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GLEF 3030 Global Financial Markets

2020-21 Term 2
Course outline
I. Background Information:

Class: GLEF3030 Global Financial Markets

Term: 2nd Term 2020/21

II. Teaching Staff:

Lecturer: Dr. Chris C.H. Leung

Office: Room 1243, Cheng Yu Tung Building
Tel: 3943 7747

Teaching Assistant: Miki YANG

Office: Room 1155, Cheung Yu Tung Building
Tel: 3943 7840

III. Textbook:

Saunders and Cornett, 2019, Financial Markets and Institutions, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill
Additional reading materials, if any, will be either distributed in class or posted on the Blackboard.

IV. Objectives:

This course intends to provide students with an in-depth study of global financial markets. We will
have detailed discussions in characteristics of various financial instruments/markets and latest
developments of the financial industry with emphasis on the causes and effects of 2008/09 global
financial crisis.

V. Topics:

Topic Chapter Mon 14:30

Background and Revision 11/1
Introduction of Global Financial Markets 1 18/1
Money Markets 5 25/1
Bond Markets 6 1/2, 8/2
Mortgage Markets 7 22/2
Stock Markets 8 1/3, 8/3
Assignment Discussion
Foreign Exchange Markets 9 15/3
Derivative Securities Markets 10 22/3, 12/4
Assignment Discussion & Final Revision
Hedging with Derivative Securities (if we have time) 23
Lectures would be conducted on Zoom until further notice. Topics and the order of presentation
may be adjusted according to class progress. All lecture notes and Zoom links will be posted on

GLEF 3030 Global Financial Markets
2020-21 Term 2
Course outline
VI. Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, students should be able to:

 Understand the function and importance of the global financial system
 Comprehend the roles and practical details of:
 Money Markets
 Bonds Markets
 Mortgage Markets
 Stock Markets
 Foreign Exchange Markets
 Derivative Securities Markets

VII. Grading Policy:

(1) Requirements
Your final grade will be determined by your performance in your assignments and final
examination. The final examination cover materials of the whole course. You may NEED a
(financial) calculator to take the examinations.

(2) Assessments Weight

Assignments 40%
Deadline: Assignment 1 10/3 17:00 sharp
Assignment 2 14/4 17:00 sharp
Final Examination (Tentative: 19/4 in-class, Online) 60%

Makeup exams will only be arranged under very special circumstances with appropriate
third-party documentation.

Grade Descriptors
A, A- Exhibited a high level of understanding of the course materials through excellent
performance in-class discussion, assignments, projects, and tests.
Outstanding performance in all learning outcomes.
B+, B, B- Exhibited a reasonably high level of understanding of the course materials through
good performance in-class discussion, assignments, projects, and tests.
Substantial performance on all learning outcomes or high performance on some
learning outcomes, which compensates for less satisfactory performance on
others, resulting in substantial overall performance.
C+, C, C- Exhibited a fair level of understanding of the course materials.
Satisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes, possibly with a
few weaknesses.
D, F Exhibited a low level of understanding of the course materials.
Unsatisfactory performance on many learning outcomes, or failure to meet
specified assessment requirements.

VIII. Feedback for Evaluation

Students are welcome to express their comments and suggestions via the following formal and
informal feedback channels:
 Course teaching evaluation. To be conducted during the last two weeks of lectures.
 E-mail. Feel free to send comments to Miki or me via e-mail.

GLEF 3030 Global Financial Markets
2020-21 Term 2
Course outline
IX. Academic Honesty

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the
disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details
may be found at

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