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DATE: 4/03/2022 DURATION: 2 Hrs.


1. They say, “Nothing succeeds like success”. Describe how you felt when you
won the ‘Best Athlete of the School’ award at the Inter-school Sports Day which
was held in the school campus. Record your experiences in150 words in your
diary. 5m

2. You are Ajay/ Anjana. You have forgotten to do your homework and without
a legitimate excuse, you are sure to get punished by the teacher. In an attempt to
make an excuse, you have decided to come up with an elaborate story to make the
teacher believe your excuse or at the very least have a good laugh. Write the story
in 100 to 120 words. 5m


3. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 1X3=3 m

“Remember they have eyes like ours that wake

Or sleep, and strength that can be won
By love. In every land is common life
That all can recognize and understand.”
a) To whom do ‘they’ refer in the above stanza?
b) Which poetic device is used in the first line of the stanza?
c) What do ‘they’ have in common?
4. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words. 2X5=10 m

(a) ‘Animals also feel the pleasure of love and pain of separation.’ Justify the
statement with reference to ‘The Bond of Love’.
(b) Behrman has a dream. What is it? Does it come true?
(c) The story ‘The Beggar’ has a beautiful message. It is that one can make one’s
life a happy journey through work only. Describe how the author demonstrates this
simple principle.
(d) Describe the healing power of a tree that does not allow it to die so soon.
(e) How did Gerrard outwit the Intruder and save himself?

5. Answer the following questions in 40 to 60 words. 3X3=9 m

(a) How did Maria Sharapova overcome the challenges, humiliations and insults
to become number 1in women’s tennis arena?
(b) How does the author’s experience of packing for the trip become
(c) How does the poem ‘No men are Foreign’ give the message of unity and
commonality of all mankind? Give a reasoned answer.

6. Answer the following questions in 80 to 100 words (ANY TWO) 4X2= 8 m

(a) Do you think all the children should work for their goals like Maria
Sharapova and Santosh Yadav? Give reasons to your answer.

(b) The future of a country depends upon the power of youth. Explain how
Prashant organized the youth in Ersama to help the cyclone-affected people.

(c) What actions of the writer’s schoolmates change his understanding of life
and people, and comfort him emotionally? Explain being the author of the
story ‘A House is not a Home’.

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