Department of Education: English For Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP)

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Department of Education

English for Academic and Professional
Purposes (EAPP)
Reading Academic Texts: Using Various Techniques
in Summarizing a Variety of Academic Texts
First Quarter: Week 3

Rosalia J. Gaddi
Bernadette S. Mabolo

Glendle L. Lunar
Dr. Florante C. Marmeto
Dr. Ma. Carmen D. Solayao
Quality Assurance Team

Schools Division Office – Muntinlupa City

Student Center for Life Skills Bldg., Centennial Ave., Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
(02) 8805-9935 / (02) 8805-9940
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
use various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts. The scope of
this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The lan-
guage used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. After going through
this module, you are expected to:

1. Define the concept of summarizing a text;

2. Explain the various techniques in summarizing; and
3. Write a detailed summary of a text using various techniques in summarizing.

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a synthesis of the main idea of an article, restated in your own word.
a. summary b. central idea c. thesis statement d. paragraph
2. _______________ is defined as taking a lot of information and creating a con-
densed version of a text that covers the main points.
a. summarizing b. note-taking c. paraphrasing d. reading
3. It refers to a process of analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating a text.
a. critical reading b. note-taking c. paraphrasing d. writing
4. _______________ is the practice of recording information captured from an article.
a. critical reading b. note-taking c. paraphrasing d. writing
5. Note-taking helps the writer record important information, freeing their mind
from having to _________ everything.
a. paraphrase b. recite c. summarize d. recall
6. It refers to the level of understanding of a reading material or a message.
a. paraphrase b. comprehension c. summarize d. recall
7. It is the condition of retaining or keeping something in mind.
a. paraphrasing b. comprehension c. retention d. recall
8. _____________ critically can lead to the deeper understanding of any text.
a. paraphrasing b. decoding c. reading d. recalling
9. It is a process of translating a printed word into a sound.
a. reading b. summarizing c. decoding d. paraphrasing
10. Summarizing helps a reader how to identify the most important ideas in a text,
how to ignore _________ and how to combine the central ideas in a meaningful way.
a. irrelevant information b. main ideas c. thesis statement d. opinion

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1.What is text structure?

2. What are the types of text structure?
3. Why is text structure important in writing an essay?

In this lesson, you will discover the concept of summarizing and several
summarizing techniques. You will also recognize the important aspects of reading
skills that are essential in understanding the content of a text. The high level of
understanding the text will help you write an accurate summary of an article.
Summarizing teaches you how to identify the most important ideas in a text, how
to ignore irrelevant information and how to combine the central ideas in a mean-
ingful way.

A summary is a shorter version of an original text. Summarizing involves taking a

large portion of a text and reducing it into shorter version that presents the central
ideas and key points of the original text.
Techniques in writing a summary
1. Read and understand the original text to determine the author’s thesis and main points.
2. Make an outline of all the main ideas and key points expressed in the original text using
your own words without changing the original ideas.
3. Re-read while taking notes.
4. Organize your notes.
5. Write a thesis statement for the summary.
6. Write a draft of the summary paragraph.
7. Check the summary for accuracy and rewrite the summary for the final copy. Summariz-
ing will help students improve reading comprehension skills, identify main ideas from de-
tails, create a thesis statement, differentiate facts from opinion and analyze the text. Note-
taking is important in writing a summary because it helps students record important in-
formation, freeing their mind from having to recall everything.
Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the Developmental Tasks Theory in the most
systematic and extensive manner. His main assertion is that development is con-
tinuous throughout the lifespan, occurring in stages, where the individual moves
from one stage to the next by means of successful resolution of problems or per-
formance of developmental tasks. These tasks are those that are typically encoun-
tered by most people in the culture where the individual belongs. If the person suc-
cessfully accomplishes and masters the developmental task, he feels pride and sat-
isfaction, and consequently earns his community or society’s approval. This suc-
cess provides a sound foundation which allows the individual to accomplish tasks
to be encountered at later stages. Conversely, if the individual is not successful at
accomplishing a task, he is unhappy and is not accorded the desired approval by
society, resulting in the subsequent experience of difficulty when faced with suc-
ceeding developmental tasks. This theory presents the individual as an active
learner who continually interacts with a similarly active social environment.
Havighurst proposed a biopsychosocial model of development, wherein the devel-
opmental tasks at each stage are influenced by the individual’s biology (physiologi-
cal maturation and genetic makeup), his psychology (personal values and goals)
and sociology (specific culture to which the individual belongs).

Sample outline of main ideas and thesis statement for the article’s summary
Thesis statement: The Development Tasks Theory of Robert J. Havighurst empha-
sizes the continuity of a person’s developmental tasks throughout the lifespan.
Topic sentences/main ideas
1. If a person is successful in completing the tasks, it helps him attain community approv-
al, however, if he fails, it leads to the difficulty in dealing with the succeeding developmental
2. The theory shows that a person is an active learner who continuously interacts with an
active social environment.
3. Havighurst’s bio psychosocial model of development asserts that developmental tasks are
influenced by individual’s biology, psychology, and sociology.

Summary: The Development Tasks Theory of Robert J. Havighurst emphasizes the

continuity of a person’s developmental tasks throughout the lifespan. If a person is
successful in completing the tasks, it helps him attain community approval, how-
ever, if he fails, it leads to the difficulty in dealing with the succeeding developmen-
tal tasks. The theory shows that a person is an active learner who continuously in-
teract with an active social environment. Havighurst’s bio-psychosocial model of
development asserted the factors influencing developmental tasks such as biology,
psychology, and sociology.

Source: Que-Legaspi, Estesa Xaris, Quiba, Carolyn C., Rafanan, Mae R., Velasquez-Garcia,
Zisa, Wong-Fernandez, Barbara, (2016). Personal Development Reader. Quezon City: Depart-
ment of Education

Activity 1: Summarizing a passage

Read the passage below and do the following:
1. Create a title for the passage related to the main idea.
2. Accurately summarize the text.
3. Your summary must describe all key ideas from the text.
4. Highlight or underline key ideas in each passage.
5. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

1. Electric trolley cars or trams were once the chief mode of public transportation in the Unit-
ed States. Though they required tracks and electric cables to run, these trolley cars were clean
and comfortable. In 1922, auto manufacturer General Motors created a special unit to replace
electric trolleys with cars, trucks, and buses. Over the next decade, this group successfully
lobbied for laws and regulations that made operating trams more difficult and less profitable.
In 1936 General Motors created several front companies for the purpose of purchasing and
dismantling the trolley car system. They received substantial investments from Firestone Tire,
Standard Oil of California, Phillips Petroleum, and other parties invested in the automotive
industry. Some people suspect that these parties wanted to replace trolley cars with buses to
make public transportation less desirable, which would then increase automobile sales. The
decline of the tram system in North America could be attributed to many things—labor strikes,
the Great Depression, regulations that were unfavorable to operators—but perhaps the prima-
ry cause was having a group of powerful men from rival sectors of the auto industry working
together to ensure its destruction.

Reference: Summarizing Worksheets and Activities (n.d.). Retrieved from

Main idea related title for the passage:
Write a summary of the passage. ______________________________________________

Activity 2: Summarizing an Article

1. Read and understand the article.
2. Determine the thesis statement and main ideas/topic sentences of the article.
3. Write your summary.
4. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

The Development of Ethical Views Regarding the Environment

Environmental ethics emerged in the 1970s, advocating human responsibility
and action with regard to environmentalism issues. Its main ideas are the following:
1. All nonhuman elements of the world, including animals and natural resources
have intrinsic vales and should be preserved.
2.The preservation of the environment will benefit humans by providing for the needs
of present and future generations.
3. Humankind has a responsibility to safeguard the planet as stewards of creation.
Environmental ethics has resulted in the development of varied views:
4.Social ecology applies an ecological and ethical approach in analyzing society and
sees a relationship between social problems and environmental problems. Society
should, therefore, implement changes in order to address issues regarding the envi-
5. Concepts such as climate ethics and climate justice arose from the growing con-
cern with climate change, and consider it a significant ethical, social, and political is-
sue. These views were greatly influenced by the concept of environmental justice,
which refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits, as well as the burden
of meeting environmental challenges. Advocates of environmental justice emphasize
equity and the meaningful involvement of communities and governments in address-
ing environmental challenges and in planning and implementing environmental poli-
6. Another perspective in environmental awareness is environmental aesthetics,
which originally focused on concepts of beauty in nature, but has become increasing-
ly influenced by environmental concerns. Environmental aesthetics began in the
twentieth century, concerned primarily with natural beauty in the context of main-
taining order and balance in the environment. For its adherents, knowledge about na-
ture will not only enable humans to appreciate nature’s innate beauty but will also
help them relate more effectively with the environment.

5 3 1

The student wrote a pre- The student wrote a The student did not cor-
cise and concise summary summary of the para- rectly summarize the arti-
of the paragraph that pre- graph but unable to in- cle due to incorrect main
sented the main ideas of clude two main points of ideas from the original
the original text. The stu- the original text. The stu- text. The student did not
dent followed the rules of dent followed the rules of follow the rules of correct
correct grammar and sen- correct grammar and sen- grammar and sentence
tence construction. tence construction. construction.

Significant social movements that were inspired by increased environmen-

tal awareness include the environmental protection and conservation movement,
animal rights and green politics. Activism and increased organized action are in-
dications of the growing awareness of environmentalism in today’s society. Envi-
ronmentalism has also become an important issue in international politics as
governments and international organizations have devoted efforts to discuss en-
vironmental issues and formulate plans to address them. Significant develop-
ments include the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, where various nations
committed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to curb global
warning. The celebration of Earth Day, first instituted in 1970, it is a global effort
to raise awareness of environmental issues and to inspire action among commu-
The Philippines is a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol and our government
has enacted laws to address environmental problems that contribute to global
warming such as the Clean Air Act of 1999, Ecological Solid Waste Management
Act of 2000, and the Wildlife Resource Conservation and Protection Act.

Reference: Abella, Roberto D. (2016) Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human

Person. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.


The student wrote The student wrote The student wrote The student did
a precise and con- a summary of the a summary of the not correctly
cise summary of article but unable article but unable summarize the ar-
the article that to include two to include three ticle due to incor-
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ideas of the origi- original text. The original text. The from the original
nal text. The stu- student followed student followed text. The student
dent followed the the rules of correct the rules of correct did not follow the
rules of correct grammar and sen- grammar and sen- rules of correct
grammar and sen- tence construction. tence construction. grammar and sen-
tence construction. tence construction.

Using the procedural graphic organizer below, write the steps in writing a sum-
mary. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

Steps in writing a summary

Directions: Copy a research article in English Language from a research jour-

nal/publication and write a summary of it. Follow the steps in summarizing. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answer.

Rubric for the Activity (This rubric will be used by the teacher in evaluating
the summary written by the students.
10 points - The student wrote a precise and concise summary of the article that
presented the main ideas of the original text. The student followed the rules of
correct grammar and sentence construction.
8 points - The student wrote a summary of the article but unable to include two
main points of the original text. The student followed the rules of correct gram-
mar and sentence construction.
6 points - The student wrote a summary of the article but unable to include
three main points of the original text. The student followed the rules of correct
grammar and sentence construction.
4 points - The student did not correctly summarize the article due to incorrect
main ideas from the original text. The student did not follow the rules of correct
grammar and sentence construction.
Legend: 10-Excellent 8-Proficient 6-Fair 4- Needs Improvement

Test I. Select the statement that best summarizes the following paragraphs. Encir-
cle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The English were not the first Europeans to land their ships on American soil.
The Vikings had discovered North America in the 11th century. Columbus landed
in the Bahamas in 1492 for Spain, and the French began expeditions to the New
World in 1524. But the first English presence in North America is important be-
cause the thirteen English colonies that would later be established eventually be-
came the country now known as the United States of America.
a. Many Europeans landed in America before the English, but the thirteen English
colonies became the United States of America.
b. During the 11th century, the Vikings discovered North America.
c. There were many expeditions in America
d. The English has many colonies in America.
2. In April of 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh, under the authority of Queen Elizabeth of
England, sent an expedition of seven ships carrying 600 men, half of them soldiers,
to create an English colony in North America. The colony was to be used to estab-
lish an English presence in the New World as well as a base from which English
privateers, or pirates, could attack and plunder Spanish treasure fleets.
a. An expedition in North America was led by Sir Walter Raleigh in April 1585.
b. The colony was served as a base for English privateers.
c. Queen Elizabeth authorized an expedition in North America in 1585.
d. Sir Walter Raleigh started the first English colony to plunder Spanish treasure
3. In July of that year the bulk of the fleet reached a small island off the coast of
Virginia that was called Roanoke. After building a small fort on the north side of
the island, the colonists-initiated relations with a Native American tribe that lived
on the island, the Aquascogoc. These natives showed little interest in building rela-
tions with the English colonists, and they soon parted company. After this encoun-
ter, however, the English noticed that one of their silver cups had gone missing,
and they attributed its disappearance to the Aquascogoc. Grenville, the English
captain, was furious. He believed that the Aquascogoc had stolen the silver cup.
Whether or not this was true, angry exchanges followed and soon the English
burned the Aquascogoc village. The English held their fort against the subsequent
attacks of the natives.
a. The English settlers at Roanoke got into a fight with natives over a missing silver
cup which led to the arson of the natives’ village and to the attack of the natives
against the English fort.
b. Native Americans showed little interest in stablishing relations with the English

c. In July 1585, the English settlers reached Roanoke, a small island off the coast
of Virginia.
d. The English settlers burned the Aquascogoc village due to the disappearance of
one of their silver cups.
4.Despite their success in battle, the colonists had a miserable time because they
were mainly soldiers and adventurers, not farmers. They were hungry. They missed
the comforts of England, such as soft feather beds and dainty foods. Also, they had
expected to find gold and silver on the island and were disappointed when they
found none. Grenville soon tired of these conditions and set out on his ship to
plunder Spanish treasure fleets and return to England. The colony was gradually

a. The English colonists were disappointed because of their miserable time in the
b. The English colonists decided to plunder Spain’s treasure fleets.

c. The English colonists did not find any treasure on the island.

d. The English colonists did not find comforts and treasures on the island and lat-
er, they abandoned the colony.
Summarizing Worksheets and Activities (n.d.). Retrieved

Test II. TRUE/FALSE: Read each statement below carefully. Write T on the line if
you think the statement is TRUE and an F if it is FALSE.
_____________1. A summary must include all key ideas from the text.
_____________2. Do not include your personal opinions in the summary.
_____________3. Summarizing enables a reader to focus on key words and phrases
of an article or essay.
_____________4. Summarizing helps a reader to determine the main points of an ar-
ticle or essay for more concise understanding.
_____________5. Summary does not contain the main thesis of an article or essay,
restated in your own words.
_____________6. Summary is a synthesis of the main ideas of an article, restated in
your own word.


10. T
A 10. 9. F
C 9. 8. T
C 8. 7. T
C 7. 6. T
B 6. 5. T
D 5. 4. D
C 4. 3. A
A 3. 2. D
B 2. 1. A
A 1. Answers may vary.

Abella, Roberto D. (2016) Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person.
Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Tibar, Clarissa P. (2019, November 19). Summarizing Varieties of Academic Text.

Retrieved from

Que-Legaspi, Estesa Xaris, Quiba, Carolyn C., Rafanan, Mae R., Velasquez-Garcia,
Zisa, Wong-Fernandez, Barbara, (2016). Personal Development Reader. Quezon
City: Department of Education
Summarizing Worksheets and Activities (n.d.) Retrieved from


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