthday card, ‘soft drink, milkshake, candles, presents, cupcakes. ‘Assessment for Level 3 I's Monday: ‘What day is it tay? I's Monday. ‘She likes tennis He doesn’t ike tennis, ‘Does Peter like wnnis?/ No, he doesn't Does Sandy like ping-pong? / Yes, she does, Fe has some pir7a.! She doesn't have any piaza Dees she have any pizza? /No, she docs Doct he ve any potato chips? Ys, be does, ‘My bithday’s ia November ‘When's your ithlay? I's ie November. She's a vet. / He's a pit Is she aver? Yes, she is. Is he a police offcer?? No, be isn't, He's a pil. 11's his lunchbox. I's her boscbul cap. ‘Whose lunchbox is this? 1's his Lunchbox, ‘Whose baseball cap is this? / It’s ber baseball cap. She baked cookies. Did she wash the car yesterday? / No, she didn’t Dia you play baseball yesterday / Yes. did They saw a movie. ‘What did they do anday?/ They saw a movi, to the pet shop. Wes my eg’ aig wt ot Functional Dialogs Cee a eer) Where do you liv? Next doe Hi, My name's rm Sandy, Review at an, ad. ock on. Dove have schoo on Monday? Yes, we do, Soe you thn. Hiv are you? ne, thnks Amd you? SH 9. iKmiine & -a it Sani The ae my tends ony and Beh. Neto, Teanjogglltan yout No, ean") RE iyi lem, see yo Niet et yo 10, anes akey ase ‘Wha’ your Favorite spt? / My favorit spt is soccer. * an st exe Us What times 1:00. fime eh cbeesechiken, nc Do you want some pete? / re, hanks foe English clas, : sh shoo shi Fh Dr phono pone, lephane ow sich shat rocket? t's $0 dois. OK, 1 tke it ‘The muse Fv is io May. Lat wa Whav'sibe weather kein May?/I's ay: May, play, Samay You're go singing £ Thanks, Yo to. searm and sn ring pnt, aie ‘plat, tape seal ‘This is Ms, Long. She's 9 vet. Good meming. everyone. That's my father, / Oh, really ‘the thirsty, three, teeth Good roming. Ms. Long. {fe this fa, her Iwan wo ea basbol ployer How shot you? fT wan to Oe aur nes teamasician. (n yourmark, gest. 0! Come on, Chip. You ean doit! Look at Chip. He's hap. Yeah er father wer tiger Where’ towel? Here i Te: bot jose, pale ‘When's Halloween? | It's October 31st, - alesis Day i ebryay ath Lean wait Did you havea gerd wockond? “Yeah Did you? Ub-tuh Arc those your new sneaker? co: payed. opened closed twin reat Yessthey are. They" nice, Sa: watched be practiced [My brother likes 10 pat pictuies, 1 do, foo. ‘ed: painted. added. counted We're bom. How was your day /I 825 OK. Doyow wanttoseemy mbit?” Sire. ew: drew, nev throw What should we do now? Lego t he park. 7 Whe Inthe yard. “0: foe px noon Good idea, Ae he, le, Thesday “Thankyou very mich. / You're weleome, Ute aniceds) pyre are myballooas?/‘Tey'te over ee: green feet, bee ‘You, t00. there. - ca sneakers, peumuts, teucher Jet fy store next the ibrar? No, in Hs ext us ae 3 bar. bey slepy wine a you dong this sumone? Wr gong camping How are you getting there?) / We're going by car Can Tse your scissors? / Sure, Hi Joey Do you want w dye eggs? OF, How many chocolate eggs does she have? / She has 15. “These jelly beans are yummy.) So are these marshmallow chicks. ‘How old are you today?/ I'm 10, (Open your presents! ‘Blow out the candles! = ‘When's your birtbay? I's February 11th, Saat ee [ Hi ny name's 's Toni Hi. I'm Sandy. How are you? ® . EB Listen. Point. ae oe om Listen. Number. ( ioral pononno fruee 0.0 opnogon —7 sun. frues.4 Wed. \ a3 _) \- Monday _) Tuesday _) \ Wednesday _/ CED Listen. ____ Thursday ) Listen. Point. Say. Sq | omen ain oooconn f Fri. | sot. <5 ees Friday \_ Saturday _) , i CG @x Listen. Ask. Answer. Fine, thanks. And you? a a What day is it today? What day is it today? What day is it today? Ifs Monday. It's Monday. I's Monday today. What day is it today? What day is it today? I's Friday. It's Friday. I's Friday today. A { © G@uw Listen. Ask. Answer. @xxp Listen. Check. "a, ‘Tues| | 4) Sat. SS. . ia. a | ! ee ee eee Dx © @aw - iisten. point. say. : @E3D Listen to the review words. Write. @ ogy NI Nee bat ___der @ ae 6 vy i c___dy or ____brella @es Listen. Chant. Do we have school on Tuesday? Do we have school on Tuesday? On Tuesday? On Tuesday? ( } Do we have school on Tuesday? fee 29: Sees puter, Do we have school on Wednesday? On Wednesday? On Wednesday? Do we have school on Wednesday? Yes, we do. See you then. —— oS "ey Hi, Sandy. These are my friends, Donny and Beth. | 7 Does sndy tke } }21 ping-pong? ee | volleyball) L gymnastics 5 ae Ican juggle. Can you’ Ph Review, basebay Sasketbay Swimming Judo Stor Point. Say. Listen. Poi "he Listen. @w ¥@ he ) tennis running hockey _) Fe ee Coin @EB Listen. Ask. Answer. 7 @ @ Tcan juggle. , Can you? skateboard play baseball > : swim fly a kite = © 2 6 r play the drums skate CT @xz Listen. sing. Does she like ping-pong? e Does she like ping-pong? Yes, she does. Yes, she does. Does she like hockey? No, she doesn't. No, she doesn’t. i Does she like volleyball? Yes, she does. Yes, she does. She likes volleyball. She likes volleyball. a Seas gymnastics badminton - “== ey oe ® of aa 86 SO Cc Ogee SS) hockey é baseball Gs ©@ @zza Listen. check. a @ |) ® i ® e a> ee ‘© @@ ‘\\ ee 6 i ee Dei © @ep listen. Point. say. = @Z=D Listen to the review words. Write. | Ge * — ' € rabb_ viol_ i Ss " @ : \ elpeeier | Yet Ow p__cil 16 ee aa What's your favorite sport? 6 . What's your favorite sport? ( | ) My favorite sport is soccer. Soccer! Soccer! He likes soccer! What's your favorite sport? | f My favorite sport is tennis. Tennis! Tennis! She likes tennis! Words @ @xup Listen. Point. Say. © @= ListenaNumber. Om ae a € & ws pizza cheese watermelon pretzels 8 XS Tis time for ™ if thi English class. | = = a 7 story @ @zza Listen. Dialogs @ @x=zxv Listen. Point. say. 8 4 ‘ " <- oe. 23 | =| See 3 grapes cy potato chips crackers peanuts. CBI @xxD Listen. Ask. Answer. 4 e Its time for English class. } | swimming class aK soccer practice dance class Cg rer. \ Se @p Listen. Sing. Does he have any grapes? Does he have any grapes? Does he have any grapes? Yes, he does. Yes, he does. Does he have any cheese? Does he have any cheese? No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't. He doesn’t have any cheese. Grapes, grapes. He has some grapes. He doesn’t have any cheese. Grapes, grapes. He has some grapes. =< SE aT OE eS ] % of | She doesn't have [A i i i Mc me ongpeca © Geez Listen. Ask. Answer. Does she have es e peanuts potato chips 5 aN ‘ , 2 @ € No, she doesn't. a a, pretzels pizza 2a 22 © @x2 Listen. point. say. ph ey phone Ma elephant RD 8 Read. Draw a line. eae | g @ Shehasaredshir. « ® Hehasabigshoe. « . a e @E5 Listen to the review words. Write. ® * iy ® ZA | Sight words he’ she \ has oot opsticks os oulders can calligra y class 6a Dassen she have any pizza? Does he ( Does he have any grapes? 7 any ( Does he have any grapes? 7 C= Cover. Ask. Answer. ae @==5 Listen. Chant. “ Do you want some pretzels? Pretzels, pizza, peanuts, cheese, { Watermelon, grapes and crackers, please, Do you want some pretzels? Sure, thanks. Do you want some pizza? Sure, thanks. Do you want some potato chips? No, thanks. Pretzels, pizza, peanuts, cheese, Watermelon, grapes and crackers, please. 23 @=xD Listen. Point. Say. oe = _{ Do you like soccer? } {What's your } 6 favorite sport? x | My favorite \ sport is soccer. - Yes, he does. 9) & - “Y aes 24 © wees © @22 Listen. write. ( Friday math class Thursday watermelon sit pizza 1 Its time for = © @x2 Listen. write. Number. @ ch eese @ int @ oto @da @d__ ® pres i @ © aan © @ ce ® G mca’ fae’ a ra So eee =) (Ay & Play it! > What day is it today Play. Ask. Answer. ( us B 28 ® | I's Sunday. ) Does he al 2 any Crackers? | 7 a Yes, he does. ) © @x2D Listen. Point. say. 20 21 twenty twenty-one —twenty-wo-—twenly-three_-—_twenly-four 27 twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight ~—_ twenty-nine seventy a __ninety ahundred © @9 Listen. say. ©@ @= Listen. Chant. 20, 30, 40, 50 l How. much is that rocket? »- a imax | I's $0 dollars. } 20, 30, 40, 50. 20, 30, 40, 50. 60, 70, 80, 90. 60, 70, 80, 90. How much is that video game? How much is that video game? It's $100! I's $100! ( 0K Tiltake it. ES ee 7 ~ I's warm and sunny. ell Words @) @xx2 Listen. Point. say. © @es5 Listen. number. oe as tae es einen ] ‘&| iG C) = SJune gee January / \ February June 28 When's your birthday? er WoL too. DANES story @ @z=2 Listen. Dialogs 6 @x=a Uston. Pint Say. Léa fo y RAT ae ts bean \ August mt ‘September ) July) \October_) \November) \ December 29 ff a Bim, @E2D Listen. Ask. Answer. April? / cool / rainy sw July? / hot / windy a of June? / warm / sunny “a e/ February? / cold / snowy Puma —— | @=D Listen. sing. My birthday’s in October My birthday’s in October. My birthday’s in October. > When's your birthday? Tt's in March. My birthday’s in March. My birthday’s in March. ( When's your birthday? It’s in May. Fe ee RysBian © Sx Listen. say. tial 0, CF . vor = birthday's = birthday is © @=@ Listen. Ask. Answer. February ‘ES September ~ @O@x Listen. circle. @ Mybirthdays in {Ceanuary) @® When's your birthday? t's in ( September: May | ae @ When's your birthday? It's in ( March = July 31 Fo nie Bren 32 © @x@ issten. point. say. May r : play BE A : Sunday bal F ; o Read. Draw a line. @® Ifsrainy today. . @® Let's play in the paint. . @® Thevaseis onthe plate. « © @=9 Listen. circle. Write. @e 338 Ao igi Cram Ask your friends. Write their names. ee When’s your birthday? @£ Listen. sing. What's the weather like in September? What's the weather like in September? \ It's warm and sunny. Warm and sunny. a ( } What's the weather like in September? TROON ey: What's the weather like in December? %. i It’s cold and snowy. Cold and snowy. = What's the weather like in December? It's cold and snowy. 33 oO) This is Ms. Long. Ed She's a vet. Words @) @Exa Listen. Point. Say. © @x Listen. number. £ ie teacher baseball play magician Story ae Listen. Pe © Gaus Listen. point. say. ) & a pilot Police officer Ne firefighter grandmother big brother ® g 6 q a) 3 (=) big sister little brother Ear FRO rege | gee eee ~~ 5 Is she a pilot? Pilot, teacher, doctor. Pilot, teacher, doctor. Is she a pilot? No, she isn't. r Is she a teacher? No, she isn't. r Is she a doctor? No, she isn't. She's a baseball player. Yeah! ‘2B pilot teacher : 2 : & firefighter baseball player @ @ @ hal (Oh teacher? doctor? @4 Bt magician? police officer? She's a pilot. He's | a baseball player. she ateacher? No, she isn’t. She’s a magician. he } firefighter? Yes, he is. Rees OC J 37 © @aw Listen. point. say. © Read. Draw a line. @ Thisismy mother. « @ Hehasthreeteeth. © @® That catis sick . © @a2D Listen to the review words. Write. @ Zp 2 f ___ ister elise § irteen Be_ 38 magician Se Instructions: Getta pals Student & one Student Cover your partner's chart. or? ll your poner se your book Student ries o guess the {ist choraciers joo, Sudan! 8 answers. Hl nthe blonk, Then chonge roles. Ping a @E Listen. sing. firefighter I want to be a teacher I want to be a teacher. I want fo be a doctor. } Teacher, doctor, firefighter, vet. Teacher, doctor, firefighter, vet. And I want fo be a magician! I want to be a firefighter. T want to be a vet. —— 39 40 _ handkerchief _) water bottle = He's happy. Bp ae 5 =} A Look at Chip, towel SSNEEMIAEE chip wor Hooray) - Oh ( { Chip won! Hooray! } ee, i et __ lunchbox | — Whose baseball cap is this? story @ @x Listen. one © @ex Listen. point. say. = ® - 4h baseball cap _) al Fi ee Cina @ap listen. say. @ED Listen. sing. Whose key is this? Whose key is this? It's her key. Whose key is this? It's her key. Whose towel is this? It's his towel. Whose towel is this? T's his towel. 42 Ce Sumy, : Sy : a} her / key his / water bottle j @. : re his / notebook her / towel ‘ae 4 handkerchief? / his pencil case? / her as baseball cap? / her book bag? / his @ @ex Listen. circle. @ ts) her his | water bottle his; her | pencil case. | @ Its ® Whosekeyis this? t's | her @ Whose handkerchiefs this? Ifs| his handkerchief. \ 43 ® The tiger can juggle. . . © Read. Draw a line. @® Ishis paddle. . . 9, @ Isher water bottle. 5 3° © @a20 iisten to the review words. Wiite. mput app____ hamst ____melon nood_ s 44 Look. Cover. Ask. Answer. Write his or her. Inatrutions: Got Ito pars. Look ashe pictures af the boy and gir for 39 seconds. Then cover ther. Look a he smal picture of he nofebook Ask Yu poriner a question and write the answer. Take tues with your pares to askand answer questo. Flin he blanks, Uncover the piches 10 check the answers. (PG @e Listen. sing. On your mark On your mark, get set and go, go, go! (On your mark, get set and go, go, go! ( Come on. Come on, Chip. You can do it! } On your mark, get set and go, go, go! Go Chip, go Chip, run, run, run! Go Chip, go Chip, run, run, run! Come on. Come on, Chip. You can do it! Chip won. Hooray! 45 Pyar ad ni 2 @EnD Listen. Point. Say. Good (Good morning, sea y tenga (thats mr. King. He's a firefighter. if 7 = I rwantio be a firefighter! WY 46 @ Review it! © @ap isten. write. magician doctor mother juggle apples teacher © Ga Listen. write. Number. O .__ fee @__ik @ Sund____ O) nad 6 wat @w_t “P°ess°m° Oe’ LJ 47 Play. Ask. Answer. —— | Whose handkerchief Sis this? eed 3rd | 4th { first | second | third | __ fourth 6th =| 7th 8th 9th Oth | Mth sith seventh eighth inth tenth eleventh veth | 17th | 18th — 19th soteenth | seventeenih | eighteenth | nineteenth 13th | 14th 15th jeenth fifteenth A} if | 22nd | 23rd | 24th | 25th | 26th twentieth _| twenty-first |wenly-second| wenly-third | twenty-fourth | twenty-fifth | twenty-sixth 27th | 28th | 29th | 30th | \ e | 20m, 29m 30m (3 aioneh | © @ Listen. Ask. Answer. | @ @EB Listen. Chant. [ When's Halloween? lee W's October 3ist | When's Halloween? \¢ whibes When's Halloween? ‘\@ It's October 31st. e Halloween, A Halloween is October 31st. i When's Christmas Day? ! It's December 25th. Tcan‘t wait! Christmas Day, Christmas Day is December 25th. | Valentine's Day is February 14th. a2 Gadus Valentine's Day || New Year's Day February 14th If January Ist 49 Did you play baseball | -- yesterday? } Words @) @rx Listen. Point. say. © @=2s Listen. Number. ploy (_) study (_) wach (_) bake ( } played baseball studied English watched DVDs baked cookies 50 story @ @z2 Listen. Dialogs @ @r== Listen. Point. Say. paint (a) brush C) was C) practice (8) painted pictures brushed the dog washed the car practiced the piano 51 POs, (@EZD Listen. Ask. Answer. @ 2 Are those your new sneakers? & pants. socks B shoes skates 6 6 boots sandals : @ED Listen. Chant. amy zi Did you play baseball yesterday? Did you play baseball yesterday? Yes, I did. Did you paint pictures yesterday? Yes, I did. I played baseball yesterday. I painted pictures yesterday. Did you study English yesterday? No, I didn't! 52 % « ; tS played baseball washed the car @® 1 a) brushed thedog _ practiced the piano 2 © Did she wash ae the car yesterday? paint pictures watch DVDs 8 i ® ® %, WA ee i oe No, she didn’t. study English play tennis © Ga Listen. Circie. @ She ( watches = waiched | DVDs. @® He | paints : painted — pictures. \ H @® Didhe | brush : brushed | the dog yesterday? (Yes, he did : No, he didn't | a ————————— @ Didshe play : played baseball yesterday? | Yes, she did : No, she didn't 53 Bk © @£= Listen. point. say. © Read. Draw a line. @ She baked a cake. @® He painted the kite red. ® Who opened my bottle? © @eB iisten. circle. @ play : played waich : watched | ®* ¢€, i add added = 58 Cig @Ez Listen. Ask. Answer. Do you want to | see my rabbit? a A - Sure. Where is if? x bs eet t - és 4 oY What did you do today? We saw a movie. What did you do today? We sang a new song. cat?/ living room @ @ hamster?/ bedroom — snake?/ bathroom turtle?/ dining room bird?/ hall What did you do today? & ; y Tl What did they do today? They made a poster. What did they do today? They swam in the pool. ‘Shay r te we / read books they / made a poster & aa : BB they / sanganewsong we/ wrote stories you? / wentto the park — they? / saw a movie fed they? / read books — you? / swamin the pool } made | a poster. @ whatdid [ey yu they os dotoday? They | swim : swam | inthe pool, 59 60 © @axp Listen. Point. say. © Read. Draw a line. Sight word @® Thenew glueis blue. . . ee zy @ They drew two moons. . . @ @® [swam in the pool on Tuesday. + . aa © @=D Listen. circte. write. Play tiddlywinks. Say. Instructions: Gat ino oir. Toke lus lo thraw« coin on to @ spoce and make a sentence you ond on move hon ane space, make © ‘sentence fof each picture. Fyou don’ land onthe boord, you miss atu. (Pia @p Listen. Chant. Do you want to see my cat? Do you want to see my cat? Sure. Where is it? In the bedroom. In the bedroom? Do you want to see my dog? Yes, ifs in the bedroom. Sure. Where is it? : In the kitchen. In the kitchen? Yes, i's in the kitchen. 6 | | f You're welcome. “q Have a nice day. sat aw ae <= 2 { Where are my balloons? ao \__ restaurant __) bookstore _) petshop _) toy store She's going to | the toy store. Ss 1, eens Listen. ; 1 7 (museum \___ bakery _ supermarket _) \ 63 @EED Listen. Ask. Answer. @ || Where are || my balloons? j sai r foy cars comic books ‘4S yo-yos. kites rockets board games a @ED Listen. sing. Where’s Sandy going? Where's Sandy going? She's going to the toy store. She's going to the toy store. Where's Donny going? He's going to the bookstore. He's going to the bookstore. She's going to the pet shop. Where's Toni going? ‘She’s going to the pet shop. { She's going to the pet shop. She's going to the pet shop. - eee a EE, Ee Die Tike el 64 He's going to |” the pet shop. | bookstore bakery j ‘sm museum pet shop. ‘ey ‘f! supermarket toy store @ GED Listen. Circle. or - @ | Hes : She's | going to the | bakery restaurant @\ Shes He's j going to the | toy store pet shop @ | He's : She's | goingtothe | supermarke! : bookstore @ | she’s : He's | goingtothe | museum : library 65 Fe ee ee Gris 66 © @e Listen. point. say. ea © Read. Draw a line. @ He has green sneakers. . . ae @ The teacher is reading a green book. ¢ . ql @® The sleepy bee is in the library . ‘ ¥ @ @axD Listen. circle. write. 33% 22 Gee Where’ ‘s Sandy Cover your friend's chart. Ask. Write. a Instructions: Get info pairs, Student A ond Student B. Cover your pares picuras. Dorel your pariner see your book Then lke lus to ask ‘ond answor the questions. alin he blanks PR (@EZD Listen. Chant. Is the bakery next to the library? Is the bakery next to the library? No, it isn’t. It's next to the supermarket. Is the pet shop next to the museum? No, it isn’t. It's next to the toy store. Is the restaurant next to the bookstore? Yes, it is. If's next to the bookstore. ee 67 recycle it! 3 od Listen. Point. = Did you ee) rv — ; = (No, we didnt.) ou yous? Jap { No, we i (it was great 68 (oe © @ap Listen. wite. study played see drew _ painted play 5 5 ‘is ast 4 No, I didn't ‘(A r © @=B Listen. write. Number. @ watch__ @o @ baker @f__t @f d Pe a ee | * ee ee) ® count. 69 @ Play it! 4 Play. Ask. Answer. fl we Did he play the piano yesterday? Sean ee ee oi { What did they L do today? 70 © @z iisten. say. @ GD Listen. aa ( What are you doing }x/\ere oo, We're going 2 this summer? Jt camping, Car, train, bus and plane Car, train, bus and plane. Car, train, bus and plane. We're going to the beach. We're going to the beach. How are you getting there? : We're going by bus. Howare you | \\ Car, frain, bus and plane. | getting there? eae We're going by cer. } Car, train, bus and plane. n 1. Make an Easter Bunny. (Hi, Joey. Do you want } 2. Dye eggs. Put them in a basket. Words ©) @xa@ Listen. point. say. © Fina. bong ( aN ae he Easter Bunny eggs x basket chocolate eggs How many chocolate eggs does she have? jp \ Talk about it! @ ~ i wie a mari 3. Goon an Easter egg hunt. Find the chocolate eggs. Easter eggs These jelly beans are yurnmy. Easter eggs, Easter eggs, Lots of chocolate Easter eggs. Some are purple, Some are blue. Some for me and Some for you. Dialogs @ @EAzz Listen. Point. say. song © @=2D Listen. sing. &&

We recommend the Longman Chifdren’s Picture Dictionary and the Penguin Young Readlers Level 3 The Princess and the Frog to accompany thiScourse, SUPERKIDS New Edition is a fun and easy-to-teach six-level series for elementary school children learning English. Through lively child characters and an engaging storyline, SUPERKIDS presents and recycles language in ways that children can understand and use in their daily lives. Special features of this Student Book 3 Nine core units with rich and colorful illustrations to present new language in context Fun songs and chants to help children learn Say it! activities to practice vocabulary and structures from previous levels children motivated and to reinforce language ‘Three Discover it! units to introduce cross-curricular themes * * 2% Three Recycle It! units with stories and games to keep * * ‘Two Culture units to develop international awareness 3% Final assessment to monitor progress Each level of SUPERKIDS includes Student Book Class Cassettes/CDs Activity Book with CD Teacher's Guide Picture Cards 188K 978-962-00-S282-8 9 |

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