I Do & I Don't

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I do/work/like etc.

(present simple)

They’re looking at their books. H e’s eating an ice-cream.

They rea d a lot. H e likes ice-cream.

They read / he likes / I w o rk etc. = the present simple:

I/w e/y o u /th ey re a d like w o rk live w atch do have

h e /sh e /it reads likes works lives watches does has

Rem em ber:
he works / she lives / it rains etc.
• I w o rk in a shop. M y b r o th e r w o rk s in a bank. (not ‘M y brother work’)
• L in d a lives in London. H e r p a re n ts live in Scotland.
• I t rain s a lot in winter.
I have —> h e /sh e /it has:
• J o h n has a shower every day.
Spelling (=> Appendix 5):
-es after -s / -sh / -ch: pass —> passes finish —>finishes watch —» watches
-y —> -ies: study —» studies try —> tries
also: do —> does go —> goes

We use the present simple for things that arc true in general, or for things that happen
sometimes or all the time:
• 1 like big cities.
• The shops o p e n at 9 o ’clock and close at 5.30.
• Tim w o rk s very hard. He sta rts at 7.30 and finishes at 8 o ’clock in the evening.
• The Earth goes round the Sun.
• We d o a lot o f different things in our free time.
• It costs a lot o f m oney to stay at luxury hotels.

a lw a y s/n e v e r/o fte n /s o m e tim e s /u s u a lly + present simple

• Sue alw ays arriv es at work early. (not ‘Sue arrives always’)
• I usually go to work by car but sometimes I w alk. (not ‘I go usually’)
• Julia never eats breakfast.
• Tom lives near us. We o fte n see him.

I d o n ’t ... (negative) => D o y o u ... ? (questions) = > I a m d o in g and I d o =>

a lw a y s/u s u a lly / o f t e n etc. (w o rd order) => UNIT 93
Write these verbs + -s or -es.
1 (read) she .... 3 (fly) it ......................... 5 (have) she
2 (think) h e ......................... 4 (dance) h e ....................... 6 (finish) it ...

Complete the sentences about the people in the pictures. Use these verbs:
eat go live play play sleep

1 ...H&.Pl^s... the piano. 4 ................................................................tennis.

2 They .............................in a very big house. 5 .......................................... to the cinema a lot.
3 a lot o f fruit. 6 ..........................................eight hours a night.

Complete the sentences. Use these verbs:

boil close co st c o st like like m eet open sp e a k tea c h w ash
1 Margaret ..$1*58®.?... four languages.
2 In Britain the banks usually............................at 9.30 in the m orning.
3 The City M useum ............................at 5 o’clock in the evening.
4 Tina is a teacher. S h e ............................mathematics to young children.
5 My job is very interesting. I .............,..............a lot o f people.
6 P e ter........................... his hair twice a week.
7 Food is expensive. I t ............................a lot o f money.
8 Shoes are expensive. T h e y ............................a lot o f money.
9 W ater............................at 100 degrees Celsius.
10 Julia and I are good friends. I ............................her and s h e ............................. me.

Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.).
1 (always / early / Sue / arrive) Sue alw ays arrives e a rly ....
2 (basketball / I / play / often) I ..........................................................................................................
3 (work / Margaret / hard / usually) .......... .........................................................................................
4 (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) ............................................................................. .................
5 (dinner / we / have / always / at 7.30) ........................................................ ................................ ....
6 (television / Tim / watch / never) .................................................. ..................................................
7 (like / chocolate / children / usually) ...............................................................................................
8 (Julia / parties / enjoy / always) .........................................................................................................

Write sentences about yourself. Use always/never/often/sometimes/usually.

1 (watch television) I never watch t elevision. / I usually watch television in the evening, (e tc .)
2 (read in bed) I .................................. ..................... ..................................... ..........................................
3 (get up before 7 o’clock) ....... ........................;....................................................................................
4 (go to work/school by bus) ....................... -.......................................................................................
5 (drink coffee) .........................................................................................................................................
I don’t ... (present simple negative)

She d o e s n ’t d rin k coffee. He d o e s n ’t like his job.

positive negative
I w o rk I
we like we do not
you do you (d o n ’t) work
they have they like
works do
he he have
likes d o es n o t
she she
does (d o esn ’t)
it it

• I d rin k coffee but I d o n ’t d rin k tea.

• Sue d rin k s te a but she d o e s n ’t d rin k coffee.
• You d o n ’t w o rk very hard.
• We d o n ’t w a tc h television very often.
• T he weather is usually nice. It d o e s n ’t ra in very often.
• G erry and Linda d o n ’t k n o w many people.

Rem ember:
I/w e/y o u /th ey d o n ’t ... • I d o n ’t like football.
h e /sh e /it d o e s n ’t ... • H e d o e s n ’t, like football.
• I d o n ’t like Fred and F re d d o e s n ’t like me. (not ‘Fred don’t like’)
• M y c a r d o e s n ’t use m uch petrol. (not ‘My car d on’t use’)
• Sometimes he is late but it d o e s n ’t happen very often.

We use d o n ’t/d o e s n ’t + infinitive (don’t like / doesn’t sp e ak / doesn’t d o etc.):

• I d o n ’t like washing the car. I d o n ’t d o it very often.
• Sandra speaks Spanish but she d o e s n ’t sp eak Italian. (not ‘doesn’t speaks’)
• Bill d o e s n ’t d o his job very well. (not ‘Bill doesn’t his jo b ’)
• Paula d o e s n ’t usually have breakfast. (not ‘doesn’t ... has’)

I d o /w o r k /lilc e etc. (present sim ple) => D o y o u . . . ? (present sim ple questions) =>
6.1 Write the negative.
1 I play the piano very well. I d on’t pUMfth e piano verq well.
2 Jane plays the piano very well. J a n e .......................................................
3 They know my phone number.
4 We work very hard.
5 He has a bath every day.
6 You do the same thing every day.

6 .2 Study the information and write sentences with like.

1 Bill a nd Rose tike classical music..
C a ro l...............................................................
I ............................................ classical music.
2 Bill and R o s e .................................................
C arol................................................................
1 classical music?
2 boxing?
3 horror films?

6.3 Write about yourself. Use: I never... or I often... or I don’t ... very often.
1 (watch TV) waich Ty...very often. (ORI .... OR..!..o :)
2 (go to the theatre) ..............................................................................................................
3 (ride a bicycle) .............................................................................................. ...............
4 (eat in restaurants) ..............................................................................................................
5 (travel by train) ......................................................................... .....................................

6.4 Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t + one of these verbs:
c o st go know r ead see use w ear
1 I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes I r e a d jt
2 Paul has a car but h e ..............................................it very often.
3 They like films but th e y ..............................................to the cinema very often.
4 Amanda is married but s h e ..............................................a ring.
5 I ..............................................much about politics. I’m not interested in it.
6 It’s not an expensive hotel. I t ..............................................much to stay there.
7 Brian lives near us but w e ..............................................him very often.

6.5 Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.
1 Margaret ..SSSfls&L. four languages —English, French, G erm an and Spanish, (speak)
2 I like my job. It’s very boring, (like)
3 ‘W here’s Martin?’ ‘I’m sorry. I ...............................................’ (know)
4 Sue is a very cpiet person. S h e ..............................................very much, (talk)
5 J im ..............................................a lot o f tea. It’s his favourite drink, (drink)
6 It’s not true! I ..............................................it! (believe)
7 T hat’s a very beautiful picture. I ..............................................it very much, (like)
8 Mark is a vegetarian. H e ..............................................meat, (eat)

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