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uilding Management Systems or BMS as they are popularly
known have recently gained huge popularity amongst the
building industry in general and CPWD in particular. This book
is basically meant for the engineers who are expected to provide
and / or maintain BMS in a building. An attempt is being made to
incorporate all the parameters required right from initial concept to
final commissioning. This is not meant to substitute the CPWD
Specifications for HVAC works 2005, which contains BMS, but rather
to supplement the book from the point of execution of the BMS
work. This covers BMS relating not only to HVAC but to most other
services like electrical panels, standby power sources, lifts, water
supply pumpsets, lighting, STP etc. This booklet does not attempt to
go deep into every component of the BMS, but rather look at the
broad concept behind the philosophy.

The book is yet to be sent for comments to

experts in the department and in the industry. Any
comments, suggestions are welcome. Any
omissions, errors, mistakes, etc. are even more
What is BMS?
BMS refers to the maintenance of the inside working conditions of a
building / campus to maximise productivity and to automate the
routine tasks involved in the maintenance of the supporting services
of the building while at the same time optimizing the energy
consumption in a building.
Services that come under the purview of a BMS or rather under an
Integrated BMS (IBMS) include the following:

Control & Monitoring Only Monitoring

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Elevators and Escalators

Air Conditioning)

Internal Lighting (Occupancy Access Controlled Doors


External (Lighting level based) Fire Fighting System

Electrical Power Smoke Detection system

Standby power supply (DG Pumping Systems: Hydro

Sets) Pneumatic

Pumpsets and water supply Fire Alarm System

A few of the above services mentioned can fall into both the
categories. Providing a BMS primarily depends on factors like the
functionality of the building, the comfort level that the client has
for automation, the necessity for complete automation etc.
Observe that cost has not been quoted as a primary factor. This
is because once it has been decided to implement BMS in a
building, adding additional services for the BMS to control and /
or monitor can be done at a nominal incremental cost on the
BMS. Of course, the services to be implemented under BMS
should be compatible with BMS protocols and the BMS itself
should have sufficient spare capacity. And last but not the least,
the agency implementing the BMS should be willing to do the
additional work, especially if the other services are being added
after the BMS work is awarded.
There are a number of well known companies offering Building
Management Systems. The popular are “Enterprise Building
Solutions” (EBI) from Honeywell Automation India Limited,
“Building Integration System (BIS) from Bosch, “Unitron” from
Cylon Controls, “Metasys BACnet System Integrator” from
Johnson Controls Limited, “Desigo” from Siemens Ltd etc.
The Experience
SEBI Bhavan, for which the building construction started in
October 2004 and inaugurated by the Hon. Prime Minister, Shri
Manmohan Singh, on 6th October 2006, is a (recent) example of
a BMS installation in the CPWD. The services of Internal Electric
Installations, Substation, HVAC, Fire Alarm System and Fire
fighting system were a part of composite tender.
A separate tender was floated for “Integrated Building
Automation System”. The IBAS system apart from the basic BMS
also includes CCTV, Access control system and digital public
address system. BMS monitoring and / or control is being done
for all the services mentioned on the previous page.
In the ensuing pages that follow, where relevant, the
methodology adopted in SEBI shall be mentioned. Also each
chapter in this book before its conclusion shall have a section on
the particular approach used in SEBI. This section entitled “The
SEBI Experience” shall include the methods adopted in SEBI, the
pitfalls that were encountered and rectified in course of providing
the BMS in SEBI. This is being put in black & white so that
engineers who are installing or interested to have a BMS in their
works can have an idea of how they can execute the work and
improve on the SEBI design. This will also bring to the fore the
errors that occurred in the SEBI project and to learn from the
SEBI experience. However, the chapter titled “Typical Control
Logics” is wholly, related to SEBI.


his chapter describes the fundamental of the BMS. The
Building Management System is meant for performing on a
real time basis. That means the data is transmitted, necessary
control logic applied and the appropriate control applied, all in real
time basis by the Building Management System.
The main components of a BMS can be broadly divided into
Sensors, Control logic and the controller. Each of these is described
in the pages that follow. The various modes of communication
between these and other related equipment is also described.
The sensor is a very important part of the control system and can
be the first, as well as the major, weak link in the control system
chain. The sensors are used to measure various parameters like
temperature, relative humidity, current, voltage, power, air flow,
lighting level, CO2 levels, air quality etc. Other values may be
measured that enable the controller to take appropriate action
depending on data values. These include fire status, time-of-day
etc. The various sensors are described in Chapter 4 (Sensors)
What is control? Any basic
control loop will have three
components, a sensor, a
controller and a controlled
device. For example in a 2 way valve
HVAC system the
temperature is to be
measured, the data AHU Temperature
obtained is processed with Sensor
the other parameters like
time, chilled water flow Controlled Medium
etc., and finally corrective (Conference Room)
action is taken like
operating the valve for Basic Control Loop
increasing or decreasing
the chilled water flow. The above figure shows a basic control loop
for temperature control.
The controller receives its inputs from various sensors, applies the
logic of the control and then causes a corrective action to be
generated. The signal may be sent direct to the device or to other
logical functions and ultimately to the device. The function of the
controller is to compare the input from sensor, apply logic and then
send an appropriate output signal. This is the control logic which
consists of a control response for a specific application. The control
response is how the controller functions. Typical control responses
consist of either of the following:
• Two Position
• Floating
• Proportional (P)
• Proportional plus Integral (PI)
• Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID)
Controlled Devices:
A controlled device is a device that can respond to a signal from the
controller and causes a device to operate. Devices include valves,
dampers, relays, fans, pumps, compressors, variable speed drives,
actuators etc.

The Experience
In SEBI the following sensors have been used. The applications for
each of them are given against each.
1. Temperature sensor - Wall mounted : AHU RA Monitoring,
Auto switching of Atrium Exhaust fans, Kitchen
Exhaust Fans, Lift pressurisation Fans, FCU
Monitoring for 24x7 areas like hub rooms, UPS
rooms, BMS room, Fire Control Room.
2. Temperature sensor – Duct mounted : AHU RA Monitoring
(only in ducted return AHUs)
3. Differential Pressure Sensor (Air): Dirty Filter Status,
AHU Blower / Fan Belt Status.
4. Differential Pressure Sensor (Water): Chilled water
pumps’ and Condenser water pumps’ status
5. Air Quality Sensor: AHU Fresh air damper control,
Basement Ventilation fans auto switching, STP
Room ventilation auto switching.
6. Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor: Outside air
temperature and relative humidity.
7. Liquid Flow Sensor: Pump status, Chiller status, Cooling
tower status.
8. Flow Meter: Quantity of flow thro piping
9. Water Level switch: For auto switching of pumpsets
10. Fuel Level switch: DG Set fuel level (Flame proof switch)
The controllers in SEBI had all or a few of the controls (two position,
floating etc.) depending the equipment being monitored/controlled.
Controlled Devices:
The list of controlled devices/equipment in SEBI includes the
1. 3 nos 200 TR and 1 no 90 TR Screw chillers
2. Chilled water pumps operating on Variable Frequency drive
3. Condenser water pumps with fully automatic star delta
4. Cooling towers with 2 speed motors and DOL starters
5. Various valves for above equipment
6. Air handling units of varying capacities from 5 TR to 35 TR
totalling 31 nos.
7. Fan Coil Units with control / monitoring totalling 55 nos.
8. Double speed ventilation fans (in basements) totalling 8 nos.
9. Ventilation fans for Atria, Kitchens, Service rooms etc.
10. Pressurisation fans for Lift lobbies, basement staircases
11. Electrical Panels
12. Motorised valves for water supply
The list of monitored devices in SEBI included the following:
1. DG Sets
2. Sewage treatment plant
3. 6 nos. Passenger lifts and 1 no. service lift
4. Electrical parameters of main panels
5. Pumpsets
6. Temperature in Hub rooms
7. Water level in drinking water tanks


D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Note: Much of the material in this chapter and the next (Sensors) has
been sourced from website, technical brochures of
various leading companies in the field of BMS like Bosch, Honeywell,
Siemens etc. Copyright permission has been applied for where applicable.

DCs or Direct Digital Controllers are the nerve centres of a
Building Management System. These collect data, correlate
logic and control equipment for maintaining the environment
as it was designed for. These are 16 bit or 32 bit transistor / PCB
called as Direct Digital Controllers or simply DDCs.
The DDC receives the signal from the sensor, compares it with other
parameters and then issues the command for operating the
controlled device. For facilitating this, the DDC has to have various
input / output terminals. These are available for both analog and
digital type. The commonly used acronyms in the BMS arena AI, DI,
AO and DO stand for Analog Input, Digital Input, Analog Output and
Digital Output respectively and more recently UI – Universal Input.
Note: Most of the examples or references made in this chapter
relate to HVAC. This is because BMS has been, and still is, basically
meant for HVAC applications. But BMS can be easily adapted to any
other service with considerable ease.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

DDC – Inside and Outside:
Fundamentals: A few terms frequently encountered in the DDC
field are described below.
Point: A point is used to describe the data storage location within
the DDC system. Data is taken from field devices like sensors or
from logic and software calculations. Data is also sent to controlled
devices or to logic and software calculations. Every data location
has to have a unique address for reference and calculation.
There are three different ways of classifying the data of the DDC.
These are on the basis of Data type, Data Source and Data Flow.
Data Type: Data type is classified as digital, analog or
accumulating. Digital data is also called discrete data or binary data.
The value of digital data is either 0 or 1 normally representing the
status of a contact (On/Off). Analog data are numeric decimal
numbers and typically have a varying electrical input that represent
the values over a range like temperature, flow, relative humidity or
any other variable. Accumulating data are also, like analog, decimal
numbers, but here the resulting sum is stored. This type of data is
also called a pulse input. Data for energy consumption is an
example of accumulating data.
Data Flow: Data flow refers to the direction of data flow. This
always is referred from the DDC side i.e. whether the data is
coming into (AI, DI) or going out from the DDC (AO, DO)
component / logic. Input data refers to data used as input
information and output data refers to data used as output
Data Source: Points can be classified as external point if the data is
taken from or transmitted to an external device. External points are
sometimes referred to as hardware points. External points may be
digital, analog or accumulating and may be either input or output
points. Internal points, on the other hand, refer to points that are
created by the logic of the control software. These points may be
digital, analog or accumulating. Virtual points, data points, numeric
points and software points are all different terms used to describe
internal points. These are also called pseudo points.
Global points, or in-direct points, are terms used to describe data
for use by the network and or other controllers. These global points’
may be digital, analog or accumulating types. Outside air
temperature and relative humidity is a good example of an analog
global point.
Analog input points typically imply an external point and represent a
value that varies over time. Typical analog input points for HVAC
applications are temperature, pressure, relative humidity, air flow,
carbon-di-oxide concentration, etc. Typical analog output points

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

include control signals for positioning modulating valves, opening of
fresh air dampers and frequency of variable frequency drives.
Digital input point typically describes the status of motors (whether
running or not), lighting contactors, set points of temperature,
pressure, flow etc. A temperature set point e.g. a high limit is also a
digital input because it signals whether or not a preset limit has
reached, irrespective of the fact that is monitoring an analog value
(temperature). Digital outputs are typically motors or contactors
that are commanded either “on” or “off”. Devices controlled by
digital outputs include fans, lights, pumps, 2-position on/off valves
A “true” analog output (voltage or current) value is a varying DC
voltage or milliamp current signal that is used to drive a transducer
or controlled device. Another type of analog output signal is the
PWM (pulse width modulation) signal. The PWM is accomplished by
monitoring the time for a set of contacts are open or close. The
amount of time the contacts are closed or opened is proportional to
the level of performance of the controlled device.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Software Programming: The control logic is programmed into the
DDC based on specific site requirements. There are three ways in
which the programming for the control logic can be done. They are
linear, template or menu based programming and graphical or block
Line based programming uses low level programming like FORTRAN,
BASIC like languages with HVAC sub routines. Familiarity with
computer programming is a must in writing the logic for HVAC
applications in line based programs.
Menu driven programming (also called database or template
programming) involves the use of templates for common HVAC
logical functions. These templates are pre-built with all the detailed
possible parameters that may be necessary for the functioning of
each logical program block. The data flow, i.e. how one block is
connected to another or where its data comes from, is programmed
into each template.
Graphical or block programming is an improvement over template
programming in that the programming is with a GUI (Graphical user
interface), e.g. icons, click & drag facility etc. and are normally
Windows® based. The graphical representations of the individual
function blocks are depicted using graphical symbols connected by
data flow lines. The process is depicted with symbols / animations
similar to electrical schematic / control diagrams. Graphical
diagrams are selected from the available clips or else created and
the detailed data entered in the background menus or screens.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Controller Classification
Controllers are generally classified as primary control units and
secondary control units.
Primary controllers have the following functions:
o Real-time clock with battery back up
o Full software compliment
o Larger total point capacity
o Support for global strategies
o Buffer for alarms / messages / trend & runtime data
o Freeform programming
o Downloadable database
o Higher analog / digital converter resolution
o Built-in communication interface for PC connection.
Secondary controllers typically have the following functions:
o Not necessarily 100% standalone
o Limited software compliment
o Smaller total point count
o Freeform or application specific software
o Typically lower analog-to-digital converter resolution
o Trend data not typically stored at this level
o Typical application is terminal equipment or small central
station equipment.
As seen from above secondary controllers are meant from terminal
equipment, like AHUs, ventilation fans etc. while primary terminals
are located at the operator interface end.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Operator Interface
The next critical component of the system architecture is the
operator interface. Operator interface depicts a dynamic graphical
view of the various controls available to the BMS operator, similar
to the mimic diagram normally provided for the Fire Alarm System,
but with a far advanced and essentially interactive interface. Often
visitors to the building are informed that the building has been
provided with the latest technology with one point control of AC,
ventilation, electrical, pumps etc and the visitors are thus shown the
interface on the Computer meant for the BMS. When the BMS
interface is visually attractive, the visitor gets a real feel of the
sophistication, and the men, materials and time, which has gone
into making the BMS a reality. When the graphics are poor, even
though the system may be excellent on performance, the visitors
are sometimes put off by the poor interface and graphics. The BMS
interface can thus occasionally make or break the image of the BMS
The Operator interfaces are basically used to
o Monitor the data and parameters
o Program the system
o Exercise manual control
o Store long term data
o Provide a dynamic graphical user interface.
There are a number of operator interface with varying features.
They are:
o Desktop computers which act as operator workstations
o Notebook computers which act as portable operator
o Keypad type liquid crystal displays
o Handheld consoles/ palmtops/ service tools
o Smart thermostats
Desktop computers are the most powerful of the operator interfaces
available. The data of the whole BMS system is stored here. All the
programming, building and visualizing system graphics, data
collection and analysis, alarm and message filtering take place here.
Global settings are set and reset from this workstation. In most of
the cases high speed on-line printers are provided along with the
desktop computer for report printout at regular intervals and
sometimes a second online printer for alarm printing. The desktop
computers normally have three levels of password access called the
operator access, setpoint access and the master access.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Laptops or Notebook computers may connect to the LAN through a
communication interface that stands alone or is built into another
device. The notebook computer connected to the LAN at a particular
level generally does not have the same capability as a computer
connected to the LAN at a higher level. These are also password
protected for access to system parameters.
Keypad LCD’s (liquid crystal displays) typically are used only for
point monitoring and control. They sometimes may have some
limited programming capability, such as changing a set point or
time schedule.
Handheld consoles (also called MMI - Man Machine Interface or
Hand Operated Terminal - HOT), palmtops and service tools are
normally proprietary devices that connect to either primary or
secondary controllers. Typically they allow point monitoring and
control, controller configurations (addressing and communication
set-up), and calibration of inputs and outputs.
Smart thermostats are sensors with additional capabilities. They
connect to secondary controllers and have a service mode to allow
for point monitoring, control and calibration. They also have a user
mode that allows point information to be displayed, set point
adjustment and an override mode. These are, of course, costly
compared to normal thermostats.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Communication: Communication is required between the sensors
and the DDC, between the DDC and the controlled device, between
the DDCs themselves and between the DDC and the central server.
Sensors & DDC: The most common form of communication between
the sensor and DDC is the 2 core cable. This wiring between the
sensors and DDC where the signal is transported to the DDC is
called “hard wiring”. Here each 2 core wire carries only type of
signal / data from a single device. This applies for both digital inputs
(power on /off switch, level switch, fire damper status, flow switch
etc.) and to analog inputs (valve position, fresh air damper position,
temperature status, RH status, flow rate, energy monitoring etc).
This cable should be armoured (if not being laid in steel conduit),
steel braided, shielded and preferably made of copper conductor.
For the purpose of estimates / tendering, the average length of
cable per I/O point is 12-15 metres. Thus for preparing an estimate
about 12000 to 15000 metres of sensor to DDC cabling can be
considered for a 1000 point BMS. This also includes the cabling
between the DDC and the controlled device.
DDC and controlled device: The wiring between the DDC and the
devices it controls are also 2 core cables. This applies for digital
outputs (Fire damper On/Off, switch on/off, etc.) and analog
outputs (fresh air damper, liquid flow control, modulating valve
control etc)
There is another type of communication between the DDC and
proprietary third party systems. Typical third systems include
Chilling machines, elevators, pumping systems, lighting controllers,
stand by power sources (Diesel Generator sets), energy monitoring
systems and numerous other devices which can integrate with the
Building Management System.
In a third party system, the third party equipment vendor typically
gives a few control handles to the BMS vendor. These few control
handles are essential to the operation of the equipment as per the
BMS logic. All safety controls are retained with the vendor.
Occasionally a few safety parameters are open for monitoring,
never for control, to the BMS. For example the Chilling machine
vendor allows all parameters like temperatures, pressures, flow
rates, flow switches status, etc. to be monitored by the BMS vendor
but when it comes to shutting down the chiller in case of any
abnormality, the chilling machine logic takes over, the BMS just logs
the data. Similarly in case of lifts, the floor indication, door status,
fire man switch status is open for monitoring by the BMS, but in
case of any abnormality, the safeties etc are controlled by the lift,
never by the BMS.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

For monitoring the vast amounts of data from the 3rd party
equipment, one way is hardwiring for all the various data points to
the DDC. The hard wiring for all the points is very cumbersome,
costly and subsequently the maintenance engineers’ nightmare.
Instead what actually happens is that the 3rd party vendor gives his
data on an open protocol like MODBUS / Lontalk / BACnet etc or
very rarely on a proprietary protocol. This data is available on
output ports like RS 485 / RS 232.
The data cable is laid between the DDC / Central server and the 3rd
party equipment. The RS 232 output can be used for distances not
exceeding 50-70 metres. In case of larger distances a RS 485 port
is to be used. This can be used for distances upto 2000 metres. But
here the BMS vendor has to provide a RS 485 to RS 232 converter
at the control server end or sometimes even at the device end. It
should be noted that all data received these protocols can only be
monitored and cannot be used for control by the same cable. If any
control is to be done based on this data, then another cable has to
be laid for the specific control action as required.
The communication between different devices / controlling
equipment can take place when each of the equipment
communicates in a common language, or protocol. Vendors build
their devices around the criteria of protocol, communication speed
and data formatting, so communication between devices by
different manufacturers’ becomes easy and hassle free.
An aspect to be taken care with respect to these 3rd party
equipment is specifying the protocol to be used for communication.
An open type protocol is preferable (MODBUS RTU, Lontalk etc).
This can make any subsequent additions to the BMS not foreseen at
the planning stage a lot easier. At the same time it is preferable to
detail the various parameters to be monitored and / or controlled by
the BMS for every device. The output from the device for the
purpose of monitoring should be clearly specified (MODBUS protocol
on RS 232 port).
For proper operation and integration between the various
equipment the BMS vendor, the 3rd party equipment installer, the
client representative and the Engineer in charge have to work
closely from the very initial planning stages. Modifying the BMS
vendor protocols or that of the 3rd party equipment protocols at the
time of commissioning of the BMS is difficult, laborious, costly and
tempers tend to run high. This is one good reason for the BMS
agency to be fixed right at the beginning of the project and should
be made to be involved in every service which has been planned for
BMS monitoring / controlling.
The gateway or interface translates protocol between the two
proprietary systems. The proper operation of the gateway is very

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

much dependent on the use of the specific revised versions of
software on all the systems. In case of different versions on
different devices, apart from the inconvenience, the costs can vary
widely for ordering an upto date version of the software. All the
more the reason for involving the BMS agency during planning of 3rd
party services.
In the world of DDCs and automation there are the three
classifications of protocols: closed protocol, open protocol and
standard protocol.
A closed protocol is a proprietary protocol used by a specific
equipment manufacturer. An open protocol system uses a protocol
available to anyone, but not published by a standards organization.
A standard protocol system uses a protocol available to anyone. It
is created by a standards organization.
Open Systems
An open system is defined as a system that allows components
from different manufacturers to co-exist and communicate on the
same network. These components would not need a gateway to
communicate with one another and would not require a
manufacturer specific workstation to visualize data. This would allow
more than one manufacturers’ product to meet a specific application
The sole use of an open or standard protocol does not guarantee
that a DDC system will be an open system. A manufacturer has the
ability to use open or standard protocols, yet create a closed
system, thus continuing a building owner’s dependence on a single
manufacturer. This can be done by using unique communication
speeds, unique data formatting and by not adopting the full range
of an open protocol.
The Engineer in charge should thoroughly research a manufacturer’s
claim of an open system, if necessary by enquiring with other
equipment vendors and by asking for references to earlier projects
where integration with same third party equipment has been carried
out. This aspect has to be taken into account well before the
contract is signed and should necessarily be a part of the Tender

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

System Architecture
System architecture is the term used to describe the overall local
area network or LAN structure, where the operator interfaces
connect to the system and the method of remote communication
with the system. It is the map or layout of the system.
The network LAN connects the various intelligent devices so as to
communicate, share, display, print and store the data. The most
basic function of the system architecture is to connect the DDC
controllers so that data can be shared between them.
Type of LAN Communication: Communications between the various
devices can be characterized as peer-to-peer LAN (P2P LAN),
wherein each device can share information with any other device on
the LAN without going through a communications manager. (Figure


C – Controller
S – Sensor
S C O O – Output

Figure 1: Peer-to-Peer LAN

face C – Controller
S – Sensor
O – Output



Figure 2: Polling LAN

The controllers on the P2P LAN may be primary controllers,
secondary controllers or a combination of both.
In a polling controller LAN, the individual controllers cannot pass
information directly to each other. Here data flows from one

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

controller to the interface and then to another controller (Figure 2).
The interface devices manage communications between the polling
LAN controllers and the higher levels in the system architecture. It
also generally provided additional capability by providing features of
clock functions, buffer for trend alarms, messages and high order
software support.
Many systems combine the communications of a P2P network with a
polling network. In Figure 3 the interface communicates in a P2P
fashion with the devices on the P2P LAN. The polling LAN-bases can
receive data from the P2P devices, but the data has to necessarily
flow through the controller.

C – Controller
S – Sensor
O – Output
S C O face



Figure 3: Peer to Peer and Polling LAN

PC / Network Interface:
The communication network shown in Figure 4 below has an
Interface, communication interface device, used for communicating
the DDC and the other system devices that do not use the same
third protocol, typically third party system / devices.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

CI- Controller Interface
C – Controller CI
S – Sensor
O – Output

S C O face


Figure 4: Communication Interface Device
The communication interface device may be standalone or built into
another device (Figure 5).


CI – Communication Interface
I – Interface
C – Controller I


Figure 5: Built in Communication Interface Device

Each CI device normally has the capability to:
o Translate protocol
o Provided a communication buffer
o Provide temporary memory storage for information being
passed between the network and external PC / operator
interface / printer.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Larger System Architecture
Sometimes either due to addition of more devices / sensors /
services under BMS control the systems expand or become larger
than the capacity of a single sub network, a higher level of
architecture is added to allow the use of multiple sub-networks.
These multiple sub-network architecture is also used for large

CI – Communication
CI Interface CI

I – Interface
Site PC C – Controller Site PC


Subnet PC Subnet PC


Figure 6: Multiple sub-networks System Architecture

The site LAN wide area networks or WAN is used to connect multiple
sub networks and site computers. Multiple sub-networks can be
connected to a single site LAN/WAN that allows information sharing
between devices on different sub-networks (Figure 6). There
sometimes may be a limitation on the number of site computers.
Routers are included if TCP/IP is used on the site LAN/WAN.
In case no routers are used, the protocol used can be totally
proprietary. If TCP/IP is used, the EMS site LAN/WAN can be the
information system backbone within the building or between
Multiple site computers can be added to the site LAN/WAN. They
can connect the site LAN/WAN via a communications interface,
which may be a router. Site LAN/WAN computers can send and
receive information from the entire system. Information can be
received by each of the site computers, but can not be subsequently
shared from one computer to another. Sub-network computers may
only be able to see their own sub-network.
Site LANs allow multiple computers to communicate with each
other. They may use commercially available computer network
software and hardware. Messages, alarms and other data can be re-
routed to other computers on the primary site LAN. Information

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

stored in other computers can be remotely accessed. This includes
graphics, programming and stored trend and operational data.
The addition of a site LAN allows a system to gain size in terms of
the number of devices that are served, but in some applications, the
location of the devices, rather than the number of devices, is the
bigger challenge. In this situation, modem-based communication is
used to expand the geography of the system.
Auto-Answer/Auto-Dial System Architecture
In auto-answer/auto dial systems, a specialized communication
interface is substituted which introduces a modem and phone lines
into the standard architecture. These communication interfaces are
made with built-in modems or use external commercial modems.
Auto-answer / auto-dial configurations are used to provide
monitoring and access to remote buildings. They are used where
traditional direct-wiring methods are impractical; and where central
site monitoring is desired; or where remote access to controllers is
In an auto-answer/auto-dial system, the central communications
interface may call the individual sites or vice versa. Information and
data can be passed to and from the layer above the central
communications interface (Figure 7: Auto Answer / Auto Dial
The auto-answer/auto-dial LAN architecture is typically used by
installations with multiple facilities where control and monitoring
needs to be centralized. Multiple LANs are used to maintain the
groupings of devices, or to separate controllers into defined groups.
One-Way Dial System Architecture
One-way dial systems (Figure 8: One way Dial Systems) are
typically used to enable system owners to access their systems
from a remote location, such as their home. It is used where auto-
dial monitoring is not required. It can also be used by the
installation and service company or by the commissioning authority
to troubleshoot and program from remote locations. One-way dial
can also be used to dial into remote site LANs or sub-networks.
Two modems are required, one located at the remote computer and
one at the system site. Typically, the DDC operating software must
be installed on the remote computer.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

CI – Communication
CI Interface, I – Interface, CI
C – Controller, M - Modem
AA/AD - Auto Answer
Site PC Auto Dial Global PC




Local I I I

Figure 7: Auto Answer / Auto Dial Architecture

Site PC C M
Global PC


C CI – Communication
I – Interface,
C – Controller,
M - Modem


Figure 8: One Way Dial Architecture

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

A Note on Protocols
BACNET is a standard protocol published by a standards
organization (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
conditioning Engineers or ASHRAE). It is a specification for a
protocol. DDC vendors create a communication protocol that
complies with this specification.
BACNET is a relatively complex standard.
The standard defines protocol
implementation conformance statements
(PICS) that define different levels of compliance. A given vendor
may or may not support the level required for a given application.
In other words, a vendor could meet a very low level of compliance
and be BACNET-compatible. The key question to be asked is, “At
what level?”
In Figure 9: BACNET Gateways the chiller control unit’s DDC will
communicate with the building DDC system if each has a BACNET
gateway and their PICS match.

Site PC


I CI – Communication
GW I – Interface,
C C – Controller,
C C M – Modem
GW- Gateway

Figure 9: BACNET Gateways

If a vendor states their product is native BACNET, they are using
the BACNET protocol in lieu of a proprietary protocol on their LAN.
In Fig *F* a native BACNET building system would be able to
communicate to the chiller control DDC with one less gateway.
Overlay Systems
An overlay system is a high-end workstation that communicates
with multiple manufacturers’ proprietary EMS systems. An overlay
system supplier creates drivers to “talk” to the different systems.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

The vendors must have a cooperative relationship and revision
control is important for continued successful use. The workstation
typically displays data, allows manual control and setpoint changes,
and handles alarms and messaging. Any detailed editing of the
control sequence will still require knowledge of the underlying
proprietary software.
The brand names of overlay systems of well known BMS
manufacturers are given below:
The Echelon Corporation has created an open protocol that uses a
standard processor and a set of standard transceivers, which allows
components from different manufacturers to co-exist on the same
LAN. The protocol is available to anyone and is called LONTALK. A
unique chip is required for any device that uses LON. Standard
network variable formats have been established to allow the
transfer of data from one device to another regardless of origin.
Presently, various vendors are competing
to become the defacto standard for the
network database structure. The network
database is a map of the components and
the relationship of the data moving
between them. The operator workstation
needs this structure to visualize the data.
Software suppliers providing the software
for the operator workstation may be
independent of those providing the
software for the database structure and
the EMS vendors.
A list of common parameters for monitoring and / or control is given
elsewhere in this book.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

The Experience
The work of IBAS in the SEBI building was executed by Honeywell
Automation India Limited, HAIL. The value of work was 1.74 crores,
out of which BMS component was worth 47 lakhs.
The DDCs used were a model called XL 28. HAIL has also other
series called XL 50, XL 500, XL 1000 and XL 5000. These DDCs
have different IO capacities. All these DDCs are UL listed (a
condition of the tender).
The XL 28, which was the only DDC model used in SEBI, has a IO
configuration of 8-8-4-8, i.e. 8 AI, 8 DI, 4 AO and 8 DO. The AO can
also be used as an AI, thus if no AO was required for a particular
DDC, technically 12 AI are available.
OBSERVATION: The XL 28 series have to be placed together in a
bank to attain a given number of IO configurations. Thus if a device
or equipment required a configuration of 13-6-2-10, then 2 DDCs
are to be used. In SEBI the HVAC high side equipment, consisting of
4 chillers, 10 pumpsets, 3 cooling towers, a number of valves,
switches, VFDs etc. had the largest bank of DDCs installed,
numbering 10. In addition the same place was used for the DDCs of
the Ventilation fans
also. This apart from
giving a very poor
aesthetic look, (Picture
below) also increased
the cooling load and the
load on the UPS meant
for the DDCs.
max number of DDCs
for a given set of
equipment has to be
specified. Or in the pre
bid stage or technical
bid stage, the pre qualified vendors may be asked to submit a list of
all DDCs they manufacture with their I/O configuration. Needless to
say all DDCs so submitted should be able to communicate to each
other seamlessly and without use of additional hardware. If at all
hardware is required, the agency can provide the same at their own
cost. Also during execution, the department should have a say in
specifying the particular DDC model required for a specific device or
set of equipment. In SEBI, the total number of DDCs provided is
121 Nos. This could have been easily reduced to not more than 50
to 70 nos. if different models of DDCs were used.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

OBSERVATION: The DDCs have to be provided with UPS supply.
This is required for seamless operation and also for retaining the
data in case of power failure. This provision has to be taken care of
during planning of BMS or UPS system. In SEBI a centralised UPS
for the IBAS was provided much later and during execution of the
IBAS package. A centralised UPS was decided upon to avoid
maintenance of multiple UPS’. While this saved on the cost of UPS,
cabling had to carried out to each DDC / bank of DDCs including
providing a 5 Amps Switch & socket near each DDC
LESSON LEARNT: The load of IBAS during designing a centralised
UPS system, if being provided, in the building has to be considered.
Sufficient quantities of switch/socket are to be provided near to the
proposed location of DDCs. This is especially true if the conduit is
concealed. If there is no centralised UPS in the building, then we
provided for UPS in the tender of BMS agency itself. At the very
outset the agency will, in all likelihood, oppose the proposal, saying
it is not his core competency, but a firm stand taken by the
department will increase the chances of the UPS being a part of
BMS tender. If either of the above cannot be provided, then a
separate agency for providing the UPS has to be considered.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD



D K Kumar, AE (E), CPWD


he sensor is a very important part of the control system and
can be the first, as well as major, weak link in the control
system chain. Sensors are used to measure the parameters
like temperature, relative humidity, current, voltage, power, air
flow, lighting level, CO2 levels, air quality etc. Other values may be
measured that enable the controller to take appropriate action
depending on data values. These include fire status, time-of-day

A Brief description of the various types of sensors is given on the

following pages

D K Kumar, AE (E), CPWD

Temperature Sensors

RTD Sensors

RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) Sensors are temperature

sensors commonly used as room temperature sensors as well as for
sensing of air and liquid temperatures in ducts and in pipes.

Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD's) operate on the principle

that the electrical resistance of some metals change predictably, in
a linear manner and a repeatable manner, with changes in

Just like in any resistance, in a RTD also, the resistance of the

element (metal) at a base temperature is proportional to the length
of the element and inversely proportional to the cross sectional
area. (Ohm’s Law)

The RTD sensors have the advantage that

the DDCs of most manufacturers accept
RTD inputs directly and the logic in the
DDC converts the resistance so measured
directly into temperature. Some of the
RTDs can also be fitted with a current or
voltage transducer that converts the
temperature into voltage / current at the
sensor end itself and transmits the value
of voltage / current to the DDC. This adds
slightly to the cost and more importantly
to another failure point. So RTD sensors without a transducer are a
better choice, especially for smaller distances.

RTDs are made from many materials including platinum, tungsten,

silver, copper, nickel, nickel alloys or iron. The most common RTDs
(especially in the HVAC field) are platinum (Pt), nickel (Ni) or nickel
iron (NiFe).

In case of RTD being directly to the DDC, care should taken to

ensure that the distance between the sensor and DDC should not be
very far off or else the resistance of all elements including the cable
and sensor leads is also taken into account by the DDC leading to
errors in measurement. One option, as already given above, for
circumventing this problem is to have a transmitter at the sensor.
The other way is by the method of wiring.

D K Kumar, AE (E), CPWD


Thermistors or thermally sensitive resistances are also used for

room temperature sensors as well as for sensing of air and liquid
temperatures in ducts and in pipes. Thermistors are temperature
sensitive semiconductors that exhibit a large change in resistance
over a relatively small range of temperature. Thermistors can be
classified into two main types, positive temperature coefficient
(PTC) and negative temperature coefficient (NTC). NTC thermistors
are commonly used for temperature measurement.

Unlike RTD's, the temperature-resistance characteristic of a

thermistor is non-linear, and cannot be characterized by a single
coefficient. The manufacturers generally provide resistance-
temperature data. These may in the form of curves, tables or
polynomial expressions. The resistance-temperature correlation
may be linearized with analog circuitry, or alternatively by the
application of mathematics using digital computation.

In thermistors, the lead resistance is very small compared to the

sensor resistance and hence can be places quite a distance away
from the DDC.

Other Temperature Sensing Devices

The following are other types of sensors used as temperature

sensing devices.

Solid state sensors are available for space, duct and pipe
applications. A milli-volt signal proportional to the temperature is
generated for use by the DDC.

Thermocouples are another type of temperature sensing devices.

These are also available for space, duct and pipe applications. A
thermocouple operates on the principle that when two dissimilar
metals are joined together at both ends and when one end is at a
different temperature, a voltage proportional to the temperature at
the junction is produced at the other end. In order that the
temperature so measured is accurate the leads should be of the
same metals as that of the thermocouple. These thermocouples are
not used in commercial HVAC applications, although they find
widespread use in the industrial and laboratory applications. The
various varieties of thermocouples have been standardized by the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). These are tabulated in Table 1.

D K Kumar, AE (E), CPWD

Code Metals in the Thermocouple Temperature range (oC)
J Iron Constantan 0 to 760
K Chrome Alumel -184 to 1260
L Copper Constantan -184 to 371
Table 1: BIS Standards for Thermocouples

Another type of a temperature sensing device is the infrared

temperature sensors. These sense the wavelength of the radiation
emitted from the surface of an object without coming into physical
contact with the object. This wavelength is transformed into a
voltage / current value output that is compatible with the DDC

Table 2 shows the advantages and disadvantages of the different

temperature sensors for DDC systems.

D K Kumar, AE (E), CPWD

Type Parameter Advantages Disadvantages
NTC Thermister Resistance • Large resistance change with temperature • Non linear
• Rapid response time • Limited operating temperature range
• High resistance eliminates errors caused by • Interchangeable over limited narrow range of
lead resistance temperature
• Low cost • May be subject to errors due to self heating
• Good stability • Current source required
• Interchangeable

RTD Resistance • Linear resistance simplifying electronics • Small resistance with temperature
• Good stability • Response slower
• Wide range of operating temperatures • Subject to self heating
• Interchangeable over wide temperature • 3 wire / 4 wire required for lead resistance
range compensation
• Some types damaged by shock and vibration
• External power source required

IC Sensor Voltage / • Linear high level with temperature • Limited operating temperature range
Current • Low cost • External power source required
• Subject to self heating
• New technology, lack of standardization

Thermocouple Voltage • Widest operating temperature range • Non linear

• Simple • Stability low relative to other temperatures
• Low cost • Reference junction temperature
• Rugged compensation required
• No external power source required • RFI / EMI can affect signals
Table 2: Comparison of Temperature Sensors

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Relative Humidity Sensors

Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in the air. The

humidity in air can affect the human comfort and various properties
of materials. Humidity affects the air conditioning to a great extent
and the amount of humidity is one aspect that needs to be kept at
optimum level under varying conditions of summer or winter.

The amount of water vapour in air can be defined in various ratios

such as absolute humidity, relative humidity, humidity ratio and
specific humidity. By far the most common measurement of
humidity in the HVAC field is relative humidity, known by the
acronym, RH. RH is defined as the ratio of water vapour present in
the air water mixture compared to the saturation amount of water
vapour that the given air water mixture sample can hold at the
same temperature.

RH Sensors used in HVAC field are used in conditioned spaces and

in ducts. Commonly used sensors are thin film capacitance, bulk
polymer resistance and integrated circuit type.

Thin Film Capacitance RH Sensors

Thin film capacitance sensors operate on the principle that changes

in relative humidity cause the capacitance of a sensor (made by
laminating a substrate, electrodes, and a thin film of hygroscopic
polymer material) to change in a detectable and repeatable fashion.
Capacitance humidity sensors are combined with a transmitter to
produce a higher-level voltage or current signal.

Range of measurements is from 0-100 % relative humidity with

application temperatures from -40 to 90 °C. Accuracy tolerances are
commonly accurate to ±1%, ±2%, and ±3%. Capacitance sensors
are affected by temperature such that accuracy decreases as
temperature deviates from the calibration temperature.

Bulk Polymer Resistance RH Sensors

Bulk Polymer Resistance sensors use the principle that resistance

change across a polymer element varies with relative humidity and
is measurable and repeatable. These are also combined with
transmitters to produce a higher-level voltage or current signal.

Range of measurements is from 0-100 % relative humidity with

application temperatures from -40 to 60 °C. Accuracy tolerances are
commonly accurate to ±2%, ±3%, and ±5%.Resistance sensors
are affected by temperature such that accuracy decreases as
temperature deviates from the calibration temperature.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Flow Measurement Sensors

Flow measuring devices are widely used in the HVAC field to

monitor and control the air flow and liquid flow. Airflow devices are
used to control the output of fans, dampers, VAV (Variable air
volume) boxes and also building and space pressure. On the other
hand liquid flow measurement is used to monitor and control the
flow of refrigerant, cooling water medium, condenser water flow in
chillers, heat exchangers, boilers, air handling units etc.

Methods of flow measurement: Flow rate is obtained by measuring

the velocity of water / air and the cross section of the pipe or duct
at that point. The common methods of measuring air flow are with
hot wire anemometers, differential pressure measurement systems
and vortex shedding sensors. Common methods of measuring liquid
flow include differential pressure measurement systems, vortex
shedding sensors, positive displacement flow sensors, turbine based
flow sensors, magnetic flow sensors, ultrasonic flow sensors and
‘target’ flow sensors.

Hot Wire Anemometers

Hot wire anemometers or thermal anemometers operate on the

principle that the amount of heat removed from a heated
temperature sensor by a flowing fluid can be related to the velocity
of that fluid. Most sensors are constructed with a second, unheated
temperature sensor to compensate the instrument for variations in
the temperature of the air. Hot wire type sensors are better at low
airflow measurements compared to differential pressure types, and
are commonly applied to air velocities ranging from 50 to 12,000
feet per minute.

Differential Pressure Measurement Systems

Differential pressure measurement technologies can be used for

both airflow and liquid flow measurements. Sensor manufacturers
offer a wide variety of application specific sensors used for airflow
and pressure measurements, as well as ‘wet-to-wet’ differential
pressure sensors used for liquid measurements. Both lines offer a
wide variety of ranges.

For airflow measurements, differential pressure flow devices in

common use in HVAC systems include Pitot tubes and other various
types of velocity pressure sensing tubes, grids and other arrays. All
of these sensing elements are combined with a low differential
pressure transmitter to produce a signal that gives the fluid
velocity. The signal produced is proportional to the square root of

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

the fluid velocity.
The figure besides
gives an example
of measurement of
velocity pressure
measurement with
a U tube
manometer. The
figure below that
gives the relation
between the static
pressure, velocity
pressure and the
total pressure.

The pitot tube is

limited to small
ducts and other
applications with
low accuracy. In
large ducts the pitot tube reliability is not guaranteed as the
pressure is measured at only one point. The need to have sensing
at multiple points across the cross section of the duct gave rise to
averaging type sensors with arrays of pressure sensing points.
These types are most commonly used in HVAC applications.

Some differential pressure based flow sensors include PLCs that can
provide an analog value of the velocity flow by extracting the
square root of the measured pressure whereas other flow sensors
provide an analog sensor that is proportional to the pressure and
the DDC performs the calculations to obtain the average velocity.
Once the velocity is known the flow can be obtained by multiplying
it with the cross section of the duct. The velocity range is limited by
the range and resolution of the pressure transmitter used. Most
differential pressure transmitters are limited to a minimum velocity
in the range of 400 – 600 feet per minute. Maximum velocity is
however limited by the durability of the sensor.

For water flow

measurement differential
pressure flow devices in
common use in HVAC
systems operate either by
measuring velocity
pressure (insertion tube
type), or by measuring the
drop in pressure across a

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

restriction of known characteristic (orifice, flow nozzle, Venturi etc.).
The following are the common types:

Insertion tube type sensors

Concentric orifice plate type

Venturi tube

Flow nozzles

The turndown ratio (ratio of the full range of the instrument to the
minimum measurable flow) of differential pressure devices is
generally limited to 4:1. This can be extended to upto 16:1 by using
low range transmitter and high range transmitter / high turndown
transmitter and appropriate signal processing. Benefits of
differential pressure instruments are their relatively low cost,
simplicity and long and proven performance. However permanent
pressure loss and associated energy cost are its definite
disadvantage. Here too, the orifice plate device has the highest
pressure loss and the lowest pressure loss is in a venture type

Vortex Shedding Sensors

When a fluid flows around an obstruction in the flow stream,

vortices are shed from the alternate sides of the obstruction in a
repeatable and continuous manner. This is the principle behind the
vortex shedding sensor. The frequency at which the shedding
alternates is proportional to the velocity of the fluid. Like in
differential pressure sensors, a single sensor is used for small ducts
and an array of multiple sensors is used for large ducts and
pipelines. Air velocities in the range of 350 – 600 feet per minute
can be measured by vortex shedding sensors.

Vortex flow meters provide a very high accurate flow measurement

in the range of flow. These are generally used where high quality
water, gas or steam flow measurement is required. Performance of
up to 30:1 turndown on liquids and 20:1 on gases and steam with
1-2 percent accuracy is available. Turndowns are based on liquid
velocities through the flow meter of up to 25 feet per second for
liquids, 15,000 feet per minute for steam and gases.

Positive Displacement Flow Sensors

Positive displacement meters are used where high accuracy at high

turndown is required and reasonable to high permanent pressure
loss will not result in excessive energy consumption. Applications

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

include water metering such as for potable water service, cooling
tower and boiler make-up, and hydronic system make-up. Positive
displacement meters are also used for fuel metering for both liquid
and gaseous fuels. Common types of positive displacement flow
meters include lobed and gear type meters and oscillating piston
type meters. These meters are typically constructed of metals such
as brass, bronze, cast and ductile iron, but are also constructed
using engineered plastics, depending on service.

Due to the close tolerance required between moving parts of

positive displacement flow meters, they are sometimes subject to
mechanical problems resulting from debris or suspended solids in
the measured flow stream. Positive displacement meters are
available with flow indicators and totalizers that can be read
manually. When used with DDC systems, the basic meter output is
usually a pulse that occurs at fixed time interval that is required for
a given volume of fluid to pass through the meter. This time interval
can be programmed at site. Pulses may be accepted directly by the
DDC controller and converted to flow rate, or total volume points, or
a separate pulse to analog transducer may be used. Positive
displacement flow meters are relatively costly compared to other
meter types available.

Turbine based Flow sensors

Turbine and propeller type meters operate on the principle that fluid
flowing through the turbine or propeller will induce a rotational
speed that can be related to the velocity of the fluid. Turbine and
propeller type flow meters are available in full bore, line mounted
versions and insertion types where only a portion of the flow being
measured passes over the rotating element. Full bore turbine and
propeller meters generally offer medium to high accuracy and
turndown capability at reasonable permanent pressure loss. With
electronic linearization, turndowns to 100:1 with 0.1% linearity are
available. Insertion types of turbine and propeller meters represent
a compromise in performance to reduce cost. Typical performance is
1 percent accuracy at 30:1 turndown. Turbine flow meters are
commonly used where good accuracy is required for critical flow
control or measurement for energy computations. Insertion types
are used for less critical applications. Insertion types are often
easier to maintain and inspect because they can be removed for
inspection and repair without disturbing the main piping. Some
types can be installed through hot tapping equipment and do not
require draining of the associated piping for removal and inspection.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Magnetic Flow Sensors

Magnetic flow meters operate based upon Faraday's Law of

electromagnetic induction, which states that a voltage will be
induced in a conductor moving through a magnetic field.

Faraday’s Law: E = kBDV

Where E is the induced voltage

B is the strength of the magnetic field

D is the conductor width

V is the velocity

The magnitude of the

induced voltage E is directly
proportional to the velocity
of the conductor V,
conductor width D, and the
strength of the magnetic
field B. As shown in Figure
on the side, magnetic field
coils are placed on opposite
sides a pipe to generate a
magnetic field. As the
conductive process liquid
moves through the field
with average velocity V,
electrodes sense the
induced voltage. The
distance between
electrodes represents the
width of the conductor. An insulating liner prevents the signal from
shorting to the pipe wall. The only variable in this application of
Faraday's law is the velocity of the conductive liquid V because field
strength is controlled constant and electrode spacing is fixed.
Therefore, the output voltage E is directly proportional to liquid
velocity, resulting in the linear output of a magnetic flow meter.

Magnetic flow meters are used to measure the flow rate of

conducting liquids (including water) where a high quality low
maintenance measurement system is desired. The cost of magnetic
flow meters is high relative to many other meter types. Typical
performance is 30:1 turndown at 0.5% accuracy.

Note: SEBI Project used Magnetic Flow Meters.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Ultrasonic Flow Sensors

Ultrasonic flow sensors measure the velocity of sound waves

propagating through a fluid between two points on the length of a
pipe. The velocity of the sound wave is dependant upon the velocity
of the fluid such that a sound wave travelling upstream from one
point to the other is slower than the velocity of the same wave in
the fluid at rest. The downstream velocity of the sound wave
between the points is greater than that of the same wave in a fluid
at rest. This is due to the Doppler Effect. The flow of the fluid can
be measured as a function of the difference in time travel between
the upstream wave and the downstream wave.

Ultrasonic flow sensors are non-intrusive and are available at

moderate cost. Many models are designed to clamp on to existing
pipe. Ultrasonic Doppler flow meters have accuracies of 1 to 5% to
the flow rate.

Target Flow Sensors

A target meter consists of a disc or

a "target" which is centred in a pipe
(see figure on the side). The target
surface is positioned at a right
angle to the fluid flow. A direct
measurement of the fluid flow rate
results from the force of the fluid
acting against the target. Useful for
dirty or corrosive fluids, target
meters require no external
connections, seals, or purge

Target flow meters are commonly

used to for liquid flow measurement
and less commonly applied to steam and gas flow. Target Meters
offer turndowns up to 20:1 with accuracy around 1%.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Installation of Flow Sensors:

All airflow sensors work best in sections of ducts that have uniform
and a fully developed flow. All airflow sensing devices should be
installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommended
straight runs of upstream and downstream duct in order to provide
reliable measurement.

Similar to airflow, all liquid flow sensors work best when fully
developed, uniform flow is measured. To attain fully developed,
uniform flow sensors should be installed in accordance with the
manufacturers recommended straight runs of upstream and
downstream pipe in order to provide the most reliable

With most liquid flows measured for HVAC applications, density

changes with pressure and temperature are relatively small and
most often ignored due to their insignificant effect on flow
measurements. Suitable corrections may be required when
measuring flow of steam or fuel gases

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Liquid Level

Liquid level measurements are typically used in DDC control

systems for HVAC applications to monitor and control levels in
cooling tower sumps, water system tanks, pressurized tanks, etc.

Types: There are a number of sensing technologies available.

Common technologies applicable to HVAC system requirements are
based on hydrostatic pressure, ultrasonic, capacitance and
magnetostrictive-based measurement systems.


Level measurement by hydrostatic pressure is based on the

principle that the hydrostatic pressure difference between the top
and bottom of a column of liquid is related to the density of the
liquid and the height of the column. For open tanks and sumps, it is
only necessary to measure the gauge pressure at the lowest
monitored level. For pressurized tanks it is necessary to take the
reference pressure above the highest monitored liquid level.
Pressure transmitters are available that are configured for level
monitoring applications. Pressure instruments may also be remotely
located, however this makes it necessary to field calibrate the
transmitter to compensate for elevation difference between the
sensor and the level being measured.

Bubbler type hydrostatic level instruments have been developed for

use with atmospheric pressure underground tanks, sewage sumps
and tanks, and other applications that cannot have a transmitter
mounted below the level being sensed or are prone to plugging.
Bubbler systems bleed a small amount of compressed air (or other
gas) through a tube that is immersed in the liquid, with an outlet at
or below the lowest monitored liquid level. The flow rate of the air is
regulated so that the pressure loss of the air in the tube is negligible
and the resulting pressure at any point in the tube is approximately
equal to the hydrostatic head of the liquid in the tank.

The accuracy of hydrostatic level instruments is related to the

accuracy of the pressure sensor used.


Magnetostrictive level transmitters (Figure on next page) operate on

the principle that an external magnetic field can be used to cause
the reflection of an electromagnetic wave in a waveguide
constructed of magnetostrictive material. The probe is composed of
three concentric members. The outermost member is a protective,
product-compatible outer pipe. Inside the outer pipe is a

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

waveguide, which is a formed
element constructed of a
proprietary magnetostrictive
material. A low-current
interrogation pulse is
generated in the transmitter
electronics and transmitted
down the waveguide creating
an electromagnetic field along
the length of the waveguide.
When this magnetic field
interacts with the permanent
magnetic field of a magnet
mounted inside the float, a
torsional strain pulse, or
waveguide twist, results. This
waveguide twist is detected as
a return pulse. The time
between the initiation of the
interrogation pulse and the
detection of the return pulse is
used to determine the level
measurement with a high
degree of accuracy and reliability. Accuracy and resolution of 1/16"
or better are available from some manufacturers.


Capacitance level transmitters operate on the principle that a

capacitive circuit can be formed between a probe and a vessel wall.
The capacitance of the circuit will change with a change in fluid level
because all common liquids have dielectric constant higher than
that of air. This change is then related proportionally to an analog
signal suitable for DDC analog inputs. Resolution of 1/8" and
accuracy of 1% to 0.25% of span are available.


Ultrasonic level sensors emit sound waves and operate on the

principle that liquid surfaces reflect the sound waves back to the
source and that the transit time is proportional to the distance
between the liquid surface and the transmitter. One advantage of
the ultrasonic technology is that it is non-contact and does not
require immersion of any element into the sensed liquid. Sensors
are available that can detect levels up to 200 feet from the sensor.
Accuracy from 1% to 0.25% of distance and resolution of 1/8" is
commonly available.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

All the above methods are used for monitoring the level of the liquid
and also for subsequent action based on the level, like switching on/
off the pumpsets, opening / closing the valves etc. However in case
the subsequent actions only are required to be performed when the
level of water goes beyond a certain fixed level, then a economical
alternative would be using the conventional float and board level
indicators commonly used. Here the pump or valve is operated
based on the low / high level of the tanks. In adapting the float and
board indicator for DDC control, a magnetic switch is located at
suitable low / high / overflow levels on the level marker. A magnet
is permanently attached to the level indicator that moves on the
marker. When the indicator moves on the indicator, the magnetic
switch is activated and a digital input is obtained by the DDC for
correspondingly switching on the pumpsets or valves as the case
may be. This method of switching, using a float and board indicator,
was used in SEBI for the drinking water tanks and chilled water
expansion tank.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD


Pressure is measured in DDC controls systems for HVAC in order to

control the operation and monitor the status of fans and pumps.
Space pressure is sometimes measured and used for control.
Pressure is also the basis of many flow and level measurements.

Diverse electrical principles are applied to pressure measurement.

Those commonly used with DDC control systems include
capacitance and variable resistance (piezoelectric and strain gauge).


Capacitance pressure sensors typically use a capacitance cell

consisting of a diaphragm exposed to the pressure medium
separated from another plate by a fill fluid. When the applied
pressure deflects the diaphragm, the capacitance characteristic of
the sensing element changes. The capacitance cell is excited by a
high frequency source. The frequency changes as the capacitance of
the cell changes. This frequency shift is converted to the output
signal by the transmitter electronics. Capacitance transmitters are
available configured for either differential or gauge pressure
measurement. Usual outputs are voltage or current.

Capacitance transmitters are available with ranges from a few

inches water column (in. wc) to thousands of pounds per square
inch (psi). Transmitter accuracy of 1% of full scale is common for
inexpensive versions. Accuracy to 0.1% of full scale is available with
'smart' transmitters using microprocessor signal conditioning and
compensation. Varying grades of transmitter packaging (moulded
plastic to forged stainless steel) are available depending on the
application and price.

Variable Resistance

Variable resistance technology includes both strain gauge and

piezo-resistive or piezoelectric technologies.

Traditional strain gauges are constructed of wire filament bonded to

a substrate. The resistance of the wire changes in proportion to the
strain in the substrate, which is transmitted to the wire through the
bond. Strain gauges are applied to diaphragms or other mechanical
pressure elements and change resistance in response to strains
induced in the element by the applied pressure. When arranged to
form a Wheatstone bridge circuit, an analog voltage signal is
produced that is proportional to applied pressure.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Piezo-resistive sensors operate on the principle that certain
semiconductor materials, such as silicon, change resistance with
stress or strain. These piezo-resistive elements are implanted on a
solid-state chip that is attached to a mechanical sensing element or
used as the sensing element. When the piezo-resistive elements are
arranged to form a Wheatstone bridge circuit an analog voltage
signal is produced that is proportional to the applied pressure.

Piezo-resistive type sensors have a sensitivity of approximately 100

times greater than a wire strain gauge. Also, other strain gauges
must usually be bonded to a dissimilar force sensing material with
different composition and thermal characteristics. The wire strain
gauge sensor is subject to degradation from failure of the bond to
the force sensing element, thermal effects and plastic deformation
of the force-sensing element. In contrast, the silicon based piezo
resistors may be integral with a silicon wafer that serves as the
force-sensing element. This eliminates many of the inherent
problems with thermal effects and bonding. Silicon has very good
elasticity throughout the typical operational range and normally fails
only by rupturing.

Strain gauge and piezo-resistive transmitters are available with

ranges of a few inches water column (in. wc.) to thousands of
pounds per square inch (psi). Available transmitter packaging
ranges from moulded plastic to forged stainless steel depending on
the application and price.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD


Process connections for pressure instruments are typically made

using piping or tubing. The majority of applications in the HVAC
DDC field fall into two categories, the first being ductwork and
plenums, and the second being piping.

Ductwork and Plenums

Special sensing tips are often used when connecting pressure

instruments to ductwork for measurement of static, velocity, or
total pressures. This is necessary because improper orientation of
an open-ended tube type probe can result in unreliable readings
due to the directional nature of the pressures being measured.
Numerous types of pressure probes are available for these
applications. Many of these probes are adaptations of the Pitot tube
used in pressure and flow measurement.


The major considerations for the installation of a pressure element

in a fluid system should include provisions for the following:

o sensor location (pipe mounted, tank mounted, remote)

o isolation of the sensing element from undesirable and
potentially damaging transient pressures, such as those
resulting from water hammer and turbulence
o temporary isolation from the pressure source for maintenance
and release of trapped pressure when removing the sensor for
maintenance or for setting zero during calibration
o over-range protection for differential pressure instruments
o protection from process temperature outside of the range of
the sensor application
o venting trapped, non-condensable gases in liquid sensing
o draining trapped liquids from gas

Pressure dampeners are used to reduce the magnitude of pressure

transients. These can be a sintered metal element with small
openings, a small orifice fitting, a high-pressure drop valve (such as
a needle valve), or a pressurized gas filled container mounted on
the sensing piping.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Electrical Measurements

Monitoring of electrical system attributes is required to protect

system components, determine power and energy consumption of
various components, and implement usage and demand control
strategies to conserve energy. A variety of hardware and techniques
are applied to these measurements for measurements by the DDCs.

There are a variety of devices that are used to measure the

electrical system parameters. Two most common are current
transducers and power measuring devices.

Current Transducers

Current transducers are used in DDC control systems to monitor

current flow to motors, heaters, or electrical distribution systems.
The input to DDC may be used for demand limiting purposes,
control, or energy accounting. The sensing element of a current
transducer is typically a current transformer. It transforms the
current being monitored into a higher voltage, lower current.
Additional circuitry reduces this voltage to the desired level. Current
transducers may have line and load terminals for the monitored
current, or they may be arranged as a coil that the current carrying
conductor passes through. With this arrangement, the load
conductor induces the current in the transformer via the
electromagnetic field surrounding the conductor. Current
transformers and transducers are available with solid or split cores.
The split core device may be installed without disconnecting the
power conductor provided that there is sufficient slack in the
conductor and room in the enclosure. Accuracy of ±0.5 % of full
scale is readily available.

Power Monitoring Devices

Commonly monitored characteristics of a power system include:

o Power Demand (measured normally in kW)

o Power Consumption (measured normally kW per hour)
o Voltage (measured normally in Volts)
o Current (measured normally in Amps)
o Frequency (measured normally in Hertz)
o Power Factor
o Reactive Power - (measured normally in kVAR)

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Many panel level monitoring devices measure all or most of these
characteristics and can communicate to the DDC system through a
gateway. These are typically used to monitor whole building power
systems. Other devices measure power and power consumption
only and provide both analog and pulse signals for input to the DDC
system. These sensors are typically installed at the terminal use
point of power systems, such as variable speed drive controlled
pump and fan motors. Accuracy ±0.2% of reading and ±0.04% of
full scale are available.

There are other methods of monitoring demand and consumption.

One of the simplest methods is to obtain a pulse signal output from
the utility company's metering equipment. This can be input directly
to a controller with pulse input capability, or a pulse to analog signal
transducer may be used. The pulse represents a set number of
kilowatt-hours. Average demand is calculated using a rolling time
average of the number of pulses over the stipulated time period.
Average demand is typically calculated for billing purposes over a 5,
15, or 30 minute period. Power consumption and demand may also
be calculated using current transformers to measure current flow
and voltage transducers to measure voltage on the selected load or
system. The DDC controller calculates the demand from these
values, and integrates this value over time to determine power use.

Other Electrical Measurement Devices

Transducers are available to provide a standard voltage or current

input to a controller based on measured frequency, reactive power,
or power factor. Available devices for load protection are available
that monitor three phase voltages and provide a relay signal to
disconnect loads if the power supply becomes unsuitable for
continued operation due to conditions such as phase failure, phase
imbalance, low or high voltage, or phase reversal.

Energy Measurement

The measurement of energy is a very important aspect of the DDC

system. Savings due to operational procedures and equipment
performance can be directly determined through this measurement.
A variety of devices and methods are currently available.

The three most common energy measurements used for DDC

systems are airside, waterside and electrical energy measurements.
Airside energy measurements are typically calculated in the DDC
system using air temperature and flow rate measurements.
Waterside energy can be calculated in the DDC system or with
energy measuring devices called BTU meters. Electrical energy

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

measurements can be calculated in the DDC system or with Power
Monitoring Devices.

Nowadays “Dual source” energy meters are available. These can

measure energy from two different sources, say one from the utility
company and the other from the captive DG set. The advantage of
having these 2 in 1 energy meters is charging the end users with
different tariffs for usage of power from different sources. These are
available in both 1 phase and 3 phase models. Multi client buildings,
CGO buildings, can be provided with these dual energy meters for
pinpointing energy usage and thus provide the building manager to
provide better energy management practices. Almost all dual
energy meters provide either a pulse output or a RS 232 port for
monitoring through a BMS.

BTU Metering Devices

BTU meters are used to determine energy flows in hydronic systems

within a facility for accounting or control purposes. Determination of
heat flow requires measuring the heat transfer medium flow and the
difference in temperature between the supply and return to the
metered load or producer.

With suitable software, this can be accomplished using the DDC

system. This may also be accomplished external to the DDC system
using a microprocessor-based computer with flow and temperature
inputs, and analog output to the DDC system representing totalized
energy consumption in BTU or ton-hours, or energy flow in BTU per
hour, tons, or similar units. Many manufacturers of flow
measurement devices offer this type of system.

Power Monitoring Devices

Power monitoring devices can be used to monitor electrical energy

usage. They can either directly measure the energy usage by
providing pulses that represent kW per hour, or can provide an
analog signal that measures power which can be used in an energy
calculation (over time) in the DDC system.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Gas Concentration Measurement

With the increased interest in indoor air quality and the need to
monitor potentially dangerous gases, gas concentration
measurements have become increasing more important in DDC
system design. Many devices are currently available for use in HVAC

There are many types of gas measuring devices available for use
with DDC systems. By far, the three most common gases measured
in HVAC applications are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and
refrigerant gases.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is most commonly

generated as the by-product of the incomplete combustion of
carbon based fuels. Carbon monoxide is generated by all fuel
burning equipment, including internal combustion engines. Carbon
monoxide detectors are used to operate ventilation equipment to
prevent carbon monoxide levels from becoming unsafe. They are
also used to warn facility owners and occupants of unsafe levels in
garages, loading docks, tunnels, and other areas where vehicles are
operated. Solid state sensing technology is most commonly used.
Single or multiple sensing point versions are available that can
provide contact closures at one or more set levels and/or analog
signals that are proportional to carbon monoxide concentration.

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a non-toxic gas produced by the respiration of

living organisms, by the complete combustion of carbon, or by
photosynthesis in green plants. Carbon dioxide exists in the air in
the amount of 320-350 parts per million. Carbon dioxide
concentration inside of buildings has been related to general
ventilation adequacy and is commonly monitored by DDC control
systems as a measure of indoor air quality and ventilation
adequacy. It is also measured by DDC systems and used to control
outdoor air fans and dampers to keep the concentration below set

The most commonly used sensing technology is Non-Dispersive

Infra-Red (NDIR). This is based on the principle that carbon dioxide
gas absorbs infrared radiation at the 4.2 µm wavelength.
Attenuation of an infrared source can be related to the gas
concentration in air in the range of 0-5000 parts per million with a
general accuracy of plus or minus 150 ppm or even upto 50 ppm
over narrower ranges. Solid state sensing technology is also used.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Single or multiple sensing point versions are available that can
provide contact closures at one or more set levels and/or analog
signals that are proportional to carbon monoxide concentration.

Refrigerant Gas

Refrigerant gas detectors use is yet to catch up in India. However

abroad, especially where safety codes for mechanical refrigeration
have been in vogue, the refrigerant gas detectors have been in
widespread use in the operation of emergency ventilation systems
to evacuate hazardous concentrations of refrigerant gas in
machinery rooms and other applicable enclosed areas.

Detectors broadly sensitive to families of CFC and HCFC gases

commonly used as refrigerants are available. Gas specific detectors
are also available to detect individual refrigerant gases including
CFC, HFC, HCFC and ammonia specific to the equipment in use. The
most commonly used are infrared (IR), photo-acoustic, and solid
state sensing technologies. Single or multiple sensing point versions
are available that can provide contact closures at one or more set
levels and/or analog signals that are proportional to refrigerant

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Occupancy sensors

Occupancy sensors are commonly used in building control systems

to operate lighting and room air conditioning equipment. Sensors
turn lights and air conditioning equipment off (or to reduced levels)
when no occupants are detected. This is done to minimize energy
consumption. Occupancy sensors may be designed to detect motion
or differences in background infrared radiation and the radiation
emitted from a human occupant. Many occupancy sensors used for
lighting also incorporate photocells or other light sensitive devices
to reduce lighting when ambient light is sufficient.

Nowadays standalone occupancy sensors are finding wide use in the

department. For example, in Mumbai the cabins and toilets of CGO
buildings are being provided with occupancy sensors to switch off
lights and / or air conditioners when not required. These buildings
do not have any BMS installed. However more study needs to be
done in providing occupancy sensors, especially where frequent
power cuts, which involves switching over from utility power supply
to DG set, is in vogue.

Position sensors

Position sensors and transmitters are used in HVAC system controls

where the feedback of position is necessary for precise control of
system components, such as valves and dampers, or where
monitoring of position is necessary or desired. Position transmitters
commonly operate using a slide-wire or rotary potentiometer to
provide a variable resistance that change with linear or rotary

The Experience

The SEBI Bhavan used the following sensors. Advantages and

problems faced during execution are also given.

1. Temperature Sensors: Duct mounted, stem type and wall

mounted sensors were used. Stem type sensors were used in
piping near the chillers, chilled water pumps, condenser
water pumps and near the AHUs inlet and outlet chilled water
lines. Wall mounting temperature sensors were used in the
AHU rooms where the return was not ducted and the wall
mounting sensors were used for return air temperature
monitoring. Duct mounted sensors were used in the return
air ducting of a few AHUs that had ducted return air. The
approved makes in SEBI were Siemens / Greystone / Sauter

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

/ Kele / Sontay / Novar while the make of the sensors used in
SEBI was Greystone.

2. There were no problems with the sensors used in SEBI. But

the room temperature sensors and air quality sensors in the
AHU room were wall mounted. The wall mounting as such
was not a problem, but the room acoustic insulation had
already been carried out by the HVAC contractor. Therefore
the BMS agency had to cut out the insulation for installing
the sensors and “making good the same” took quite some
time by the BMS agency, after a lot of persuasion by CPWD.

3. The temperature and differential pressure sensors were used

for monitoring the pumps. For installing the sensors in the
piping through the thermowells, holes / openings in the
piping were to be provided by the department, through the
HVAC contractor. The HVAC contractor did provide holes, but
a few of them were used it for his own temperature sensors.
The work was thus delayed.

4. in the piping Duct Position sensors and transmitters are used

in HVAC system controls where the feedback of position is
necessary for precise control of system components, such as
valves and dampers, or where monitoring of position is
necessary or desired. Position transmitters commonly
operate using a slide-wire or rotary potentiometer to provide
a variable resistance that change with linear or rotary

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD




D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Typical Control Logics

read, I remember
see, I understand
do, I Know
How much ever we keep reading all the matter on a particular
subject, we all know that hands-on experience is second to none in
understanding a subject. Likewise in BMS, how much ever effort has
been taken in drawing upon the best sources available on the
subject, the invaluable experience gained in implementing the BMS
system in the SEBI Building has its own lessons. The complete
process of implementation of the BMS system of SEBI building is
given in the pages that follow.
Note: In SEBI, the BMS was part of the Integrated Building
Automation System (IBAS). The IBAS also included security related
equipment like Closed Circuit Television System, Access Control
System, Intrusion detection and the Digital Public Address System.
The matters relating to other packages are not discussed due to
security reasons.
Brief Introduction:
SEBI: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was set
up under the SEBI Act 1992. SEBI was set up by the Govt. of India
as a regulatory body to protect the interests of the investor and
detect and track market frauds. SEBI was earlier having offices
scattered over Mumbai. In order to have better coordination
between the various departments and reduce the huge rental costs,
it was decided to go for a single office in Mumbai resulting in SEBI
SEBI awarded the work to the CPWD, against stiff competition from
NBCC, IRCON, LIC etc based on its track record and excellent
engineering skills backed by an able audit and vigilance support
services. CPWD took the work as a challenge and completed the
work in record time, without any cost or time overrun. The project
was executed by a dedicated Project Team comprising the SEBI
Project Civil Division and the SEBI Project Electrical Division. A few
packages on the civil side were also executed by another division,
the Navi Mumbai Central Division.
A composite contract with E&M services of Internal EI, Sub station,
HVAC, Fire alarm and Fire fighting system was operated. Other E&M
services were handled as separate contracts with different agencies.
Building: SEBI Bhavan is a multi storeyed building with two
basements, ground plus eight floors.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

BMS: As already mentioned, in SEBI the BMS was part of the
Integrated Building Automation System (IBAS). The work was
carried out by Honeywell Automation India Limited (HAIL), Mumbai
branch, headquartered in Pune. HAIL is a part of the Honeywell
Group headquartered in the United States. The agreement amount
was 1.74 crores. The other short listed agencies for the price bid
were Siemens Building Technologies, iMetrex Technologies
(formerly DATS and presently a part of Siemens Building
Technologies) and Race Technologies Ltd.
In taking the details that follow as a reference for carrying out BMS
works please note the following vary from site to site.
1. No of Points for which the software licence is to be taken
2. No of user licenses required.
3. Cost.
Services: The following are the various services for which control
and / or monitoring is provided by the BMS.
1. AC high side equipment comprising chillers, chilled water
pumps, condenser water pumps, cooling towers, etc.
(Control and Monitoring)
2. AC low side equipment comprising Air handling units and fan
coil units (Control and Monitoring)
3. Ventilation equipment consisting of 2 speed basement
ventilation / smoke exhaust fans, atrium exhaust fans,
service rooms (forced) ventilation fans, lift pressurisation
fans etc. (Control and Monitoring)
4. Non essential electrical floor panels (Control and Monitoring)
5. 6 nos 13 passenger lifts and 1 no 1500 kg service lift (Only
6. Fire fighting system comprising sprinkler and wet riser
system (Only Monitoring)
7. Fire alarm system comprising addressable devices and
intelligent fire alarm panel (Only Monitoring)
8. Diesel Generating System comprising 2 nos 380 kVA DG
Sets (Only Monitoring)
9. 500 LPD water treatment plant (Only Monitoring)
10. VFD based Hydro Pneumatic System (Only Monitoring)
The logic for all the above systems is discussed one by one in the
following pages

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

1. High Side Equipment
Equipment and details: The peak heat load is 580 TR. There are 24x7
loads (server room, web server rooms, security control room, BMS
room etc.).The equipment consists of 3 nos 200 TR and 1 no 90 TR
“YORK” Chillers. The 90 TR chiller caters to holiday and 24x7 loads.
There are 4 (3 working 1 standby) nos VFD driven chilled water
pumpsets and 4 (3 working 1 standby) nos condenser water pumps
catering to the 200 TR Chillers. Another 1 set of chilled water and
condenser water pumpsets is provided for the 90 TR chillers. 3 nos
300 TR 2 speed cooling towers are provided. There are 3 electrical
panels for the high side equipment. The first panel controls 2 nos
200TR chillers, 2 set of chilled water & condenser water pumpsets
and 1 no 300 TR cooling tower. The second panel controls 1 no 200
TR chiller, 2 set of chilled water & condenser water pumpsets and 1
no 300 TR cooling tower. The third panel controls 1 no 90 TR chiller,
1 set of chilled water & condenser water pumpsets and 1 no 300 TR
cooling tower. The third panel is fed from the essential supply
Control Logic
1. The 200 TR chillers are operated on weekdays. The 90 TR
chiller is operated on holidays and also in case of mains
power failure. Equal runtime is maintained amongst all the
200 TR chillers.
2. The chiller start up sequence as given below is initiated 15
minutes before start of normal office time (or any
programmed time). The 90 TR chiller is started first
(assuming it is off)
a. The by pass valve is opened fully.
b. The condenser pump for the 90 TR chiller is started.
c. After 2 minutes the pump run status is checked.
d. If okay, signal for the cooling tower to start is sent.
(The cooling tower that is to operate is the least
operated of the three based on runtime)
e. The chilled water pumpset for the 90 TR chiller is
f. After 2 minutes the pump run status is checked with
VFD set to the lowest permissible value.
g. If okay, outlet valve of the 90 TR chiller is opened.
h. The signal for starting the chiller is sent
i. After 5 minutes the status is checked.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

3. If the pump or chiller run status is not OK, the equipment is
switched off and the next equipment in sequence is started.
An alarm is generated indicating the defective equipment.
4. Based on the pressure detected in system by the Differential
Pressure Transmitter the by-pass valve will be activated to
ensure a balanced flow across the loads and the by-pass
5. Every five minutes the Differential Pressure between the
Supply and the Return Lines is monitored and if it varies
from the set point, the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) of
the operating pump is operated using the PID Controller
6. The VFD is operated between 50 Hz to the lower limit so as
to ensure minimum flow through the chiller as
recommended by the chiller manufacturer.
7. The common chilled water return temperature is measured
by immersion type temperature sensor (used to estimate
instantaneous load)
8. If the Common Return Chilled Water temperature exceeds
12ºC (i.e. load of the building has exceeded 90TR) and the
Pump is operating at 50Hz (i.e. VFD not operative), the first
200TR Chiller start-up sequence is initiated.
9. The first 200 TR Chiller start up sequence:
a. The condenser pump (least operated amongst four)
for the 200 TR chiller is started.
b. After 2 minutes the pump run status is checked.
c. The chilled water pumpset (least operated amongst
four) for the 200 TR chiller is started.
d. After 2 minutes the pump run status is checked with
VFD set to the lowest permissible value.
e. If okay, outlet valve of the 200 TR chiller is opened.
f. The signal for starting the chiller is sent.
g. After 5 minutes the run status of the chiller is taken.
10. After the 200 TR chiller run status is checked and found ok
then the 90 TR chiller shutdown sequence is initiated.
11. The 90 TR Chiller shutdown sequence:
a. The 90 TR chiller is switched off.
b. After waiting for 5 minutes the outlet valve of the
chiller is closed.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

c. The chilled water pumpset associated with the 90 TR
chiller is switched off.
d. The condenser water pumpset associated with the 90
TR chiller is switched off.
12. If the common return chilled water temperature exceeds 12
Deg Celsius, i.e. the load of the building has exceeded 200
TR, and the VFD of the chilled water pump is operating at its
maximum frequency of 50 Hz, the second 200 TR chiller
startup sequence is initiated.
13. Second 200 TR chiller start up sequence: Determine, out of
the two remaining sets of 200 TR chillers, which chiller has
to be operated by selecting the least operated out of the
a. The second condenser operated pumpset (least
operated out of the remaining three) shall be started.
b. After two minutes the pump run status is checked.
c. If the pump run status is ok, then the signal for the
second 300 TR cooling tower (least operated out of
the two) is sent.
d. The second chilled water pumpset (least operated
out the three) for the 200 TR chiller is started.
e. After two minutes the pump run status is checked
with VFD set to the lowest permissible level.
f. If the pump run status is ok, the outlet valve for the
second 200 TR chiller is opened.
g. Then the start signal for the second 200 TR chiller is
h. After five minutes the run status of the second 200
TR chiller is checked.
14. If the common return chilled water temperature exceeds 12
Deg Celsius, i.e. the load of the building has exceeded 400
TR, and the VFD of the chilled water pump is operating at its
maximum frequency of 50 Hz, the third 200 TR chiller
startup sequence is initiated.
15. The third 200 TR chiller start up sequence is initiated.
a. The third condenser operated pumpset (least
operated out of the remaining two) shall be started.
b. After two minutes the pump run status is checked.
c. If the pump run status is ok, then the signal for the
third 300 TR cooling tower is sent.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

d. The third chilled water pumpset (least operated out
the two) for the 200 TR chiller is started.
e. After two minutes the pump run status is checked
with VFD set to the lowest permissible level.
f. If the pump run status is ok, the outlet valve for the
third 200 TR chiller is opened.
g. Then the start signal for the third 200 TR chiller is
h. After five minutes the run status of the third 200 TR
chiller is checked.
16. The load of the building (as of now) shall not exceed 600 TR,
the estimated peak load of the building being 580 TR.
17. If the common return chilled water temperature falls below
10.3 deg Celsius (i.e. the load has fallen below 400 TR) and
the VFD on the chilled water pumpset is operating at its
lowest permissible frequency i.e., the VFD is inoperative,
then the shutdown sequence for the third 200 TR chiller shall
be activated. The chillers, pumpsets and cooling towers to
be shut down shall be selected based on which has operated
for the largest number of hours at that point.
18. Third 200 TR Chiller shutdown sequence:
a. The third 200 TR chiller shall be shut off.
b. The outlet valve of the chiller shall be closed after
five minutes of chiller shutdown.
c. The chilled water pumpset shall be switched off.
d. The cooling tower shall be switched off.
e. The condenser water pumpset shall be switched off
19. If the common return chilled water temperature falls below
9.5 deg Celsius (i.e. the load has fallen below 200 TR) and
the VFD on the chilled water pumpset is operating at its
lowest permissible frequency i.e. the VFD is inoperative,
then the shutdown sequence for the second 200 TR chiller
shall be activated.
a. The second 200 TR chiller shall be shut off.
b. The outlet valve of the chiller shall be closed after
five minutes of chiller shutdown.
c. The chilled water pumpset shall be switched off.
d. The cooling tower shall be switched off.
e. The condenser water pumpset shall be switched off

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

20. If the common return chilled water temperature falls below
9.0 deg Celsius (i.e. the load has fallen below 90 TR) and
the VFD on the chilled water pumpset is operating at its
lowest permissible frequency i.e. the VFD is inoperative,
then the startup sequence for the 90 TR chiller shall be
activated. After the activation of the 90 TR chiller, the
shutdown sequence for the third 200 TR shall be activated.
21. Start up sequence for the 90 TR chiller:
a. The condenser water pumpset shall be started
b. The pump run status is checked after two minutes
c. The 90 TR chilled water pumpset shall be activated
provided the condenser water pumpset and the
cooling tower status is found ok.
d. The pump run status is checked after two minutes
e. The signal for the start up of the 90 TR chiller is sent
f. After five minutes the status of the chiller is checked.
22. Shut down sequence for the first 200 TR chiller: This shall be
activated after the 90 TR chiller comes on line.
a. The first 200 TR chiller is switched off.
b. The outlet valve of the chiller shall be closed after
five minutes of chiller shutdown.
c. The first 200 TR chilled water pumpset is switched off
d. The first 200 TR condenser water pumpset is
switched off.
23. If any of the designated chillers, pumps or cooling towers
fails to either operate or happen to trip during operation, an
alarm signal shall be generated and the next designated
equipment shall be activated. The defective equipment shall
be “locked out” and shall not be considered in the sequence
of operation till the time the defect is set right and
acknowledged with the BMS engineer.
24. The logic of operating the VFDs on the chilled water
pumpsets is as follows:
a. Constant differential pressure is maintained across
the supply and return chilled water lines.
b. The two valves are activated by the thermostats /
temperature controllers as soon as the load drops on
the low side.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

c. This causes a reduction in demand of the chilled
water flow which results in increase the pressure of
the chilled water supply circuit.
d. The differential pressure sensor, installed across the
supply and return water line, activates the 3 way
chilled water motorized modulating valve on the
relief bypass line.
e. The flow sensor installed on the relief bypass line
senses the reduction in flow and the BMS reduced
the output of the chilled water flow by reducing the
frequency of the VFD to the lowest permissible value.
25. Maintenance alarm: The runtime of all the equipment is
logged and a maintenance alarm is generated based on the
manufacturer’s recommendation.
2. Low Side Equipment
Equipment and details: A total of 31 AHUs of varying capacities have been
installed in the SEBI Building. The break up of the same is given below:
Tonnage Installation Quantity
5 TR (2000 CFM) Ceiling suspended 6 nos
10 TR (4000 CFM) Ceiling suspended / Loft mounted 2 nos
10 TR (5500 CFM) Floor mounted (Server Rooms) 4 nos
12 TR (4800 CFM) Loft mounted 2 nos
15 TR (6000 CFM) Floor mounted 2 nos
20 TR ( 8000 CFM) Floor mounted 2 nos
25 TR (10000 CFM) Floor mounted 1 no
30 TR (12000 CFM) Floor mounted 2 nos
35 TR (14000 CFM Floor mounted 11 nos
Apart from the above a total of 56 nos fan coil units (FCUs) have been
provided in those areas that are required to have 24x7 air conditioning. These
areas include all the hub & telephone rooms, EPABX room, BMS control
room, Fire console room, UPS rooms etc.
All the AHUs and FCUs are started and stopped on pre programmed time
schedules. The starting time of the AHUs serving the general office areas are
kept staggered to reduce the motor starting load on the electrical system.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Control Logic
1. All the AHUs and FCUs are started and stopped on pre
programmed time schedules. It is also possible to schedule
the start and stop time of any and every AHU in the
building. The starting time of the AHUs serving the general
office areas are kept staggered. A manual override function
has been provided for switching ON the AHUs outside the
scheduled times.
2. The control system of the AHU comes into circuit as soon as
the AHU is switched on.
3. The fire damper status is checked first. The “ON” signal is
sent to the AHU motor only when the fire damper status
indicates “OPEN”.
4. A differential pressure sensor continuously monitors the
“dirty filter status”. An alarm is generated when the value
exceeds a preset value. This alarm however, does not
shutdown the AHU.
5. The BMS shall also continuously monitor the return air
temperature using either the room temperature sensor
installed in the AHU room (for AHU having open return air
system) or the duct mounted temperature sensor (for AHUs
provided with ducted return air system. This temperature
forms the basis for controlling the 2 way motorized
modulating valve installed on the chilled water inlet line.
6. When the AHU is off, the modulating valve is also kept
closed and no water shall pass through the cooling coil.
7. In case of power failure and if power is supplied thro the D G
Set all the non critical AHUs are set to run on “ventilation”
mode i.e., only the blower is run and chilled water supply is
cut off by closing the 2 way modulating valve. Critical AHUs
(server room, Executive Floor area, BMS, Fire Console
Room, EPABX etc) are run normally with the chilled water
valve open.
8. In case of fire an input signal is given to the AHU controller
from the BMS system / fire alarm panel and consequently
the AHU shall be switched “OFF”, fresh air dampers are
completely closed and related fire dampers closed.
9. The air quality, Carbon-di-oxide, is continuously measured
by an means of an air quality sensor installed in the AHU
room (for AHU having open return air system) or in the
return air duct (for AHUs provided with ducted return air
system). This forms the basis for controlling the fresh air

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

10. If the contamination level exceeds a pre set level the BMS
opens the modulating damper further to admit more fresh
air into the AHU.
11. A minimum level of fresh air is pre programmed depending
on the floor area of the conditioned space. This is to ensure
that irrespective of the occupancy, a uniform level of air
quality is maintained.
12. The AHUs are started and stopped based on a pre-
programmed time schedule corrected by a history event
initiated event. The AHU is shutdown and an alarm sent to
the BMS on the following:
a. In case no air flow is built up within 30 seconds of
start signal.
b. In case of failure of chilled water system.
c. In case the fire damper is closed.
d. In case of fire detection from the area being served
the AHU.
13. As part of energy conservation measures, SEBI has started
scheduled switching of AHUs in the typical floors during
lunch hours i.e. 13.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs. During this time the
staffs are at Dining Hall on the first floor.
14. For most of the areas provided with FCUs in the building,
two FCUs are provided for duty cycling. These areas (closed
rooms without being served by the AHUs) are provided with
a local control panel and a temperature sensor / indicator.
15. Normally the BMS operated FCUs are run alternately round
the clock ensuring equal run times for both the FCUs.
However the temperature controls of the rooms are taken
care of by means of an adjustable thermostat provided
individually with each FCU.
16. The room temperature is continuously monitored by means
of a temperature sensor provided separately in the FCU
control panel. In case the temperature exceeds the preset
temperature i.e., the FCU scheduled for the time is
defective, an alarm is generated in the BMS, the defective
FCU is taken out of the circuits, and the other FCU is
switched on.
17. Maintenance alarm: The runtime of all the AHUs and FCU is
logged and a maintenance alarm is generated based on the
manufacturer’s recommendation.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

3. Ventilation Equipment
Equipment and details: The basements in the SEBI building
house the services as well as the parking. Parking is only for
vehicles of SEBI personnel and there is a provision for parking of
115 vehicles. Ventilation fans have been provided for the parking
areas, service areas, atrium, etc as detailed below:
1. Parking Areas: Each basement has been divided into four
fire zones. Each of these zones has been provided with 2
speed DIDW ventilation cum smoke exhaust fan. There are
thus eight 2 speed fans of 33000 / 66000 CFM( 2 nos),
30000 / 60000 CFM ( 1 no), 28000 / 56000 CFM( 3 nos) and
21000 / 42000 CFM (1 No) capacities. The low speed
corresponds to a 15 air changes per hour and the high speed
to 30 air changes per hour. There are two CO sensors
provided for each fire zone for monitoring the exhaust
smoke from the vehicles. In case the CO content increases
above the preset level, a signal is sent to the BMS and the
BMS operates the corresponding ventilation fan till such time
the level falls back to normal. In case of fire in the
basements, the signal is received by the BMS from the fire
alarm control panel and the basement ventilation fans
operate to high speed, thereby exhausting the smoke at a
faster rate.
2. Staircase Pressurisation Fans: There are 4 staircases, 1
for each zone, from the upper basement to lower basement
and 4 from the lower basement to the ground floor. Each
staircase is provided with a 2000 CFM Axial fan for
pressurisation totalling 8 nos. These fans operate only in
case of fire in the basements on receiving a signal from the
BMS. The supply air for these fans is ducted from the ground
3. Main LT Panel Room: The main LT non essential panel is
housed in the upper basement. (The main essential panel
was shifted to the ground level after the deluge of July
2005). This room also contains 2 capacitor panels apart from
a large number of cables and bus trunking. The room has
been provided with forced ventilation. Two axial flow fans of
5000 CFM each are provided, one for supply and the other
for exhaust. A temperature sensor is provided for monitoring
the temperature and in case temperature increases a signal
is sent to the BMS which in turn activates both the supply air
and exhaust air fans.
4. SEBI HT Room: The Battery room is housed in the upper
basement and provided with 2000 CFM supply and exhaust
fans and a temperature sensor. These fans operate in a

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

similar fashion like those provided in Main LT Panel Room.
Similar is the case for Transformer Room, SEBI HT
Room, Supply Company (Tata Power Company) HT
Room, Battery Room and Ventilation Panel Room. All
these areas are provided with 2000 CFM supply air fans,
exhaust air fans and operate simultaneously depending on
the SEBI HT Room temperature sensor.
5. STP Room: The Sewage Treatment Plant room has been
provided in the lower basement. However the 5000 CFM
exhaust fan has been provided in the upper basement and is
exhausted from the upper basement to above the terrace
level. An air quality sensor is provided in the STP room
which monitors, among others, the H2S level in the room. In
case the H2S exceeds the preset levels, the exhaust fan is
activated by the BMS.
6. DG Set Room: The DG Set Room houses 2 nos 380 kVA
Diesel Generator Sets and the main essential panel. Seven
nos. roof exhausters (3 of 1000 CFM and 4 of 1500 CFM) are
provided. A temperature sensor in the room monitors the
temperature and all the fans are activated together through
the BMS when the temperature exceeds the preset level.
7. Atrium Exhaust Fan: There are two atria in SEBI Bhavan,
the north atrium upto 7 floors and south atrium upto 6
floors. Both the atria are air conditioned at the ground level.
A part masonry / part GI duct runs from the ceiling level of
the atrium to the SISW fans mounted on the upper terrace.
Two temperature sensors have been provided at the top
portion of each atrium. In case the temperature of any
sensor goes beyond the preset level, one of the fan is
operated on a signal from the BMS, but for not more than 5
minutes at a time. This draws away the warm air and cool
air rushes in at the ground floor. The atrium also acts a
chimney in case of fire and as such the smoke tends to
collect at the top portion of the atrium. In such a case, both
the fans are activated on a signal from the BMS. The fans
provided are 2 nos of 20000 CFM SISW fans for each atrium.
8. Lift Lobby Pressurisation Fan: There are two lift lobbies
for the fans. The passenger lift lobby for 6 lifts and the
service lift lobby for 1 service (goods) lift. As per the CFO
requirement the lift lobbies are to be kept pressurized in
case of fire. Thus two fans are provided for the passenger lift
lobby and the service lift lobby of 20000 CFM and 5000 CFM
capacity respectively. These fans operate in case of fire on a
signal from the BMS which in turns gets the signal from the
fire alarm control panel.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

9. Kitchen Exhaust Fan: There are two kitchens in SEBI, the
executive kitchen on the 8th floor and the main kitchen on
the first floor. The kitchens are vertically parallel. The supply
air and the exhaust fans are provided are common for both
the kitchens. Supply air ducts and exhaust air duct are
provided from the kitchens to the terrace level. The fans are
provided at the terrace level. The capacities of supply air fan
and exhaust air fan are 5000 CFM and 6500 CFM
respectively. Temperature sensors are provided in both the
kitchens. Fans are switched on whenever the sensor in
either of the kitchens’ exceeds the preset limit.
10. Common features: There may be some occasions when
some of the fans are not required to be operated or some
fans may not run for a few days in a row. In order that all
the fans are functioning properly the BMS system runs all
the non critical fans on all working days. And in case of
critical fans, i.e. fans that are required to run in case of fire
condition, at least once in a day on all days. All the fan
panels are provided with trip status and run status as well as
controls for remote on / off. Please see *Fig* for a typical
drawing showing the required controls for BMS monitoring
and control.
4. Pumping & Water supply Equipment
Equipment and details: There is a hydro pneumatic system of
water supply for the domestic and flushing requirements. Also six
sets of pumpsets operate in the lower basement for dewatering
purpose. A make up water system for HVAC requirement is
provided apart from a Sewage Treatment Plant and a water
treatment plant. Fire fighting pumps are provided for wet riser
systems and for sprinkler system. All the equipment are
monitored and / or controlled by the BMS as detailed below:
1. Hydro Pneumatic System: These systems, one for
domestic water supply and other for flushing purpose, are
VFD driven and fully self contained with water indicators,
controllers etc. These have been provided with a RS 232
ports with MODBUS RTU protocol for monitoring only by the
2. Dewatering Pumps: There are 6 dewatering sumps in the
lower basement provided with 2 pumps each. These sumps
have been provided with water level controllers and
automatically operate the respective pumps as required.
These pumps are also only monitored for maintenance
alarm. The monitoring can be done by hard wiring the
contacts provided in the dewatering pump panels.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

3. Sewage Treatment Plant: The sewage treatment plant
has a RS 232 MODBUS RTU protocol for communicating with
the BMS. The operational parameters are to be monitored
and logged by the BMS.
4. Water Treatment Plant: Similar to the STP, the WTP has
also a RS 232 MODBUS RTU protocol for communicating with
the BMS. The operational parameters are to be monitored
and logged by the BMS.
5. Fire Fighting Pumpsets: There are 6 fire fighting
pumpsets, 3 for the hydrant system and 3 for the sprinkler
system, in the basement in addition to the 2 booster
pumpsets, for the hydrant system, on the terrace. Each set
of pumpsets in the basement consists of a pressurisation
(jockey) pumpset, an electric motor driven pumpset and a
diesel engine driven pumpset. The motor control panel has
been provided with sufficient number of potential free
contacts for providing monitoring facility to the BMS.
5. Electrical Panels and related Equipment
Equipment and details: There is a main non-essential LT panel
and another main essential panel in the SEBI Bhavan.
Distribution from the main panels is through a set of rising
mains, 1 essential and 1 non essential, for each wing. Each floor
has floor panel, 1 each for power and lighting load. The floor
panel feeds various loads like essential and non essential lighting
and power, UPS, AHU, computer etc. The programming is such
that under fire condition, all non emergency loads shall trip. All
the equipment are monitored and / or controlled by the BMS as
detailed below:
1. Main Essential Panel: The main essential panel, in the
upper basement, serves the entire essential load in the
building. The panel has a Load Manager and provided with a
RS 232 / pulse output for BMS communication. Upto 6
different parameters like voltage, current, energy, power
factor, kVA, kVAR etc. can be measured and logged by the
2. Main Non Essential Panel: The main non essential panel,
located in the DG set room on ground floor, serves the
entire non essential load in the building. Similar to the non
essential panel, the essential panel has a Load Manager
provided with a RS 232 / pulse output for BMS
communication. Upto 6 different parameters like voltage,
current, energy, power factor, kVA, kVAR etc. can be
measured and logged by the BMS.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

3. Floor Panels: The essential panel floor panels are provided
for each wing on all the floors, including the basements.
These have inputs from two sources, one from the essential
and other from the non essential, controlled either manually
or automatically. In addition auxiliary contactors have been
provided for switching off these panels through either the
BMS or through a remote push button station located on the
ground floor, in the BMS room. A bus coupler with electrical
interlock has been provided for all the panels with dual
source supply. See Photos on the next page. The top one
shows the cabling and the Remote Push button Panel for
electrical panels and AHUs. The photo on the bottom shows
the bus communication modules of the BMS for control and
monitoring of the all the equipment in the building
connected to the BMS. This gives an idea of the amount of
savings in the initial cost (cabling, equipment etc.) and cost
of maintenance (labour, lamps, push buttons etc.) for
conventional remote push button panel vis-à-vis BMS.
Cabling is of course required between the field devices and
the DDCs.
6. Diesel Generator Sets
Equipment and details: There are two nos 380 kVA diesel
generator sets (DG Sets) provided as emergency power backup
in the SEBI building. The role of BMS is limited to only
monitoring the DG set. For this purpose sufficient numbers of
auxiliary contacts have been provided in addition to providing a
RS 232 port with MODBUS RTU protocol in the DG Set control
panel. The parameters that are to be monitored by the BMS are
as detailed below:
1. Engine: The engines’ parameters are mainly obtained from
the MODBUS RTU protocol through the RS 232 port. The
following parameters are to be monitored:

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD



D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

a. Engine Pressure
b. Engine Temperature
c. RPM of engine
d. Lubricant oil level
e. Runtime
f. Run and trip status
g. All alarms
2. Alternator: The alternators’ parameters are obtained from
the control panel through a combination of MODBUS RTU
protocol through the RS 232 port located in the Multifunction
energy meter and hardwired auxiliary contacts. The
following parameters are to be monitored:
a. Alternator phase voltage
b. Alternator line voltage
c. Alternator phase current
d. Alternator line current
e. Power factor
f. Run time
g. Alarms
3. Other Accessories: In addition to the above, the levels of
fuel in the both the tanks of the DG set is monitored. A
flame proof level switch cum controller is used for the task.
As has already been explained in the section “Ventilation
Equipment”, the temperature of the DG Set room is
monitored for automatic operation of the roof extractor
ventilation fans. The same fans are also linked to the DG Set
controller such that the fans automatically operate as soon
as the DG Set starts running.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

7. Vertical Transportation (Elevators)
Equipment and details: There are 6 nos passenger lifts and 1
no service (goods) lift provided in SEBI. Of the six lifts, 3 lifts
travel between ground and eighth floors, 2 lifts between the
lower basement to the eighth floor and one lift, designated VIP
lift, between the upper basement and the eighth floor. The
service lift travels between the lower basement and the eighth
floor. All the lifts have Automatic Rescue Devices installed and 3
lifts are on essential supply. The BMS does the only the
monitoring of the lifts installed. For this the lifts have been
provided a separate module to enable monitoring. The lifts are
monitored by the BMS as detailed below:
1. Normal Working: In normal and on a routine basis all the
lifts are monitored for their floor position, door status etc. In
case of any fault, an alarm shall be raised on the BMS. An
maintenance alarm shall be given by the BMS as per the
manufacturers' recommendation.
2. Fire Condition: In case of fire, an alarm from the fire alarm
control panel is sent to the BMS. Simultaneously the fire
alarm panel also sends a “fire signal” the Lifts control panel.
This activates the pre set sequence for taking the “fire lifts”
to home landing and automatic shut down of other lifts after
stopping the lifts at the nearest floor in the direction of
travel and keeps the doors open at the landing. The BMS
monitors the floor position of the lifts and the status of the
door (Open / Close)
8. Reports:
Reports, both tabular and graphical, are provided by the BMS.
Reports for almost all the equipment connected to the BMS is
generated on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis for
various parameters as per the equipment. These reports are
used by the maintenance manager and other technical staff of
SEBI for their record, energy monitoring, breakdown analysis,
maintenance follow up and any corrective action like
rescheduling of time for operation of equipment, increase in
scheduled maintenance etc.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD





D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

General Specifications
Note: There has been no major editing carried out in the CPWD
specifications. There may be some differences between what has been
documented above and what follows below. In case of any difference
please contact your preferred BMS expert in the industry. This is being
recommended that because specifications may not keep pace with the
rapid changes taking place in the industry.

has recently come out with a publication
titled “CPWD General Specifications
for HVAC Works 2005”. The book
contains, among other specifications, a chapter on Building
Management System (BMS). The relevant chapter from the
publication relating to Building Management System is reproduced
below with the kind permission of the Specifications Committee,
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi. For more details on
the CPWD please visit Copies of the HVAC
specifications and other books published by the CPWD can be had
from Jain Book Depot, New Delhi.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

18.1 SCOPE
The Building Management System (BMS) to be provided
shall perform the following general functions:
Building Management and Control
Monitoring and Control of Controllers, Remote
Devices and Programmable Logic Controllers
Operator Interface
Video display integration
Data collection, and Historization, Alarm
Management. Trending
Report Generation
Network Integration
Data exchange and integration with a diverse range
of other computing and facilities systems using
industry standard techniques.


18.2.1 Maintenance Management

i) Integrated
The system shall provide an integrated Maintenance
Management function. The Maintenance Management
function shall use specified breakdown alarms,
equipment run hours or analog values from the BMS.

ii) Third Party

The system shall be capable of integrating with external
maintenance systems such as Maximo Release 4.0 or
SAP R3 PM (Plant Maintenance). This integration shall
consist of transferring specified breakdown alarms and
equipment run hours from the BMS to the external
maintenance system.


18.3.1 Global Scheduling

A global scheduling tool shall be provided for creating, editing

and maintaining controller time schedules. The global
scheduling tool shall be constructed in a way that allows

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

compatibility with new controller types with minimal additional
The global scheduling tool shall allow downloading of
schedules to multiple controllers in a single operation by
provision of an integrated graphical interface with the
following features:
i) The ability to select controllers from a list of controllers
available for global schedule control
ii) The ability to select from a dynamically-created list of
time schedules already built in the available controllers
iii) The ability to select from a dynamically created list of
descriptors of controller address available for scheduling
iv) The ability to group such address descriptors together
logically for the purpose of applying a single global
a. The ability to build a flexible and graphically displayed
schedule of control periods to a one minute resolution.
Such schedules shall be applicable to individual days
of the week, or to groups of days defined by the terms
weekend, weekday and all-week.
b. The ability to specify special event schedules, which
shall be definable separately and which shall be
configurable to override normal daily schedules.
v) The global scheduling tool shall provide a clear,
graphical indication of the status of each downloadable
schedule element, and shall automatically recover and
complete any schedule download which, for any reason,
has failed or been interrupted.


18.4.1 General

Digital Control Processors / Direct Digital Controller (DDC)

shall be as specified with capacity to accommodate input/
output (I/O) points required for the application plus spare
points specified.

Each DDC will be a truly standalone controller with its own

Input-Output capacity, control logic capability, time
programming and energy management capabilities. All field
equipment including the sensing element (inputs) and control
elements (outputs) would be wired to the respective DDC. It
shall be possible to hook up a DDC to a Portable Operator
Terminal (POT) to enable monitoring and control of the DDC.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

DDC shall be designed for complex DDC and energy
management applications, true peer-to-peer communications
with other DDC and with the Central Operator Stations. The
DDC will be networked on a truly distributed intelligence
concept where each DDC shall be a self-sustained intelligent
device capable of all its functionality's without dependence on
other devices

18.4.2 DDC Hardware:

i) Digital Control Processors (DDC) shall be 16 bit

microprocessor types with Electrical Erasable Program
Read Only Memory (EEPROM) based Operating System
(OS) and shall use EEPROM or flash memory for all data
file and control programs (DDC Programs) and using
RAM only for operating data.
It shall be possible to upgrade a DDC O.S. by
downloading the new O.S without having to change or
replace chips or module.
DDC using EPROM and / or RAM for the Operating
systems & DDC programs or data file shall not be
ii) Each DDC will contain its own integral power supply unit
for powering of the controller as well as sensors.
iii) Each DDC shall have Nickel cadmium / Lithium battery
to support complete operation of the RAM for unto 30
days in the event of a power failure to the DDC. A low
battery voltage status will generate an alarm condition.
iv) DDC shall have internal real-time clocks with 30-day
battery backup power. All time-based controls (time
scheduling, integrations and other real-time based
controls) shall be performed with this real-time resident
clock. Clock synchronization of the DDC on the whole
bus will be automatic. DDC using clocks generated by
software or timers for clocking shall not be accepted.
v) The battery backup power shall support the real-time
clock. Upon power restoration all clocks shall
synchronize automatically.
vi) DDC shall be Single PCB architecture in structure
provided with Power supply module, capacity to
accommodate input/output (I/O) points required for the
application plus spare points as specified. The DDC shall
consist of different I/O points for different signal types.
The DDCs having modular architecture shall not be

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

vii) The DDC's shall be capable of supporting minimum of
221/0s preferably in a combination of 8 AI (iii), 4 DI, 4
AO, 6 DO with minimum of 10% spares of each type per
viii) The DDC should have an integral in-built LCD display of
4 line, 16 character per line, adjustable contrast &
keypad for control and monitor of connected
ix) The DDC would be dedicated standalone in nature and
would be placed near the instrument they are
controlling to reduce the installation and wiring cost.
x) Analogue input support of the following minimum types
shall be provided:
0-1 volts
0-5 volts
0/2-10 volts
Resistance signals (Pt1000, PT3000, PT100, Balco
500, 20k NTC)
xi) Digital Inputs type shall be, but not limited to the
following types:
Normally open discrete contacts
Normally closed discrete contacts
xii) The DDC shall also be capable of accepting binary pulse
signals as totalizer inputs (20 Hz max.)
xiii) Analog outputs shall be true proportional outputs.
Digital Outputs shall be relay contact outputs and not
TTL based outputs. Contact ratings shall be as specified.
DDCs having analog floating control outputs instead of
proportional analog output shall not be acceptable.
xiv) All controller terminations shall be via screwed 1 plug in
terminations to facilitate troubleshooting, repair and
replacement. Soldering of connections shall not be
xv) Each DDC shall be configured with an array of analog
and digital input and output boards to meet the
application requirements, including specified spares.
xvi) DDC shall have LEDs for continuous indication of power
and operational status. DDC shall also have LEDs to
indicate internal diagnostics and communications status.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

xvii) All panel electronics shall be installed in suitable
enclosures. Equipment room panels shall have hinged
doors and shall also contain all load relays, transducers,
terminals and associated equipment. The panel
packaging shall be such that complete installation of the
field equipment and field wiring can be done prior to the
installation of the electronics.
xviii) DDC requiring fans cooling are not acceptable

18.4.3 DDC POT functionality shall be as follows:

i) There will be an electrical socket/port in every DDC for

accessing the data points and real time information via
a portable plug-in type Portable Operator Terminal
a. The POT shall not have any EEPROM and shall not
require any programming.
b. The POT will plug into the DDC for its power and
data. The POT which are not plugged in to the
DDC but are hard wired from the Interface unit,
PC station or any other device shall not be
ii) The connection of the POT to a controller shall not affect
normal operation of the controller or the bus
communication in any way.
iii) The connection of the POT to any controller on a bus
shall provide display access to all controllers on the bus.
Each DDC shall have provision for plugging of the POT.
iv) It shall be possible for the POT to be connected to any
controller on the bus to view and control any point on
any other controller on the bus under password
protected menus. POTs in which only a predefined
number & set of points are available shall not be
v) A failure of any DDC on the bus, Interface unit or
Central PC station or any other device of the system
shall not affect the operation of the POT.
vi) Systems in which the POT is connected to only a single
interface master port and hard wired to other controllers
are not acceptable.
vii) Use of a POT at DDC shall allow the user to display
software information; and, via password control,
modify DDC software.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

viii) Access to information through the POT shall be
controlled via multiple operator password levels. There
shall be a minimum of the following operator levels:
a. Level 1: read only
b. Level 2: read with limited change capability
(change set points etc.)
c. Level 3: read with unlimited change capability
ix) All displays on the POT shall be via English language
text and data points shall have customised descriptions
as per application requirement.
x) The POT shall be equipped with a multiple lines (with
minimum of six lines of 34 characters each) backlit
alphanumeric LCD display and a control keypad. The
keypad would include Command keys, data entry keys
and cursor control keys
xi) Access shall be through self-prompting menus with
cursor controls for moving through the menus. Menu
selection would be with arrow key controls for moving to
next/previous menu and to step forward / backward
within a menu
xii) In case of an alarm occurrence in the DDC, an Alarm
details window will automatically pop up on the POT's
display irrespective of the menu the operator may be on
at that instant.
xiii) The alarm display would include alarm priority (critical,
routine, etc.) and personalized alarm text message to
enable immediate distinguishing between different types
of alarms.
xiv) In addition to current alarm displays the POT would also
display alarm history of a minimum of last 99 alarms of
connected DDC with date/time and alarm details.
xv) It shall be possible for the Central Operator Station to
override the commands given through the POT.
xvi) It shall be possible to also connect the POT to any DDC
from a remote location using line drivers to provide a
minimum distance of 1000 meters between the POT and
the DDC.
xvii) It shall be possible, under password control to read,
modify all types of points irrespective of the hardware
type or point nature. These will include but not be
limited to: all Analog and Digital Inputs and Outputs,
Alarm Limits, Runtime /Cycle counts, Set points, Control

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

parameters (P, I, D values), all other programmed
software points.
xviii) The following are minimum functionalities that a POT
shall possess:
a. Display all point summary and alarm summary
b. Display/Change Analog and Digital Point
c. Display event logs and current alarm logs
d. Display/Change Time Schedules
e. Display/Change Alarm Limit values
f. Display/change Set points and other pseudo
points and control parameters
g. Display/ Change Point Auto/Manual Status
h. Display/Change Point Offset values
i. Display/Change Runtimes, Runtime limits, service
Intervals, Cycle counts.
j. Enable Disable points, programs
k. Display Historical Trends for points.
l. Display / Change System Clock (date, time)
m. Enable/Suppress Point Alarm capabilities
n. Display Diagnostics; Access initialisation and DDC

18.4.4 DDC Data Communications

i) All DDC shall be interconnected via a communications

network to provide data communication between the
DDC as well as with the Central Operator Station on a
peer-to-peer basis. All networks shall support data
exchange, sensor sharing and global application
program communications
ii) Single or multiple DDC microprocessor failures on the
network or a failure of the Central Operator Station shall
not cause loss of communications in the remainder of
the network.
iii) All communications shall be via dedicated twisted pair
iv) The DDC communications network shall be on true peer
protocol such that each device has equal rights for data

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

transfer and shall report data in its token passing time
v) No single device shall be designated as the network
communications master but each device on the bus
shall be capable of taking over the function of bus
monitor to assure that loss of any single device will not
cause bus failure.
vi) Systems using dedicated network communication
controllers (using Poll response or Master slave type
communications) or other single point of failure devices
in lieu of a true peer protocol are not acceptable.
vii) Error recovery and communication initialization routines
are to be resident in each bus-connected device. A bus-
disconnect will not affect the communications of the
connected devices
viii) Each DDC controller shall have in it a resident
'communications watchdog', which shall generate an
alarm on the POT as well as the Central Operator station
in case of a communication failure on the DDC bus. The
alarm will indicate the address of the device that has
failed to communicate.
ix) For reliability, maintainability, and performance
communication busses shall be extendable to 4000 feet
without active links, hubs, or repeaters. It shall be
possible to extend the bus beyond 4000 feet unto at
least 20000 feet by using bus devices such as repeaters
without affecting the baud rate and performance.
x) Other than sensor/data sharing specified (with failure
default procedures), under no circumstances shall DDC
programs be communications dependent i.e. the
application programs resident in each DDC shall be
whole & complete for the connected application
requirement and shall not require communication with
any other DDC application program.
xi) Each DDC should have facility for connection to a
modem to enable remote connectivity. This shall
provide a remote device such as a PC operator station
access to complete information (data point information
as well as command controls) from remotely located
DDCs or a network of DDCs through dial-out telephone
xii) It shall be possible to connect a Fax, Modem and/or
Printer directly on to the Communication bus of the
DDC's to receive alarms and messages from all DDC's

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

on the bus. The failure of any Device shall not affect the
operation of Fax, modem or printer connected to the
bus. Also the operation of the Fax/Modem /Printers shall
be independent of any higher level PC station.

18.4.5 DDC Controller Software Functionality

i) Each DDC shall be programmable and shall have its own

(DDC resident) control logic and energy management
programs to meet the detailed sequence of operation as
per the application requirement.
ii) Each DDC would be 'freely' programmable such that
customised application programs as per desired
logic/energy management requirements might be
programmed in each DDC.
iii) The software shall be fully modifiable, and not restricted
by vendor's specific configuration guidelines. All DDC
control software shall be designed via a graphic
programming facility, the detailed graphic design of
which shall be provided as system documentation.
iv) Controllers who are configured to a specific application
allowing only configuration of the application shall not
be acceptable.
v) The programming flexibility should be resident in each
DDC and not in any other network controller.
vi) Each DDC should be standalone in respect to the control
programs resident in it. DDC shall not depend on any
other device on the bus for any of control logics and/or
energy management program execution.
vii) A failure of any device on the network shall not affect
the Software execution in the other DDC.
viii) In case of failure of a DDC, the Central Station or any
other device on the bus, all the logics, energy
management programs and other control functions
programmed in all other DDC shall continue to execute
without any functional degradation.
ix) These Control Logic software programs will be resident
on the EEPROM of the respective controller. Online
Programming of the DDC would be achieved by direct
downloading of the programs from a PC/Laptop
x) Systems requiring burning of EPROM’s or off line
programming shall not be acceptable

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

xi) The programming of the DDC shall be possible with the
controller online the Central operator station and
without disruption to its communications. The process
will not necessitate either switching off the DDC or
removing any module/card from the DDC.
xii) The programming shall not affect in any way the normal
operation and communication of other DDCs and other
devices on the bus.
xiii) The DDC control logic programs would have available a
library of logical algorithms and control functions which
would be used to build the required application
programs. These algorithms would include but not be
limited to: arithmetic functions, sequential logics, real-
time based logics, switching logics, comparators and
relational operators, PID controls, polynomial functions,
hysteresis function. All control strategies shall be
advanced as noted with stabilizing set point ramps and
procedures to assure slow loading of variable load
equipment and economizer modes to prevent unsafe
overshoot of controlled pressure and unsafe undershoot
of mixed air temperatures during start-up and transition
xiv) The following minimum energy management functions
should be programmable and resident in the individual
a. Optimum Start, Stop
b. Zero Energy Band Duty Cycling
c. Power Demand Management Night Purge
d. Enthalpy Analysis & Controls Economizer
Functions Load Reset functions
e. Chiller Optimisation, Sequencing, load sharing
Runtime totalisation
xv) The DDC shall have Adaptive Control Loop capabilities
whereby the initial programmed loop parameters would
automatically adjust under varying load & process
conditions to provide optimum controls. The adaptive
control parameters would be variable & programmable
depending upon the application and not fixed by the
xvi) Each DDC shall contain minimum of 20 unique user
modifiable time programs (TP). Each TP shall consist of
daily, weekly, and annual programs plus a "TODAY"
temporary function.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

a. DAILY programs shall be definable for day types
such as working day, half day, holiday, weekend,
etc. Each daily program shall allow a list of time
based (or optimum time based) analog and digital
commands to be issued to user selected plant
elements and points.
b. WEEKLY programs shall allow a user selected set
of daily programs to be defined for each day of
the week (Monday through Sunday).
c. The ANNUAL program shall initially be an
automatic compilation of 52 weekly programs.
Selecting a date of the ANNUAL program shall
allow modification of the daily selection entered
into the weekly program (such as changing Dec.
25 from a working day to a holiday).
xvii) Each DDC shall be provided with a trend archive of at
least the last 200 events (digital transitions or analog
value changes) of any user selected group of up to 20
points. A stored event shall include date and time, and
value or status. Events occurring in excess of 200 shall
overwrite the oldest events, except where a modem
module is specified, events shall be uploaded to the
modem module. Point events shall be displayable on the
POT as trend logs for evaluation of control system
xviii) Each DDC shall monitor all analog input points and
specified digital points for off-normal conditions. Each
alarm shall have an "alarm delay" attribute, which shall
determine how long (in seconds) a point must be in an
off-normal state prior to being considered in an alarm
state. Alarms shall be displayable on the POT.
xix) Each DDC shall have 'fail-safe strategy' programming
capability whereby in case of detection of failure of a
sensor the control logic would automatically revert to a
fail safe mode strategy. This fail-safe strategy/logic
would be programmable as required.
In the event of a mains power failure the DDC would
'reboot' automatically on resumption of power.
xx) Controllers requiring manual intervention for the reboot
of the controller software shall not be acceptable.
xxi) It should be possible for each DDC to recognise a power
failure (mains failure to the DDC) via a built in 'power
fail flag'. This feature shall allow for staggered starting

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

of equipments connected to that DDC on detection of a
power failed & resumed condition
xxii) Each DDC shall be able to store multiple control
programs in its EEPROM. This shall provide the user the
option to choose desired programs from the multiple
program strategies/logics at any time.


18.5.1 Electronic Data Inputs and Outputs

Input/output sensors and devices shall be matched to the

requirements of the respective connected controller panel for
accurate, noise-free signal input/ output. Control input
response shall be high sensitivity and matched to the loop
gain requirements for precise and responsive control. Inputs
shall not be derived from pneumatic sensors.

18.5.2 Temperature Sensors

Temperature sensors shall be Resistance Temperature

Detector types of 1000 or 3000 ohm platinum or 20,000 ohm
thermistors. These shall be two wire type sensors and shall
conform to following:
i) Space temperature sensors shall be wall/surface
mounted and shall be provided with blank commercial
type looking covers
ii) Duct temperature sensors shall be rigid stem or
averaging type as specified and shall be suitable for
duct installation
iii) Immersion temperature sensors shall be provided with
matching Stainless steel thermo- well of lengths as
iv) Outdoor air temperature sensors shall have
weatherproof enclosures and shall be directly
wall/surface mounted
v) Outside air, return air, discharge air, return air, space
and well sensors shall have + or – 0.55 degrees C
accuracy between 0 degree and 100 degree C.

18.5.3 Relative Humidity Sensors :

i) Relative humidity sensors shall be capacitance type with

an effective sensing range of 10% to 90%.
ii) Accuracy shall be +/-3% or better

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

iii) Duct mounted humidity sensors shall be provided with a
sampling chamber. Wall mounted sensors shall be
provided with covers identical to temperature sensors.
Sensor housing shall plug into the base such that the
same can be easily removed without disturbing the

18.5.4 Differential and Static Pressure Switches

i) Fan proof-of-flow switches

a. Fan proof-of-flow switches shall be differential pressure
b. They shall have field adjustable set-point capability for
the specified range.
c. They shall provide a built-in switching differential at the
set-point over the specified range.
d. Switches shall be piped to fan discharge except where
fans operate at less than one inch WC, they shall be
piped across the fan.
e. Maximum pressure rating shall be at least 300 mm WC.
f. The electrical contacts shall provide dry contacts as
specified and shall be rated for at least 300V A pilot
duty @ 240V AC
ii) Pump proof-of-flow switches
a. Pump proof of flow switches shall be adjustable
differential pressure or flow (paddle) type as specified in
the sequence of operation or data point summary.
b. Devices shall be 10 kg/ sqcm rated except chilled water
flow switches shall be provided with totally sealed vapor
tight switch enclosure on 20 kg/sqcm body.
c. Differential pressure switches shall have valved manifold
for servicing.
d. The electrical contacts shall provide dry contacts as
specified and shall be rated for at least 300V A pilot
duty @ 240V AC
iii) Differential Pressure Sensors
a. Air Flow / Pressure sensors
i. Air flow and duct static pressure analog sensors
shall be high accuracy suitable for the low
pressures to be encountered, be selected for
approximately 50% over range, and have a 4 to
20 ma output.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

ii. Air flow measuring station sensors shall be with
valved lines for testing and calibration, and shall
have adjustments for zero and span.
b. Water flow Sensors
i. Water flow analog sensors shall be provided
complete with flow element and shall be an all
solid state precision industrial type with stainless-
steel meter body, maximum error of no more than
.5% of span, and 4 to 20 ma output.
ii. Sensor shall be rated for 17 kg/sqcm minimum
and installed in strict accordance to the
manufacturer's instructions complete with three-
valve manifold for calibration and maintenance.

18.5.5 Water Hardness Analyser

The water hardness analyzer shall be on-line

conductivity type and shall provide analog output
proportional to specified range. Control relays and
analog output transducers shall be compatible with
controller output signals. Relays shall be suitable for the
loads encountered. Analog output transducers shall be
designed for precision closed loop control with
pneumatic repeatability error no greater than 1 Y2%.

18.5.6 Level Measurement

i) Level Switches
a. Level switches shall be directly vessel mounted type
either top mounted or side mounted as required.
b. These shall be float type unless specified. Process
connection shall be flanged c) Wetted parts shall be
ii) Level Sensors
a. Level sensors shall be capacitance probe type.
b. It shall be possible to mount the transmitter unit
integral to the probe on the vessel or field mounted
away from the probe
c. Unless specified probe insulation shall be of PTFE and
probe rod material SS316
d. Process connection shall be flanged or BSP connections
as specified.

18.5.7 Automatic Control Valves

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

i) Automatic control valves 2 Y 50mm and smaller shall be
screwed type, and valves 80 mm and larger shall be
ii) Valves shall be ANSI-rated to withstand the pressures
and temperatures encountered. Valves shall have
stainless-steel stems and spring loaded Teflon
packaging with replaceable discs.
iii) All modulating straight-through water valves shall be
provided with equal-percentage contoured throttling
plugs. All three-way valves shall be provided with linear
throttling plugs such that the total flow through the
valve shall remain constant regardless of the valve's
iv) Valves shall be sized as specified for a pressure drop
equal to the coil they serve but not to exceed 0.2 kg/
v) All modulating steam valves shall have linear
characteristic for 90% of the closing stroke and equal-
percentage for the final 10%. Valves shall be sized for
0.68kg/ sqcm entering steam and 0.2 kg/ sqcm
pressure drop through valves.
vi) All automatic control valves shall be actuated by a
directly coupled proportional electric actuator. Eccentric
linkages are not acceptable.

18.5.8 Automatic Control Dampers

i) Any automatic control dampers not specified to be

integral with other equipment. Frames shall not be less
than 2 mm galvanized steel. Blades shall not be over
200 mm wide nor less than 1.6 mm galvanized steel roll
ii) Bearings shall be oilite, ball-bearing or nylon with Y 50
mm shafts. Side seals shall be stainless steel of the
tight-seal spring type.
iii) Dampers shall be suitable for temperature ranges of -40
to 93 deg C.
iv) All proportional control dampers shall be opposed or
parallel blade type as hereinafter specified and all two-
position dampers shall be parallel blade types.
v) Dampers shall be sized to meet flow requirements of the
application. The sheet metal contractor shall furnish and
install baffles to fit the damper to duct size. Baffles shall
not exceed 150 mm.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

vi) Dampers shall be minimum leakage type to conserve
energy and the temperature control manufacturer shall
submit leakage data for all control dampers with the
temperature control submittal. Maximum leakage shall
be 3% at static pressure of 3 inches of WC.
vii) Outside air damper blade edges shall be fitted with
replaceable, snap-on, inflatable seals to limit damper
leakage to 1/2 percent at applied static pressure.

18.5.9 Electric Actuators for Valves and Dampers

i) Unless specified, the electric actuator shall accept

proportional input signal of 0/2- 10VDC or 0/4-20mA.
Unless specified actuators shall provide modulating
control. Actuators shall be powered 24vac or 240vac as
ii) The actuators shall be designed to deliver the required
torque and have close off pressure ratings as
required by the specified process data
iii) The actuator shall incorporate magnetic coupling to
ensure torque limitation which shall be independent of
voltage supply.
iv) Unless specified, in case of power failure the actuator
shaft position will remain stay-put at the last position
just before power off.
v) It shall be possible to replace the actuator / remove the
actuator / dismantle it from the valve body without
having to remove the valve body.
vi) The actuator shall have a built in electronic switch to
enable switch-over of direct / reverse action of
valve/damper. It shall be possible to change the
direct/reverse action of valve without having to remove
the actuator from valve body or change linkage

18.5.10 Passive Infrared Occupancy Sensors

i) Occupancy sensors shall be Passive Infrared type unless

otherwise specified and shall determine occupancy by
sensing passive infrared movement across sensing
element borders in the sensors. It shall respond to
changes in radiated heat within the room caused by
both presence and movement of a human body.
ii) The sensors shall have a viewing angle as required to
cover the area of occupancy. Depending upon

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

requirement the sensor shall be wall mounted type with
a wide 180 degrees viewing angle or shall be a ceiling
recessed type sensor with a typical coverage of 27.88
sq. m.
iii) It shall be immune to radio frequency interference to
prevent triggering of false alarms
iv) Activation of sensor outputs shall be instantaneous
while deactivation shall be following a delay period of
typically 7 minutes after a 'no-detection' condition. The
time delay shall be adjustable from 10 seconds to 7
v) As an option the occupancy sensor shall have a built in
adjustable ambient light sensor facility that shall be
used to switch off the lights / loads even when
occupancy is sensed but ambient light is measured to
be sufficient. The ambient set point adjustment shall be
adjustable from full daylight to less than 3 m candles.
vi) As an option the occupancy sensor shall also have a
built in 3 position switch for 'Auto', 'Off' and 'On'
operation. The control status shall be indicated by an
integral green LED indication.
vii) The occupancy sensor shall be rated for any voltages
from 100vac to 277 VAC, 50Hz, or 60Hz, incandescent
or florescent loads.
viii) The occupancy sensor shall be aesthetically pleasing
and the wall mounted unit shall be installable in a
standard size electrical gang box.

18.6 BMS I-O ( Input-Output) Summary

The following table gives Input-Output summary for a typical

BMS application involving 1 no. chilling unit, 2 nos. primary
chilled water pumps, 4 nos. secondary chilled water pumps, 2
nos. condenser water pumps, 2 nos. cooling towers & 12 nos.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

BMS I-O (Input - Output) Summary

Point Functions
Sr. No. Description AI BI AO BO Monitor Control Alarm By Contractor By Department
HVAC Equipment
Chilling Machines
a. Chiller On/ OFF 1 X Relay Contact Potential Free contact in Chiller
b. Chiller Run Status 1 X X Potential Free contact in Chiller
c. Chiller Auto/ Manual Status 1 X X Potential Free contact in Chiller
d. Chiller-Water Temp Reset 1 X 0-10 VDC signal from chiller
e. Chiller trip/ fault 1 X Potential Free contact in Chiller
f. Chiller chilled water supply 2 X Immersion type Suitable Insertion provision
temp in (1) + out sensor
n. Ambient Temperature 1 X Outside air temp. & Suitable Installation Provision
o. Ambient RH 1 X RH sensor Suitable Installation Provision
Sub Total 6 19 1 11
Chilled Water Pumps
a. 2 X Relay output Potential Free contact in Pump
Primary Chilled Water Pump Starter Panel
b. 2 X X Potential Free contact in Pump
Primary Chilled Water pump Starter Panel
run Status
c. 2 X Differential pressure Suitable Insertion Provision
Primary Chilled Water pump switch (water)
flow status
d. 4 X 0-10 VDC signal from Potential Free contact in Pump
Secondary CHW Pump On/ controller Starter Panel
e. 4 X X Potential Free contact in Pump
Secondary CHW pump run Starter Panel
f. 4 X Differential Pressure
Secondary CHW pump flow switch (water) Suitable Insertion Provision
g. 4 Provision of VFD for pumps
Secondary CHW variable
speed control
0 12 4 6
Sub Total
Condenser Water Pumps
a. 2 X Relay output Potential free contact in starter
Condenser pump On/ Off panel
b. 2 X X Air flow switch Suitable Installation provision
Cooling tower air flow status

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

c. 2 X X Low level switch Suitable Insertion provision
Cooling tower sump low
d. 2 2 X X X Motorised B/F valves Suitable Installation provision
Cooling tower `IN’ valves/
e. 2 X X Immersion type Suitable Insertion provision
Water Temp. sensor
2 6 0 4
Sub Total
Air Handling units
a. 12 X Relay contact Potential free contact in the AHU
AHU low speed fan On/Off panel
b. 12 X Relay contact Potential free contact in the AHU
AHU speed fan On/ Off panel
c. 12 X Differential pressure Suitable Insertion provision
AHU air flow status switch
d. 12 X Differential pressure Suitable Insertion provision
AHU filter status switch
e. 12 X Duct Temp. Sensor Suitable Insertion provision
Return Air Temperature
f. 12 X 2 way motorised valve Suitable Insertion provision
Motorised valve cooling
g. 12 X Motorised damper Suitable Insertion provision
Fresh air supply damper
h. 12 X Potential free contact from the
Fire signal input fire panel
i. 12 X Potential free contact from the
AHU Auto/ Manual status fire panel
12 48 24 24
Sub Total
20 89 29 47
Grand Total

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

BMS I-O (Input - Output) Summary with MODBUS or any other protocol on equipment to be

Point Functions
Sr. No. Description AI DI AO DO Monitor Control Alarm By Contractor By Department
HVAC Equipment
Chilling Machines
a. Chiller On/ OFF 1 X Relay Contact Potential Free contact in Chiller
b. Chiller Run Status MODBUS or any other Potential Free contact in Chiller
open protocol Panel
c. Chiller Auto/ Manual Status MODBUS or any other Potential Free contact in Chiller
open protocol Panel
d. Chiller-Water Temp Reset 1 X 0-10 VDC signal from chiller
e. Chiller trip/ fault 1 X Potential Free contact in Chiller
f. Chiller chilled water supply MODBUS or any other Suitable Insertion provision
temp in (1) + out open protocol
n. Ambient Temperature 1 X Outside air temp. & Suitable Installation Provision
o. Ambient RH 1 X RH sensor Suitable Installation Provision
Sub Total 2 1 1 1
Chilled Water Pumps
a. 2 X Relay output Potential Free contact in Pump
Primary Chilled Water Pump Starter Panel
b. 2 X X Potential Free contact in Pump
Primary Chilled Water pump Starter Panel
run Status
c. 2 X Differential pressure Suitable Insertion Provision
Primary Chilled Water pump switch (water)
flow status
d. 4 X 0-10 VDC signal from Potential Free contact in Pump
Secondary CHW Pump On/ controller Starter Panel
e. 4 X X Potential Free contact in Pump
Secondary CHW pump run Starter Panel
f. 4 X Differential Pressure
Secondary CHW pump flow switch (water) Suitable Insertion Provision
g. 4 Provision of VFD for pumps
Secondary CHW variable
speed control
0 12 4 6
Sub Total
Condenser Water Pumps
a. 2 X Relay output Potential free contact in starter
Condenser pump On/ Off panel
b. 2 X X Air flow switch Suitable Installation provision
Cooling tower air flow status

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

c. 2 X X Low level switch Suitable Insertion provision
Cooling tower sump low
d. 2 2 X X X Motorised B/F valves Suitable Installation provision
Cooling tower `IN’ valves/
e. 2 X X Immersion type Suitable Insertion provision
Water Temp. sensor
2 6 0 4
Sub Total
Air Handling units
a. 12 X Relay contact Potential free contact in the AHU
AHU low speed fan On/Off panel
b. 12 X Relay contact Potential free contact in the AHU
AHU speed fan On/ Off panel
c. 12 X Differential pressure Suitable Insertion provision
AHU air flow status switch
d. 12 X Differential pressure Suitable Insertion provision
AHU filter status switch
e. 12 X Duct Temp. Sensor Suitable Insertion provision
Return Air Temperature
f. 12 X 2 way motorised valve Suitable Insertion provision
Motorised valve cooling
g. 12 X Motorised damper Suitable Insertion provision
Fresh air supply damper
h. 12 X Potential free contact from the
Fire signal input fire panel
i. 12 X Potential free contact from the
AHU Auto/ Manual status fire panel
12 48 24 24
Sub Total
20 89 29 47
Grand Total

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

I would like to thank the following people:
My Family:
Smt. D.Maruthi, my mother, who convinced me that I should write
this book.
Shri D.Venkateswara Rao, my father, who silently encouraged me
on any work of mine.
Vijayalakshmi, my wife and dearest friend, who endured my 3 days
in Pondicherry, 3 weeks in Mumbai (4 days in train) schedule
for more than 3 years.
Samyutha, my daughter, for enduring my absence and asking me
for a daily update on the progress of SEBI building during the
3 year period so that we could be together again.
Gurus in CPWD:
Shri Kamada Prasad Hazarika, Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
(Retired) who taught me to use my imagination and common
sense to execute any work in CPWD.
Shri R.D.Shajil Kumar, Assistant Engineer (Electrical) who inspired
the confidence in me that I was quite capable of carrying out
any work entrusted to me. Also a dear friend and respected
Shri Surendra Mohan, Chief Engineer (Electrical), Western Region
for reposing confidence in me and convincing that we could
complete the SEBI building.
Shri Mohan Swaroop, Superintending Engineer (Electrical), now
Chief Engineer, for inspiring us to do our best.
Shri K.K,Peshin, Superintending Engineer (Electrical), for initiating
the single file system for SEBI Project Electrical Division and
making the paperwork process seamless.
Shri Harish Kumar, Superintending Engineer (Electrical), who
showed us work can be got done real fast in spite of red tape.
Shri Rajesh Bhagwani, Executive Engineer (Electrical) who showed
us the importance of dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.
Shri T.L.Bhatt, Executive Engineer (Electrical) who made sure the
paper work was correct and all procedures duly followed.
Shri Sasidharan, Junior Engineer (Electrical) who coaxed, cajoled
and threatened the agencies to get the work done and for his
wonderful relationships he maintained.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

Assistant Engineers (E) Sai Komareswar and P.Sivanandan, Junior
Engineer (E) P.K.Das from the SEBI Electrical Project Division
for the excellent cooperation given during the SEBI Project.
Colleagues from the Civil Wing Sanjiv Sharma (EE, since resigned),
AEs Mohandas, R.S.Rawat & Bhavsar, AEE Nityanand, (now
EE), JE Seshadri and Nikam from the SEBI Civil Project
Division who showed what “team work” meant.
Shri G.P.Garg, General Manager (FMD), now AGM, who was the
driving force behind completion of the SEBI project in time.
Shri J.K.Agarwal, AGM, (since resigned) the knowledge bank for
everything related to civil works and to statutory permissions
for SEBI project and for the excellent liaison work with the
Architects and third parties involved. Also a dear friend.
Shri Niranjan Kumar, Manager (Electrical), who for the period
during the construction of SEBI was more of a CPWD person
rather than SEBI and a points-man for everything electrical
that was outside the domain of CPWD. Also a dear friend.
Honeywell Automation India Limited:
Shri Vivek Rajpurkar, Mangesh Parab and Nilesh Bayani
OTHER SOURCES: for most of the matter in this booklet. for searching out any reference needed.
Numerous friends and colleagues and experts in the industry with
whom we were involved during the SEBI Project.
Central Public Works Department for giving me the chance of a
lifetime in being involved with the SEBI project.

D K Kumar, AE, CPWD

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