Enerochrisna Ian Lou Bsed - English 3B - Ged7 - Module 1 Diagnostic

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1. What is Rizal law and its significance?

Rizal law is a law that mandated all educational systems to imposed or teaches the life
and works of Rizal in their institution. The law brings the people to be fully educated
from the history of all heroes especially, for Rizal, the law itself keeps shaping the
Filipino character. This implementation seeks to provide knowledge, understanding and
awakened Filipino to better know the past from sufferings and how they overcome or
survived the pain that most Filipino experienced on how the nation gets freedom from
invaders. Furthermore, the Rizal Law, in my opinion, continues feasible due to the
provisions provided in the law, and the positions described justify why it must be, one
despite the challenges and issues in the interpretation of the works

2. As a Filipino youth why do you need to study Rizal?

Jose Rizal's history is significant to study since he plays a vital role to the Philippines'
democracy. Through researching the history of patriots such as Rizal, we can gain
information why certain things happened before the Filipino claim its independency. As
a youth, we need to study Rizal since he was the hero who decided to combat for his
homeland through knowledge and the power of writing. Thus, we expected to become
more conscious of the ideas around which our nation formed. Furthermore, I am
encouraged to learn about Rizal's history, particularly the colonizers' unjust
maltreatment of our forefathers and I learned that the Spanish government before was
pressing demands and enforcing restrictions that harmed the Filipino nation. Rizal was
one of the first advocates of such rules, and he was forthright and engaged in various
protests to draw attention to the injustices.

3. Is Rizal a patriot or nationalist? Why?

I think Rizal is both a nationalist and a patriot since, throughout the Spanish
colonization of the Philippines, he had sympathy for the Filipinos and was willing to give
his life to obtain the independence that we desired. He recounts all of the hardship and
anguish that most Filipinos have experienced through his novels, especially the
adversaries' negative record, in order for the youth to be thoroughly educated about
history. The majority of his works are dedicated to all Filipinos and continue to shape
the Filipino personality. He was not a self-centered individual; rather, he was bold and
brave when combating or fighting Invaders.

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