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QuesTECH Learning

Public Relations Campaign Book

Spring 2021

Kennedy Johnson, Raven Smith, Fiebe Tengrootenhuysen, Laurin Turner, Laura Willis

Table of Contents

Document Name Page

Organization Summary 3
Situational Analysis 4
Literature Review 5-6
Target Audience 7
Primary Research 8-9
Evaluation 18
Tentative Timeline
Appendix 25

Organization Summary

QuesTECH Learning, located on 2401 Oliver Road in Monroe, LA is a not-for-profit

organization governed by a board of directors. QuesTECH Learning has a twenty-year history of

excellence, is accredited by AdvancED, and is approved by the Louisiana Department of

Education for the Louisiana Scholarship Program as well as the Tuition Donation Rebate

Program. At QuesTECH, each learner's individual educational needs are concentrated on in this

facility where they can fit in and thrive. QuesTECH Learning has an open, non-discriminatory

admissions policy. They welcome and admit qualified learners regardless of race, creed, color,

ethnic identity, religion, sex, gender, nationality, or place of origin. They are also suited for high

potential students whose primary challenge is dyslexia and/or ADHD and/or Asperger’s. The

approximate 1:8 teacher to learner ratio ensures each student that enters the program during

the year has minimal transition problems and issues. At QuesTECH Learning learners are

grouped according to abilities in math and language arts; at any time during the school year,

learners may change group placement to address their specific, individual academic needs.

Placement changes based on learner performance are made based on teacher

recommendation and notification of parents.QuesTECH Learning excels in student remediation

and advancement so that learners may become the best version of themselves. QuesTECH

Learning’s purpose is to “speak to the Quest, the adventure and discovery that defines

maximized individualized Learning, while fully embracing TECHnology in terms of learning

systems, content, location, and career path”. Their two main goals are becoming productive

citizens and achieving maximum potential.


Situational Analysis

The Public Relations Agency concluded our clients need more social media presence to

get the word out about the school and other services they provide. QuesTECH has a Facebook

and Instagram, but is not well known and does not have a big following behind them. We

released a survey on Facebook and 65.6% of surveyors have not heard of QuesTECH. Their

Facebook page, Instagram page, and Twitter page reflects this with the amount of followers the

accounts have. QuesTECH would also like to attract more donors to fund the school and other

activities they have set in their sights for the future. Because they are non-profit they get most of

their funding from community support. They have an annual event which funds a lot of their

financial goals, but due to COVID-19, are unable to host the event, and that is their biggest way

of receiving donations. In place of that, they are putting together baskets to raffle off which does

not begin to reach the same amount of funding they would normally receive. Some of these

baskets will include designer purses, jewelry, cooking wear, etc. Fundraising is essential to their

budget, so these baskets will help pay for a lot of things around the school and advertising if it’s

in the budget.

Another area our clients need help with is updating their promotional materials. They

asked us to edit the brochure that is mailed out and handed out to people. Their main way of

getting the word out about their school is by word of mouth, which has worked okay, but adding

the social media and a paper brochure, something tangible and able to be looked at over and

over, will catch the attention of others will help to increase their presence online and therefore

increase their attention toward their school.


Literature Review

Public school is the most popular way of learning in the United States. Today, ninety

percent of children attend a public school. In 2017, attendance in private school decreased to

ten percent from eleven percent in 1999 (NCES, 2020). This shows that private schools have

not gained any interest, instead they fell one percent. Private schools are at a stalemate in the


According to Godsey (2015), public school quality of education has decreased over the

years. She is a public school teacher veteran who decided to send her children to private

school. Kids attending private school have a yearning to learn and to increase their knowledge.

The behavior that is promoted in private school is seen through the children’s eagerness to

listen and retain the information without any disruptions. Godsey states that those who attend

public school have an image to keep up and if you are interested in the lesson being taught, you

were deemed “uncool.”

There are many factors to determine when choosing the right school for children to

attend. Class size, school size, costs, academic reputation, and college preparation are just a

few to name. Private schools tend to have a more rigorous academic reputation, whereas, most

public schools perform under the bar. Families are forced to send their kids to the school their

home is zoned for. Based on the public school’s score, the parents must decide if they will send

the kids to the low performing public school or attend a private school (Chen, 2019). Not only

does the school’s academic performance play a role in determination of sending their children to

public or private school, but also, the class size and cost of attendance. Typically the smaller the

class size, the more attentive the class is. Most families cannot afford to send one child to

private, let alone multiple children. This is the most important deciding factor in private versus

public (Greatschools Staff, 2012).

Today’s world is all online. Marketing online is an indispensable asset to a business,

especially a private school. It can help more families find the school online and to create that

brand awareness. Anyone using the internet can stumble across an ad for the school or

intentionally find the school. Establishing a website, and other social media pages is a great

start to trickling out the awareness of the school (Perri, 2019). Digital marketing is not the best

for all, so it is best to determine what works best for each school.

Private schools received money from donors. Finding ways to increase revenue can be

tricky and hard if not done properly. Everyone loves for things to be easy. The easier you have it

to donate, the more likely people are to donate. Using things like “Text-to-give,” or crowdfunding

can go a long way to receiving funds (Kennedy, 2019). Mobile forms and digital avenues would

be the easiest to collect funds in the 21st century.

Agenda Setting Theory

For our campaign, we have decided to use the Agenda Setting Theory developed by

Maxwell McCombs and Donald L. Shaw. The theory suggests that the media doesn’t focus on

telling us what to think, but how people should think about the nature of issues (Naveed,2012).

Specifically, we will be using the “framing process” or selective control. The framing process is

when social construction is used to outline how the media will package the information along

with displaying it to the general public. To persuade our audience, our campaign will help people

attach the importance of QuesTECH Learning. By repeating the message over a period of 6

months through the same platforms (i.e. social media, press releases, flyers), we hope to

increase followers, funding, awareness, and student enrollment. We believe that by approaching

our audience through various media channels, we can persuade them to donate to QuesTECH

Learning. If they are already donors, or can’t donate but have young children, this will

encourage them to enroll their child in the program. We will also be able to reach a larger

audience by strengthening the relationship between QuesTECH and individuals who obtain their

information in a variety of ways. We intend to rely on this theory because we can't rely on only

one type of tactic to get this information out. We'll employ a variety of strategies to convey the

same message.

Findings to Support Campaign

Based on our literature review, we have found very valuable information that can apply

to our campaign. We discovered that private schools are at a stalemate in the country. Some

parents have found that those attending private school have a yearning to learn and to increase

their knowledge. Brand awareness is a big factor in the private school industry. Many factors as

to why parents choose private school showed us how to properly market the school to increase

funding. Private schools receive money from donors. Finding ways to increase revenue can be

tricky and hard if not done properly. Everyone loves for things to be easy. The easier you have it

to donate, the more likely people are to donate. We discovered new ways to get exposure

easily, and multiple ways to appeal to the target audience. Marketing online is an indispensable

asset to a business, especially a private school. It can help more families find the school online

and to create that brand awareness. Anyone using the internet can stumble across an ad for the

school or intentionally find the school. Using the Agenda Setting Theory, using Facebook,

Instagram, and Twitter can influence the decision to support QuesTECH through a lot of

coverage and always having the school’s name pop up on the internet.

Target Audience

Families with 4 years old to 18 years old kids

Families with young children are the target audience because the school is a k-12

private school, has summer camp, and has after-school tutoring. Reaching this demographic

would help increase the number of attendees and increase the use of its after-school activities.

Monroe Community

The Monroe community is another target audience because the community helps to

support the school by sending their kids there or donating. It would increase the school’s

exposure to get more funds and awareness.


Primary Research

We conducted a survey of the parents with kids 4-18 years of age in the Monroe area to

gauge their awareness of K-12 private schools in the area, and the ways our target audience

addresses their child’s education. We put together an online survey with a variety of questions

and posted that survey to Facebook for people to answer. There were 62 respondents to our

survey. We began by asking if they wished to participate in our survey and assured them that

everything was anonymous. Out of the 62 respondents, 54.8% knew at least one private school

in the Monroe area. The two highest known private schools were Ouachita Christian School,

and River Oaks. Only 31.1% of surveyors were satisfied with their child’s current education.

60.7% of surveyors were only willing to drive a max of 25 miles to bring their children to school.

34.4% of surveyors were willing to put their kids in a private school instead of other options.

65.6% of surveyors have not heard of QuesTECH Learning. The last question asked was if they

would like to know more about QuesTECH. This question was essential to our research and the

rest of our campaign so that we could gauge the interest of QuesTECH in the community. This

helped us be able to determine how we can help QuesTECH reach those expectations and

qualities to boost student enrollment. These numbers showed us that the Monroe area was not

interested in sending their children to a private school, but 65.6% of surveyors have not heard of

QuesTECH. We concluded the best way to help QuesTECH was to get the school’s name out to

the public and publicize their services.



Goal: QuesTECH Learning to become a well-known non-profit k-12 school in the Monroe area.


1. Generate recognition of QuesTECH Learning Center by increasing the number of social

media followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by 100 more by October 2021. The

number of followers would increase from 550 to 650 on Facebook, 77 to 177 on

Instagram, and 13 to 113 on Twitter.

2. Increase the amount of funding and donations by 25% from last year’s quota by October

2021. We were told the information was not released from what QuesTECH earned last


3. Increase awareness of QuesTECH to the Monroe community by the end of October

2021 by surveying a group of people monthly with the original survey we sent out for


4. Increase student enrollment by 25% by the end of October 2021.

Objective #1: Generate recognition of QuesTECH Learning Center by increasing the number of

social media followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by 100 more by October 2021. The

number of followers would increase from 550 to 650 on Facebook, 77 to 177 on Instagram, and

13 to 113 on Twitter.


● Use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to generate familiarity with QuesTECH

Learning Center. We will use social media platforms to inform the community about the

school. By making the accounts more personalized, we will gain more followers on the

social media accounts.

○ Tactics

■ #1 Promote Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram platforms on

newsletters, websites and onboarding paperwork. Each time the

school produces a monthly newsletter or welcomes in a new student, a

friendly reminder to follow the organization on social media will be located

on the paper. The website will also have a designated social media


■ #2 Post family testimonials at least once a month on Facebook,

Instagram, and Twitter. Having a family post their testimonial about

QuesTECH, it will stir interest online and cause the community to want to

follow the school’s progress.

■ #3 Showcase a student/teacher/staff member every month on social

media outlets. Each month, QuesTECH will showcase a “Member of the

Month” on their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. The post will

include a photo of the said student,teacher or staff member and a brief

summary on why they were chosen. This will generate familiarity with the

current QuesTECH Family.

Objective #2: Increase the amount of funding and donations by 25% from last year’s quota by

October 1, 2021.


● Promote donations to QuesTECH through the use of fundraisers. We will use social

media platforms and flyers to inform the community about the upcoming fundraisers.

Parents and followers of the QuesTECH social media sites will share the flyers to

promote the fundraising tactics.

○ Tactics

■ #1. Actively post the fundraising content on Facebook, Instagram,

and Twitter once a week to engage with the followers and make them

aware of the events. Posting content that will engage current QuesTECH

members and potential ones will make it more likely to be shared to a

larger audience which will result in a larger turnout for the events. By

utilizing owned media the content will engage its customers and help

foster relationships throughout the customer lifecycle.

■ #2 Reach out to local restaurants about having “partnered nights”

utilizing social media through shared media to share the content

and exposure. Restaurants such as McAllister’s and Newk’s partner with

different organizations where they give a certain amount of proceeds from

that night to the organization. This will help generate funding for the

school with no out of pocket expenses. There is also minimal effort with a

chance of big profits

■ #3 5K and T-shirt design fundraiser uses earned media to source the

school by using meda organizations and news releases to. The t-shirt

design contest is a way to get community members involved and also use

the winning design to sell the t-shirts as a fundraiser. You may choose to

have the t-shirts be QuesTECH related or a general design that will

appeal to more people and have a better chance at having higher sales

and higher revenue. (Ex. “318” design, Monroe design, etc.) The 5K

fundraiser will be a way to raise funds while also being involved in the

community and increase community involvement; meaning, this


fundraiser will be beneficial to both aspects. They are great fundraisers

with a chance of huge profits; however, they will require more planning

and hands on work to help run the fundraiser efficiently and effectively.

Objective #3: Survey people in Monroe monthly to ensure exposure. We want atr least 5%

increase of people knowing what QuesTECH is by October 2021.


● Organize events to engage the community. We will use social media platforms and

flyers to inform the community about the school and events they are hosting.

○ Tactics

■ #1. Reach out to area schools and businesses. By reaching out to

area schools, preschools, daycares, libraries, sports gyms, etc. to hand

out flyers and get kids interested in day camps, after school programs,

ACT prep, etc. to get QuesTECH’s name out in the community and

promote how they are involved.

■ #2 Promote on social media platforms the upcoming community

events QuesTECH is involved in. Social media posts are also a strong

part of this strategy and tactic because that is the most efficient and low

cost way to increase community involvement by 25% by October 2021.

Most people get their news on social media and by doing this they will be

able to reach a larger audience.

■ #3 Partner with local organizations. Another way to increase

community involvement is by partnering with big local organizations who

are already established and have huge community support to host events

together. (Ex: Miss Louisiana Organization) The Miss Louisiana

Organization is based out of Monroe; however, they have titleholders all

throughout the state who can bring QuesTECH state-wide. Hosting

events with this organization means they will post on their social media

and QuesTECH will be able to reach a whole different larger audience

than before.

● Publicize events hosted by QuesTECH Learning on the local news channel.

○ Tactics

■ Write Press Releases for Miss Louisiana contestants helping

QuesTECH. Press Releases will be written and sent to local news outlets.

This will reach a larger audience and bring attention to QuesTECH with

having a public icon like Miss Louisiana at the school.

Objective #4: Increase student enrollment by 25% by October 2021.


● Promote QuesTECH Learning by showing the school’s accomplishments and

services . We will use social media platforms to inform the community about the

upcoming events that are open to the public. By getting those children and parents

through the doors of QuesTECH, they will be able to see what all QuesTECH can offer

them for their child’s education and development with hopes of seeing it first hand and

enrolling their child.

○ Tactics

■ #1. Actively post content on social media about the secondary

events/services QuesTECH offers. Hold a variety of day camps and

after school programs to get a more community environment. Kids want to

go where their friends go, so by having a deal on a day camp such as


bring a friend for half-off or a discounted rate, this will increase the

chances of parents getting the word out and in return having more kids

involved in the school. The best time to hold these camps are over the

holiday breaks, summer, and even parent-teacher conference days off.

■ #3 Host an open house night. Inviting prospective parents to come view

the school and meet administration would be a great idea. They would get

a good feel of the environment where their kids could potentially attend

school at. Not only would this be for prospective parents and students, but

also for those that already attend. Showcasing the work students are

currently doing and the services offered would help to make parents feel

comfortable sending their children to QuesTECH.

■ #4 Introduce newsletter. Each month or every other month, the school

will produce a newsletter filled with new announcements relative to the

school and community. The newsletter will also highlight the “Member of

the Month”’ and a class who has performed exceptionally well for the



We based the campaign’s budget off ideas that would best help to improve QuesTECH

Learning’s funding. The total pricing based on our estimates would be $1,508.17.

Media Qty. Estimated Cost

Brochures (FedEx Printing) 100 $84.99

Flyers 10 $0.00

Miss LA post 1 $0.00

Instagram Account 1 $0.00

Facebook Page 1 $0.00

Total: $84.99

Event Qty. Estimated Cost

Miss Louisiana Event 1 $0.00

Family Testimonials 11 $0.00

Character Dress Up Day 1 $0.00

ACT Prep Workshop 3

McAllister’s Partnered 1 $0.00


Raising Canes Partnered 1 $0.00

Total: $0.00

Novelty Qty. Estimated Cost

T-shirt Order (Custom Ink) 100 $1416.00

5 extra minutes of recess 20 $0.00


chips 1 bag=18 chip bags $7.18

Total: $1423.18


To evaluate the execution of this campaign, we plan to measure its success by:

1. Increase of followers on social media

2. Increase of funding and donations

3. Increase of exposure/knowledge in the community about QuesTech

We would evaluate our campaign on a suggestive basis. In October 2021, we will look back at

our campaign over the past few months to see how effective our planning was. We would start

with the very first objective. We plan to look at QuesTECH’s social media accounts and observe

the followers. If QuesTECH reached 650 followers on Facebook, 177 followers on Instagram,

and 113 followers on Twitter, we would know that our campaign was successful. However, if we

do not hit certain numbers of followers, we know that our tactics for that specific goal were

unsuccessful, and we need to come up with a new strategy to attract more committed followers.

To track the increase in the amount of funding and donations by, we would look at the success

of fundraisers. We would track the number of individuals that attended the events and donated

to QuesTECH in comparison to previous fundraiser events that attracted donors. Based on our

objective, if we had a 25% increase in donations, our tactics would be considered successful. To

track the community involvement with QuesTECH, we would observe the promotions on social

media and keep count of how many schools and businesses QuesTECH reached out to. If

community involvement is increased by at least 25%, our tactics were successful. Lastly, we

expect to increase student enrollment by 25%. We would look at the number of currently

enrolled students and compare the number to the amount of students who enrolled due to

QuesTECH’s active social media and virtual school option. We hope to see that all four of our

objectives have been completed to yield a successful campaign.


Tentative Timeline

May 2021

2 3-start a 4 5-start 6 7 8
series of following
social more
media people on
posts with social
testimonial media
s from
families of

9 10 11-post a 12-family 13 14 15
flyer about testimonial
upcoming post

16 17 18-family 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26-repost 27-family 28 29
flyer about testimonial
upcoming post
with a
drawing for

30 31-family
Winner of the drawing with win a free “session” for their child
The family testimonials will basically consist of choosing one family per post and posting a
family photo of their choosing and writing about “Why they chose QuesTECH?” “What sets
QuesTECH apart from other schools?” “What makes QuesTECH unique?” etc. Viewers like to
see first hand the experiences/advice from other families first. This could be a good way to grow
the school’s enrollment.

June 2021

1-McAllister 2 3 4 5
’s Partnered

6 7 8 9-family 10 11 12
l post

13 14-Miss 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24-hold a 25 26
free or low
cost parent

27 28-hold a 29 30
low cost
ACT prep
The Miss Louisiana competition is held in Monroe and a huge monetary benefit for the Monroe
Community. During the week of competition, the candidates do community service events.
QuesTECH could hold an event to invite the candidates to participate/help with a summer
program going on. This would be a great way to get QuesTECH into the community spotlight
and will result in FREE advertising for QuesTECH because Miss Louisiana will be posting to
their social media platforms about the events.

July 2021

1 2 3

4-make 5 6 7-hold a 8 9 10
social day camp
media post for kids
about 4th
of July

11 12 13-family 14 15-post 16 17
testimonial about
post t-shirt

18 19 20 21 22-deadlin 23 24
e for t-shirt

25 26 27-hold a 28 29 30 31
day camp
for kids

The t-shirt design contest is a way to get community members involved and also use the
winning design to sell the t-shirts as a fundraiser. You may choose to have the t-shirts be
QuesTECH related or a general design that will appeal to more people and have a better
chance at having higher sales and higher revenue. (Ex. “318” design, Monroe design, etc.)
The day camp is something that a lot of parents look for to send their kids to during the summer
to keep interaction with others and their brain active. An example would be a science type of
theme and the things still learn but they do fun things such as cool science experiments, make
slime, etc. It will be fun for them but they will also be learning and won’t feel like they are in
school which will attract the kids. Kids are 50% of your customers and the parents are the other

August 2021

1 2-reach 3 4 5-get flyers 6 7

out to area to be
high handled
schools out at
about ACT schools
prep within when
school paperwork
is handed
out at the

8 9 10 11-post 12 13 14

15 16-host a 17 18 19-Newk’s 20 21
sign up fundraising
drive for night
H where
if a friend
school with

22 23 24-post 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

September 2021

1 2-post flyer 3 4
about 5K
with gyms)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11-host a
low cost
ACT prep

12-ACT 13-ACT 14 15 16-repost 17 18

testing day testing day flyer about

19 20-Raising 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28-family 29 30

October 2021

1 2-host 5k

3 4 5-book 6 7 8 9
dress up
day and
have local
come read
books to
the kids
y service

10 11 12 13-family 14 15 16

17 18-host a 19 20 21 22 23
fun after
al day

24 25 26 27 28 29 30-host a
at a local
golf course
to get
some if not
all of the




Chen, G. (2019, December 04). Public School vs. Private School. Retrieved March 20, 2021,


Godsey, M. (2015, March 05). Why I'm a Public-School Teacher But a Private-School Parent.

Retrieved March 19, 2021, from


GreatSchools Staff | December 3, 2. P. (2012, December 3). Private versus public. Retrieved

February 20, 2021, from

Kennedy, R. (2019, July 01). How To Raise Money For Your School. Retrieved March 13,

2021, from

Naveed, Fakhar. "Agenda Setting Theory (Maxwell Mccombs And Donald L.Shaw) - Mass

Communication Talk". Mass Communication Talk, 2021,


NCES. (2020, May). Retrieved February 20, 2021, from

Perri, J. (2019, August 14). Private School Marketing: How to Build Your Enrollment Funnel.

Retrieved March 4, 2021, from







MONROE, La (April 4, 2021) - QuesTECH learning plans to host a 5K run as a fundraiser to

support the school on October 2.

This event will take place at Kiroli Park, and is expected to begin at 9 am and last until 2


There will be a $20 entry fee for adults and a $10 entry fee for children that would like to

attend the 5K run. Participants of all ages are able to participate at this event, pets are allowed

as well. Tickets can be purchased in advance at or by quesTECH

learning located on 2401 Oliver Rd, Monroe, LA 71201.

QuesTECH Learning is looking forward to seeing the community at the event. If you

have any questions or would like to volunteer for this event, please contact Donna Underwood

at 318-322-6000.


Dewana Little

Miss Louisiana Contestants To Visit QuesTECH Learning Center Ahead of Competition

Monroe, LA (June 14, 2021)- Miss Louisiana contestants are set to visit QuesTECH Learning

Center where they will help to clean up the school and meet members of the community.

Principal of QuesTECH Learning Center, Kevin Branson, says he feels hopeful having

the Miss Louisiana Organization behind his school.

“I am hopeful that with the Miss Louisiana Organization behind my school, QuesTECH

Learning will be the center of many students hoping to excel in the academic world.”

The Miss Louisiana Organization is well known for generating support for nonprofits all

across the state of Louisiana, and according to their President, it is their mission to see

businesses all across the state thrive.

The contestants for this year’s competition will participate in a seminar, where Questech

instructors will show the importance of tutoring, its vital role within the community, and how

extremely important the organization is to many students and families in the area.

The contestants will have the opportunity to meet with students, families, and the

instructors to get a first-hand account of what life is like within the organization.

QuesTECH Learning was established in 1997 by Alex George and Donna Underwood.

The main goal of QuesTECH Learning is to provide each child with the opportunity to develop

academically, morally, emotionally, physically, and socially.

Find out more at or on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.



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