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is done was done (passive 1)

T he office is c le a n e d every day.

T he office w as c le a n e d yesterday.

Com pare active and passive:

Somebody cleans .the office every day.

T he office is c lean ed every day. (passive)

Somebody c le a n e d the office yesterday. (active)

T he office w as c lean ed yesterday. (passive)

The passive is:

past participle
cleaned done
present simple a m /is /a r e
(not) + invented b u ilt
past simple w as/w e re injured ta k e n etc.

T he past participle o f regular verbs is -e d (cleaned/darnaged etc.).

For a list o f irregular past participles ( d o n e /b u ilt/ta k e n etc.), see Appendix 2-3.
• Butter is m a d e from milk.
• Oranges are im p o r te d into Britain.
0 H ow often are these rooms cleaned?
• I a m never in v ited to parties.
• This house w as b u ilt 100 years ago.
• These houses w ere b u ilt 100 years ago.
• W hen w as the telephone invented?
• We w e re n ’t in v ited to the party last week.
• ‘Was anybody in ju re d in the accident?’ ‘Yes, two people w ere tak e n to hospital.’

w a s/w e re b o rn
• I w as b o r n in London in 1962. (not ‘I am b o rn ’)
• W here w ere you b o rn ?

Passive + b y . . .
• We were woken up by a lo u d noise. (= T he noise woke us up.)
• T he telephone was invented by A le x a n d er B ell in 1876.
• My brother was bitten by a d o g last week.

is b e in g d o n e / h as b e e n d o n e : UNIT 22 irregular verbs => UNIT 2 4 , APPENDIX 2 -3 by => UNIT 1 0 4

active and passive => APPENDIX 1
2 1 .1 Write sentences from the words in brackets (...). Sentences 1-7 are present.
1 (the office / clean / every day) ...The, o ffic e Is d e a n e d every d a y .
2 (these rooms / clean / every day?) ...Are th e s e rooms c le a n e d every d ay ?
3 (glass / make / from sand) Glass.....................................................................................................
4 (stamps / sell / in a post office) ........................................................................................................
5 (this room / not / use / very often.) ...............................................................................................
6 (we / allow / to park here?) ............................................................................................................
7 (how / this word / pronounce?) .....................................................................................................
Sentences 8-15 are past.
8 (the office / clean / yesterday) The o ffic e w as d r o n e d y e ste rd ay .
9 (the house / paint / last month) T he house ................................................................................
10 (three people / injure / in the accident) .......................................................................................
11 (my bicycle / steal / a few days ago) ..............................................................................................
12 (when / this bridge / build?) ..........................................................................................................
13 (you / invite / to the party last week?) ..........................................................................................
14 (how / these windows / break?) .....................................................................................................
15 (I / not / wake up / by the noise) ..................................................................................................
2 1 .2 Correct these sentences.
1 (This house built) 100 years ago. This House w as built ...
2 Football plays in most countries o f the w orld....................................................................................
3 Why did the letter send to the wrong address? .............................................................................
4 A garage is a place where cars repair. .............................................................................................
5 W here are you born? .........................................................................................................................
6 How many languages are speaking in Switzerland? ......................................................................
7 Somebody broke into our house but nothing stolen........................................................................
8 W hen was invented the bicycle? .....................................................................................................

21.3 Complete the sentences. Use the passive (present or past) of these verbs:
d ean dam age find give in v ite m ak e m ake show steal ta ke
1 The room Is clean ed . every day.
2 I saw an accident yesterday. Two people to hospital.
3 Paper..............................................from wood.
4 There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two o f the ro o m s................................................
5 ‘W here did you get this picture?’ ‘I t me by a friend o f mine.’
6 Many American program m es..............................................on British television.
7 ‘D id jim and Sue go to the wedding?’ ‘No. T h e y ........................................ but they didn’t go.’
8 ‘H ow old is this film?’ ‘I t 1965.’
9 My c a r ..................................... last week but the next day i t the police.

2 1 .4 Where were they born?

1 (Ian / Edinburgh) Ian w as born In EdlnburgH.
2 (Sally / Birmingham) Sally
3 (her parents / Ireland) H er ..
4 (you / ???) I .......
5 (your m other / ???) ..........

is being done has been done
(passive 2)

is /a re b e in g ... (present continuous passive)

Somebody is p a in tin g the door . (active)

T he door is b e in g p a in te d . (passive)

• My car is at the garage. It is b e in g rep a ire d . (= somebody is repairing it)

• Some new houses are b e in g b u ilt opposite the park. (= somebody is building them)
Compare the present continuous and present simple:
• T1ie office is b e in g c le a n e d at the m om ent, (continuous)
T he office is clean ed every day, (simple)
• In Britain football matches are usually played on Saturday, but
no matches are b e in g played next Saturday.
For the present continuous and present simple, see Units 8 and 26.

h a s/h a v e b e e n ... (present pcrfect passive)

Somebody has p a in te d the door . (active)

T he door has b e e n p a in te d . (passive)

• M y key has b e e n stolen. (= somebody has stolen it)

• M y keys have b e e n stolen. (= somebody has stolen them)
• I’m not going to the party, i h a v e n ’t b e e n invited. (= nobody has invited me)
• H as this shirt b e e n w ashed? (= Has somebody washed it?)
Com pare the present perfect and past simple:
• The room is clean now. It has b e e n clean ed , (presentperfect)
T he room w as c le a n e d yesterday, (past simple)
• I can’t find my keys. I think they’ve b e e n stolen, (present, pcrfect)
My keys w ere sto le n last week, (past simple)
For the present perfect and past simple, see U nit 20.

is d o n e / w a s d o n e => UNIT 21 active and passive => APPENDIX 1

22.1 What’s happening?


1 w is being repaired. 3 T he windows

2 A bridge 4 T he grass.......

22.2 Look at the pictures. What is happening or what has happened? Use the present continuous
(is/are being ...) orthe present perfect (has/have been ...).

1 (the office / clean)

2 (the shirts / iron) The s h ir ts Have been ironed,
3 (the window / break) T he w in d o w ............................
4 (the roof / repair) T he ro o f..........................................
5 (the car / damage) ........................................................
6 (the houses / knock / down) .....................................
7 (the trees / cut / down) ...............................................
8 (they / invite / to a party) ...........................................

22.3 Use the words in brackets (...) to complete the sentences. (Units 21 and 22)
1 I can’t use my office at the m om ent. It being.,(paint).
2 We didn’t go to the party. We ^eren fc in vt/fced,....(not/invite).
3 The washing machine was broken but it’s O K now. I t .....................................................(repair).
4 T he washing m achine......................................................... (repair) yesterday afternoon.
5 A factory is a place where things......................................................... (make).
6 How old are these houses? W hen...........................................................(they/build)?
7 A: ......................................................... (the com puter / use) at the moment?
B: Yes, Jim is using it.
8 I’ve never seen these flowers before. W h a t......................................................... (they/call)?
9 Some trees......................................................... (blow) down in the storm last night.
10 The bridge is closed at the moment. I t ......................................................... (damage) last week
and i t ......................................................... (not/repair) yet.


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