2 Influence of Rock Blast Advance Direction On Boulder Generation - 2020

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Mining Technology

Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy

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Influence of rock blast advance direction on

boulder generation: a case study

Osvail André Quaglio , José Margarida da Silva , Edmo da Cunha Rodovalho ,

Ana Olivia Barufi Franco-Magalhães & Thaís Gontijo Pereira

To cite this article: Osvail André Quaglio , José Margarida da Silva , Edmo da Cunha
Rodovalho , Ana Olivia Barufi Franco-Magalhães & Thaís Gontijo Pereira (2020): Influence of
rock blast advance direction on boulder generation: a case study, Mining Technology, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/25726668.2020.1788885

Published online: 12 Jul 2020.

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Influence of rock blast advance direction on boulder generation: a case study

Osvail André Quaglio a, José Margarida da Silva b, Edmo da Cunha Rodovalho a
Ana Olivia Barufi Franco-Magalhães a and Thaís Gontijo Pereira a
Department of Mining Engineering, Federal University of Alfenas, Poços de Caldas, Brazil; bDepartment of Mining Engineering,
Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil


In quarries, rock blasting is important for mining and transportation, being the first step in the Received 22 January 2020
comminution. Discontinuities present in a rock mass can interrupt the propagation of the shock Revised 23 June 2020
wave and evacuate gases, thereby reducing the efficiency of the explosives. Differences in the Accepted 24 June 2020
orientation of joint sets and the advancing direction of the mine produce different
fragmentation results. In this study, the blastability of a rock mass was evaluated as a Rock blast; boulders; joint set;
function of mining advance direction relative to the direction of the main joint set using blast direction; rock
particle size curves generated by photo-analysis. The data were analysed for each bench, and fragmentation; boulders
the optimal direction of advance was determined as the one to generate the smallest generation; WipFrag;
boulders. The particle size curves reveal optimal fragmentation when the mining direction is blastability
orthogonal to the main joint set, reducing the number of boulders by 64.40%.

and how the discontinuities affect the fragmentation
Rock blasting is often the first stage of operation in a prediction and efficiency.
mine, its objective being the fragmentation of rock All natural rock masses contain discontinuities, such
masses (Scott 1996). Eventually, boulders can be as metamorphic and non-metamorphic foliations, frac-
formed during blasting due to several factors, mainly tures, joints, and veins that influence the physical and
the presence of discontinuities, which impact the mechanical properties of a rock mass, especially in
action of the calculated explosive agent and decrease blasting operations (Jimeno et al. 2003). Oliveira
project safety (Cunningham 2005). Boulders generated (2006) defines discontinuity as any geological entity
during blasting in rock quarries must be reduced in size that interrupts the physical continuity of a given for-
to be compatible with loading, transporting, and crush- mation (Fiori 2015).
ing equipment, which means higher costs and risks According to Scott (1996), factors influencing frag-
related to machine, time, equipment components, mentation include the orientation of discontinuities.
and employees. The efficiency of quarry operations is This parameter influences, for example, the definition
fundamental to profitable results. of the hole diameter and the inclination of the holes
Research has been conducted on various aspects of in relation to the free bench face (Botelho 2014). Fur-
optimum rock fragmentation in blasting, such as thermore, the blastability index is the fragmentation
described by Cunningham (2005); Kuznetsov capacity of a rock mass that is determined by the gran-
(1973); and Bergmann et al. (1974). Gama (1983) ulometric distribution of the blasted material, once the
reported more than 20 factors that may affect the variables of the blast plane are defined (Morais and
blast results. These factors can be grouped into four Gripp 2004, Hekmat et al. 2019; Gheibie et al. 2009).
categories: (1) rock geotechnical parameters of rock Figure 1 shows mining development orientation
mass (such as density, hardness, compressibility, according to a controlled joint system orientation
joint system), (2) explosive parameters (such as den- and the blast quality (Jimeno et al. 2003). It can be
sity, detonation velocity), (3) technical parameters observed when joint dip angle is subhorizontal to the
(such as delay interval, primer strength, and advance direction, the blast direction is inconsequen-
location), and (4) geometrical parameters (such as tial. If joint dip angle is subvertical, the blast design is
burden, spacing, stemming). most favourable when the blast direction is orthogonal
This paper focused on blasting tests performed in a to the joint direction.
quarry, considering the variation of the mining devel- The propagation of shockwaves and gases acts in
opment orientation direction in relation to the geome- such a way as to fracture the rock mass. One disconti-
chanical parameters (joint system characterization) nuity can divert its direction and affecting its frequency

CONTACT Osvail André Quaglio osvail.quaglio@unifal-mg.edu.br Department of Mining Engineering, Federal University of Alfenas, Rod. José Aurélio
Vilela, 11999, BR 267km 533, Postal Code 37715-400, Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
© 2020 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and The AusIMM Published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the Institute and The AusIMM

fragments produced. Results from Nur Lyana et al.

(2016) suggest that the existing discontinuities in a
blast site depend on the strike direction and other
properties such as spacing, aperture, and the condition
of the aperture which affect the size of fragments pro-
duced. Other geological conditions, such as rock
strength and bedding thickness, also contribute to the
boulder problem.
Oliveira (2006) described the influence of two
hypothetical joint sets in blasting scenario (Figure 2).
The highlighted portion in Figure 2 represents an iso-
lated block from the rock mass by the action of the A
and B joint sets. In a rock blast, this block may not
be fragmented by the explosion and may generate a
Moura et al. (2014) presented positives results from
a tin mine for which the bench advance is orthogonal
to the discontinuity plane, thus reducing the P80
from 616 mm to 304 mm, and reducing drilling and
blast costs by 3%.

Materials and methods

Seven rock blasts were performed in a diabase quarry in
2018 and 2019, and the results were compared in terms
Figure 1. Mining development orientation with respect to the
joint system direction (Jimeno et al. 2003).
of the joint set orientation to define the optimal mining
direction so as to reduce the size of the blocks, prefer-
ably no larger than the primary crusher dimensions. In
and velocity, generating rock blocks larger than the this study, a rock mass greater than 640 mm in size is
required particle range (Wu et al. 1998; Hamdi and considered a boulder.
du Mouza 2005). In the mining area, strike-dip measurements were
obtained before blasting on different benches according
to methods for the quantitative description of joint sets
Geological setting in rock masses recommended by the International
The study area is located in the São Paulo State in the Society for Rock Mechanics Commission on Standard-
central eastern part of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin ization of laboratory and field tests. The methodology
(Zalán et al. 1990). Sedimentary rocks that compose
the geological setting in the area vary in age from Car-
boniferous to Permian (Itararé Group, Tatuí Group,
and Irati Formation), Upper Cretaceous including the
basaltic lava flows, and diabase dykes and sills intruded
into the sedimentary rocks (Mio and Gandolfi 1995).
According to Bacci (2000), the rock mass is represented
by diabase sills that originated from intrusions in the
permocarbon sediments present in the Paraná Basin
and is strongly diaclased, with subvertical to subhori-
zontal principal fracture directions. In the study area,
rock blocks larger than the desired size range and the
presence of weak planes are commonly observed.

Effect of geological condition on degree of

It is accepted by several authors (such as Hagan 1995;
Nur Lyana et al. 2016; Kulula et al. 2017) that geologi- Figure 2. A block isolated by the discontinuities (joint set)
cal parameters can directly affect the size of the (modified from Oliveira 2006).

applied to each study area was carried out in two stages. Table 1. Bench-face directions in relation to the discontinuity
The first stage considered the rock mass characteriz- plane.
ation such as strike and dip orientation, aperture, spa- Bench Obstructed Relative orientation to joint set
Blast number holes (°)
cing, roughness, persistence, fill material, and
1 1 0 34
weathering of discontinuities. Data were measured 2 2 2 30
and classified according to visual inspection and com- 3 2 4 30
4 2 0 30
pass measurements for a length of up to 800 m of the 5 3 0 15
scanline. Strike-dip data were analysed using a Schmidt 6 4 0 0
7 4 3 0
contour diagram on a polar equal-area net. Joint
rosettes were plotted to determine which sets of joints
could influence on block fragmentation. joint set. Table 1 shows the face direction of the blasts
Based on the results obtained in the first stage, the relative to the orientation of the main joint set. In some
second stage considered block fragmentation and blast- of the blasts performed, there were obstructed holes
ing design so as to investigate the fragmentation size where it was not possible to fully charge with explo-
distribution considering the geological conditions. A sives. Benches 3 and 4 come from a change in the direc-
Kuz-Ram fragmentation model (Kuznetsov 1973; Cun- tion of bench 2.
ningham 1983; Cunningham 1987) was applied, which Blasts were performed in such a way as not to dras-
is based on empirically derived equations that predict tically alter the blast design to allow comparison
the mean fragment size from the powder factor, rock between them (Table 2).
factor and explosive parameters. Different scenarios For the particle size and fragmentation efficiency
for blasting design were considered to predict fragmen- analysis, a Nikon 7100 camera and WipWare WipFrag
tation curves including top size and quantity of fine software were used. Prior to image acquisition, 20 cm
particles. Styrofoam balls were placed in strategic positions on
In the quarry, the primary crusher is a jaw type the material stack for scale. For each assay, the photo-
model (Furlan JC 1200 with 1200 × 800 mm opening). graphs were taken in three separate sessions, consisting
In this study, all blocks which the larger dimensions of (1) a photoshoot of rock fragments immediately
greater than 80% of the smallest dimension of the pri- after the blast, for with the stack containing 100% of
mary crusher were considered boulders; blocks whose the material, with images taken of the upper portion
largest dimension exceeded 640 mm were considered of the stack, (2) a photoshoot after charging approxi-
boulders. mately half of the fragment stack to analyse the middle
According to the geological results from the first portion of the stack, and (3) a photoshoot with about
stage of this research, the strike direction of the main 10% of material left to load. This three-step evaluation
joint set is N285 and subvertical. The strike directions is a better sampling protocol because material behav-
of the faces of the mining slopes were varied in relation iour may vary as a function of the height of the stack,
to the main joint set. With respect to the main strike and so we considered the upper, middle, and lower
direction, seven blasts were executed (Figure 3): portions of the stack.
Bench 1 – one blast with bench-face angle at 34° The photoshoots were conducted according to the
from the strike direction of the main joint set, Bench software manufacturer’s recommendations. Of the
2 – three blasts with bench-face angle at 30° from the images taken, the best ones were selected for software
main joint set, Bench 3 – one blast with bench-face evaluation. Five images were selected from each of
angle at 15° from the main joint set, and Bench 4 – the three photoshoots. After processing individual
two blasts with bench-face angle parallel to the main images, the data were compiled to generate a single
curve representative of each blasted stack (Nur Lyana
et al. 2016). The particle size photo-analyses and distri-
bution curves were considered as the real curves.

Table 2. Blast parameters.

Parameter Symbol Unit Value
Burden B m 3.20
Spacing S m 5.00
Hole diameter D mm 76.20
explosive charge length L m 10.57
Bench height H m 11.30
Stemming T m 1.40
Sub-drilling s m 0.50
Hole inclination α ° 10.00
Hole depth Pf m 11.47
Powder factor k kg/m3 0.415
Figure 3. Bench-face directions in relation to the main joint set.

Figure 4. Granulometric curve of image 1, (A) with half stack of the blast 6 and (B) the combined images curve of Blast 6, in

Figure 4 shows the granulometric curve of the Results and discussion

image 1, with a half stack for blast 6 (Figure 4(A)),
The images analysed resulted in graphs of particle size
and the combined images curve of Blast 6 (Figure 4
curves for each blast which were then compared to
(B)) in the WipFrag.
evaluate the best Grain size distribution, as a function
The software generated *.xls extension data files of
of the lower generation of boulders generated. Figure 6
the passing percentages in a specific series of screens
shows the particle size curves for blasts 1–7.
defined in the software algorithm. This data was pro-
From Figure 6 it is possible to observe that the best
cessed using Microsoft Excel and plotted as a scatter-
fragmentation was produced in blast 6, with an
plot. Figure 5 shows the combined particle size curve
advance direction orthogonal to the main joint set.
of all images from blast 6.
Blast 7, also with an advance direction orthogonal to
The granulometric curves of the seven blasts were
the main joint set, presented coarser grain size. How-
grouped in a single graph for comparative analysis of
ever, in blast 7, there were 3 obstructed holes for
the granulometric results obtained for each direction of
which there was no explosive loading, which explains
the bench face, relative to the main discontinuity plane.
the increase in the average size compared to blast 6.
The cumulative percent passing curve and the cumulat-
Table 3 shows the percentage of blocks passing
ive percent retained curve values (considered here as
through 100, 310, 560, 640, 920, 1000, and 1330 mm
the 640 mm sieve) were analysed and compared. Blocks
sieves. The block size values, in relation to the dimen-
larger than this size were considered boulders. The best
sions of the primary crusher, point to a larger amount
blast direction was defined as the one that produced
of through material in the blasts 5 and 6 in relation to
rock fragments of ideal size for the crushing equipment.
blast 7, being slightly larger in blast 6. The cumulative

Figure 5. WipFrag particle size curve for blast 6. Figure 6. Granulometric curves of blasts 1–7.

Table 3. Sieve series and percent passing in the seven blasts.

Post-blast material passing through sieve (%)
Blast Bench 100 mm 310 mm 560 mm 640 mm 920 mm 1000 mm 1330 mm
1 1 7.82 54.20 76.60 82.08 94.33 100.00 100.00
2 2 2.64 36.20 63.70 71.73 90.50 94.70 100.00
3 2 3.67 39.60 71.00 82.46 94.00 96.00 100.00
4 2 12.30 61.80 82.60 89.56 100.00 100.00 100.00
5 3 6.03 53.40 87.00 91.75 100.00 100.00 100.00
6 4 18.17 71.92 89.42 93.62 96.97 97.37 100.00
7 4 5.31 46.10 73.40 78.73 93.28 93.90 95.80

Table 4. Percentage of boulders in each blast and compared to 7(B) shows the granulometric curves for blasts with
blast 6. no obstructed holes.
Boulders retained in 640 mm sieve Boulders in relation to blast
Blast (%) 6
Table 5 shows the accumulated percentages for the
1 17.92 2.81
640 mm sieve (limit of rock size in the primary crusher
2 28.27 4.43 (D80)) for blasts with no obstructed holes. All rock
3 17.54 2.75 blocks larger than 640 mm are considered boulders.
4 10.44 1.64
5 8.25 1.29 Blast 6 on bench 4, with a bench-face parallel to the
6 6.38 1.00 joint set plan, shows the least quantity of boulders
7 21.27 3.33
(6.38%), and the worst situation is in bench 1, with
an angle of 34° in relation to the joint set plan
(17.92%). This represents 64.40 fewer boulders in
percent of material retained in sieve 640 mm, corre- blast 6 in relation to the blast 1. The more orthogonal
sponds to the percentage of boulders generated in the advance mine direction is to the joint set plan, the
each blast. fewer boulders generated. It is presented here that
Table 4 shows the cumulative percent retained, i.e. benches 1, 2 and 3 generate 180.88%, 63.64% and
percentage of boulders generated and the comparison 29.31% more boulders than bench 4, respectively, and
with blast 6 boulders. In terms of rework, blast 2 and consequently, have proportionally higher rework costs.
blast 5 had 433% and 129% boulders, respectively; con- The influence of rock mass properties is important
sequently, costs will be higher in relation to blast 6. to understand to optimize blast fragmentation in
When evaluating holes in the same bench, the same mining activities. Akbari et al (2015), in a study per-
comparison can be applied for blasts 2, 3, and 4, formed in iron ore mines in Iran, found that the size
because all of them have a bench-face inclination of of blasted rocks increased as the angle between the
31° in relation to the main joint set. The blasts 2 and advance direction and the orientation of the joint set
3 had two and four obstructed holes, respectively, with- decreased. Also, Nur Lyana et al (2016) observed that
out explosive charges. In blast 4, all holes were fully geological conditions, in terms of the main joint sets
charged. Figure 7(A), shows that, for blasts 2 and 3, as well as discontinuity length, strength of intact
the fragmentation was coarser than in blast 4, produ- material, spacing, weathering, separation and infill are
cing 271% e 168% more boulders, respectively. Figure important factors contributing to the fragmentation

Figure 7. (A) Comparison between blast 2, 3 (obstructed holes) and 4 (non-obstructed hole). (B) Granulometric curves in blasts 1, 4,
5 and 6, with no obstructed holes.

Table 5. Cumulative percentage of boulders retained in Edmo da Cunha Rodovalho http://orcid.org/0000-0002-

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Cumulative per Percent of Reduction in Ana Olivia Barufi Franco-Magalhães http://orcid.org/
Orientation cent of boulders boulders boulders 0000-0001-8537-6653
relative to retained in sieve compared to relative to Thaís Gontijo Pereira http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4323-
Blast joint set (°) 640 mm (%) blast 6 blast 1 (%)
1 34 17.92 180.88 0.00
4 30 10.44 63.64 41.74
5 15 8.25 29.31 53.96
6 0 6.38 0 64.40
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