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MATHZC222 (DSCS) Assignment Sets


1.Simplify the following compound proposition using laws of logic

(PVQ)ᶺ┐(( ┐P)vQ)

2.Test the validity of the following argument

i) If I study ,I will not fail in the examination

ii) If I do not watch TV in the evening ,I will study

iii) I failed in the examination

I must have watched TV in the evening

3. Use mathematical Induction to show that

12+22+32+………………+n2= 1/6n(n+1)(2n+1).

4. Consider a function f and g defined by f(x)= x3 and g(x) =x2+1 for all x€ R find g o f,f o g.

5. What is generalized pigeon hole principle Prove the following problem i,e show that

Every sequence of n2+1 distinct real no containing a sub sequence of length n+1, that is either

strictly increasing or decreasing.


1.what is minimum spanning tree obtain the minimum spanning tree for the foll graph using
prims algo

3 3
a b f e
2 2 5 1
4 2
g c d
1 4
2. Give a proof by contradiction of the theorem “if 3n+2 is odd,then n is odd.

3. Define power set ,Cartesian product with example

4. What is the greatest common divisor of 17 and 22.

5. Prove that (A∩.B)c = Ac uBc


1.Simplify the following compound proposition using laws of logic

P (QR)↔(PᶺQ)R

2.Solve by using Mathematical Induction 4n<(n2-7) for all positive integers n≥6

3. consider the function f: RR defined by f(x)= x2 ,for all x€ R Is f is invertible.

4.Let R= {(1,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,3),3,4)} be relation on A . A : {1,2,3,4} .Show the digraph of

R .Obtain R2 and draw the digraph of R2 .

5.Each User on a Computer system has a password, Which is six to eight characters long where

Each character is an Uppercase letter (or) digit, how many possible passwords are there.


1.Show that 13+23+33+………………….n2 =[n(n+1)/2]2

2. Consider the function f:RR defined by f(x)=2x+5,let a function g: RR be defined by g(x)

= ½(x-5) Prove that g is inverse of f.

3. Let A={1,2,3,4} ,R= {(1,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3.4)},S={(3,1),(4,4),(2,4),(1.4)} be a relation on

A..Determine relations R o S,S o R, R2 & S2

4 Define Bipartite graph give example.

5. Draw the Hasse diagram for 24 and 36 on divide by 3.


1.Write the negation of the following statement

“ There is an honest politician” and “all Americans eat cheeseburgers”.

2.Sow that the premises “A student in this class has not read the book.’ And “everyone in the this

class passed the first exam “ imply the conclusion”Someone who passed the first exam has not

read the book”.

3.When do you say the function is bijecctive give example

4. Let A={1,2,3,4} & R={(1,1),(1.2),(2,2),(2,4),(1,3),(3,3),(3,4),(1,4),(4,4)} verify that R is a

Partial order on A.write the Hasse diagram for R

5.Write a note on different types of graph with example and their representation.


1.Encrypt the message STOP using RSA cryptosystem with p=43 and q=59,so that
n=43.59=2537,and with e=13. that for every integer n there is a multiple of n that has only o’s and 1’s in its decimal


3. Let A= {a,b,c,d,e} and R={(a,d),(d,a),(c,b),(b,c),(c,e),(e,c),(b,e),(e,b),(e,e)} be a symmetric

relation on A .draw the graph of R is R connected.

4. Construct the truth table for the following compound proposition

i) (P˄Q) →┐R ii) Q˄(┐R→P)

5. Using the Laws of set theory ,simplify the following

i) A ∩(B-A) ii) (A-B) U (A∩B) iii) Ac U Bc U(A∩B∩Cc)
iv) ((A UB)∩C)C U BC)C V) ((A∩B) UC)C

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