The Ups, The Downs in Our Lifes: Need Help With The Assignment?

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The ups, the downs in our lifes

Life can feel like a roller coaster ride, and I want you to climb into the front seat, throw your arms
in the air, and have fun. The ups the downs, a minor lyric of the song pretty as the sun by prime
circle but this lyric has a deeper message than something just minor.

Good afternoon sir and class, There’s no getting away from the fact that life is full of ups and
downs…but success depends on how you choose to approach the ride. we can be sitting on top
of the world and then we can be knocked to the bottom to a place where we dont know how to
handle this change

You feel that you are swaying unsteadily on a tightrope between one extreme and another, the
good moments and the bad. Going thorugh life’s ups and downs… it make you dizzy, can it not?
How you cope with these bumps is up to you. I see life as being filled with many exciting twists

and turns. I have to be brave enough to take risks, face my fears and be hungry to find success
in my life Many people have said“ Life is like a roller coaster. It’s one wild ride, but worth every

second!” I can remember going on my first roller coaster. I would have this idea of The bigger

and faster the ride the greater the excitement.


I stood in line for 20 minutes or longer just to get on a ride that lasts 30 seconds. The

anticipation kept me going and the time eventually flew by. I remember the screams of
excitement and the look of fear on on peoples faces right at the start of the ride. As the roller

coaster set off my palms were sweating, my heart pumping so loud i gelt as if it was going to

escape from my chest , as the cart slowly climbed uphill, the thought of the approaching
downhill scared me immensly. Then the ride really got going. As the roller coaster speeds up, it

drastically falls down; it curves and turns upside down. On this roller coaster there were many
ups and downs, the ride pushing upwards to reach a pinnacle only to be plummeted down a hill
at excessive speed, without much time to breathe in between. The roller coaster scared me, but
i wouldn’t let my fears over power me If only more of you could approach life in the same way.
Just like the Roller Coaster Ride, before we reach the high of the success we are targeting for in
life, we are faced with fears, that unsettled feeling and doubt of the risk we are taking with us on
the ride. If we want to achieve great things we have to face our challenges head on.

Unless we do, we’ll be forever locked into our own failures. Even though these challenges may
appear impossible to conquer at times, believe that it is possible and know there is a solution
That’s what living is all about – we are consistently being presented with situations that
challenge us, make us grow, teach us, and make us better people. Without challenges, life
would be well boring. When you feel overwhelmed by unmanageable circumstances, remind

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yourself that, you can only see a small glimpse of the big picture of your life. You don’t know
what’s around the corner, and you certainly don’t know how things are going to turn out.
Success in life comes to those that face their difficult circumstances and refuse to give up at any
moment. No matter how many times you fail, resolve to get up and continue to follow your
dreams. There will be times the ride knocks you off your feet and leaving you off balance So
lets’ accept that life is lets just say a ride

You start moving forward; a little bit hesitant and shaky as you set off on the journey. Next, you
start climbing up, then drop down, up again, then down. There are some wild corners and you
even get turned completely upside down a few times. Some parts of the ride will be frightening.
Other parts of the ride are exciting and exhilarating. You begin to wonder whether you’ll ever
reach the top. Soon you start to think, “Oh Gosh, when will this end?!” I can’t take much more!
But at the bottom you end up thinking i made it i faced my fear Things will not always work as
planned, they don’t always go our way. There’s always a different thrill, scary but with so much
promise and so rewarding. We have to be patient and persistent, stay on the ride, until you
reach your destination. No matter how difficult this ride is, no matter how fast the ride, no matter
how many loops, the roller coaster ride has the glorious end. Just like your life if you keep
pursuing your goals in the meantime Sit back, strap up, hang on tught and most importantly


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