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An empirical analysis of the impact of organizational performance and leadership.

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An empirical analysis of the impact of organizational performance and leadership.


The quality of a firm's leadership will have a substantial impact on whether or not the

company is successful. To achieve organizational objectives, a leader's leadership style refers

to the manner in which and why individuals are led and inspired by that leader, as well as the

actions taken by those individuals. An investigation into how different leadership styles affect

the success of an organization is the goal of this research. Six types of leadership were

specifically examined, including transformational, transactional, autocratic, charismatic,

bureaucratic, and democratic leadership, to name a few examples. The following is how

transformational leadership was defined: Examples of effective leadership styles are provided

in the preceding section, but those provided in the next section are detrimental. Human beings

with a strong sense of charisma and transactional tendencies make poor leaders because they

do not provide their staff with the opportunities and flexibility to accomplish their best work,

which is harmful to the organization as a whole. Both primary and secondary research were

carried out as part of this study, and both gave favorable outcomes. Major research was

conducted in this manner: with the use of a survey instrument, which was based on a survey

questionnaire, and a large number of participants. It has been necessary to undertake

secondary research in order to meet the research objectives, which has been accomplished

through the review of current papers. A study conducted by Harvard Business School found

that charismatic, bureaucratic, and transactional leadership styles can all have a negative

impact on the performance of a company. According to the findings, transformational,

autocratic, and democratic leadership styles were found to be more effective in organizations

than other styles of leadership. People's abilities and skills are supposed to increase

continuously and exponentially in the face of hardship, according to some, and organizations

should utilize a leadership style that encourages people's abilities and skills to develop

continuously and exponentially in the face of adversity.


It has been the subject of many recent empirical studies to see if leadership and

performance are linked. Today, rewarding and recognizing employees is also seen as an

important part of good management. A change in talent management practices and the spread

of millennials in the workplace has led to more focus on coaching and constant feedback,

with the offer of a clear incentive or path important to keep people motivated and excited

about their jobs, says the author. The leader or manager in the workplace is probably the most

important person when it comes to how well the company does. It is the leaders who have the

most direct impact on the people they line manage. They are in charge of making sure that the

performance of their department and their staff is in line with important organizational goals.

They play a big part in setting the tone for the culture of the company. They are the link

between senior management and people who work at the ground level. Because these jobs are

so important, the way, style, and results of company leaders have a bigger impact on the

workplace than any other job.

Research Background

Performance Management Engagement Processes

Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organizational Performance

The leadership styles of an organization have a significant impact on the performance

of the organization. The leadership style of an organization has an impact on the culture of

the organization, which in turn has an impact on the performance of the organization. Klienet

al (2013) demonstrated this by employing the four-factor theory of leadership in conjunction

with data obtained from 2,662 people working in 311 firms, according to their findings. The

sort of leadership style has an impact on the culture and performance of a business.

Transformational leadership style and organizational performance

People who are led by transformational leaders are focused on growing their followers

and taking into account what they need. They also focus on morals, skills, and motivation

levels. Managers who put a lot of emphasis on transformational leadership work hard to build

their employees' total value system and morals, skills, and motivation levels, among other

things. It's important for leaders to be transformative because it helps followers and leaders

build a strong connection. This allows them to learn more about their followers' motivational

level, values, and interests. According to Bass and Avolio (1994), transformative leadership

is when the leader does a good job. If the leaders widen or increase the interest of their

employees' subordinates, they are said to be "transformational leaders" by Bass and Avolio

(1994). These are the people who make people think about things that aren't about them.

Transformational leaders are good at what they do for a number of reasons, including that

they can be charismatic and inspire their coworkers, that they can help their employees deal

with their emotions, and that they can help their employees grow their minds. Wang et al

(2011) found that transformative leadership and individual-level follower performance are

linked in a positive way at the individual level. Furthermore, the findings of the study show

that transformational leadership can help teams perform better at the organizational level.

According to Xu and Wang (2010), a person's skills, abilities, knowledge, and motivation all

play a role in how well they do. All of these things are directed toward a specific goal. They

say that, based on their research, transformational leadership helps the people who follow it

to grow as a whole. Transformational leadership is linked to a self-defining and rewarding

relationship with a person or group of people, according to those who follow it. The charisma

of transformative leaders makes their followers want to identify with and follow them

because of their idealistic and behavioral charisma. An organization can make its employees

happy by having a customized relationship with a transformational leader. As a result, the

organization's overall performance improves as a result of the relationship. As a result, it is

possible to say that transformational leadership and good organizational performance go

together. Transformational leadership has been shown to have a big impact on how well a

company does, say Sofi and Devanadhen, who wrote the paper (2015). They used statistical

methods like SEM and SPSS to study banking businesses and came to the conclusion that

transformational leadership has a direct effect on the performance of the company.

Structuring and assisting

One of the main ways that a leader can have an impact on business results is by

making sure that the company has a strong and well-run performance management culture. A

well-thought-out structure allows for regular meetings between leaders and employees, as

well as clear, quantifiable performance goals and chances to be mentored by other

employees. People who work for a company should get regular evaluations, which make it

easier to find people who aren't doing well and also give them hope that there is a clear path

to personal growth and improvement in the company.

Engaging employees

The importance of leaders to the day-to-day experience of employees is demonstrated

by a statistic. Leaders are responsible for around 70% of the difference in employee

engagement levels. The Harvard Business Review conducted an investigation into this data

and discovered two more factors that influence both employee engagement and performance

levels in the workplace (Sadri et al., 2011). Naturally, communication is the first and most

important factor to consider. Many empirical studies have discovered a clear correlation

between dependable and constant managerial communication and greater levels of employee

engagement, with the best results being achieved by combining face-to-face communication

with phone calls and other communication methods (Sadri et al., 2011). The research

suggests, on the other hand, that managers dislike conversing with their personnel in general.

Managers with a strong interest in soft skills training and operational internal communication

platforms such as social networks or intranets might benefit from these resources to assist

them overcome communication hurdles.

Interpersonal coaching method

Individuals who believe they are supported as individuals by their leader are more

likely to be involved in their work as a result of this belief. The ability to recognize and

accept that each member of their team is unique, as well as the knowledge of how to deal

with the differences in behavior and temperament, is critical for leaders. Also crucial is to pay

attention to an employee's strengths and design a job around them, rather than focusing on

and repairing the defects in their personality or work habits (Miller, 2016). In groups, people

who believe in their own abilities learn more quickly and generate more high- and low-

quality work as a result of their collective confidence. This also enables the employees to

make the most of their natural abilities and skills to the greatest extent possible.

Poor management and its negative impact

Because of this, when a leader is not actually competent at what they do, the results

may be immensely devastating to both the self-esteem of people who work for him or her and

overall production within the organization. Unsuccessful management has the potential to

have an indirect negative impact on workplace modernization and the organization's ability to

respond to changes in the business environment. When their bosses are worried or when they

are saddled with a significant amount of work, it may be difficult for employees to relax and

unwind at work. These people may get concerned as a result of what they have witnessed.

Impact on organizational performance

Businesses suffer repercussions when executives aren't as effective or productive as

they once were since they are in charge of a particular area inside the organization. When a

leader sets together a framework, each component can do its role in order to help the overall

group achieve its larger objectives (Nikpour, 2016). Poor performance in one area could have

a negative impact on these long-term objectives. Unsatisfactory or ineffective leadership can

also have a negative impact on how employees perceive the organization's overarching vision

and principles. This could make workers depressed, which could lead to their quitting their

positions sooner rather than later, causing the company to lose even more money (Nikpour,

2016). When this occurs, it has a significant influence on the culture and employer brand of

the organization in question. This can make it difficult to recruit qualified staff, as well as

affect how consumers and other stakeholders perceive the company.

Leaders are frequently cited as being critical to a company's success or failure in

general arguments and in various sections of business management literature, among other

places. Because both leadership and performance are multi-faceted, it is beneficial to have

strong leadership skills. It is, on the other hand, difficult to determine how leadership

influences performance over time. The majority of empirical studies have discovered a

positive relationship between leadership and organizational performance, but the magnitude

of the relationship varies greatly. Individual performance metrics were employed in both

generic management studies and public management studies, which were conducted using

cross-sectional methods (Nikpour, 2016). They discovered a slew of promising outcomes.

Future research may be able to integrate these strategies with other leadership theories to

evaluate if they have an impact on people's overall performance and effectiveness. This may

also provide a clue as to how public and private leaders have distinct effects on performance,

something about which we are still learning a lot. Because they may be viewed of as being

made up of elements like ownership, funding, and regulation, and because these things can

have quite varied effects on one another, sectors are extremely significant. Also crucial is

maintaining the same work in sector comparisons and, at the very least, paying attention to

the variations between, for example, service delivery and manufacturing, which could offer

very different approaches to employ leadership in their respective fields Studies from the

general management literature have also demonstrated that leadership can function in a

variety of ways based on factors such as the level of the leader, the leader's traits, and the

characteristics of the individuals who follow them. Individuals like these have received little

attention in the majority of the research that have been conducted thus far. In the case of

future leadership and performance studies, this might be something to take into consideration.

In the past, research has primarily focused on general or extremely specific

performance assessments, but it has also looked at more particular assessments that examined

things such as effectiveness or user happiness. Other dimensions of performance, such as cost

efficiency and equality, play an important part in determining how effectively a firm or group

performs. We would learn more about the real effects of leadership on performance if we

could take a logical approach to examining how different dimensions of performance are

affected by leadership. Different leadership styles might be examined, as well as how well

they performed at various levels of analysis. Take into consideration common source bias as

you go along, and consider using research designs that measure leadership and performance

from sources other than your own to accomplish your goals. In order to improve

performance, it is necessary to understand when, when, and how leadership influences it in a

methodical manner.

Research Aims/ questions, Objectives/Hypothesis

The research study will assume various research hypothesis that will successfully help

in the establishment of the correct findings.

Hypothesis 1: Transformational leadership significantly impacts on organizational overall

performance and learning.

Hypothesis 2: Transformational leadership, knowledge management and organizational


Hypothesis 3: Transformational leadership significantly influences management of


Hypothesis 4: Organizational learning has a positive effect on knowledge management.

Hypothesis 5: Transformational leadership has a positive effect on organizational innovation.

Hypothesis6: Organizational learning has a positive effect on organizational innovation.


Hypothesis 7: Knowledge management has a positive effect on organizational innovation.

Hypothesis 8: Transformational leadership has a positive and indirect effect on organizational

innovation through organizational learning and knowledge management, both of which help

businesses grow.

Research Framework

In this study, a variety of characteristics will be identified as possibly useful to an

organization's success, including transformational leadership, organizational learning,

knowledge management, and organizational innovation, all of which were found to be

beneficial. Aims of this study include determining whether transformational leadership has an

impact on organizational learning and knowledge management, and whether these aspects

have an impact on overall organizational performance (Sadri et al., 2011). A major focus of

our inquiry will be on how these factors work as a link between transformative leadership and

organizational performance, and how they may be used to improve both. The research

concludes by testing a model that asserts that transformational leadership, organizational

learning, knowledge management, and organizational innovation all have an impact on how

well a company performs in both direct and indirect ways, as well as on how well a company

performs over time. For ease of comprehension, the proposed model is organized logically. A

causal model that incorporates all of these variables will assist you in better understanding

how they interact with one another as well as in explaining the organization's performance in

great detail.

Transformational leadership is about more than just getting people to do what you tell

them to do; it is also about changing their lives. The extra effect is that their views, needs,

and values are altered as a result of the experience. Transformational leaders are blessed with

charm, inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and the capacity to provide personal attention to

their employees and subordinates. When it comes to various leadership styles functioning

effectively, the capacity of the leader to inspire people to place their trust in them appears to

be one of the most crucial components. This sort of leadership forces people to think about

everything they do and every decision they make.

Organizing for learning refers to a series of actions that an organization performs

(such as learning new things, sharing information, interpreting information, and keeping track

of things that have happened in the past) in order to help the organization grow and change in

a positive direction. Zollo and Winter also stated that organizational learning is a collective

skill based on experience and cognitive processes, and that it encompasses a variety of

activities such as knowledge acquisition, information sharing, and knowledge application,

among other things. It is increasingly commonplace to speak of organizational learning in

terms of strategic management and as a source of competitive advantage. By examining

learning processes at several levels of analysis, Berson and colleagues claim that you may

gain a more complete understanding of how leaders assist their organizations in learning. I

They discussed the importance of leaders in encouraging people to learn in their places of

employment. They discovered that effective leadership helps individuals learn about their

organization, which in turn has an impact on the performance of their company. To be

transformational leaders, you must be able to establish teams, provide them with guidance

and enthusiasm, and guide them through the process of making changes and learning about

your organization. Amitay and colleagues discovered that transformational leadership played

a significant role in the success of organizations in terms of learning (Hurduzeu, 2015).

Numerous other research have demonstrated that transformational leadership and

organizational learning are complementary concepts.

Through captivating speech, inspiration, and intellectual stimulation, transformational

leadership aims to make employees feel good about their employment and about themselves

as a whole. Transformational leadership, according to Seaver's book "Transformational

Leadership," is a sort of leadership in which one or more people collaborate with others in a

way that makes them both more driven and morally upright. This form of leadership occurs

when a leader establishes an environment of trust, which encourages employees to go above

and beyond their job responsibilities and expectations. Transactional leadership, according to

Seaver, occurs when one person takes the initiative in initiating contact with other individuals

in order to exchange something of value for something of worth.

Brief Overview of the Methodology

The research methodology in this case will significantly demonstrate the way in

which the research paper will be conducted to successfully accrue the anticipated results.

Sample and procedure

Managers from major and small manufacturing organizations were represented in the

group, which included representatives from the food processing sector (26 percent) and car-

utility manufacturing companies (14 percent and 17 percent, respectively). They received 22

percent of their total revenue from the pipe and faucet sectors; the same percentage came

from electric utility companies (16 percent) and the garment industry (14 percent) (19 percent

). (TSE). Many of the companies that are listed at the top of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

(TSE) are worried with their financial results. When some businesses are unable to pay their

debts, they are unable to generate enough money to cover their operating expenditures and

remain in operation (Hurduzeu, 2015). According to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the measure

for manufacturing companies exiting the capital market demonstrates how significant each of

the components is when it comes to gauging organizational learning and development, and

how significant each of the components is when it comes to gauging organizational learning

and development. It was proved that a one-dimensional scale with 88 points was valid and

reliable to a high degree of validity and reliability using the scale.

Knowledge management

To assess knowledge management, Gold and others developed scales that were used

to score participants. It consists of four processes: information acquisition, knowledge

transfer, knowledge integration, and knowledge conversion, which are all interconnected. All

of these processes are interconnected. When asked to rate their degree of knowledge

management, participants were given a five-point Likert style scale to pick from, with 1 being

strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree as the options. We conducted a confirmatory

factor analysis to ensure that our scales were accurate (2/df00.26, RMSEA00.03, NFI00.99,

NNFI0 0.99, and CFI01) before releasing them. The scale had a high level of validity and

reliability, with a rating of 00.84 indicating that it was valid and reliable.

Organizational innovation

In industrial organizations, the scale devised by Miller and Friesen was used to

evaluate organizational innovation (Brusoni & Vaccaro, 2016). The scale is composed of four

distinct components. Each item is responded to using a five-point response anchor scale

numbered from 1 to 5 on the response anchor scale, with each point representing a response

(strongly disagree01, to strongly agree05). Using confirmatory factor analysis scales

(df01.27, RMSEA00.03, NFI00.97, NNFI00.97, CFI099), we discovered that we needed to

eliminate one item from our scale in order to do the confirmatory factor analysis (Brusoni &

Vaccaro, 2016). Following the assessment of our scales, we checked to see if each scale was

unidimensional, had high validity and reliability (00.75), and was valid and reliable.

Organizational performance

Cho, Ozmentand, and Sink scales will be utilized to assess the overall performance of

the organization and its members. Using a five-point Likert-style scale, it was possible to

assess the level of innovation present in an organization (Miller, 2016). The options ranged

from 1strongly disagree to 5strongly agree in terms of their agreement. To ensure that our

scales were accurate, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis (2/df01.56, RMSEA00.05,

NFI00.97, NNFI00.97, CFI099). According to the results of tests, the scale has a high level of

validity and reliability (00.79), which is satisfactory.

Forecasted Analysis Process

Structural equation modeling will be performed using the LISREL 8.52 program in

order to determine how well the predicted model performed. In order to determine how well

this postulated model will correspond to the data, the study will employ structural equation

modeling. A group of statistical procedures known as SEM encompasses route analysis and

factor analysis, among other types of analysis, and it is comprised of the following

methodologies: It is typically regarded as a confirmatory rather than an exploratory process,

and it can be carried out in one of three ways: using a strictly confirmatory method, using an

alternative model approach, or using a model creation process (de Figueiredo et al., 2016). It

is possible to use SEM to handle a large number of factors that are both internal and external

to the study, as well as latent variables that are made up of linear combinations of the

variables that are visible. This is how the fit indices were used to examine the model's

characteristics. GFI, CFI, NFI, and NNFI, as well as RMSEA, were among the organizations.

In general, the GFI, the CFI, the NFI, and the NNFI should all have a level of fit of 0.90 or

higher. The chi-square test is a means of determining how well two or more things go

together. A high chi-square value (alpha00.05) indicates that the model does not adequately

fit the data in the study. An indicator of how close two things are to each other is the

RMSEA. RMSEA values of less than 0.08 indicate that the fit is good, and values of less than

0.05 indicate that the fit is extremely close.

Signpost of the next chapters/ Structure of the Study

Depending on how a company's leadership structure is set up, workflow,

responsibility, and authority are all connected in one way or another. An organizational

structure based on a pyramid-shaped structure, with an extremely small center of power that

radiates out to a much broader base of subordinate levels, is referred to as a hierarchical

leadership structure. Depending on how a company's leadership structure is set up, workflow,

responsibility, and authority are all connected in one way or another. An organizational

structure based on a pyramid-shaped structure, with an extremely small center of power that

radiates out to a much broader base of subordinate levels, is referred to as a hierarchical

leadership structure (de Figueiredo et al., 2016). You can flatten the pyramid by

implementing nonhierarchical leadership practices, which will result in a structure with less

authority and fewer levels than previously existed. This organization employs the

organizational structure that is most likely to assist it in attaining its objectives. What we are

talking about here is a successful organizational design strategy that work.

Structures of hierarchical leadership may be beneficial, or they may be broken down

into smaller groupings for more effective management. Consider the organization of

corporate functions such as engineering or marketing, and how they are carried out. It is the

structure that holds them all together that is called a functional hierarchy. Divisional

structures, on the other hand, are organized according to a facility or location, and each of

them acts as if it were a separate organization. The phrase "organic" refers to structures that

are not governed by a vast number of rules, as opposed to ones that are. In a flat,

nonhierarchical organization structure, there are only a few levels, each of which reports to

only one person, and there aren't many persons in the organization structure. The matrix

integrates components of both functional and divisional hierarchies in order to produce a very

intricate structure with two separate types of hierarchies. Companies with lean structures,

which are sometimes referred to as networks, are those that concentrate on core competencies

while outsourcing support functions (Brusoni & Vaccaro, 2016). It is common knowledge

that hierarchical structures are used to organize things.

A hierarchy is a logical method of organizing things in which authority is assigned to

those who have positions rather than those who do not hold positions. A byproduct of this is

that the possibility of a company's CEO abusing his or her position is lowered. Employees are

assigned jobs according on their abilities, and management ensures clear definitions of roles

and power hierarchies, as well as advancement opportunities in their areas of specialization,

for each employee. Employees are motivated to do their best work by the chance of being

promoted in the company. The rigidity of a hierarchical structure is advantageous for firms

that adhere to strict standards of performance (Brusoni & Vaccaro, 2016). When it comes to

influence at the top of the organization, non-hierarchical leadership does not have much of an

impact. The decision-making authority is distributed across the organization in a flat

organization, rather than being concentrated at the top of a vertical organization. Increasingly,

as the company decentralizes, the employees of a decentralized organization take on greater

responsibility for their jobs and a bigger stake in the success of their labor (Brusoni &

Vaccaro, 2016). Besides that, it encourages role diversity, which leads in increased creativity

among employees because they are not constrained to a single area of competence. As a

result, the organization will be able to work more efficiently because teams will be able to

share resources more quickly than hierarchical divisions, resulting in greater efficiency


The ability of firms to adapt quickly to changing situations is greatly enhanced when

nonhierarchical leadership structures are in place. The technique in which a group is put

together, as well as the underlying values that serve to keep the coalition afloat, are referred

to as its structure (Brusoni & Vaccaro, 2016). Everyone who is a part of the group is required

to read and understand the operating manual in order to become familiar with how the group

is put together and how it functions. Structure, on the other hand, is concerned with the

manner in which members are admitted, the manner in which leadership is chosen, and the

manner in which decisions are made inside a certain organization. It is vital to consider how

things are going to turn out at an early stage in the growth of a company.

It is possible that structure development will take place concurrently with other

operations within the organization, depending on the circumstances. It will not interfere with

any of the other jobs as a result of doing so. In certain cases, it can occur at the same time as,

or within a short period of time after, your organization's progress, resulting in both

occurrences occurring at the same time and side by side. In the early stages of establishing a

new company, it is critical to examine how things will turn out from the very beginning of

operations (Agle et al., 2006). The development and evolution of your organization should

coincide with the development and evolution of your ideas about how the group should be

organized, as well. In the words of the commander, "we currently have three active task

forces." Persons serving on the coordinating council and on their action committees are in

frequent communication with one another and with the members of their respective action

committees. A woman from the neighborhood was murdered by her husband fifteen years

ago today, on this date in the year 2000. When the oldest domestic abuse advocacy group

came together to fight domestic violence, it was a watershed moment in history. Our

organization gave its services in reaction to incidents of violence in schools that had occurred

a few years before. Attempts were made to prevent youth violence through the formation of a

second task group (Agle et al., 2006). On a third initiative, which we believe will contribute

to making firearms safer for the general public, we've only recently begun work.

In the words of the mayor, "it's all connected, and it all adds to our overarching aim of

keeping South Haven and its visitors safer." Each task force, on the other hand, is carrying

out its responsibilities in a very different manner, with very different objectives, and

employing very different methodologies than the others. According to my understanding,

someone who is 40 years old and beating his wife cannot be stopped using the same

techniques that are used to prevent someone from carrying a gun to school.

In a competitive corporate world, having a well-thought-out organizational structure

is quite crucial. However, if you don't have a practical management system that can spread

information across the complete organization, structure doesn't work as well. Equally crucial

are the people in the management system, who must be able to deal with various cultural

issues that could affect the way a firm functions. These aspects include how the organization

is set up, how it interacts with others, how it competes, and how well it does. All the pieces of

a business process work together to produce a single process. A well-thought-out

organizational structure is crucial for success in today's business sector. Good structure, on

the other hand, isn't adequate without a well-designed management system that may serve as

a firm foundation for running the organization and making improvements (Andrews et al.,

2006). To be well-designed, a management system must take into account all of the aspects

that potentially effect how a firm functions. A company's organizational structure,

interactions with customers, rivals, and strategic problems are only few of the things that

determine how well a firm succeeds. Management system designers must also think about

how to service all of the people that utilize the system. Customers, employees, investors,

suppliers, senior management, and even people in the community are frequently in the group

of stakeholders. Cultural and stakeholder influences must work together in the management

system to suit the demands of everyone. Organizational design starts with a true corporate

structure that is founded on a well-thought-out plan. This is the first step. If the management

team comes up with a clear plan and a corporate structure that suits it, the management

system has a better chance of operating. Crossan and his colleagues (2005) talked about

structure in considerable detail (Andrews et al., 2006). They talked about how structure helps

a company realize its goals. Mintzberg (2003) also noted that having a sound strategy before

establishing a good management system is highly crucial. Mintzberg looked at a variety of

various organizational structures based on different strategies, and he determined that both

structure and strategy are crucial for a company to be able to work. A management system

that functions well is a prerequisite for success.

A corporation needs to plan, discuss about, and assign positions so that it may give

flexible leadership, which is embodied in the management system, while it is running a

business. The way the management system works and how it is used also needs to be written

down and made public so that everyone in the firm can see what their part is in it.

Computerized, networked systems with central databases are the most popular management

solutions that can address these needs (Andrews et al., 2006). These kinds of systems help

everyone in the firm obtain and use information from diverse sources that can be needed to

formulate plans, manage hierarchies, or carry out strategies, among other things. A networked

management system helps people better grasp the internal and external relationships that

naturally form when a firm is run. It was quite evident from Tuomi (1999) that a system

designer needed to grasp how people and information interact together to develop a system

that can work at any level of an organization. A firm's culture is shaped by both internal and

external variables that originate from customers and other groups that the company has to

engage with.

Internally, a corporation might be injured by adopting "vertical, independent

management systems" (Andrews et al., 2006), which are also known as stovepipes.

Stovepipes make it impossible for people to communicate the information they need to better

understand how each department works. This happens if the management system provides for

the sharing of information about the organization, as well as a way to work together with

outside clients and suppliers. Griffith argued that a cross-functional management system with

a strong, "forward-looking" perspective might assist bring together disparate aspects of a

management system.

The management system must be clear about the firm's competitiveness, because

rivalry drives the company's first strategy, and the structure and design of the organization

follow that strategy. The competitive environment is vitally important to a company's

survival in each market, thus any management system must be able to adapt to the particular

characteristics of each market (Andrews et al., 2006). If you work for a trucking firm, for

example, your management system would focus on how well your scheduling and

distribution systems function, and how much ore you could get out of the ground compared to

your competitors. A management system that stresses the unique qualities of a firm helps the

company make money and be successful in the business sector.

To stay in a solid position in the market, a firm requires a good information system

that can assist them undertake market research. Every aspect of the management system must

operate together, and it must be able to foresee the consequences of changes in the market

and in the products that the company manufactures (Brusoni & Vaccaro, 2016). If the system

does not allow for a lot of company-wide involvement in market studies, competitiveness can

die down. They added that "competitive position has a substantial impact on a company's

profitability and cash flow, and, therefore, on its valuation on the stock market." This is what

they said: As a management team, you'll encounter a number of strategic difficulties. The

management system must be able to keep up with how hard it is to run the organization every

day. In 1997, Yum! Brands bought the Pizza Hut business from its parent company, PepsiCo.

This was a huge strategic move for Yum! Brands (Brusoni & Vaccaro, 2016). Under

PepsiCo, the corporation was all about competitive, fast-moving management who wanted to

grow swiftly. Yum! Brands made the culture focus on the consistent, reliable, and

monotonous things that occurred in a restaurant, so they had to adjust how they thought about


The necessity to explain the new culture and promote the restaurant and food service

industry straight away made corporate leaders reflect about how they thought about their

positions. The organization had a hard time with the switch, but the major thing that helped

was the management structure and the ways it conveyed the new culture. Every Yum!

employee was told about the new manner of doing business through a management system

that was supposed to reach everyone. Performance improvement difficulties are intimately

tied to both strategic challenges and the way the firm is run. Rarely do strategic problems not

have anything to do with increasing a company's performance (Brusoni & Vaccaro, 2016).

Studies have shown that in order to deal with difficulties efficiently, the management system

must be put in place such that it is long-term and "connected to the broader firm strategic

plan" There is also a major difficulty for senior managers, no matter how well automated

systems function together. To make long-term and effective changes, both parts must work

together properly.


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