Uribapplicationform 70106596

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To Branch should transmit this

The Branch Manager INB Activation Ref No. in CBS
State Bank of India Scr No. 67108
____________________ INB Activation Ref.Number:UD56248671

I wish to register as a user of OnlineSBI,SBI's Internet Banking Service.

Facility Required: Full Transaction Rights

Mobile Number: 91 8288906652

(Branch (Branch
(Branch Use)
Single/ Use) Use)
** Limited
My Account Number(s) Joint* Transaction View
Accounts Rights Rights
Rights (Y/N)
(Y/N) (Y/N)

* Rights on the OnlineSBI Service will be same as that in your account at the branch.

** Transaction rights to transfer funds within own CIF.

I have read the provisions contained in the "Terms of Service (Terms & Conditions)
document" of "OnlineSBI" and accept them. I agree that the transactions executed over
OnlineSBI under my Username and Password will be binding on me.

Customer's Signature: Date:

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