Modifications in 22A List - User Manual For DEPT Ver 1.0

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Procedure for Processing the Request at Department End:......................................................................... 5
Procedure for processing at TAHSILDAR End:............................................................................................... 6
Procedure for Processing the Request at RDO End: ................................................................................... 12
Procedure for Processing the Request at JC End: ....................................................................................... 17
Procedure for processing at Collector End: ................................................................................................ 20

List of Tables
Table 1: Service Information at Glance ......................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures
Figure 1: 22-A List Service Application Processing Process link under Application Processing .................... 6
Figure 2: Tahsildar processing window in 22-A List Service Application Processing screen......................... 6
Figure 3: Selection of dates in Tahsildar processing window ....................................................................... 7
Figure 4: Selection of Category Type & request status in Tahsildar processing window ............................. 7
Figure 5: Get Details button in Tahsildar processing window ...................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Requests in Tahsildar processing window ..................................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Request selection in Tahsildar processing window ....................................................................... 8
Figure 8: Request details page of Tahsildar .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 9: Attached Documents22-A List Service Application Processing in request details Page .............. 10
Figure 10: Tahsildar Upload Document Request Screen ............................................................................ 10
Figure 11: Action taken ............................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 12: Forward to RDO ......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 13: Successfully Message ................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 14: Submitting in Rejection Cases .................................................................................................... 11
Figure 15: Rejected Message ...................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 16: 22-A List Service Application Processing Process link under Application Processing ................ 12
Figure 17: Selecting and Get Details button in RDO processing window ................................................... 13
Figure 18: Selecting application in RDO Login ............................................................................................ 13
Figure 19: Request Details in RDO Login..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 20: Downloaded Documents Attached & MRO Uploaded Documents in RDO Login ..................... 15
Figure 21: Upload Proceedings and Forward to Joint Collector ................................................................. 15
Figure 22: Successfully Message ................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 23: Submitting in Rejection Cases .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 24: Rejected Message ...................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 25: 22-A List Service Application Processing Process link under Application Processing ................ 17
Figure 26: Selecting and Get Details button in JC processing window ....................................................... 17
Figure 27: Selecting application in JC Login ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 28: Request Details in JC Login ........................................................................................................ 18
Figure 29: Downloaded Documents Attached & MRO/RDO Uploaded Documents in JC Login ................ 19
Figure 30: Upload Proceedings and Forward to Collector .......................................................................... 19
Figure 31: Successfully Message ................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 32: Submitting in Rejection Cases .................................................................................................... 20
Figure 33: Rejected Message ...................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 34: Requests Process link under Application Processing ................................................................. 20
Figure 35: Collector processing window ..................................................................................................... 21
Figure 36: Selection of dates in collector processing window .................................................................... 21
Figure 37: Selection of request status in Collector processing window ..................................................... 21
Figure 38: Get Details button in Collector processing window .................................................................. 22
Figure 39: Requests in Collector processing window ................................................................................. 22
Figure 40: Request selection in collector processing window .................................................................... 22
Figure 41: Request details page of Collector .............................................................................................. 23
Figure 42: Attached Documents and MRO, RDO Uploaded Documents .................................................... 24
Figure 43: upload Documents ..................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 44: Action Taken .............................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 45: Accept/Submit Button ............................................................................................................... 25
Figure 46: Endorsement (Approved) .......................................................................................................... 25
Figure 47: Signing in Rejection Cases .......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 48: Endorsement (Rejected) ............................................................................................................ 26

22 A list, the identification of prohibited lands and Government lands were prepared based on
the category wise (1(a), 1(b), 1(c), 1(d), 1(e)). All the lists furnished by the concerned authorities
shall be filed in a separate new file book titled as intimations / notifications of prohibited
properties under Sec 22(A) and also publish such details in CARD. Type of lands which will be
covered under type of categories;
• 22(A)(1)(a) - Relating to Assigned lands.
• 22(A)(1)(b) - Relating to Lands owned by Government.
• 22(A)(1)(c) - Relating to Endowments /Wakfs lands.
• 22(A)(1)(d) - Relating to Surplus Lands.
• 22(A)(1)(e) - Relating to lands having interest of Central or State Government.
Citizen visits the nearest MeeSeva franchise with relevant documents for modifying the details in
22 A lists in the required category.

Category Type B
User Charges INR 45/-

SLA 45 Days
Documents Required • Application Form*

• Proof of Address/ID*

• Proof of Occupation*

• Proof of Possession
• Others

Competent Authority For 22(A)(1)(a),22(A)(1)(b) ,22(A)(1)(d),22(A)(1)(e)--- Collector

For 22(A) (1)(C)---- Commissioner Endowment

Table 1: Service Information at Glance

Note: (*) denotes mandatory requirement of documents.

Procedure for Processing the Request at Department End:

The following 2 Types are department process flow;

Type 1:- For Category-1A, Category-1B, Category-1 D, Category-1E:

MRO (Uploads Enquiry report) RDO (Uploads Enquiry report) JC (Uploads Enquiry report) 
Collector (approve/reject).

Type 2:- For Category-1C:

Note: - Here processing Application as Type 1

Procedure for processing at TAHSILDAR End:
♦ Select “22-A List Service Application Processing” from Application Processing. It has been
depicted in figure 1.

Figure 1: 22-A List Service Application Processing Process link under Application Processing

♦ After selection of “22-A List Service Application Processing” link, processing window will
be displayed. It has been depicted in figure 2.

Figure 2: Tahsildar processing window in 22-A List Service Application Processing screen
♦ Select from date & to date by using calendar controls as depicted in figure 3.

Note: - Here, to date must be prior to Current date.

Figure 3: Selection of dates in Tahsildar processing window

♦ Select “Category Type (Category-1A, Category-1B, Category-1C, Category-1D, Category-

1E) & Request Status (Not Viewed / Open / Approved / Rejected / Forwarded to RDO)”
from Category Type and Status drop down list as depicted in figure 4.

NOTE: Here, At First the Request Status is in “Not Viewed” Status. Here I am selecting
“Not viewed” request.

Figure 4: Selection of Category Type & request status in Tahsildar processing window
♦ Click “Get Details” button to display requests as depicted in figure 5.

Figure 5: Get Details button in Tahsildar processing window

♦ All “Not Viewed” Requests are displayed as depicted in figure 6.

Figure 6: Requests in Tahsildar processing window

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 7.

Figure 7: Request selection in Tahsildar processing window

♦ After Selection of the Request details page will be displayed as depicted in figure 8.

Figure 8: Request details page of Tahsildar

♦ Download all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking on
links as depicted in figure 9.

Figure 9: Attached Documents22-A List Service Application Processing in request details Page

1. After downloading the uploaded Documents, MRO will assign the Task to the Sub
Ordinates for field level enquiry.
2. Based on the field level enquiry, the MRO will enter their remarks and forward to
respective RDO for further Process in offline.

♦ Based on the Field level report, MRO will verify the Data and upload Documents as
depicted in figure 10.

Figure 10: Tahsildar Upload Document Request Screen

♦ Now Tahsildar can take action (Forward to RDO) based on Field Level Enquiry Report. As
depicted in figure 11.

Figure 11: Action taken

♦ If Tahsildar wants to recommended the request by checking the “Forward to RDO” Radio
button. And enter remarks and click on Submit button as depicted in figure 12.

Figure 12: Forward to RDO

♦ After clicking on “Submit” button “Application Forwarded to RDO Successfully” Message
will be displayed as depicted in figure 13.

Figure 13: Successfully Message

♦ If MRO wants to reject the request by checking the “Reject” Radio button. And enter
remarks and click on Submit button as depicted in figure 14.

Figure 14: Submitting in Rejection Cases

♦ After clicking on “Submit” button Your “Request is rejected” Message will be displayed as
depicted in figure 15.

Figure 15: Rejected Message

Note: - After Rejected by MRO, Customer Received Message. Like your Request is rejected.

Procedure for Processing the Request at RDO End:

♦ Select “22-A List Service Application Processing” from Application Processing, like shown
in the below figure 16.

Figure 16: 22-A List Service Application Processing Process link under Application Processing
♦ Select from Date, to Date, Category Type, Status and click on Get Details Button as
depicted in figure 17.

Figure 17: Selecting and Get Details button in RDO processing window

NOTE: - Here, At First the Request is in “Forwarded to RDO” Status. Here I am selecting
“Forwarded by MRO” request.

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 18.

Figure 18: Selecting application in RDO Login

♦ Request Details page will be displayed as depicted in below figure 19.

Figure 19: Request Details in RDO Login

♦ Download all the attached documents from “Documents Attached & MRO Uploaded
Documents” panel by clicking on links as depicted in figure 20.

Figure 20: Downloaded Documents Attached & MRO Uploaded Documents in RDO Login

♦ Based on the MRO report, RDO will upload Documents and select forward to Joint
Collector, enter remarks and clicks on Submit Button as depicted in figure 21.

Figure 21: Upload Proceedings and Forward to Joint Collector

♦ After click on “Submit “button Application Forwarded to JC Successfully” Message will be
displayed as depicted in figure 22.

Figure 22: Successfully Message

♦ If RDO wants to reject the request by checking the “Reject” Radio button. And enter
remarks and click on Submit button as depicted in figure 23.

Figure 23: Submitting in Rejection Cases

♦ After clicking on “Submit “button Your Request is rejected” Message will be displayed as
depicted in figure 24.

Figure 24: Rejected Message

Note: - After Rejected by RDO, Customer Received Message. Like your Request is rejected.
Procedure for Processing the Request at JC End:
♦ Select “22-A List Service Application Processing” from Application Processing, like shown
in the below figure 25.

Figure 25: 22-A List Service Application Processing Process link under Application Processing

♦ Select from Date, to Date, Category Type, Status and click on Get Details Button as
depicted in figure 26.

Figure 26: Selecting and Get Details button in JC processing window

NOTE: Here, At First the Request is in “Forwarded to JC” Status. Here I am selecting
“Forwarded by RDO” request.

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 27.

Figure 27: Selecting application in JC Login

♦ Request Details page will be displayed as depicted in below figure 28.

Figure 28: Request Details in JC Login

♦ Download all the attached documents from “Documents Attached & MRO Uploaded
Documents/RDO Uploaded Documents” panel by clicking on links as depicted in figure 29.

Figure 29: Downloaded Documents Attached & MRO/RDO Uploaded Documents in JC Login
♦ Based on the MRO/RDO report, JC will upload Documents and select forward to Collector,
enter remarks and clicks on Submit Button as depicted in figure 30.

Figure 30: Upload Proceedings and Forward to Collector

♦ After click on “Submit “button Application Forwarded to COL Successfully” Message will
be displayed as depicted in figure 31.

Figure 31: Successfully Message

♦ If JC wants to reject the request by checking the “Reject” Radio button. And enter remarks
and click on Submit button as depicted in figure 32.

Figure 32: Submitting in Rejection Cases

♦ After clicking on “Submit “button Your Request is rejected” Message will be displayed as
depicted in figure 33.

Figure 33: Rejected Message

Note: - After Rejected by JC, Customer Received Message. Like your Request is rejected.

Procedure for processing at Collector End:

♦ Select “22-A List Service Application Processing” from Application Processing. It has been
depicted in figure 34.

Figure 34: Requests Process link under Application Processing

♦ After selection of “22-A List Service Application Processing” link, processing window will
be displayed. It has been depicted in figure 35.

Figure 35: Collector processing window

♦ Select from date& to date by using calendar controls as depicted in figure 36.

Note: - Here, to date must be prior to Current date.

Figure 36: Selection of dates in collector processing window

♦ Select “Category Type (Category-1A, Category-1B, Category-1C, Category-1D, Category-
1E) & Request Status (Approved / Rejected / Forwarded by RDO / Forwarded to
Endowment Commissioner / Forwarded to CEO WAKF / Forwarded to SSLR
Commissioner)” from Category Type and Status drop down list as depicted in figure 37.

NOTE: Here, At First the Request is in “FORWARDED TO COLLECTOR” Status. Here I am

selecting “FORWARDED BY JC” request.

Figure 37: Selection of request status in Collector processing window

♦ Click “Get Details” button to display requests as depicted in figure 38.

Figure 38: Get Details button in Collector processing window

♦ All “Not Viewed” Requests are displayed as depicted in figure 39.

Figure 39: Requests in Collector processing window

♦ Select the Request which has to be processed as depicted in figure 40.

Figure 40: Request selection in collector processing window

♦ After selection of the request, request details page will be displayed as depicted in figure 41.

Figure 41: Request details page of Collector

♦ Download all the attached documents from “Documents Attached” panel by clicking on
links and Documents which is uploaded by MRO, RDO, and JC as depicted in figure 42.

Figure 42: Attached Documents and MRO, RDO Uploaded Documents

♦ Based on the MRO, RDO and JC report, Collector will upload the Documents and as
depicted in figure 43.

Figure 43: upload Documents

♦ Now Collector can take action (either Accept/Reject) based on MRO, RDO, and JC report
as depicted in figure 44.
Note: - Based on Collector action (either Accept/Reject), status (either Approved/Rejected) is

Figure 44: Action Taken

♦ If Collector wants to accept the request by checking the “Approve” Radio button. And enter
remarks and click on Submit button as depicted in figure 45.

Figure 45: Accept/Submit Button

♦ After clicking on “Submit “button Application has been Approved Successfully” Message
will be displayed as depicted in figure 46.

Figure 46: Endorsement (Approved)

Note: - After Approved by Collector, Customer Received Message. Like your Request is

♦ If Collector wants to reject the request by checking the “Reject” Radio button. And enter
remarks and click on Submit button as depicted in figure 47.

Figure 47: Signing in Rejection Cases

♦ After clicking on “Submit “button Your Request is rejected” Message will be displayed as
depicted in figure 48.

Figure 48: Endorsement (Rejected)

Note: - After Rejected by Collector, Customer Received Message. Like your Request is rejected.

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