Script 1

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Assess the client’s ability to move independently.

Assess the client’s flexibility

Assess the infos about client like age, medical diagnosis, condition in musculoskeletal system

Assess the physician’s order for restriction about client’s positioning.

First and foremost in implementation is the proper hand hygiene and PPE if indicated.

Next is introduced yourself to the client. Verify the client.

Explain to the patient the procedure, close the windows and doors for the privacy of the client. And
follow the proper body mechanics.

Supine Position

1. place the client in a straight position.

2. Place pillow under head.

3. Place rolled towel under the lumbar area of the back (prevent posterior flexion of lumbar curvature)

4. Place pillow under forearms and hand rolls. (to keep the fingers from flexion)

5. Place trochanter rolls parallel to client’s thigh (prevent external rotation of the hip)

6. Place footboard on the feet, with the toes pointed upwards. (prevent plantar flexion)

Fowler’s Position (for those with difficulty of breathing and heart problems)

1. the head and trunk raised to 45 to 60 degrees

2. for semi-fowler, it is raised to 20-30

3. for high-fowler, it is raised to 60 to 90

Orthopneic Position

1. client sit either in bed or side with table across her lap. (this position helps in respiration)

2. pillow on the table and adjust the height of the table based on the comfortability of the client.

3. bend the head and arms rest on the table. (allows maximum lung expansion for those who have
difficulty in inhaling)

Side-lying Position (helps to relieve pressure on the sacrum and heels)

1. position the patient on the side, tuck pillow on the back.

2. the underlying forearm placed under the pillow in the head

3. Put pillow on the top arm. (prevent internal rotation and adduction of the shoulder)

4. Place pillow under the top leg. (for good alignment and less the pressure cause by top leg)

Sim’s Position

1. Turn the patient onto the abdomen, with the lower arm extended and the other arm flex.

2. Flex the upper leg farther than the lower leg. (prevent damage nerves and blood vessels)

3. put pillow on the upper arm and flex leg.

4. Put trochanter roll to protect the feet.

Prone Position (help pump heart better ; improved oxygen delivery)

1. Turn the patient onto the abdomen. Tilt her head and flex the elbow near head.

2. Place pillow under abdomen

3. Place rolled towel proximal to patient knee

4. Put pillow on the feet (prevent plantar flexion)

5. Place pillow in each shoulder, and hand trolls if needed.

Dorsal Recumbent Position (vaginal exams/exertion of catheters)

1. Lie down on her back, place pillow under head

2. raise the knee and separate the legs

3. remain the feet in the flat position (provides anchor and greater stability)


1. safe and proper body alignment and movement.

2. the client is comfortable with the new position.

3. The client’s skin and underlying organs were protected.

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