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Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/Civil/5195/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. What is routine maintenance? Describe various activities that fall under the routine maintenance of
ii. How faulty design & construction lead to deterioration of buildings?
iii. What are the objectives of the investigation of defects in buildings?
iv. What are the steps involved in systematic approach of investigation?
v. What are the various causes of defects in new buildings?
vi. Define durability? What are the different factors affecting durability?
vii. What are the different methods of surface preparation for repair work?

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Describe various factors that influence the decision to carry out maintenance work?
b. Explain the effects of various deterioration agencies on the following; Bricks, Timber, Concrete, Paints
& Natural stones?
c. What are the various sources of information for investigation of defects in a building? Discuss
d. Describe various water proofing materials used for roofs?
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/Civil/5197/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Explain the term ecosystem and its types?
ii. How mining effects, the quality of environment?
iii. What is the difference between food-chain and food-web?
iv. Suggest the methods of controlling noise pollution?
v. Give the difference between Renewable and Non-Renewable resources.
vi. Define ozone layer and acid rain.
vii. Describe briefly the green building.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Write short note on: i) Global warming ii) Role of biogas energy in environmental protection
b. What do you understand by the term air pollution? Explain the various sources of air pollution.
c. Explain and draw the water cycle?
d. What is EIA? Explain the various steps involve in EIA process?
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/Civil/9517/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. What are the features of green buildings?
ii. How solar energy is converted to electrical energy?
iii. What is the need to conserve energy and water in buildings?
iv. Explain the possibilities of non-conventional energy sources.
v. How to decide star ratings?
vi. State advantages of Green building over traditional building?
vii. What are the objectives of energy auditing?

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Write detailed notes on eco-friendly materials for green buildings?
b. What is purpose of Energy Conservation Building Code and explain its objectives?
c. What are the advantages of modular waste water treatment systems?
d. Explain various systems used for rating of Green Building in India..
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/Civil/9516/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
a. Write short note on Shoring and Strutting.
b. Write names of various methods of embankment protection.
c. Write short note on Pre-stressing.
d. What are cooling towers? Where they are used?
e. What is a high-rise building?
f. Write short note on precast concrete.
g. Write the difference between Pre-tensioning and Post-tensioning.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
i. Explain various dewatering techniques.
ii. What is Slip Form construction technique? Where it is used? Write its Advantages.
iii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pre-stressed concrete?
iv. Explain various materials used for pre-stressing.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/Civil/9515/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Explain the importance of seasoning of wood.
ii. What are the ill effects of dampness in building?
iii. List the objectives of maintenance of building.
iv. Write a short note on Epoxy Injection Technique.
v. Describe the treatment for protection of concrete against weathering
vi. Describe the process of seasoning of timber

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain step by step, how you will carry out the cleaning of clogged sewer. What precautions are taken
for the safety of workers engaged in the work?
b. Describe various methods of damp proofing.
c. What are the defect in plastering and how can be cured?
d. Explain in details concrete placement techniques
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/Electrical/5235/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Compare AC and DC system of traction.
ii. Define crest speed, average speed, schedule speed?
iii. What are advantages of regenerative braking?
iv. What are the various lightening systems?
v. What is the purpose of smoothing reactors?
vi. Explain the major equipments of a substation.
vii. Discuss the series parallel control of traction motors.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain the various characteristics of D.C series motors.
b. Write short note on the following.
i. Plugging
ii. Regenerative braking
iii. Rheostatic braking.
c. Explain Electric traction in detail and write its advantages over other systems.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/Electrical/5237/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. What is the need of energy conservation?
ii. What is the significance of energy efficiency?
iii. Write short note on CFL.
iv. Explain the role of voltage on efficiency.
v. What do you mean by energy audit?
vi. What are the advantages of energy efficient motors?
vii. List the steps involved in energy audit.
Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Write the tips for energy saving in the following:
i. Boilers
ii. Blowers
iii. Air conditioner
b. Explain the three-pronged approach for specific energy consumption.
c. Explain the different types of losses in motors.
d. List the guiding principles of EIA.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/Electrical/8527/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. What is Measurement? What is the importance of Measurement in Instrumentation?
ii. Explain the construction & working of Inductive transducer.
iii. What is Strain gauge? What are the various types of Strain gauges?
iv. Describe the working of Ultrasonic Flow meter.
v. Explain the Torque measurement using Prony brake.
vi. Explain the working of piezoelectric transducer.
vii. Explain the construction & working of bimetallic thermometer.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. What are the advantages, disadvantages & applications of LVDT?
b. What is Bourdon tube? Enlist the advantages & disadvantages of Bourdon tubes.
c. Explain the Speed measurement using Mechanical type Hand held Tachometer & AC Tachogenerator.
d. What are Thermistors? Write the applications of Thermistors .
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/Electrical/8528/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Write differences between conventional and non-conventional type energy sources.
ii. What are the applications of solar air heaters?
iii. Explain the principle of conversion of solar energy into heat.
iv. What are the advantages of small scale hydroelectric plants?
v. What are the methods of obtaining energy from biomass?
vi. What are the characteristics of Darrius rotor?
vii. What are the basic components of WECS?

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain in detail working of open cycle MHD generator.
b. What are the factors to be considered for site selection of Wind energy conversion system?
c. Explain in detail the factors affecting Bio digestion.
d. Write a note on open cycle OTEC.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/Electrical/8529/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Write a short note on armature.
ii. Discuss the role of regulators if cut out in a dyanmo.
iii. Discuss the adjustment of cutout relay in a regulator unit.
iv. Discuss the effect of temperature on specific gravity of electrolyte.
v. Write a short note on battery charging.
vi. Explain the working principal of Li -ion battery.
vii. Discuss the difference between a generator and an alternator.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Describe the construction details of lead acid battery.
b. What is hydrometer? How it is used for checking the specific gravity of electrolyte?
c. Discuss various methods of battery charging.
d. Explain the construction features and working of d.c generator used in automobiles.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/Mech./5522/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Explain the various factors required in design considerations.
ii. Describe Tentative Design Procedure.
iii. What is the difference between Knuckle Joint and Cotter Joint?
iv. Differentiate between clutch and coupling.
v. Sketch and label Proportionate Knuckle Joint.
vi. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of welded joints over riveted joints.
vii. Explain the terms Caulking and Fullering with neat and clean diagrams.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Design Knuckle Joint for a tensile load to transmit 150KN. The design stresses may be taken as 60MPa
in tension, 45 MPa in shear and 130 MPa in compression.
b. A solid circular shaft is subjected to combined torsion and bending moment of 15000 N-m. And 5000
N-m respectively. The shaft is made of steel having ultimate tensile stress of 1000 MPa and ultimate
shear stress of 750 MPa. If the factor of safety (FOS) is 6, find the diameter of the shaft.
c. Design a rectangular key for a shaft diameter for a shaft of 50 mm diameter having shearing and
crushing stressing for the key material as 45 MPa and 65 MPa respectively.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/Mech./5336/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of welded joints over riveted joints
ii. Explain the effect of keyway on the strength of shaft using H.F Moore relation.
iii. Define the following terms. a) Creep b) Fatigue c) Ductility d) Malleability.
iv. Explain the screw thread terms: Major diameter, Minor diameter, Pitch and Lead.
v. Explain caulking and fullering of riveted joints
vi. Explain Rankine theory or Maximum principal stress theory.
vii. A plate 100 mm wide and 10 mm thick is welded to another plate by means of double parallel fillets.
The plates are subjected to a static load of 120 kN. Find the length of weld if permissible shear stress
does not exceed 70 MPa

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. What do you know about stress concentration? Also explain the various methods to reduce stress
b. A solid circular shaft subjected to a bending moment of 5000 Nm and a torsion moment of 12000 Nm.
The allowable tensile and shear stresses are 120 MPa and 80 MPa. Determine the shaft diameter.
c. Design a Knuckle joint to transmit a load which varies from 150 kN in tension to 150 kN in compression.
The permissible stresses are 75 MPa in tension, 150 MPa in compression and 60 MPa in shear. Design the
knuckle rod, knuckle pin in shear and single eye end.
d. A double riveted lap joint with chain riveting is made for joining two plates having thickness of 16 mm
,if permissible tensile and shear stresses are 60 MPa and 50 MPa respectively. Find diameter of rivet,
pitch of rivet, and efficiency of the joint.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/ECE/ETV/EEE/ECE-II/6186/8161/6923/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Explain scattering losses in OFC.
ii. Write a short note on total internal reflection.
iii. Explain different advantages of OFC system.
iv. Explain working principle of LASER as light source.
v. Explain different types of optical fibers.
vi. What is the significance of numerical aperture?
vii. What are the features of an ideal light source?

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain the block diagram of optical fiber communication system in detail.
b. Explain the structure of optical fiber.
c. What is dispersion? Explain its different types.
d. What are optical detectors? Explain working principle of APD optical detector.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/ECE/EEE/ECE-II/6188/6922/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Write various advantages of VHDL.
ii. Explain different types of delays in VHDL with examples.
iii. Differentiate between Signal and Variable.
iv. Describe the different data types used in VHDL.
v. Write the VHDL code for the D Flip-flop
vi. Differentiate between CPLD and FPGA.
vii. What is architecture declaration? Write its syntax.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Compare behavioural, data flow and structural modelling techniques in VHDL with examples.
b. Describe the different operators used in VHDL.
c. Write the VHDL code for the 4- to -1 multiplexer.
d. Design a BCD to Gray code converter using VHDL Language.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/ECE/ECE-II/6180/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Explain with block diagram, the description of an ECG machine.
ii. Explains the functions of a cell in living organs.
iii. What is a tissue? Explain its types.
iv. What is bioelectric signal?
v. Explain the working of a flow transducer and list at least one application of it in medical electronics.
vi. What is a pacemaker? Explain its need?
vii. Write down precautions to measure electric shock hazards.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain circulatory system of heart.
b. What is MRI? Explain it with the help of block diagram.
c. What is ECG? Explain the various points on waveform of human ECG.
d. Write Note on the following:
i. Anatomy of reproduction system
ii. EEG
iii. Safety Standards
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/ECE/4614/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
a. Differentiate FIR and IIR filters.
b. Give the relation between Z-transform and discrete Fourier transform.(DTI).
c. Give the computational efficiency of FFT over DFT.
d. Explain the direct form realization of FIR filters.
e. Compare direct form I and direct form II realization of IIR filters.
f. What are the applications of Z-Transforms?
g. What are the basic building blocks of realization structures?

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
i. Explain the different types of structures for the realization of IIR filters.
ii. Find the DFT of the following sequence using DIF FFT.
X (n) = {1,2,3,5,5,3,2,1}
iii. What are the requirements for converting a stable analog filter into a stable digital filter?
iv. Explain the applications of DSP.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/ECE/4616/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. What conditions may be diagnosed with an ECG?
ii. Explain Gross current shock.
iii. Classify electrodes on the basis of electrode action.
iv. Define and classify medical equipments.
v. What is Pressure transducer? Explain any one of them.
vi. Explain the operation of Sphygmomanometer.
vii. Explain in detail one of the applications of diagnostic equipment.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain construction and operation of Pace maker.
b. Draw and explain the block diagram of EEG machine in detail.
c. Explain the following:
i. Micro current shock
ii. Safety standards of Medical Instrument
d. Write a short notes on the following :
i. Electrode tissue interface
ii. EMG machine
iii. Pulse sensor
iv. Defibrillator
S.B. Roll No………………………………………

6th Exam/Comp/IT/CSE/6217/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Explain the working of CRT and DVST.
ii. What are emissive and non emissive displays?
iii. Write a short note on flood fill and boundary filling.
iv. What are the side effects of scan conversion?
v. What is blanking? Explain its types.
vi. What do you mean by window to view port transformation?
vii. Explain depth buffer in detail.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain mid-point line clipping and Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm in details.
b. What is transformation? Explain translation and scaling along with their matrix representation in 2D.
c. Explain parallel and perspective projections and its types.
d. Explain Digital Differential Analyzer line drawing algorithm in detail.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/CSE/IT/2895/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. What is HTML? Explain HTML page structure.
ii. What is Java Script? What are various advantages of JavaScript?
iii. Explain the working of Word Press.
iv. What is Moodle? Write down various benefits of Moodle.
v. What is PHP? Discuss execution of PHP script.
vi. What is AJAX? What are various advantages of AJAX?
vii. Write down various features of Word Press.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain Moodle and its site-structure in detail.
b. What is My SQL? Explain various features of MySQL.
c. Explain Word Press in detail.
d. What is CSS? Explain different types of CSS.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/Auto/9331/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Explain in brief the various methods of attaching implements to tractor.
ii. Describe the classification of tractors.
iii. Explain briefly the draft control system used in tractors.
iv. Discuss the various functions of farm tractors.
v. Describe the function and working of differential lock.
vi. Explain with a neat sketch the three-point linkage system.
vii. Write short note on: - a) PTO shaft. b) Draw bar.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Explain in detail the main faults & their remedies in a tractor?
b. List out the various earth moving machinery and equipment in use. Discuss any one in detail.
c. Explain in detail the various human factors considered in tractor design.
d. Explain in detail with a neat sketch the construction and working of hydraulic lift of tractor.
S.B. Roll No………………………………………


6th Exam/Auto/0793/Jan’2022
Duration: 1.15Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 5x3=15
i. Write a detailed note on Belt Pulley Drive.
ii. How to measure slippage of a Tractor Tyre?
iii. What are the qualities of a good clutch?
iv. Write a brief note on Power Take Off shaft.
v. What are the basic trends in tractor design?
vi. Describe the function and working of Differential Lock.

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
a. Discuss about the human factors in Tractor Design.
b. Explain the construction and working of Bulldozer.
c. What are the functions of hydraulic system used in Tractor? Write about the different components
used in hydraulic system.
d. Explain the different methods of attaching implements with Tractor.

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