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Ballistics derived from the greek word

“ballo” or “ballein” which means “to
throw") is the science of mechanics
that deals with the flight, behavior,
and effects of projectiles
Forensic ballistic

• Is that branch of forensic science which deals with

the examination of the rearm and related
evidence encountered at the scene of crime in a
shooting incident, and their linkage to the rearm,
and Identi cation of the shooter.
• Ballistics- the science dealing with motion and impact of
projectiles such as bullet ,rocket and bomb.
• Motion –refers to movement
• Projectile- refers to objects which is metallic or non-
metallic propelled from a weapon to cause destructive
• Forensic the term derived a latin word forensis meaning

Forensic ballistics is divided

into 3 sub-categories

• Internal (within the gun)

• External (from gun to target)
• Terminal ballistics (hutting the target)

Internal ballistics

• The study of the processes occurring inside a rearm

when a shot is red. It includes the study of various
rearm mechanisms and barrel manufacturing
techniques; factors in uencing internal gas pressure ;
and rearm recoil.
External ballistics

• The study of the projectile’s ight from the moment it

leaves the muzzle of the barrel until it strikes the target.
Terminal ballistics

• The study of the projectile’s effect on the target or the

counter-effect if the target on the projectile
• The “Target” can be solid or liquid object , but when the
target is a human or animal it is common to use the term
“wound ballistics”

Ballistic examination involves

the following:
• 1. Type of The Firearms used
• 2. Identi cation of the Firearm
• 3. Individual Characteristics of Firearm
• 4. Range of Firing
• 5. Direction of Firing
• 6. Identi cation of the Shooter
• 7. Medico legal aspects: Suicide/Homicide/ Accident

• • Forensic ballistics involves the examination of evidence

from rearms that may have been used in a crime.
• • Microscopic marks are imprinted or left on the bullet
and cartridge cases as it is red from a gun which, theses
marks are called as ballistic ngerprint.
• • Bullets and cartridges case (shell) recovered from the
crime scene can be compared from the bullet or
cartridge case red from the suspect’s gun.

Ballistics evidence

• Ballistic evidence is used to identify the type of weapon that was used
in the commission of a crime and other details of the crime-for
example , where the shooter was standing in relation to his or her
target. It may sleo tell whether a weapon used in one crime has been
used in the commission of another crime where identical ballistics
evidence was discovered.

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